Guo Jia's meaning is very clear. He came here not to pursue an official career.

Xi Zhicai and Xi Yu could naturally hear this.

They were also aware of Guo Jia's temperament. Since the other party had already said so, the two brothers didn't say much to persuade him.

However, although Guo Jia did not want to serve in Cao Ying.

But now that this guy has come to Xuchang, it is not that simple to leave again.

What's more, the other party is also extremely talented in terms of talent, and Xi Yu naturally doesn't want to waste such a talent.

The school is currently under construction.

Xiyu doesn't want to let go of this guy Guo Jia.

"Fengxiao, I intend to build a school!"

Xiyu thought for a while, then spoke directly.

Hearing this, Guo Jia seemed to have known it for a long time, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

He just looked at Xi Yu and nodded randomly.



Seeing that Guo Jia didn't mean to say anything, Xi Yu naturally understood that this guy didn't refuse or accept.

Must be considered in mind.

He wasn't in a hurry either.

To be honest, he and Guo Jia are similar in age, but Xi Zhicai is a few years older than both of them.

Logically speaking, his relationship with Guo Jia should be closer, but it turns out that Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai are closer.

That's right, when Xi Yu was young, he first realized that he was in the era of the Three Kingdoms.

I had too many ideas when I was young.

In comparison, he was more mature than Guo Jia. Later, Guo Jia also met Xi Zhi first and then Xi Yu.

"Is there any news about that guy Xu Shu?"

Looking at Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai suddenly asked.

Speaking of this, Guo Jia's face turned a little dark.

"I wrote a letter some time ago. That guy seems to be wandering around in Jingzhou. I heard that he studied with Mr. Shui Jing for a while some time ago!"

"That guy started clamoring to be a ranger, but now he has turned to studying literature, which is a good thing!"

Xi Zhicai chuckled.

After the three of them finished talking, they turned around and went to visit Xu Shu's mother together.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Jia took the initiative to stay in the theater house, and even moved directly into Xi Zhicai's house nearby.

Xi Zhicai had no objection to this.

Xi Yu didn't say much about this.

"That man named Guo Jia came to Xuchang?"

Inside Sikong Mansion.

After the recruitment order was issued, throughout the first month of Xuchang, there were obviously many more scholars traveling from various places.

What concerned Cao Cao the most was Guo Jia, who came from Yingchuan.

Cao Cao met Guo Jia when he was in Yanzhou.

Xun Yu and others highly praised the other party's talent, and even Xi Yu praised him. Cao Cao naturally took it to heart.

Now Guo Jia is here.

Cao Cao was naturally overjoyed and felt proud.

After all, when he invited Guo Jia to join Cao Ying, the other party openly refused, but now he still came.

It was obvious that he had clearly seen Cao Ying's current status.

This made Cao Cao feel a little proud.

After Guo Jia arrived, Cao Cao thought for a while, and after two or three days, he sent someone to invite Guo Jia.

However, it was different from what Cao Cao imagined.

At this moment, Guo Jia had no intention of meeting him at all. The subordinates he sent over received a response saying that it was inconvenient to meet him.

Cao Cao was stunned when he received the response.

He thought Guo Jia had something important to do, but the news he received next made him somewhat angry.

"What are you talking about, that Guo Fengxiao takes Zhongshu Ling to go and drink with prostitutes every day?"

Cao Cao couldn't help but hammer the case in front of him.

Is this the important thing for Guo Jia?

No wonder he hasn't seen Xi Zhicai in these two days!

Feelings, you drop what you are doing and go eat, drink and have fun with Guo Jia.

And whether he, the lord, should be treated harshly.

For things like prostitution, why not...

Cao Cao was a little angry, but now that he was Sikong, there were no longer a few scholars who defected to Xuchang.

The effect of the recruitment order was obvious in several places. Scholars from Hedong, Hanoi, Yingchuan and other places came and went in Xuchang.

He originally liked Guo Jia, but the other party ignored him.

Cao Cao naturally has a bit of a temper.

