The approach of outsiders alerted these mutant gold eating insects. When ye Hongtian was close to their food, the gold eating insects who had ignored Ye Hongtian began to gather around Ye Hongtian quickly.

They move very fast, which is inconsistent with the records in ancient books. Basically, it can be said that these gold eating insects belong to a new species.

"You want to attack me? Can't you feel your instinctive fear? " Ye Hongtian asked, squinting.

These insects should not understand Ye Hongtian's words, but as ye Hongtian said, they are instinctively afraid of Ye Hongtian.

Although this human being in front of him has only nine accomplishments of awakening realm, they feel the threat of death from him.

Deng Deng Deng!

One of the most powerful gold eating insects in the awakening realm hit the ground with the thick and thin legs of his arms. It seemed that he wanted to warn Ye Hongtian and let him leave in this way.

It's a pity that in Ye Hongtian's eyes, their actions are just jokes. They ignore the warning of the mutant gold eater and go to the ore heap with abnormal energy fluctuation again.

Some of the gold eating insects in front of Ye Hongtian were killed by Ye Hongtian with the blade of space, which also made other gold eating insects realize that they really can't provoke Ye Hongtian.

Originally also a pair of gold eating insects with Ye Hongtian desperately, in the know ye Hong naive can kill them, chose to avoid.

They just gather to watch ye Hongtian rummage through their food. When ye Hongtian takes out a strange piece of metal with earthy yellow light from the ore heap, these gold eating insects go crazy.

Click, click!

They collided with their companions' one-sided horns with their own. Some of the gold eating insects were not strong enough, and the one-sided horns were directly broken, while the one-sided ones directly rushed to Ye Hongtian.

At this time, ye Hongtian was still surprised at what the earth yellow metal was in his hand. He felt that a gold eating insect was close to him. With a wave of his hand, he killed the gold eating insect with the blade of space.


The killed gold eating insect exploded after landing. The power of the explosion was not great, but it was underground after all, and many of the top spines fell down.

Ye Hongtian frowned and put the yellow metal in his hand into the heaven and earth ring. The next second, he used space to blink to Ziming's side. He used it continuously and went directly to the passage outside the habitat of the mutant gold eater.

"Fortunately, I left a mark of space law here at that time." Looking at the rapidly collapsed passage behind, ye Hongtian was relieved. If he had not been prepared, he and Ziming would have been buried alive.

"I think we've found what we're looking for. Let's go up."

We harvest a special metal of earthy yellow, and look at the reaction of the mutant gold eating insects. This special metal of earthy yellow should be the reason for the mutation of those gold eating insects.

If it can make organisms mutate like that, it will not be a mortal. It is likely that it is the treasure that makes chongjincheng mineral different from other places.

Return along the original road, on the way to meet a few are crazy mutation of the golden bug, have been eliminated.

Back on the ground, ye Hongtian used the law of earth to fill the holes in the ground. It was easy to eliminate them before, but it took a lot of effort to fill them.

It took an hour for ye Hongtian to completely fill the underground passages, which were better than those filled by the former junjiawu, so as to avoid serious underground collapse in Chongjin city.

"Let's go back and study the thing I found. If this metal is the treasure that causes the mineral changes in the city, we will leave the city tomorrow!" Ye Hongtian said seriously.

With that, he and Ziming quickly moved to the main mansion of Chongjin city and returned to the room.

Arrange the array in the room to isolate the breath, sound and other things, then take out the piece of metal in the heaven and earth ring and place it on the ground.

When this metal contacts with the array, it immediately triggers the defensive array arranged in the room, and the defensive array of the semi holy level shows some signs of collapse.

Although it can only defend the semi holy land, not as well as the holy land, it can completely resist the attack of a strong holy land.

Such an array has started to collapse now, that is to say, the defense array has received the attack of the Holy Land strongman!

"Ziming, you stay away from me a little bit!"

Ye Hongtian said this to Ziming, and then he grabbed the metal with his hand. Strangely enough, as long as he touched it with his hand, the power that could make the array collapse disappeared.When we use soul power to perceive, we can see no other problems except that this metal is slightly different from ordinary metal.

There is no simple way to understand this metal, so ye Hongtian is ready to try to absorb it.

Holding the metal tightly in hand, the suction of Wandao tree bud spreads out and absorbs it.

This metal is like a meta crystal. After ye Hongtian absorbed it for a moment, it turned into a pile of dust.

Ye Hongtian sat on the ground, feeling the power of the strange metal in his body and digesting it quickly.

While he was digesting those forces, Wan daoshuya released a force, which interrupted Ye Hongtian's digestion of those forces belonging to strange metals.

Between ten thousand tree bud traction this force in Yehong celestial body turn a circle, just turn a circle, that force has been reduced by one third.

Then Wan daoshu bud used these forces to wrap all the tendons of Ye Hongtian. Finally, all these forces were absorbed by the tendons. The whole process took less than half an hour.

After feeling his own meridians, his tenacity is much stronger than before. Although the meridians are soft, now even if he stands here and lets the warrior below the awakening state attack, the opponent can't hurt him.

"This metal can strengthen the body?! Isn't it the treasure that caused the mineral change in chongjincheng? " Ye Hongtian opened his eyes and felt his surprise.

Turning to Ziming, Ziming is still standing in the corner of the room. Seeing this, ye Hongtian immediately tells Ziming that the metal has been solved and lets Ziming down his guard.

"How's it going? I said, can you find it? How much stronger? " Purple Ming comes to Ye Hongtian and asks excitedly.

Ye Hongtian shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "the metal just now is not the treasure, but a special metal that can make the body stronger. After absorbing it, I have no change in other aspects except the body stronger."

Tell Ziming his actual situation, he can clearly see the disappointment on Ziming's face, which is the disappointment for ye Hongtian.

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