Unconsciously, ye Hongtian has been trapped by these thunder leopards for half an hour. In this half hour, ye Hongtian's understanding of the artistic conception of thunder and lightning has reached a terrible level. This state even can be regarded as an understanding of the origin of thunder and lightning.

At first, these thunder leopards could also paralyze Ye Hongtian, but now they can only make ye Hongtian feel itchy, and there is no threat at all.

The thunder leopards pressed on him were shaken open by force, and several thunder and lightning were released from his body, which instantly scattered the thunder leopards. More than 70 thunder leopards were scattered, and a large number of perception about the artistic conception of thunder and lightning was analyzed and transmitted to his brain by Wan Dao Shu Ya.

The speed of understanding again is many times faster than before. In a moment, ye Hongtian turns all the feelings in his brain into his own. At this moment, his mood of thunder and lightning has really stepped into the realm of the origin of thunder and lightning.

There is a message in the brain, ye hongtianjing first read this information, and then his face showed a look of shock.

"Thunder Dragon break?! Is the martial art derived from the origin of thunder and lightning? I understand that the ability corresponding to the source is a martial art skill? " Ye Hongtian said to himself in surprise.

Before ye Hongtian tried his new understanding of the Thunder Dragon breaking, there was thunder in the sky. Ye Hongtian looked up fiercely and found that the thunder clouds in the sky had turned into colors.

There is a lot of information about the breakthrough of Shenyuan realm in powu mainland, among which there will naturally be an introduction about the variant thunder robbery. However, he has never seen such a variant thunder robbery as colored thunder cloud, which has a bad premonition.


A falling thunder falls from the colored thunder cloud. The speed of this falling thunder is very fast. Ye Hongtian only sees a light flash, and this falling thunder has already split on the monster body beside him.

The corpse of the monster was instantly turned into ashes when it was struck by lightning. There was a deep hole on the ground. Electric current came into Ye Hongtian's body from the earth. At that moment, ye Hongtian only felt his heart stop beating. When he reacted, it was like nothing had happened, and he could not help sweating.

"What thunder robbery is this? Why is a thunder so terrible? It can't be that I fought with the heaven before. Now the heaven wants to control the thunder and kill me. " Ye Hongtian swallowed his mouth and mumbled.

Thinking that he can't resist the thunder falling from the thundercloud, ye Hongtian immediately opened the mirror Yin Yang eyes. After his strength broke through the Shenyuan realm, his mirror Yin Yang eyes became stronger, and even the movement of colored thundercloud in the air became extremely slow in his eyes.

Just now I feel that I can deal with the next thunder by mirror Yin and Yang eyes. Unexpectedly, after a burst of wriggling, this colorful thunder cloud releases a lot of thunder. The dense thunder is like raindrops, which makes Ye Hongtian open his mouth.

"How can I hide..."

just after the words fell, all the thunder fell on Ye Hongtian, and the colorful thunder and lightning flashed on Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian's whole person was convulsed by the electricity and kept rolling his eyes.

A sense of coolness spreads from ye Hongtian's brain to Ye Hongtian's whole body. Ye Hongtian, who nearly lost consciousness, immediately wakes up and grits his teeth to endure the pain.


Through shouting to release their own pain, heard Ye Hongtian's cry, Wei Xuanqi and Wang Mochen all frowned.

In their eyes, ye Hongtian's behavior has always been a little strange after he solved those thunder leopards. They can't see the colored thunder clouds in the sky. Now when they hear ye Hongtian suddenly shouting, they all think that ye Hongtian has made some mistakes in the robbery.

"It can't be that there are heart demons. It's not a good sign that the heart demons enter the body. Assisting the robbers is fighting against the way of heaven. My strength has not reached the point of being able to fight against the way of heaven. You can only rely on yourself." Wei Xuan Qi narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

Ye Hongtian, who has been infiltrated by colored thunder and lightning, is frantically resisting these thunder and lightning. He has tried to expel and assimilate them. Both methods are useless. The lightning in the body is like a virus, eroding and destroying his body, making him unable to resist.

He constantly used the lightning source that he just understood to resist those colored thunder and lightning. He thought that the lightning source was very strong before the color thunder and lightning, just like a piece of paper, it would be broken if he touched it. However, he did not give up. Even if he could only delay for a moment, he did not want to give up.

I don't know whether it is because he constantly uses the lightning source or because the color lightning has hardened his lightning source. After using the lightning source to resist for a period of time, he found that he insisted on the lightning source for more and more time.

"There's hope!"

Seeing that the situation has improved, ye Hongtian immediately gets excited and continues to use the origin of lightning to resist these colored lightning. At this time, he has been able to separate his mind to observe the condition of colored lightning. Then he finds that some of the colored lightning passing through his meridians are absorbed and refined by his meridians, which is the reason why his origin of lightning continues to become stronger.

"I didn't expect that my meridians are so strong! Even such terrible thunder and lightning can be refined Ye Hongtian was surprised.

With this discovery, ye Hongtian began to introduce the colored thunder and lightning into the meridians as much as possible. It was several times more painful for ye Hongtian to introduce the colored lightning into the meridians than to let the color lightning flow through the meridians naturally. Ye Hongtian almost fainted many times, but he was awakened by the power of Wen Shenlian.In this kind of pain, ye Hongtian forgot the passage of time, and he did not know how long it took him to refine all the colored thunder and lightning in his body. The only leaf of the ten thousand tree buds in the elixir field began to twinkle with colored electric light, and the second leaf also had the omen of growing out.

"It's really breathtaking. I didn't expect that this thunder robbery would be so terrible. I think this colorful thunder cloud that has never appeared in history will be recorded in history, hehe." Ye Hongtian laughs with a sense of survival.

Looking up at the colored thunder clouds in the sky, after these colored thunder and lightning can be refined by Ye Hongtian, the colored thunder clouds will not move. Ye Hongtian sat on the ground for a rest for a long time, and the thunder clouds did not attack him.

Soon Ye Hongtian restored his state to the peak. At this time, ye Hongtian had a bold idea. He looked at the colorful thunder cloud and became greedy. He grinned and licked his lips.

"Since you have not left, don't blame me for being impolite. Just those colored thunder and lightning can make my thunder and lightning source so powerful. Can I gain some new power by swallowing your thunder cloud?"

So ye Hongtian pushed his feet fiercely on the ground and grabbed at the colorful thunder cloud. The colorful thunder cloud that could spread for a mile was actually reduced to the size of a palm after being caught by Ye Hongtian. Ye Hongtian was stunned, and then he put the palm sized colored thunder cloud into his mouth.

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