"It seems that this teleportation array is more powerful than the teleportation array that goes to elder Cang's residence. I don't know who engraved the high-level array in the main gate." Ye Hongtian leaned over and touched the pattern of the array and murmured.

When he touches the pattern of the array, the essence of Ye Hongtian's eyes flashes wildly. With just a touch, he can preliminarily analyze the structure of the array.

Having just recorded the basic structure of this array in his mind, ye Hongtian listened to Lu Fenghuang and said, "this transmission array is not a directional transmission array. You can choose any position in the sword clan to transmit."

"The person who arranges this array is the master of the array house in the western regions. Zhong Jinkun, the master of the array, is the most powerful array channel in the mainland of breaking the martial arts."

After listening to what Lu Fengfeng said, ye Hongtian immediately became interested in Zhong Jinkun. He was also very talented in the way of array, and even drew a perfect array symbol, so he wanted to discuss with Zhong Jinkun about his understanding of the way of array.

Although Zhong Jinkun is the most powerful person in the world of breaking martial arts, the books about arrays that ye Hongtian has read have been supplemented and perfected by ten thousand tree species. Although I don't know if I can catch up with the books about arrays in the world of breaking martial arts, they are definitely not comparable to those in the world of breaking martial arts.

Suddenly, ye Hongtian seemed to think of something. He stood up slowly, indicating that the land monsoon had opened the array, and his attention was focused on the dense array patterns at his feet.

When the land monsoon started the array, the lines under the feet flickered, but not all of them began to twinkle, but only a part of them.

"Partially open?! It's really arranged by experts! " Ye Hongtian saw this, and his face looked excited.

He squatted down slowly and touched those luminous patterns with his hand. He could clearly feel the powerful power contained in each pattern.

The person who has the ability to engrave this kind of array will definitely be a strong one who is more than half step in the divine source state. Even Zhenyuan jiuzhong can't do this.

Before ye Hongtian had a complete analysis of the array pattern's painting method, all the array patterns on the array pattern were lit up, and then the sound of the land monsoon sounded in his ear.

"I've set my place in your palace. You'll go straight back to the hall of your palace and try to deal with the people who came to see you. Then I'll solve it."

Just as Lu Fengfeng finished, a flower appeared in the palace hall in front of Ye Hongtian.

Although it is a short distance transmission, but transmission is instantaneous, no matter how short the distance should produce a little dizziness.

But this time, ye Hongtian didn't feel the dizziness and discomfort of transmission. He stood up and moved his body smoothly.

"It's not very stable for a master to deliver to the mainland." Ye Hongtian frowned and murmured.

There are some defects in the transmission array in the land of powu. According to the array books after the perfection of Wandao tree species, there is no special material space jade as the auxiliary material. The transmission array made by using it will make people feel dizzy.

"Does Zhong Jinkun have space jade? Or does he understand the artistic conception of space and use the rules of space? " Ye Hongtian thinks so.

However, he had heard that he was the only one who had understood the artistic conception of space in the whole broken land. In history, ye Hongtian only found the void saint who understood the spatial artistic conception as he did.

If Zhong Jinkun really understood the artistic conception of space, there would be two people in the whole land of powu to use the space law.

"I didn't expect that there will be people who can understand the artistic conception of space. Zhong Jinkun should also come when the four directions discuss Tao. At that time, there will be disciples from the array Fu who will participate in the four directions of Tao. I must take this opportunity to meet Zhong Jinkun."

Looking up at the sound of Ye Xuanfeng's opening the Palace door.

Seeing that Ou Xuanfeng was about to leave, ye Hongtian hurried forward, sent ou Xuanfeng for a journey, and then returned to the palace.

He didn't return to the palace for a week. Ye Hongcai was surprised to find that the palace had been cleaned again.

Every time he didn't return to the palace for a long time, someone would help him clean the palace, but he didn't know who helped him clean it.

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted Ye Hongtian's thoughts. Ye Hongtian first felt out his soul and looked at who was outside. Then he raised his mouth.

"Here it is! coming! Don't knock. The door is going to break. "

Ye Hong came to the palace from the outside, just like Ye Hong's voice coming from the sky.

Opening the door, more than ten sword school disciples stood at the door. Several of them directly put their swords on Ye Hongtian's neck and surrounded him.

These more than ten people are the ones Ye Hongtian saw in Lu Fengtian's palace before. At this time, they all look serious and stare at Ye Hongtian as if they were staring at a prisoner.

"You What does that mean? " Ye Hongtian coldly looked at the disciple of the sword school who had the highest cultivation.When ye Hongtian spoke, a terrible chill broke out on his body. All the more than ten sword sect disciples could not help shivering. Even the highest cultivation sword sect disciple shivered.

Feeling the chill, the man realized that they could not stop Ye Hongtian. After all, ye Hongtian defeated Yu Jiuhe.

"Put your swords away." The man took a look at the men who were holding Ye Hongtian with their swords around them, and then gave a salute to Ye Hongtian.

"Ye Hongtian, we do this for a reason, so I hope you don't blame us either. I'm the leader of a small team in the law enforcement department. Please take more care of me."

Seeing that his team leader had already saluted, all the people next to him bowed to Ye Hongtian.

Ye Hongtian moved his neck, then frowned and asked, "is there a reason? Why? "

Seeing ye Hongtian's ignorant appearance, the captain of the law enforcement department was surprised for a moment, and then said, "well, our law enforcement department arranged to guard the gate of the Lord's palace for the two people who said that you gave them medicine in order to enter the palace."

When the team leader of the law enforcement department finished, ye Hongtian's eyes widened with surprise, and he kept shaking his head and said, "it's impossible. After I came out from elder Shen, I went to the library and then went back to my residence. I never went to the palace of the Lord."

When ye Hongtian said this, the team leader of the law enforcement department was also surprised. However, most prisoners would say that they were not present, and he thought Ye Hongtian was the same.

"We have many witnesses, many disciples have seen you go to the Lord's palace, and many of them have said hello to you."

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