Aware that someone came to the challenge arena, ye Hongtian had no choice but to withdraw from the cultivation state. He didn't want to be disturbed by others when he broke through.

With a little effort, he vomited the turbid Qi in his body. He opened his eyes and looked forward. After seeing the dark hall disciple coming out of the light column, ye Hongtian's face showed a wry smile.

"How do you really want to fight with me now? Li Muxi. "

So ye Hongtian went to the dark hall disciple, who came out of the light column. The opponent of the last duel was Li Muxi.

Li Muxi also had a happy look on his face when he saw Ye Hongtian, but after listening to Ye Hongtian's words, his face became dignified.

When ye Hongtian came to her, Li Muxi said in a deep voice, "here is something I want. I don't want to hurt you, so please choose to quit."

"Quit? Is there a choice to quit now? " Ye Hongtian asked in doubt.

"Yes, when you're ready outside, the voice will ask you again if you need to change things, and then confirm again if you want to continue fighting. Then you can choose to quit, so I hope you choose to quit." Li Muxi immediately returned.

Hearing this, ye Hongtian lowered his head and thought. It seemed that he was thinking about whether to continue fighting.

A moment later, the hoarse voice sounded in Ye Hongtian's head as Li Muxi said. Li Muxi also heard the voice and showed an appealing look towards Ye Hongtian.

"Oh, what should I do? You are so persistent about what you can get in this duel, which makes me very curious. Moreover, you dare to look down on me. I think I will fight you! It's going to be transmitted on the verge of death

With this, ye Hongtian scratched his head with a smile. His eyes showed a strong sense of war. He obviously wanted to fight Li Muxi.

The reason why I wanted to fight Li Muxi was because I had seen the projection of the man with sword in Shenwu land that Wei Xuanqi showed them.

What they saw at that time was a picture of a man with a sword fighting Li Muxi. From the battle traces on the ground, we can see how fierce the battle was at that time.

Now there is a chance to fight with Li Muxi, and ye Hongtian will not let it go.

"You! Good! Then don't blame me for your injury! " Li Muxi cheered angrily.

Then she snorted coldly, turned to the edge of the challenge arena and sat down.

's pre war interest rate situation is a very important confrontation. That's what Li Muxi can do to see that she really wants to win the final victory.

Ye Hongtian took a deep look at Li Muxi. Then he turned to the edge of the challenge arena and murmured: "is it true that the yuan is nine? And it's not the general real nine. It's really fast. "

He didn't hide his voice when he said this. With Li Muxi's cultivation, he heard what ye Hongtian said clearly and couldn't help rolling his eyes at Ye Hongtian.

The two men sit on the edge of both sides of the challenge arena, not far apart, but not close.

They are now seriously adjusting their own state, let themselves into the peak state to fight.

At the same time of adjusting their state, the two men are still accumulating momentum. Their momentum has already covered half of the arena. If a warrior of Zhenyuan seven or eight enters their momentum, it is likely that they will be directly stunned.

At the moment when their momentum reached the peak, they rushed out with Zhenyuan's help as if they had negotiated.

On the way to each other, they each took out their own weapons. Ye Hongtian pulled out the cliff, while Li Muxi took out the long whip with electric light in the projection before.

Before I saw it in the projection, I didn't feel how powerful the whip was. Now when I feel it in close range, ye Hongtian feels a terrible force contained in it.

Compared with the long whip in Li Muxi's hand, the cliff of Jianzong seems a little poor, not to mention whether the grade will be much worse, even if it is the same level, the quality is also very different.

"It's a good weapon." Ye Hongtian looked at the whip in Li Muxi's hand and thought of it.

And just when he thought so, they both accelerated at the same time and launched the first offensive.

Li Muxi waved a long whip, which was like a snake to Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian held up his hand, interrupted the cliff and beat the whip back.

However, this is not over. At the same time, ye Hongtian opens the secret method of five elements in one and Dantian. A burst of purple light and five elements light on his body, and directly uses all his strength to use the sword of extinction.

For ye Hongtian, the sword of extinction is a kind of martial art with great power. Although its power is slightly inferior to that of splitting the earth, it is more skillful and easy to use.

Seeing that the sword of annihilation was about to be cut on Li Muxi, Li Muxi, who was very persistent in the prize after winning the duel, suddenly closed his eyes and opened his arms as if he had given up the fight.Seeing this, ye Hongtian immediately collected some strength to prevent Li Muxi from being killed by this sword because he did not carry out defense.

"Ha ha, you are still too soft hearted. We are enemies now!"

A sweet voice sounded from ye Hongtian's ear, which made Ye Hongtian's eyes suddenly shrink. He quickly recovered all his strength and rolled back in the air.

However, Li Muxi is not a new martial arts practitioner who doesn't know anything. She won't give up the chance to attack Ye Hongtian. She directly reaches for ye Hongtian's shoulder and presses him to the ground.

"Well, this is not a good move." Ye Hongtian yelled.

At this time, Li Muxi was sitting on Ye Hongtian's body, holding his two hands on Ye Hongtian's shoulder, and the whip wound around Ye Hongtian's waist, trapping Ye Hongtian.

Regardless of whether this posture is a little indecent, Li Muxi directly punched Ye Hongtian in the stomach and made his eyes wide open.

"Wow, you're tough enough!" Ye Hongtian said painfully.

As soon as he finished, ye Hongtian suddenly dissipated and turned into countless light grains, which made Li Muxi's face astonished.

"Ha ha ha, do you really think I'll be caught so easily? I'm not a genius for nothing

Ye Hongtian's voice came from one side. Li Muxi turned his head and saw Ye Hongtian come out of the space crack.

She didn't see when ye Hongtian got into the space crack, and she looked shocked.

"I didn't expect that you used my sympathy, and you attacked me with all your strength when I finally attacked you. There was Zhenyuan in that fist."

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