192, late autumn.

Yanzhou military camp, Chen Liu.

The remaining Yellow Turban thieves rose from Qingxu and went down to Yanzhou to massacre the people, including the Prime Minister and the governor Liu Dai.

So the famous people in the territory, as well as many princes and generals, elected Cao Cao as the shepherd of Yanzhou, ordering him to take orders in times of danger, pacify the bandits, and calm the people's hearts.

Under the heavy responsibility, Cao Cao sent out orders to seek help from people with lofty ideals in his territory.

Xun Yu, his counselor, wrote another letter, inviting Yingchuan talents to play Zhong and play Zhicai.

Cao Cao and Xun Yu went out to welcome Xi Zhicai, who was twenty miles away, and brought him into the camp to discuss major world affairs.

At this time, the situation was chaotic, Yanzhou was massacred, and the people were in dire straits.

Xudu has been newly built, and everything is... useless and waiting to be renovated.

At this moment, Xun Yu was waiting outside the tent of Xudu Military Camp.

After a while, the two chatted happily, talking and laughing all the way, and walked out of the tent hand in hand.

Xun Yu immediately stepped forward and bowed, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. It seemed that his lord must be quite happy.

Although Zhicai is a wild and unruly man, this time the Lord Li Xian, Corporal, went out to meet Shili despite his busy schedule, which is naturally impressive.

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao laughed loudly and reached out to pat the back of Xi Zhicai's hand. "Sir, the strategy is very consistent with mine. Thank you very much, sir."

"Focus on Yanzhou and set up bases along the river. In this way, we can compete with the north. Only in this way can my lord obtain the position of hero."

Xi Zhicai's expression was calm and he continued to speak loudly, without fear of other people's eyes.

Cao Cao had already understood this person's temperament during the discussion, and it should have always been like this, so he felt that the two people had similar temperaments.

Everyone has something to say, so don’t be afraid of what others say, just speak impartially.


Xun Yu smiled lightly and bowed. Without him speaking, Cao Cao understood that he was asking for his opinion. He immediately stepped forward and took Xun Yu's hand, saying, "Thank you Wen Ruo."

"If it weren't for Wen Ruo's recommendation, how could I have found such a talented person! Zhicai really has the same temperament as me, and I will definitely be by my side to discuss important matters in the future."

"That's good, I will live up to my lord's trust."

Xun Yu looked calm and cupped his hands.

He didn't ask for thanks, he just wanted to be able to formulate a strategy so that he could strengthen his army and help Han gain fame in the future.

"Zhicai, where is Fengyi?"

"He said goodbye to his friends and came south from Yanzhou. He should arrive today." Xi Zhicai couldn't laugh or cry at the mention of this name. After responding to Xun Yu, he immediately explained to Cao Cao, "Fengyi is my younger brother."

"The name is Xiyu, and the courtesy name is Fengyi."

"Now I am twenty-four years old. In my early years, I traveled abroad to study and met many children from poor families. Now I have friends who are traveling far away and I am going to see them off."

"You should have come with me to meet the lord, but you were delayed on the way. Your talent for righteousness is not inferior to mine, and you can be a scribe."

Cao Cao was suddenly surprised. When he heard this, he didn't take it seriously. He just felt that his brother Xi Zhong had a strategy in mind, and he was already entrusted with important tasks. There was nothing wrong with bringing a younger brother under his command.

It's just one more position.

You can even let him be a guest of the Zhicai family.

Unexpectedly, the rating is so high?


Cao Cao asked expectantly.

If the elder brother is like this, how can the younger brother be weak? In this way, won't there be two talents who can draw up strategies in the future?

Xun Yu smiled and said nothing, but Xi Zhi realized that he had exaggerated. He immediately smiled bitterly and said: "However, although he is smart and talented, he is not good at the theory of classics and books. He is not familiar with Confucianism. As for the art of war and military strategy, I don't know it." I haven’t seen it, but I have thoughts of making judgments.”

"But he is determined to be a civil servant."

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and immediately understood that this was probably because he had shown talent since he was a child, but he failed to learn what he had learned.

Many poor people were buried because of this.

It's a pity that most books and knowledge are in the hands of the nobles.

But it is never too late to learn. If you want to be a civil servant, it is not difficult to cultivate a good student.

While talking, there was a sudden commotion outside the camp.

Cao Cao and others looked for the sound and saw smoke rising in the distance, the silhouettes of galloping war horses, and more than a dozen horsemen galloping towards the military camp.

The sergeants stationed outside the military camp naturally didn't know these people, so they immediately sent out troops to surround them from both sides.

Cao Cao suddenly became suspicious when he saw a group of cavalry from the Pioneer Battalion coming out of the camp and heading straight out of the main camp.

"Who broke into our military camp?"

Xi Zhicai said abruptly: "Maybe... it's for righteousness."

"Go and have a look."

Cao Cao set off immediately, Xi Zhicai was behind him, and he had just been appointed as the sacrificial wine, so he should not be embarrassed by this.

If you hurt your brother, how can you trust each other when we get along in the future?

Cao Cao walked out of the main tent and told Su Wei, "You ride forward immediately and ask Zihe to stop him. Don't hurt him!"

"Here," Su Wei got on his horse, slapped the horse and ran wildly, driving forward at a very fast speed.

But after all, they were leaving from the inner camp, and the speed was not very fast.

The cavalrymen who came from the front were covered in blood, with human heads still wrapped around their horses. They even dragged many people on the ground behind the horses.

Seeing this, everyone in the forward camp was naturally a little surprised. Cao Chun was the first to get on his horse and stop him.

"Whoever broke into the camp! Dismount immediately!"

"Dismount immediately and put down your weapons! Don't trespass! Otherwise, you will release arrows!"

At this time, the lean and handsome general with a slight beard around his mouth drew his sword and galloped away.

To establish military prestige.

He charged forward a few steps, and gradually a figure became clear in the dust. He was quite young and high-spirited. His long hair was tied into a simple ponytail at the back of his head, and his hair was flying at the temples.

Also holding a long knife.

Cao Chun felt a little dissatisfied when he saw it. He was a young man, and he really didn't know how high the world was.

It's not like I haven't encountered people who came to camp these days.

These young country warriors all want to take this opportunity to show off their martial arts skills in order to gain some fame in the camp. It is a chaotic autumn and anyone can meet them.

It's nothing more than a little cleverness. Today's one is especially rude.

"Boy, I'm going to ask you to dismount!"

Cao Chun's eyes sharpened, his cheeks bulged, and he raised his hand with a knife, preparing to strike the young man's sword at the place where he was holding the knife. He would push him off his horse by wrestling, to establish his authority first.

Sure enough, the person who came directly raised the knife in front, and the two blades collided. One of them was immediately cut out of the gap, and then embedded in each other, reaching a wrestling situation.

Cao Chun was about to exert his strength when he suddenly felt like a raging wave coming from a mountain. He flew off his horse and hit the ground with a thud.

This blow was too hard, and my back was burning with pain. I was born in the army, so I fell off the horse so that I wouldn't be seriously injured.

At this time, the young man got off his horse and put the chipped knife in front of Cao Chun, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard shouting from afar, "Fengyi! Put down the knife!"

Cao Cao was already approaching the gate at this time. He paused and stared at the tall figure holding a sword in one hand.

My heart beat a little faster.

Are you really determined to be a civil servant?

Shouldn't this person look like a fierce general? I think his bravery is not as good as Lu Bu's back then.

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