In the cell, the dim lights were swaying gently.

In front of the table, two slender figures were projected onto the earth wall, swaying with the lights.

Chen Gong raised his head and stared at the warm and watery face in front of him.

The other party's expression was very sincere and unhurried.

He didn't know that what he said just now touched him.

Common people?

Once upon a time, he also had ambitions in his heart.

It was originally for the sake of the Han Dynasty that he put all his knowledge into practice.

But when did it change?

Chen Gong didn’t know.

I only know that my thoughts at this moment seem to be wavering because of Xi Yu.

There is no longer only a desire to die.

When the thoughts in the heart change, a person begins to have more thoughts.

Bang bang!

Outside Tingwei's cell, a watchman was banging his clapper, as if it was Haishi!

Looking out from the window on the side, it seems that the sky outside seems to have been getting late.

"It's getting late!"

"If you have anything on your mind, the jailer can tell me at any time!"

After hearing the sound of banging, Xi Yu slowly stood up.

All that needs to be said has been said.

As for the final result, it is Chen Gong's own choice.

He just felt that in this era, it was a pity that smart people like Chen Gong were wasted like this.

After Xi Yu finished speaking, Chen Gong was speechless.

When the other party was about to walk out of the cell door, Chen Gong's eyes fell on Xi Yu again.

"What should I do?"

Chen Gong chose to agree.

As Xi Yu said before, he does not live in this world for the sake of his family.

If what he has learned is so wasted, it will not be worth the time he spent studying hard when he was young.

"The public platform has stopped?"

When Xi Yu turned around, Chen Gonghui agreed, and he wasn't too surprised.

It is absolutely a pity for an ambitious person to be unable to put into practice what he has learned.

Now he has given a way, a way that does not go against Chen Gong's wishes.

It's normal for the other party to leave.

Chen Gong nodded.

At this moment, he suddenly seemed to have removed the shackles from his heart.

Nothing could be more relaxing than this moment.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the common people!"

After all, he was the one who helped him do things, so Xi Yu didn't hesitate to show him the respect he deserved.

"It's you who these great Han people should thank!"

Chen Gong chuckled.

Chen Gong was not very familiar with Xi Yu, and he couldn't even say he knew much about him.

But the policies implemented by the other party in Yanzhou can be regarded as benefits to the people of Yanzhou.

Xiyu's attitude towards the aristocratic family seems to be extremely obscure.

But now, Chen Gong doesn't care about it anymore.

"It's a little late today. Xinxin Gongtai will be among the court captains for the rest of the night. I'll pick up Brother Gongtai tomorrow morning!"

Xi Yu cupped his hands towards Chen Gong.

The latter grinned indifferently: "We've lived here for such a long time, so it's not a big deal!"

The two of them didn't say much.

They just exchanged greetings.

After coming out of Tingwei, the sky outside was already dotted with stars.

On the streets of Juancheng, due to the curfew, there were very few people.

The soldiers patrolling the city recognized Xi Yu at a glance.

Just thinking that Xi Yu had something important to do, the soldiers did not stop him in the slightest.

If it were anyone else, wandering the streets during curfew, they would inevitably be held up and questioned.

This may be the privilege of some people in this era.

Of course, privileges exist for some people in any era.

After returning all the way to the theater house, the lights in the courtyard were still bright.

Walking all the way from the courtyard to the back room, Xi Yu did not suppress the sound of his own footsteps. At this moment, he seemed to hear his movement, and the door in front of him was opened.

Ganmei, wearing a palace dress, was standing in front of the door.

The water-like eyes were soft and seemed to be flashing with light.

The two looked at each other.

"You're back?"


"I was delayed on something, so I came back a little late!"

Xiyu replied and turned his head to glance at the sky.

The moonlight is very good tonight, and the entire yard next to it is illuminated brightly. There happens to be a gentle breeze blowing, which makes people feel a little comfortable.

Ganmei walked quietly to Xi Yu and looked at the sky with him.

