After walking in this direction for a while, ye Hongtian soon came to the small forest that the residents mentioned before.

After entering the small forest, ye Hongtian began to regret that he had let the residents go. There were trees in front of him. The leaves were so thick that the sun could not even shine in. It could be said that it was a forest.

"It's really XIAOLINZI. How can I find it?" Ye Hongtian said with a bitter smile.

At first, he wanted to rely on the artistic conception of his wood to search in the woods, but now it seems that even if he uses the artistic conception of his wood, it is not easy to find the entrance to the cave in such a large forest. Although it is not as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack, it is not much less difficult.

But ye Hongtian took a breath and slowly closed his eyes. A light green breath came out of his body, and the trees and flowers that were touched by this breath became energetic.

Ye Hongtian moves in the woods with his eyes closed, and stops for a period of time every distance.

"Found it!" Ye Hongtian opened his eyes fiercely and said with a smile.

After half an hour's searching, he finally found the entrance of the cave in this forest, and strode towards the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave is covered by a bush. If it is not for the artistic conception of Ye Hongtian's living in wood, you may not find it even if you walk past the entrance of the cave.

Pushing aside the Bush gently, ye Hongtian jumps directly into the cave. Fortunately, the cave is not deep, just a few meters high.

After jumping into the cave, ye Hongtian found that there was a down stairs in front of him. He reached out and lit a torch from the bag of heaven and earth and walked down the stairs.

After walking for a while, ye Hongtian heard the sound of water dripping not far away. He put out the torch in his hand and continued to grope for it.

"Which one is this? I'm numb. Do you think we're really right to do this? After all, these people are our fellow countrymen. "

"What else do you want to do? Yetian may be hidden by one of these people. Do you want to kill us all after yetian recovers?"

"But What about the innocent? They don't know the whereabouts of the night sky, but they are still tortured to death by us. Many of them died in my hands. I really don't want to do it any more. "

"Well, brother, it's not your fault. It can only be blamed on that night. We are all forced. Who would like to see people they know tortured to death?"

The sound of their conversation was not too loud, but because it was so quiet here, ye Hongtian heard their voices from a long distance and carefully touched them.

As ye Hongtian gets closer to the two people, the sound of dripping water gets closer and closer. When ye Hongtian comes near the two people, he is completely shocked by the picture in front of him.

This is a huge cave, where numerous wooden piles are erected. Each stake is tied with a resident of Huo family village. The scene is just like the ceremony of summoning mirror God in Huojia village's secret room.

It's just that there are more people tied to the stake than in the secret room at that time, and the scene is more bloody.

The people tied to the stake were full of brand marks, their faces were numb, their eyes were empty, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

In front of the two people who talked before, a white haired old man was tied to a stake. He closed his eyes and looked relieved. He should have died.

The old man's fingers and toes were all cut off, and a large piece of meat was missing from his chest. Ye Hongtian could see the exposed sternum of the old man from a distance. The scene was appalling.


Ye Hongtian's face turned chilly, his fist clenched, and his blue veins on his head were exposed. All these were due to his anger.

Although I heard the escaped people describe the scene in the cave before, I really felt what torture was after seeing it with my own eyes!

In his anger, ye Hongtian, no matter what, rushed forward and came to the two people who had talked before. He hit them in the abdomen and flew them out.

The two people who were blasted out didn't know what happened. In the process of flying out, a big mouthful of blood spewed out, and the blood was mixed with internal organs.

Ye Hongtian's fist came out with anger. It seemed that there was no trauma on the surface. In fact, ye Hongtian's internal organs had been blown to pieces.

After they were blasted out, they still didn't land. After spitting out the blood, they died. They didn't know who killed them.

With a bang, the bodies of the two fell to the ground. The huge noise immediately attracted the attention of the people around them, not only those from the Huo family, but also those residents who were tied to wooden piles.

"Good fight!"

There was a lot of cheering around. They didn't know that the two men were dead. They just thought they were beaten away by Ye Hongtian.

"You don't have to be afraid. I came here to help you out. I just killed a few people. When I solve the problem, I'll come to untie them for you." Ye Hongtian turned his head and said to the people who were tied to the stakes.As soon as ye Hongtian said this, the whole cave was immediately filled with cheers. However, some people were still full of sorrow, probably because they didn't believe Ye Hongtian could save them.

At the moment when ye Hongtian just spoke, the Huo people who were attracted to him already surrounded him and stared at him.

These people were all people who had attended the ceremony, and ye Hongtian did not change back to his original appearance. Naturally, they all knew Ye Hongtian.

A Huo family member quietly withdrew from the team surrounding Ye Hongtian, escaped a firecracker like object from his clothes and pulled out the thin line below to throw it into the air.

With a loud noise, ye Hongtian is far enough away from this firecracker like object, but his ears are still ringing.

On the spot, blood flowed from the ears of several residents who were tied to wooden piles. It was obvious that the eardrum had been broken.

Not long after the sound, a sound of footsteps came from the depths of the cave. However, ye Hongtian was still in tinnitus. He could only hear the footsteps in the distance, but could not recognize many people.

But ye Hongtian doesn't care how many people he comes to. These people are just like mole ants in his eyes. Even if he tramples on thousands of them, it won't take much effort.

The reason why he didn't stop the action of the former firecracker Huo's warrior is that he wanted to end all these people in one pot. Now that all of them have gathered here, it can be said that it is just right for him.

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