Qin Yan looked at the dark clouds in the sky and scolded.

A thunderbolt as thick as a tree trunk cleaves towards Qin Yan. At this time, Qin Yan is dragged by Ye Hongtian, so he can only choose to connect the thunder. In the twinkling of an eye, the thunder falls on Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was screamed out, his clothes were split into ashes in an instant, and his skin and flesh sent out a smell of putrefaction.

Seeing that one blow worked, ye Hongtian quickly cut out several blades of space and hit several wind and thunder bullets to defeat Qin Yan directly. He burned Gufeng's blood essence and couldn't last long, so he had to make a quick decision.

Qin Yan's long spear swept away all ye Hongtian's attacks. He looked at Ye Hongtian with dignity and said, "yetian, this move I was intended to leave for Xing Yan. In my opinion, Xing Yan is the strongest person in this martial sacrifice. As long as you can take this move, I will lose!"

With that, Qin Yan bites the tip of his tongue and sprays a mouthful of blood essence on the deep blue ice gun. The deep blue ice gun strangely absorbs Qin Yan's blood essence, with an abnormal red light flashing on the surface.

Qin Yan danced a few spears in the air. The momentum of the dark blue ice gun instantly covered the whole magic array. Qin Yan's horse steps made a terrible force brewing.

Ye Hongtian stares at Qin Yan with a dignified expression. He feels the power brewing in the dark blue ice gun. He is shocked. There is no move that can match Qin Yan's gun in all kinds of moves he understands.

Ye Hongtian's brain is spinning rapidly, constantly thinking about the way to solve the blow. Seeing that Qin Yan's moves are about to be ready, ye Hongtian does not panic, but becomes more and more calm.

Just at the moment when Qin Yan's shot was ready, ye Hongtian's eyes suddenly brightened. He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes showed a crazy look.

Qin Yan stares at Ye Hongtian, and his gun is ready. As long as this gun blows at Zhongzhong Hongtian, ye Hongtian will surely die. Even if the aftershocks only spread to Ye Hongtian, ye Hongtian will be half damaged by the aftershock.

"This move is my strongest attack at present. It's called xuanbing stab. No matter how evil you are, you can't resist the triple cultivation of Qi."

Qin Hongyan's gun is full of his arms, and he also wants to use his gun.

With Ye Hongtian's feet kicking, the Phoenix wings are constantly flapping and retreating. The time force field centers on Ye Hongtian, covering the area of several meters around the square, and constantly condenses the time barrier in front of him. In a moment, it condenses dozens of times.

At this time, Qin Yan has come to Ye Hongtian. He feels that his speed has become very slow. The point of the gun seems to be blocked by something. His power is gradually reduced. He frowns and looks at Ye Hongtian in surprise. He doesn't know what method Ye Hongtian used.

Ye Hongtian has gathered hundreds of time barriers. Then he closed his eyes and sat in the air to practice. This move made everyone in the arena not understand. When he was in danger, ye Hongtian chose to practice!

In fact, only Ye Hongtian himself knows that he is not practicing, but understanding. Now he wants to integrate all the artistic conceptions he understands. If the audience knows this idea, he will shout that it is impossible, but he still wants to try, otherwise he will die today.

Influenced by the time barrier and the time force field, Qin Yan's speed became very slow. It took him a few minutes to break half of Ye Hongtian's time barrier. He took a look at Ye Hongtian, who was sitting in the air, with a look of doubt on his face.

At this time, ye Hongtian suddenly opened his eyes, and his heart moved. A small ball with a big bowl mouth appeared in his hand. After the ball appeared, ye Hongtian leaned, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he was about to faint.

Hongtian bites his tongue and is satisfied with Ye Hongtian's smile.

Qin Yan takes a look at the ball in Ye Hongtian's hand, and his pupils shrink. In this small ball, he feels the breath of several kinds of artistic conception. As far as he knows, there are seven kinds of artistic conception: gold, wood, water, fire, wind, thunder and space. There is also one kind of artistic conception that he can't understand clearly. This makes him flustered.

"I didn't expect that you could understand so many kinds of artistic conception, but cultivation is always your short board. Go to death!"