What's more, he is now a dignified Sikong!

Cao Cao's invitations to Guo Jia were rejected one after another, and Cao Cao's patience became less and less.

Guo Jia didn't care, and Xi Zhicai had nothing to do.

As for the two of them who were drunk and dreaming all day long, Xi Yu had no time to talk to them now.

The effect of the court's recruitment order was extremely obvious. Many things Xi Yu had heard of and things he had never heard of appeared in Xuchang in an instant.

Although the Han Dynasty today is no longer the Han Dynasty it was in the past, the influence of the imperial court is still very obvious in the eyes of scholars.

The difference between the order for recruiting talents endorsed by the emperor and the order for recruiting talents that Cao Cao had issued in Yanzhou was extremely obvious.

As the number of people traveling to and from Xuchang began to increase, the entire Xuchang economy was boosted.

The construction of schools is not slow.

By the middle of the first month, the general outline of the entire school had already taken shape.

Outside Xuchang City.

The north wind at the end of winter made people's cheeks hurt. Business travelers traveling to and from Xuchang all covered their cheeks with their hands.

Outside the city, there were many carriages coming and going.

On one of the carriages, a curtain opened, and a pair of bright eyes flashed out.

"Second brother, is this Xuchang?"

The sounds in the carriage were a little immature, followed by a slightly calmer voice from the side, but the voice still sounded crisp.

"The rumored Mr. Fengyi Opera is in Xuchang. Now he plans to build a school in Xuchang!"

"I don't know what the school looks like."

The two people in the carriage were talking, and the carriage had already entered Xuchang City through the city gate guards.

Not long after, two figures, one large and one small, followed from the carriage.

The former is seven feet tall and has a handsome appearance, while the latter is a bit shorter but also looks extremely upright.

"Second brother, where are we going now?"

Zhuge Dan looked at the crowded Xuchang Street and couldn't help but ask his second brother beside him.

My second brother is very talented. Ever since he heard that Xi Yu was setting up a school in Xuchang City, he has been thinking about coming there.

Fortunately, the elder brother was reasonable and agreed.

However, the second brother didn’t know why, so he insisted on bringing himself along.

"What a Xuchang!"

Zhuge Liang, who has just turned sixteen, muttered this sentence, his eyes seeming to sparkle.

There are some differences from the original process.

When Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he did not massacre the city. Naturally, the Zhuge family who originally lived in Langya, Xuzhou did not flee with him.

Zhuge Liang successfully grew up in Xuzhou to the age of sixteen. He had loved learning since he was a child, and he had heard of Fengyi's name for a long time.

Now that he heard that the other party was going to build a school, Zhuge Liang immediately arrived in Xuchang with his younger brother Zhuge Dan after getting the consent of Zhuge Jin and his uncle.

And because the Zhuge family had never moved, on the other hand, Sun Ce's location in Jiangdong never attracted Zhuge Jin's attention.

Now Zhuge Jin has become the one who stays in the Zhuge family to serve the family elders.

Fortunately, the journey was extremely smooth. When the two Zhuge brothers arrived in Xuchang, it happened to be that Cao Cao issued the order to recruit talents.

"Second brother, I heard that Cao Sikong issued a recruitment order. With my second brother's talent, I think it will be no problem. Why don't you give it a try!"

Zhuge Dan said something to his second brother.

If the second brother could find a job in Cao Yingli, his life should be easier!

Zhuge Dan, who was carrying a basket of letters, looked like a book boy standing next to Zhuge Liang.

After hearing his brother's suggestion, Zhuge Liang shook his head without hesitation.

"Gong Cao issued an order to recruit talents. He is looking for talents. I realize that I know very little about them. I still need to practice and practice!"

"I plan to go to the school run by Mr. Xi to have a look!"

After replying to his younger brother, Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry to directly inquire about the school founded by Xi Yu.

The two brothers immediately started wandering around the streets of Xuchang.

At this time, Zhuge Liang was wearing a white Confucian shirt, and his ungrown body was already seven feet tall. With his handsome appearance, he frequently attracted attention on the road.