"Alang is in a good mood?"

With just one glance, Ganmei noticed that Xi Yu was in a particularly good mood.

The corners of the mouth on his face also widened. Xiyu was in a good mood, and she also felt a little happy.

Reaching out to hug the person next to him, Xi Yu was not in a hurry to go back to the house.

"I just solved a problem, so I'm naturally in a good mood!"

With Chen Gong's help, the so-called disaster relief matters in the imperial edict can be left to the other party with confidence.

And he only needs to be responsible for the disaster relief situation in Yanzhou!

The next day, it’s half past Chen time!

After Xi Yu took Chen Gong out of Tingwei's prison, he entrusted Chen Gong with the court's disaster relief work.

The latter did not refuse at all.

Chen Gong didn't want to help Cao Cao, but the court's disaster relief matters had nothing to do with Cao Cao.

Because of the large-scale disaster caused by this year's locust plague, although Chen Gong is among the imperial guards, he still understands it somewhat.

"Aren't you afraid that once I leave, I will never come back?"

Seeing the drama in front of him, Chen Gong looked at the other party quietly and asked casually.

Hearing this, Xi Yu's expression didn't look strange at all.

"Since I let Brother Gongtai come out, I won't worry about this!"

"Whatever choice my brother Gongtai makes is ultimately your own choice!"

"It's just that before Brother Gongtai leaves, please look at the victims coming and going!"

Xi Yu responded, and then glanced at the migrating victims on the road not far away.

Nowadays, there are many disaster victims coming and going in Yanzhou every day.

But it is not easy for those who can reach Juancheng!

Chen Gong glanced at Xi Yu indifferently, without saying anything, and then he cupped his hands and led the three or five soldiers Xi Yu had entrusted to him all the way out of the west gate and headed straight towards Sili.

"What method did Fengyi use to persuade Chen Gongtai?"

On the way back to the Juancheng Yamen Office, Xun Yu walked over and asked Xi Yu.

It was naturally impossible for Xi Yu to fetch Chen Gong from Tingwei and hide it from Xun Yu.

Xun Yu and Chen Gong didn't say much. Now he was naturally curious about how Xi Yu could persuade each other.

"It's nothing more than some common people in the world!"

Looking at Xun Yu, Xi Yu replied casually.

The common people in the world are extremely good words for scribes of all dynasties.

Not to mention moral kidnapping, it can only be said that for these scribes, what makes them care is the belief in their hearts.

Of course, this is only worth mentioning for those scribes who are ambitious, have no talent and want to do something great.

As for the scribes of later generations, such as "the water is too cold".

That's another concept.

"My lord will return to Juancheng tomorrow, and I have told him everything about Chen Gong!"

Xun Yu said casually, but Xi Yu didn't pay attention.

After all, a person as big as Chen Gong was kept in the rank of Tingwei. Cao Cao might not be able to remember it for a while, but since the other party did not kill Chen Gong.

Then sooner or later you will think of Chen Gong.

Now that Cao Cao knows it, he knows it.

"The matter in Xuzhou has been resolved, it will be easier next time!"

Without Xuzhou's military affairs arrangement, Xun Yu's government affairs were suddenly reduced a little.

In addition, Cao Cao is about to return, and the burden that Yanzhou originally placed on him will naturally be relieved with Cao Cao's return.

Xiyu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that nothing major would happen this year.

Apart from the sudden disaster, there were no other major events.

The princes from various places are still busy competing for territory with each other.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan had constant friction with each other.

The two are incompatible with each other, and both want to annex the other's territory and take the opportunity to grow bigger.

Nowadays, although Yuan Shao has the advantage, there are only a few people in the world who can clearly see what the final result will be.

Although Xi Yu is clear about it, there is a high probability that it will still be the original trajectory of history.

After all, Gongsun Zan is not a person like Cao Cao or Liu Bei. His advantages and disadvantages are extremely obvious.

It is easy to be arrogant and arrogant, and there is no way to know people!