Qin Yanbao drinks, the time barrier has been all broken by him, the dark blue ice gun stabs Ye Hongtian in front of him in an instant, and ye Hongtian's body is covered with a layer of ice.

Ye Hongtian successfully integrated several kinds of artistic conception, and was full of absolute confidence in his own fusion ball. He protected his body with purple fire and melted the frost on his body. He threw the ball in his hand to Qin Yan, and then walked out.

Qin Yan's stab on the ball, the ball burst out in an instant, and a burst of dazzling white light lit up the entire arena. People with low accomplishments in the audience were directly blinded by the white light. People with accomplishments such as Xuan Lao also had to use Zhenyuan to see the situation in the magic array.

After a while, the white light slowly disappeared, revealing the scene in the magic array. After seeing the situation clearly, all the audience in the audience took a breath.In the magic array, a big pit with a distance of tens of feet appears centered on the collision point of the two moves. In the pit, all the trees are twisted into ashes, and only a few leaves fall on the ground, proving that there were trees here.

Qin Yan was lying in the middle of the pit like a dead dog. There was no good place in his whole body. Several of his hair were white, and the dark blue ice gun fell to one side.

Ye Hongtian was standing on the edge of the pit, leaning against a tree and standing there weakly, staring at Qin Yan in the middle of the pit.

It was not easy for him to win this battle. Just after Gu Feng's blood essence burned out, he became more weak. He only supported him with an idea. He had to wait until Mr. Xuan announced the result of the game before he could fall down.

Xuanlao in the air looks at Ye Hongtian in shock. An energy enters the magic array, and the magic array disappears. The challenge arena returns to its original appearance without any trace of war.

Xuanlao took out a token and said something to the token. Then a group of people came up to carry Qin Yan down.

Xuanlao came to Ye Hongtian and gave him an ordinary healing pill. Then he coughed twice and yelled to the audience: "this competition will be won by yetian's five level challenge in the first battle!"

As soon as the voice of the scroll of time

had just finished, the originally quiet arena suddenly became boiling, and a burst of cheers rang through the arena.

Ye Hongtian inserts Tianbian into the ground with his back against Tianbian's gun barrel. Listening to the cheers from the audience, ye Hongtian smiles. Then he is in the dark and faints. Even if he is in a coma, he still stands on the barrel of the gun and does not fall down.

Seeing that ye Hongtian fainted, Xuan announced the start of the next match, and then took Ye Hongtian back to his own rest room.

The rest room of the first battle token holder is of course different from the rest room of ordinary martial sacrifice token. The Juyuan array here is even more advanced than that in the cultivation cave where ye Hongtian lived before.

Ye Hongtian is lying quietly on a stone bed, with the smile on his face before he faints, sleeping peacefully.

Ye Hong was in a coma for less than a day, and all kinds of wounds in his body have recovered. This shows the effect of double nirvana of Gufeng Nirvana Jue.

The purple light flashed on the comatose Ye Hongtian. Ziming came out of Ye Hongtian's body and sat at the head of the bed, looking at Ye Hongtian's face in doubt.

After ye Hongtian absorbed her, there was a connection between her and ye Hongtian. She could clearly feel that ye Hongtian's brain was awake at this time, but she didn't understand why Ye Hongtian didn't wake up.

He points Ye Hongtian's head with his finger and shouts Ye Hongtian's name. Ye Hongtian also ignores her, which makes her feel that ye Hongtian doesn't want to pay attention to her, although it's not the case.

At this time, ye Hongtian also felt Ziming's emotional fluctuation. Because he was the master, he could even feel what Ziming was thinking. This was a recent telepathy.

He is now digesting the combat experience of the war with Qin Yan, which has helped him a lot. Whether it is the use of artistic conception or the skills in actual combat, he has made a qualitative leap. This makes Ye Hongtian sigh the importance of actual combat for a warrior.

I don't know how long it took. Ye Hongtian finally consumed all the gains of this war. His cultivation reached the triple peak of Qi training unconsciously. Now if he is allowed to fight Qin Yan again, he can defeat or even kill Qin Yan without using Gu Feng's blood essence.

Just as ye Hongtian was about to open his eyes, he suddenly remembered the time scroll in the sea of knowledge. His mind moved, and his soul appeared in the sea of knowledge. Looking at the time scroll in the sky, his face showed an excited look.

