"With this strength, I will finally be able to stand up in the land of destruction. When the four sides are finished, I will see which strength dares to send someone to assassinate and pursue me! Ha ha ha Ye Hongtian said with a laugh.

Just a few laughs, a "click" sound suddenly spread from his bottom, let his laughter stop.

He quickly moved his butt away from the giant egg and slowly fell to the ground to look at the strange stone giant egg.

I don't know whether it's because ye Hongtian absorbed the energy or something. Several long cracks have appeared on the surface of the egg, and they are still spreading and splitting. Soon they are all over the surface of the whole stone giant egg.

Click! Click!

These cracks instantly let the giant egg reach the critical point of breaking. A red light shines from the crack in the stone. At the moment of seeing this red light, a terrible breath is also revealed from the crack.

"No! This is the rhythm of the explosion

Feeling this breath, ye Hongtian's eyes suddenly contracted, and a flash came to Ziming's side, embracing Ziming and supporting Zhenyuan shield and time barrier.


Just prepared for protection, the huge egg burst in front of him. Although there was a loud noise, there was no explosion like what ye Hongtian thought.

With the open stone fragments flying everywhere, the huge energy turned into red, and the flame spread. The stone that Ziming was sitting on was instantly melted, which made Ziming wake up.

"What happened? Ye Hongtian? Are you making trouble? " After seeing ye Hongtian, Ziming frowned and asked.

Being questioned by Ziming, ye Hongtian's heart cries out that he is wronged. He is about to open his mouth to explain to him, but the red flame has spread to them. He immediately closes his eyes and screams: "ah! How hot! In vain, I should die in the hands of an egg. I am not reconciled to it

"Shut up! This flame has no temperature. What's your name! What a shame Ziming reaches out and knocks Ye Hongtian's head for a while.

Hearing the words, ye Hongtian slowly opened his eyes and took a look at the red flame burning on his body. His face showed a surprised look.

He can't feel wrong about the dangerous feeling given to him by the flame. These flames burn on him. Ye Hongtian has a feeling that he may die at any time. This is definitely not a flame without temperature.

Now the flame does not cause any harm to them, but it does not mean that it will not happen in the future. With this kind of time bomb, ye Hongtian feels very bad.

When ye Hongtian studied these red flames, his purple face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Aware of the change of Ziming's look, ye Hongtian looks forward along Ziming's eyes, and then he sees that there is a red egg in the place where the huge stone which looks like an egg before.

"Well Is it an egg? " Ye Hongtian asked in disbelief.

Purple Ming hesitated for a moment, then "en" a sound, meaning that ye Hongtian released his arm and walked to the egg.

She reached out and stroked the egg, and then a little tender Feng Ming came out of the egg.

Hearing the sound of the Phoenix, ye Hongtian stood up and strode to the egg and frowned.

This one, however, is reddish red. It has a pair of golden wings on its body. The wings look very similar to Ye Hongtian's Phoenix wings. In proportion, it seems to be wider than ye Hongtian's.

In order to confirm whether the wings on the egg are Phoenix wings, ye Hongtian specially unfolds his wings and controls himself to fold up the pair of wings belonging to the pterygos.

Comparing his Phoenix wings with the wings on the egg, ye Hongtian's face gradually showed a look of shock and disbelief. Finally, he looked at Ziming and said, "we will not meet phoenix eggs, will we?"

When Zi Ming heard the sound of Feng Ming, he had already suspected that the egg was phoenix egg. Now he listened to Ye Hongtian's question and nodded directly.

At this time, some people can be sure how exciting and exciting their conjectures are. Ye Hongtian is a person who knows the benefits of Gufeng's blood essence. He is greedy when he thinks that there may be a living Phoenix in this egg.

"Zi Ming, do you think the eggs are good to cook or to fry? An egg of this size is enough for the two of us to have a package meal He wiped his mouth and asked.

Seeing ye Hongtian's appearance, Ziming naturally knew what ye Hongtian was thinking and cast a scornful look at Ye Hongtian.

"I advise you to accept your idea. We still have the flame in the egg. If you want to eat an egg, you won't be afraid to be roasted by it." Purple Ming said so.

Being reminded by Ziming, ye Hongcai remembered that there was a flame burning on him and Ziming, and the flame spread out from the egg, and somehow felt a chill.

"Ha ha, actually I don't like eggs." With these words, ye Hongtian tapped the egg with his hand, put his ear on the eggshell, listened, and put his soul into it.But no matter what method he used, he could not find out whether there was a phoenix in it. He wanted to put it into the heaven and earth bag first and then study it. But just after he put the egg into the heaven and earth bag, one of his top-grade heaven and earth bags broke.

Fortunately, his bag of heaven and earth is empty, or the things inside will melt in the hot magma in an instant, so he can't be heartbroken.

He threw away the broken Qiankun bags. As soon as he got out of his hands, the Qiankun bags were burned to ashes, which made Ye Hongtian shiver and covered several Qiankun bags in his waist with his hands.

After struggling for a long time in front of the egg, I tried all the ways I could think of, but I couldn't move the egg. The only time I moved the egg a little was when I put it into the bag of heaven and earth.

"It seems that this chance has no chance with me. It is not normal for phoenix eggs to appear in the lower boundary of the broken land. It may be someone who can stay here. I'd better find the position where the Phoenix sound was before."

Determined that he could not move the egg, ye Hongtian was ready to give up. In any case, in addition to this egg which may be phoenix egg, there may be another skill about Phoenix under the magma. He can't just hang on the phoenix egg tree. He has to find more trees to hang it.

Now that ye Hongtian is ready to give up the egg, he explains to Ziming that there are other Phoenix inheritances in the magma, and he swims in the direction of the sound of the Phoenix before.

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