What's more important is that this guy's sharpness lasts too long, and he will lose his sharpness once he is frustrated.

He and Yuan Shao were at odds with each other.

Although you can still have some advantages in a short period of time, after these advantages are stretched out, they will be more or less ignored.

Compared with Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao is somewhat different.

Although Yuan Shao is a fierce, timid and scheming guy, he starts with a king bomb.

Moreover, they have a strong foundation.

Under the headwind, Yuan Shao was as clear-headed as a god of war.

After Gongsun Zan took part of the advantage at first, Yuan Shao's advantage began to appear.

At this time, Yuan Shao could really listen to advice.

It has not yet reached the point where he was indecisive and changed his orders at night.

It can only be said that Gongsun Zan is unlucky. There is really no way he can win against Yuan Shao at this time.

Yuan Shao's foundation is that he can drag Gongsun Zan down even if he drags him with him.

Even Cao Cao is not Yuan Shao's opponent at this time. No matter in every aspect, Cao Cao is currently inferior.

This is why the young boss Cao is willing to be Yuan Shao's younger brother on the surface!

Of course, after winning the Battle of Jieqiao and then taking over the land of Youzhou.

Yuan Shao started to drift!

After all, in the land of the Nine Provinces of the Han Dynasty, he almost took over the four states smoothly by himself, so it is normal for him to drift a little.

As for Yuan Shu in Huainan!

This guy is also eager to expand his territory. For Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu's temper is obviously more anxious.

Xi Yu knew it well until Sun Ce handed over the so-called imperial seal to Yuan Shu.

The latter can't wait to dream of becoming king and hegemony!

This plague of migratory locusts has made the expansion progress of these princes a bit slower.

The disaster is like fire!

In the following time, Xi Yu led Zhao Yun to do his duties as a Taicang order.

Mainly in Juancheng, porridge soup sites have been established at the city gates throughout Yanzhou.

Xi Yu took Zhao Yun around the villages and towns near Juancheng.

There are no longer a few disaster victims who have moved to the vicinity of Juancheng. After a natural disaster, the people seem to know where they can survive.

The victims of the entire Yanzhou are just like the locusts before.

Outside Juancheng, it's even worse.

When Xi Yu and Zhao Yun returned from the villages and towns outside, Cao Cao happened to come back with his army.

The time is slightly different than originally expected.

In the government office, when he saw Cao Cao again, the latter did not immediately ask about Chen Gong's affairs.

On the contrary, I felt quite emotional about the flood victims who poured into Juancheng.

He repeatedly praised Xiyu for doing a good job in donating porridge!

"Brother, why did it take so long?"

Xi Yu was a little confused about Cao Cao's return date. For example, it would not take such a long time to return to Juancheng from Xuzhou.

But Cao Cao's return journey was delayed for a long time.

After hearing Xi Yu's doubts, Cao Cao immediately laughed, and Xi Zhi, who followed him back, casually gave an explanation.

"On this return trip, I suggested that the lord attack other places and deal with some yellow turban bandits along the way!"

This matter was discussed by Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu through correspondence.

While Cao Cao was leading his army along the way, he simply solved some problems along the way.

"Fengyi, you don't know that we have gained a lot along the way. Those yellow scarf bandits have gathered a lot of gold, silk and food!"

After listening to the explanations of Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai, Xi Yu finally knew.

It turned out that because Lu Bu fled the city, Cao Cao, in order to improve the morale of the Cao army, killed some Yellow Turban bandits along the way.

Moreover, Cao Cao also took in a guard this time.

In the process of solving the Yellow Turbans, Cao Cao led his army and met Xu Chu in Qiao County.

After a battle, Cao Cao successfully accepted Xu Chu under his command.

"Fengyi, this is Xu Chu, whose courtesy name is Zhongkang!"

While talking, Cao Cao called Xu Chu over with a proud look on his face, and then introduced him to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu glanced at Xu Chu in front of him.

Is it really fate?

Or maybe it’s the trajectory of history.