At this time, he is not what he used to be. With the nourishment of Wen Shenlian day and night, he knows the sea. Ye Hongtian's soul power is more than twice as strong as when he was in Cangmang city.

I can't wait to fly to the time scroll. A trace of soul power is injected into the time scroll. The time scroll feels the breath of soul power and begins to crazy suck Ye Hongtian's soul power in the lake. In an instant, the soul power in the lake is reduced by half, but ye Hongtian also gets something useful from the time scroll.

Ye Hongtian was overjoyed when he got the useful memory. Just as he was ready to continue to see if there was any other useful information, the time scroll suddenly drew in, and ye Hongtian's soul power in the Soul Lake in the sea of knowledge was instantly drained.

Ye Hongtian is shocked and quickly cuts off the connection between soul power and time scroll. After cutting off, the white light of Wen Shenlian is in full bloom, which nourishes Ye Hongtian's knowledge of the sea.

Ye Hongtian looked at the scroll of time in the sky. Fortunately, it was cut off in time. If he let it absorb it again, he would be hurt.

He didn't expect that the more time scroll he realized, the more soul power he needed. In a short time, ye Hongtian didn't have to think about time scroll any more.

Consciousness gradually withdraws from the sea of knowledge and returns to the noumenon. Ye Hongtian on the stone bed slowly opens his eyes, sits up and smiles at the purple Ming beside the bed.Ziming pouts her lips and doesn't even look at Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian is helpless to see this scene. Ziming is obviously sulking at him.

"I just digested the gains of the first World War before. I didn't mean to ignore you." Ye Hongtian said with a bitter smile.

Ziming's character is like a child, but he knows more than a child. Listening to Ye Hongtian's words, he stares at Ye Hongtian with two big eyes. It seems that he wants Ye Hongtian to prove it.

With a smile, ye Hongtian sat up, his eyes slightly closed, and a breath of the law of time swept out of Ye Hongtian.

"Time stack!"

Ye Hongtian, who has been sitting for a while, suddenly gives a loud drink. He claps his palm toward the wall. It looks like an ordinary palm, but there is time and artistic conception in it. After shooting the wall, there are two handprints.

"How wonderful!" Purple Ming looked at the palm print and couldn't help exclaiming.

Surprised to see the palm print on the wall, she saw Ye Hongtian clapping one hand, but actually there were two palms. If this skill is used in actual combat, its use can be imagined.

"It's nothing serious. Now with my understanding of the law of time, I can only stack one layer of attack." Ye Hongtian said modestly.

He turned over and got out of bed to wash and gargle. Then he thought of something and asked in a hurry: "Ziming, how long did I sleep? When is it? "

Ziming drilled back into Ye Hongtian's body and said, "you just had a day's sleep. It's noon now. Your competition is about to start. I'm going to sleep now. Don't disturb me."

Ye Hongtian gave a bitter smile. The game was about to start, but he didn't say it earlier. He hurried out of the rest room and went to the direction of the arena.

After walking for a while, ye Hongtian remembered that he didn't know how to get to the arena. Fortunately, because ye Hongtian crossed the fifth level challenge and was the holder of the first battle token, most of the people here knew Ye Hongtian and were willing to guide him.

After a while, ye Hongtian comes to the audience of the arena. As soon as ye Hongtian enters the auditorium, Xuan finds him and flies to Ye Hongtian in a hurry.

"Night little brother, there's one thing I need your help with." Xuan old full face depressed says.

Ye Hongtian looks at Xuan Lao in surprise. As Xuan Lao is, the great power of Yuanjing has something to ask him to help him in this little practice Qi state?

Old Xuan pointed to the challenge arena and said with a bitter smile, "brother ye, go and take your weapons away quickly. With your weapons inserted in the challenge arena, I can't start the magic array. I'll just make do with the past few games."

"But in the previous competition, someone accidentally ran into your weapon, and your weapon attacked the contestants independently. That's a big deal."

Ye Hongtian looks at the challenge arena, and finds that his Tianchang is still firmly embedded in the challenge arena. He smiles awkwardly. His mind moves, and the Tianbian disappears.

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