"Second brother, Xuchang is much more prosperous than Langya now!"

Zhuge Dan looked at the buildings on both sides and the business travelers coming and going, and he was already a little dazzled.

"It's exactly noon, Brother Dan, I'll take you to eat first!"

Seeing that there was a restaurant not far away, Zhuge Liang led Zhuge Dan forward.

Not long after, the two entered the restaurant.

And because of Xuchang's recruitment order, the most frequent people in the major restaurants in Xuchang are scholars from all over the country.

There are many people like Zhuge Liang dressed in Confucian shirts.

The two of them did not attract too much attention. After following the waiter in the restaurant to the second floor, the two brothers sat down by the window.

And on the other side of the street across the window is also a restaurant.

At this time, the eighteen-year-old Sima Yi also led his younger brother to the restaurant.

"Second brother, there seem to be a lot of scholars in Xuchang!"

Sima Yi led Sima Fu up to the second floor. The latter glanced into the restaurant and couldn't help but sigh.

Sima Yi sighed.

If it weren't for his father's urging, he wouldn't have wanted to serve as an official. Now all the scholars in Xuchang are just like the ministers across the river.

Just after Sima Yi and his younger brother sat down, they inadvertently glanced at the street through the window.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw two brothers sitting in front of the window of the restaurant opposite.

As if in the dark, when Sima Yi looked over, the sixteen-year-old Zhuge Liang also turned his eyes.

The two just looked at each other. After all, they were separated by a street and they were not familiar with each other, so naturally there was no communication.

Just at this glance, both of them frowned obviously.

"Second brother, what are you looking at?"

Sima Fu came back to his senses and saw his second brother looking out the window in a daze, so he couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Sima Yi nodded towards the opposite side and turned his head back randomly.

"Third brother, you are right, there are too many scholars in Xuchang!"

"I just saw a person who looked younger than me. I have never seen him before, but when I saw that face, my heart skipped a beat!"

Sima Yi was a little confused. That glance just now made his heart palpitate for some reason.

Is it because of that face?

"Second brother, I saw that the person opposite is much prettier than you!"

Sima Fu laughed and joked.

Sima Yi shook his head. To be honest, he didn't really care about appearance.

There are so many good-looking people in the world, and Sima Yi is actually not bad either.

He is not so stingy as to envy someone who is more handsome than him.

The palpitations I had just now were a bit strange.

At the same time, in the restaurant opposite.

As Sima Yi nodded and looked away, Zhuge Liang also nodded politely in response.

After retracting his gaze, Zhuge Liang's expression did not change much.

At this time, Zhuge Dan could not help but eat the food in the restaurant.

"Second brother, this pork belly is really delicious. I heard that it was popularized by Mr. Xi, whom you admire!"

Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry to taste it. After hearing Zhuge Dan's words, he smiled.

"I heard that Mr. Xi Fengyi is a good calligrapher. He created the waterwheel, the curved shaft plow and other things."

"Liang, I really want to practice with Mr. Xi during this trip!"

After the meal was served, the two Zhuge brothers didn't say anything more.

The two of them were eating.

Suddenly there was a burst of noise in the restaurant.

"Uncle Huang is here!"

Someone shouted in the restaurant, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards the stairs.

At this time, Liu Bei, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and Mi Zhu slowly followed him to the restaurant.

Since the imperial court issued the recruitment order.

As more and more scholars came and went from Xuchang, Liu Bei, who was living in Xuchang, also started to move around.

This is a rare opportunity. With so many scholars, there are always some people with outstanding abilities.

During this period, Liu Bei often took Mi Zhu to eat in various restaurants in Xuchang.

His purpose is very simple, which is to make friends with these scholars who appear in Xuchang.

With Mi Zhu next to him, Liu Bei's spending in major restaurants was not wasted at all.

Moreover, in the name of the emperor's uncle, Liu Bei walked to the restaurant, and there was a lot of excitement in the restaurant.