Xu Chu finally came to Boss Cao's employ and became his bodyguard.

Originally, he wanted to wait until the matter here was settled and let Boss Cao find an opportunity to subdue Xu Chu, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

Cao Cao was very happy for the newly recruited guards. He had always wanted to ask Xi Yu for Dian Wei, but Xi Yu did not give him Dian Wei after all.

Now that Xu Chu is not much different from Dian Wei, Cao Cao is naturally in a very good mood.

Xu Chu saluted Xi Yu: "I've met you, sir!"

Along the way, Dian Wei often praised Xi Yu in front of Xu Chu, and the calluses on Xu Chu's ears were almost worn out.

Xu Chu had heard a bit about Xi Yu's reputation, but he was still somewhat doubtful about the opponent's strength.

However, he has also fought against Dian Wei without using weapons.

There is not much difference in strength between the two.

But if weapons are added, he is no match for Dian Wei.

Dian Wei kept saying that Xi Yu was an existence that he could not see, and Xu Chu's curiosity aroused a lot.

Now I finally saw Xi Yu, and besides being tall, he didn't look like a traditional military commander.

Xu Chu was even more suspicious.

"Sir, can you compete with someone? Compete!"

Xi Yu glanced at Xu Chu, sighing in his heart that Boss Cao finally got his own general.

Suddenly, he heard Xu Chu challenge himself.

After these words fell, all the soldiers from Cao Ying's side widened their eyes.

Even Cao Cao was a little stunned.

"Zhongkang, you are not a righteous opponent!"

Cao Cao hurriedly spoke out, fearing that Xi Yu would lose confidence in the tiger general he had finally come to.

Dian Wei next to him looked gloating about his misfortune.

After he met Xu Chu along the way, there was a bit of friendship between the two.

Dian Wei taught Xu Chu a lot about how strong Xi Yu was.

Xu Chu had heard a lot and found it hard to believe that there was someone as powerful as Xi Yu in the world. He didn't believe it at all.

Mentioning it now in front of everyone also shows the other party's temperament.

Not far away, the three Liu Bei brothers who had returned with Cao Cao were only looking at Xi Yu.

Liu Bei originally planned to say hello to Xi Yu, but who would have thought that Xu Chu would suddenly challenge Xi Yu at this time.

Zhang Fei beside him curled his lips.

During the previous battle, he had an idea of ​​how strong Xi Yu was.

He knew that he couldn't beat him, and he also knew that Xu Chu couldn't beat him either.

Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes narrowed and he stared at the field without saying anything.

"This strong man is serious. He is just a scribe, not good at force, not good at force!"

Xi Yu naturally had no interest in Xu Chu's idea of ​​challenging him from the very beginning.

He is not a militant like Dian Wei. When he meets a powerful person, he will compete with him.

However, as soon as Xi Yu spoke these words, the corners of the mouths of everyone around him seemed to twitch in unison.

Cao Cao secretly spat.

You are not good at using force. If you are not good at using force, then Lu Bu will be like a child holding a sword.

As for Dian Wei and others, they are nothing.

Cao Hong, who was standing next to Cao Cao, turned a little red at the moment and turned his head to the side.

All the soldiers in Cao's camp seemed to curse in their hearts.

On the other side, the slightly special Liu Bei and Zhang Fei bite their teeth.

That guy said he was not good at force?

Guan Yu's brows also jumped wildly.

"Why do you say that, sir? Dian Wei often told someone along the way that he is as powerful as an immortal. Could it be that he looks down on me?"

Xu Chu was a little puzzled, his eyes fixed on Xi Yu, and the fighting spirit in his body rose.

Cao Cao wanted to pull him back, but he felt that he couldn't hold it back.

He glanced at Xu Chu helplessly.

That guy Dian Wei is right, Fengyi's martial arts is unmatched by anyone!

You said so yourself, why are you still humiliating yourself?

"Are you really competing?"

Xiyu sighed, a little helpless.


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