He went out of Jianzong underground with PU Feng, and ye Hongtian chatted with him in his palace for a while.

Park peak to Ye Hongtian asked about the knowledge of the array, ye Hongtian not stingy will understand all told Park peak.

After ye Hongtian taught all he understood to Pu Feng, Pu Feng also told ye Hongtian about his understanding of the array. Both of them gained a lot.

"Elder Pu, we don't have time to talk about the array any more." Ye Hongtian took a look at the time, stood up and said.

Pu Feng, who has gained a lot, is reluctant to leave when he sees Ye Hongtian going. However, he can only let Ye Hongtian leave because there is no reason to keep him.

Out of Park Feng's residence, ye Hongtian directly returned to his palace, ready to start his practice.

Now he has 40000 yuan stones, which are enough for him to use for a period of time.

Relying on these yuan stones, he would like to understand the skills such as the breath and the five elements shenjue more thoroughly, so as to prepare for the four directions' discussion of Tao two months later.

Before he can understand the secret of breath and five elements, ye Hongtian still needs to do one thing, that is to break the ice he bought in the black market.

Before, he couldn't break the ice in any way in the bandit inn. Later, when Tianbian spirit absorbed the cage, he told him that he could use Tianbian to break the ice.

Now he's going to try to break the solid ice to see what the liquid is like a flame.

When he came to the bedroom of his palace, ye Hongtian sat on the floor beside his bed and took out the ice from the heaven and earth bag and put it on the ground.

"Heaven changes, knife!"

With Ye Hongtian drinking, a black broadsword appears in Ye Hongtian's hands.

In order to adjust the ice to a good position, ye Hongtian uses his knife to pull the ice on the ground.

Just as ye Hongtian had just moved the ice to a good position and was ready to carry it to chop, a crisp "click" sound came from the ice.

"What sound?"

Hearing the sound, ye Hongtian takes up the ice on the ground, raises it to his eyes and looks at it. Then he finds that there are two cracks on the ice.

The crack is not very big, but there is an extremely hot breath coming from the gap. The breath touches Ye Hongtian's sleeve and burns it directly.

"Wow! So hot? What is this flaming liquid Ye Hongtian throws away the ice in his hand and extinguishes the flame on his sleeve. He murmurs.

Ye Hongtian's face was shocked when the ice dropped to the ground in his bedroom.

The palaces where the disciples of zhenzhuan lived were all made of extremely solid materials. Even if ye Hongtian struck with all his strength, he could not leave any trace on the ground or on the wall. At most, it made the palace shake for a while.

But now there was a dent on the floor of his bedroom, which made him curious about the ice and the liquid inside.

Use the soul force to suck the ice back into the palm, and wrap the ice with Zhenyuan, so as not to let the hot breath burn his clothes again.

The real yuan wrapped in ice turned red immediately, and ye Hongtian could clearly feel that the breath became hot again.

With the breath getting hotter and hotter, ye Hongtian's Zhenyuan may be burned through at any time. However, ye Hongtian doesn't care about it any more because he suddenly feels a little familiar with the burning breath.

The terrible temperature is pounding in the Zhenyuan shield that ye Hongtian turned into. The solid ice has the smell of melting. It seems that the balance between the ice and the liquid has been broken by Ye Hongtian.

Seeing that Zhenyuan's shield is about to be melted by the scorching temperature, ye Hongtian puts the ice on the ground in a hurry.

The ice that touched the ground made a "HISHI" sound. A burning smell filled the whole bedroom. A small hole was burned on the ground, which made Ye Hongtian feel a pain.

"Dear! This thing is so powerful that if I touch him now, my hand will melt in an instant. " Ye Hongtian tut said.

Looking at the ice that has been assimilated in the small hole, ye Hongtian controls the ice with his soul power and slowly floats up.

The terrible temperature makes Ye Hongtian sweating constantly. His clothes have been wet by Ye Hongtian's sweat for a long time, but they will be dried just after being wet.

With his soul dragging the ice, ye Hongtian can clearly feel the terrible temperature, and even his soul power has a feeling of melting.

Before long, all the ice melted into water and evaporated instantly. The only thing that ye Hongtian dragged was the drop of liquid.

Without ice blocking his sight, ye Hongtian clearly saw the liquid, and his face was surprised.

"This, this, this Is this the essence of ancient Phoenix? " Ye Hongtian cheers excitedly.

This can explain why he just felt familiar with the smell of the liquid, and his heart almost jumped out with excitement.There was also a drop of Gufeng blood essence in his body, which was left to him by minghuofengzun before he died.

And this drop of ancient Phoenix essence blood is the second drop he has seen. I really didn't expect to get such a good thing as Gufeng blood essence in the broken land.

Ye Hongtian rubs his palm. He can't wait to absorb this drop of Gufeng blood essence. He is ready to put the blood essence into his mouth directly with his soul power.

After the ancient Phoenix blood essence melts the ice, the scorching temperature has disappeared, and the feeling of the ancient Phoenix blood essence is no different from that of ordinary magma.

The reason why Ye Hongtian can recognize it is because he has absorbed the blood essence of Gufeng once. He is very familiar with the blood essence of Gufeng. If it is someone else, even if he breaks the ice, he will think that it is some kind of magma and so on.

"Whew" a sound, the ancient Phoenix essence blood was sucked into the mouth by Ye Hongtian, contained in the mouth refining up.

After the blood essence of Gufeng was contained in Ye Hongtian's mouth, the temperature began to rise again. Feeling that the situation was not good, ye Hongtian hastened to speed up the refining process.

After a while, the temperature of Gufeng's blood essence was so high that a blister appeared on Ye Hongtian's tongue.

When ye Hongtian could not help but vomit out the essence and blood of Gufeng, a green energy suddenly appeared at Ye Hongtian's end, wrapping up the essence and blood of Gufeng.

Surrounded by green energy, Gufeng's blood essence immediately cooled down, and began to melt into Ye Hongtian's body and into Ye Hongtian's tongue.

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