Instead of thinking about what will happen after the transformation of the secret place, ye Hongtian had a good night's rest. He said it was a rest, but in fact it was a night of cultivation.

The next morning, he got up to practice the sword as usual, but the mysterious sword technique still had no progress, which disappointed Ye Hongtian, who was in urgent need of improving his strength.

"I knew that I would suspend the plan of XueYue Pavilion because of the transformation of the secret place. When I was in Jun City, I went to Yaozhou ruins with senior Qiu Junyun in the empty ark."

So murmuring, ye Hongtian saw Yu fengxiao flying over the blood moon hall, puzzled for a moment, followed up.

"Feng Xiao, where did you just go?" Ye Hongtian asks Yu fengxiao.

Yu fengxiao saw Ye Hongtian, eyebrows pick, obviously just know ye Hongtian back.

"Didn't you tell me about Moyu hall before? Recently, they are very active in Zhongzhou. I've spoiled their tasks for many times in the past few days. A member of the blood evil organization has even invited me to join them, but I won't mention it after hearing that I'm a member of the blood moon sect. " Yu Feng Xiao returns with her head held high.

Ye Hongtian showed his interest when he heard the speech. Because of the existence of blood evil in Zhongzhou, the Moyu Museum rarely extended its hand to Zhongzhou, but now it is suddenly active in Zhongzhou. It is certain that something big will happen.

When it comes to xuesha, Xue Kai, as the only successor of xuesha, must know a lot of news. Maybe Xue Kai has come to xueyuezong these days.


When ye Hongtian and Yu fengxiao stop talking in midair, a disciple of xueyuezong suddenly comes to them. Looking at him panting, it seems that he has been looking for ye Hongtian for a long time.

"What's the rush?" Ye Hongtian frowned and doubted.

The xueyuezong disciple immediately replied: "there is a group of martial arts people outside the Mountain Gate who want to stay in our xueyuezong. Their accomplishments are very high. One of them claims to be the Holy Son of xuesha and wants to see you!"

"Bloody son? I just thought of him. I didn't expect him to arrive. I'll go and have a look. " Ye Hongtian said with a hook in the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the voice fell, others had turned into streamers and flew to the mountain gate. From a distance, he saw Xue Kai outside the mountain gate, and the other side also saw himself.

"Oh? It's a great honor for the master of my little sect to come to my little sect when he's free. " Ye Hongtian landed and laughed.

When Xue Kai heard Ye Hongtian's ridicule, he immediately turned his eyes and said, "xueyuezong is only a temporary small clan. With your talent, it's not a problem even if you replace me, the Holy Son of xuesha. Don't talk about it. Let's arrange a residence for us. I have something to discuss with you."

When he told ye Hongtian that he had something to discuss, Xue Kai looked a little serious, which made Ye Hongtian's expression serious.

On one side of the xueyuezong disciples ordered to arrange accommodation, those blood evil martial arts by the xueyuezong disciple away from here, Xue Kai is to follow him away.

In a palace, ye Hongtian and Xue Kai walk on the aisle of the palace. On both sides are superior training rooms. This is the new palace of xueyuezong.

After entering a training room and closing the door, ye Hongtian asked, "what makes you look so serious? I heard that Moyu Museum has become active in Zhongzhou. It has something to do with Moyu museum? "

"There are some connections, but there is more than one Moyu Pavilion involved in this matter. Otherwise, why do you think Moyu Pavilion broke the balance with xuesha and suddenly set foot in Zhongzhou?" Said Xue Kai.

"Isn't Moyu hall aware that Zhongzhou's meat is too big, and it's too bad to give it to xuesha?" Ye Hongtian joked.

"Of course not!" Xue Kai felt a little angry at Ye Hongtian's joking at this time. He adjusted his mood and continued: "this matter has something to do with you. It's a matter of rain god's secret place."

Ye Hongtian is serious when it comes to the mysterious land of rain. Only a few senior members of the major families know about the secret land of rain god. Now Moyu pavilion has broken the balance with xuesha and set foot in Zhongzhou because of the secret land of rain god. No wonder xuesha will pay attention to it.

"But the blood ghost in the mysterious rain haven't sent people to participate in it. Why?" Ye Hongtian thought of this question and wondered.

Since xuesha knows the existence of the secret place of rain god, he should also send people to participate in it. But it is true that xuesha knows the existence of the secret place of rain god, but no one sends his disciples to participate.

Of course, it's understandable if Xuekai is reluctant to work hard in the secret place of rain god. After all, the strength of those creatures in the secret place of rain is too strong.

Xue Kai didn't want to answer the reason why xuesha didn't participate in the secret place of rain god. He pulled the topic back and said, "you have entered the secret place of rain, you should know that there are powerful creatures in it? The reason why Moyu museum set foot in Zhongzhou is that these creatures have escaped from the mysterious rain. "Ye Hongtian nodded. He had guessed about it for a long time. After all, the dragon that surrounded the mountain disappeared. It must have escaped from the secret land to Shenwu mainland.

But he was puzzled. What's the relationship between the escape of these creatures and the Moyu museum? Is the owner of Moyu Museum related to a monster?

It's strange to think about ye Hongtian in this way. Xue Kai also sees Ye Hongtian's wishful thinking and thinks that it's a mistake to come to Ye Hongtian to talk about it.

"Don't think about it. Just listen to me." Xue Kai knocked on the stone table in front of him, interrupted Ye Hongtian's wishful thinking, sighed and continued: "all the major forces know the news, secretly made an investigation, and the major forces decided to share intelligence and catch these monsters, because the individual existence of these monsters is too strong."

For example, there is a dragon with the strength of holy land. It is speculated that it may be the one that was accepted by the founder of the Jiang family 100000 years ago. It was the strength of the latter part of Holy Land 100000 years ago, and now it must have reached the peak of Holy Land!

However, we still don't know where this dragon is going. Now the main target of our forces is another powerful monster - Baimu poisonous spider!

"What? A hundred eyes poisonous spider

Ye Hongtian was excited when he heard the name, as if he had heard something terrible. The stone table in front of him had a palm print with his hand, and there were many cracks.

Xue Kai was startled by Ye Hongtian's excited reaction. He didn't expect that ye Hongtian would be so surprised when he heard the name of Baimu poisonous spider. However, he didn't think much about it. He just thought that ye Hongtian had seen the information about Baimu poisonous spider in some ancient books and knew the horror of Baimu poisonous spider.

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