Those scholars all wanted to get in front of Liu Bei. After all, this was the emperor's uncle recognized by the emperor of Han Dynasty.

Some people naturally want to shine in front of each other.

The Zhuge brothers also saw Liu Bei going to the restaurant.

It's just that the two brothers didn't look at Liu Bei at this time, and were still eating the food in front of them.

After all, Zhuge Dan was not as calm as Zhuge Liang. After a while, he looked at Liu Bei.

At this moment, Liu Bei and Mi Zhu were sitting in the center of the second floor.

The scholars all around were toasting Liu Bei from a distance.

"Second brother, that's the great uncle of the Han Dynasty. Why don't you pay any attention to it?"

Zhuge Dan was a little helpless. His second brother's temperament was like this. He was so stable that he didn't look like a sixteen-year-old boy.

"Brother Dan, my purpose is not to come here to serve as an official, so there is no need to be like the people around me!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head, and at this moment he also glanced at Liu Bei who was not far away.

With just one glance, Zhuge Liang looked away.

Although he didn't know much about the situation in Xuchang, the situation of the emperor's uncle in front of him was not that good.

Just a person who is limited by himself!

And those scholars who wanted to use Liu Bei to become officials were not a wise choice in the final analysis.

However, there are only a few capable people in this world.

Although most scholars have some ability, their abilities are ultimately limited.

After all, the allure of an imperial uncle is extremely obvious.

But Zhuge Liang doesn't need it!

Hearing what his second brother said, Zhuge Dan didn't say much.

The two brothers were minding their own business and ignored Liu Bei.

At this moment, Liu Bei had already inadvertently noticed the two Zhuge brothers beside the window.

Although the two people in sight looked extremely young.

However, this calmness alone made Liu Bei a little concerned. However, there were too many scholars surrounding him at the moment, so Liu Bei was not in a hurry to go and make friends with the two people next to the window.

Liu Bei is not in a hurry.

At the same time, in the restaurant opposite, hearing that Liu Bei was opposite, most of the scholars began to cross the street towards the restaurant on the other side.

And at this moment.

Sima Fu, who was on the second floor, was also a little moved: "Second brother, it seems that the emperor's uncle is at the restaurant opposite. Would you like us to go over and have a look?"

The young Sima Fu was still a little impetuous.

Sima Yi was speechless after hearing this.

Of course, Sima Yi had heard of Liu Bei, but it was just that Liu Bei was now enjoying a little fame under the title of imperial uncle.

But in fact, in his opinion, the other party is like a caged bird after all.

Regardless of whether the opponent has any abilities, Liu Bei's current situation does not allow him to show any abilities.

So what if you make friends with these nobles? In Xuchang today, the person who can really call the shots is not the emperor.

Nor is he Liu Bei.

But it was Sikong Cao Cao who lived in Sikong Mansion.

Sima Yi couldn't help but look towards the restaurant opposite, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the taller and more handsome scholar at the window opposite him, lowering his head and slowly tasting the food on the table.

Sure enough, this person is no ordinary person!

Liu Bei was in the restaurant opposite. He could still concentrate on eating at this time, which showed that he was not an ordinary person.

Sima Yi stared at Zhuge Liang, as if his familiar appearance was imprinted in his mind.

Then he waved his hand towards his third brother.

"Brother Fu, my brother and your names have already been recorded in the recruitment order, so there is no need to make friends with another imperial uncle!"

There were some things that Sima Yi didn't say directly.

After all, Liu Bei, the emperor's uncle, now also depends on how Cao Cao treats him!

Even the emperor was under the control of Sikong Cao Cao.

An imperial uncle is just within Cao Cao's thoughts.

The person he wanted to serve was the Sikong Mansion, so he naturally had to establish a clear relationship with the royal family.

These incomprehensible scholars made friends with Liu Bei, but their talents could not be shown in the recruitment order.

People who are truly talented and capable are naturally extremely confident in themselves.

Just like the guy sitting at the window opposite.

Sima Yi felt that probably, the other party's thoughts were not much different from his own!


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