On the third day of the separate action with Yu fengxiao, ye Hongtian cut a piece of thorns with his golden sword, and then continued to walk along this road.

After walking for half an hour, he was once again blocked by thorns, and with a "tut" sound, he cut the thorns with the golden sword.

"This is the 34th time I've met in the past three days. How can I meet thorns every time I walk a certain distance? And I look and feel the same. It's like I've been doing this in a circle in one place." Ye Hongtian looked at the pieces of thorns on the ground and said.

Although he said so, he can be sure that he did not turn around in the same place, because after the second time he cut the thorns, he would leave marks on the place where the thorns were cut each time. He did not see those marks, so it can only be seen that the thorns here were deliberately made like this.

He continued to walk along this road. After a quarter of an hour this time, he met a thorn again. After another six hours, ye Hongtian cut the thorns 50 times. At this time, ye Hongtian was already tired.

At this time, a red light flew not far in front of him. Seeing the red light, ye Hongtian immediately came to the spirit. After that, his wings spread out fiercely, and he rushed forward to catch up with the red light.

It seems that there are some strange creatures in the red light. When ye Hongtian catches up with him, the red light obviously trembles for a moment, and then speeds up the flight speed.

It's a pity that no matter how fast the red light accelerates, it's not as fast as ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian has been following the red light all the time. He doesn't catch the red light directly, nor is he too close to the red light. It seems that he wants the red light to take him away from here.

After flying for half an hour, ye Hongtian did not encounter the thorns he had encountered before. He immediately felt that he was right to follow the red light.

"I don't know what kind of creature is in this red light, and where he is going to take me? If you take me to their leader, what should I do? " Ye Hongtian asked himself doubtfully.

The decision on these issues has not been well thought out, the red light suddenly stopped, the red light slowly dissipated, revealing a kind of creature like a snake.

This snake is very small and thin. The strangest thing is that it has a pair of transparent wings. It is a creature Ye Hongtian has never seen.

After a moment's reading of Hongwu's book, he thought that it was the same kind of creature that lived in the mainland, which was called the flying creature.

Feitian poisonous Python is a kind of python with a pair of transparent wings and severe toxicity. The adult Feitian poisonous Python's body is as big as a cow, and its body length is about 10 meters. It is a very dangerous monster. It only lives in the ancient battlefield of the breakaway continent. Thinking about the description of Feitian poisonous python, ye Hongtian frowns and looks in front of it. It seems that this one is the name of Feitian poisonous python Snake.

Maybe it's because the martial arts writer who wrote that book has never seen the appearance of Feitian poisonous Python when he was young, and there is no description of Feitian poisonous Python in the book, which makes it difficult for ye Hongtian to imagine that a snake like earthworm, which looks harmless to human and animals now, will become a dangerous monster about 10 meters long in the future.

Did not continue to approach this flying poisonous Python larva, stepped back a little two steps and looked at the flying poisonous python.

After looking at each other for about three times, ye Hongtian suddenly heard the sound of "rustling" from the woods. The jade bracelet on his wrist began to give a warning. When he opened the map, he saw five or six red dots approaching him quickly.

When he saw the five or six red dots approaching, ye Hongtian also found that there was a large part of the map that had been passed by him and Yu fengxiao, and almost one tenth of the area had been explored.

Hongye knows how long it is to walk from the left corner to the bottom of the left corner.

He sighed that he had walked such a long way, and ye Hongtian saw that the five or six red dots were less than half a mile away from him. He quickly took back the map and flew back with his wings.

After flying a mile, ye Hongtian could still see the five or six red spots through the jade bracelet. Keeping this distance, ye Hongtian took a rest.

"Why can't the jade bracelet sense the position of the little snake? Is it that little snake's cultivation is too low to be perceived by jade bracelet? " Ye Hongtian thought while resting.

He was just thinking about the little snake, and the familiar red light came to him. The red light dissipated and the figure of the snake was revealed.

As soon as the snake showed its figure, the red dots on the map rushed towards him. Ye Hongtian's eyes widened. Then he looked at the little snake with a sharp look. With a stroke of the blade of space, he cut the little snake in half.

Kill the snake, ye Hongtian immediately away from here, once again came to a mile away, control the distance with the red dots.

After adjusting his state, ye Hongtian is ready to try to get close to the red dots. He is confident that he will not be found by the creatures indicated by the red dots. He is only a mile away in a few blinks of an eye.Hiding in a high tree, ye Hongtian looks down at the six giant flying poisonous pythons below. They seem to be resting. Their long bodies are intertwined with each other, like several ropes tied in a dead knot.

These six flying poisonous boas all have half step cultivation of Shenyuan. From the breath point of view, they are much better than the ordinary half step Shenyuan martial arts. If you fight with these six flying poisonous boas, you can win, but it's not too easy.

Jumping onto another tree, he observed the six poisonous snakes from different angles. Just as he was looking at the heads of the six poisonous snakes, they suddenly opened their eyes and startled Ye Hongtian Meng.

With a fluke mind, ye Hongtian held his breath and hid his breath. He hoped that the flying poisonous Python did not open his eyes because he found himself.

It's a pity that the six flying poisonous snakes have obviously found Ye Hongtian. They should have tied their bodies and opened them. Their six pairs of eyes were staring at Ye Hongtian's position and constantly spitting out the snake's message.

Seeing this, ye Hongtian no longer hid his breath. He kept shuttling through the branches of each tree. The direction of his advance was exactly the direction he had never been before. In a few blinks of an eye, he had already thrown those flying poisonous Python away from the distance of a mile. However, he did not listen, slightly slowed down the speed of progress and continued to move forward.

However, he did not go forward a few steps before holding his breath to stop, looking at the front with shock on his face and sweating.

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