It’s the end of March, and the weather in recent days has been somewhat inconvenient.

Counting the days, in a few days it will be the Qingming Festival.

Therefore, Cao Cao planned to set off again after the Qingming Festival.

An army of half a million is not a small number. Just the allocation of personnel and the dispatch of troops are not something that can be completed in a few days.

It seems that Qingming Festival is approaching.

The weather in Xuchang is somewhat gloomy. The sky is gray, as if it can rain at any time.

Huang Zhong and his son have been living in the theater house for several days.

And Xi Yu also knew that Huang Zhong went to the pawn shop to pawn something that day because of the money matter.

This matter was ignored by him.

For this reason, Xi Yu specially asked Xi Lao to send some money to Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong was reluctant to take it at first, but the play boss told him that you are now living at your husband's house.

The husband helped Mr. Huang treat his illness as a favor, since we already had a favor.

A little more, a little less, what's the difference.

After hearing what Xi Lao said, Huang Zhong finally accepted the money given by Xi Yu.

On the same day, Huang Zhong inquired about Liu Bei's guards and paid back the money that the guards had received in the past few days.

For this reason, the guards were somewhat reluctant.

Because of the penicillin, Huang Xu's situation was barely stable.

The rest of the situation cannot be solved by Xi Yu alone, so Huang Xu can only continue to stay at the Xijia.

After all, during these continuous rainy days, if the theater had not provided floor heating, Huang Xu's symptoms would have worsened if it had been anywhere else.

Now the only thing left is to wait until Zhang Zhongjing is found, maybe it will be possible to cure Huang Xu's illness.

Huang Zhong understood this.

Huang Zhong had heard of Zhang Zhongjing's name to some extent, and he had always wanted to find him before.

However, communication in this era was too inconvenient, and there were no newspapers all over the world to find people.

Furthermore, that guy Zhang Zhongjing is running around all over the country. Who knows where he is.

Huang Zhong can't take Huang Xu all over the world to chase Zhang Zhongjing.

Under such circumstances, even if he knew Zhang Zhongjing's reputation, there was not much he could do.

Now, his son's condition is under control, and his husband is helping to search for Zhang Zhongjing in newspapers. Huang Zhong couldn't be more satisfied.

He thought that Huang Xu's illness might not be solved in a short time.

And he is still the general under Liu Biao.

If he continues to stay in Xuchang to accompany Huang Xuzhi's illness, he will no longer be able to hold the position of lieutenant general.

After discussing with Huang Xu, Huang Zhong wrote to his nephew Liu Pan who was stationed in Changsha that day, telling him that he would stay in Xuchang to help Huang Xu treat his illness.

Let the other party resign to Liu Jingzhou in his place.

From then on, Huang Zhong planned to stay in Xuchang and take care of Huang Xu wholeheartedly.

Qingming is approaching.

Someone seemed to be coming to the theater today. Huang Zhong found that Mr. Opera was waiting in the courtyard early in the morning, dressed and dressed.

He just said hello and didn't bother Xiyu.

Around noon, outside the main gate of the opera house, a middle-aged man wearing a blue Confucian shirt with a dusty face entered the yard under the leadership of the housekeeper Xi Lao.

As soon as he saw the person coming, Xi Yu stood up to greet him.

"Brother Gongtai, I haven't seen you for a long time. I never thought that when I saw you today, I realized that Brother Gongtai has lost a lot of weight!"

The person who came was none other than Chen Gong, who had previously agreed to Xi Yu's help in handling disaster relief matters in Yanzhou and Xuzhou.

It’s just that they haven’t seen Chen Gong in just over two years, and the figure of Chen Gong in front of him has become much thinner.

In fact, there was quite a chilling air as it marched.

Chen Gong was not polite to Xi Yu at all. After sitting down in the pavilion in the courtyard, he raised his eyes and glanced at Xi Yu.

"Humph, I haven't seen you for more than two years, but your reputation as a drama star has become much more popular."

Chen Gong curled his lips.

He had promised Xi Yu to help with the disaster relief, and now he was treating Xi Yu right.

In the past two years, Chen Gong traveled from various places in Yanzhou to various places in Xuzhou. Along the way, he not only helped with disaster relief matters, but also led people to fight against some banditry.

This chilling aura was developed from this.

"I thought Brother Gongtai wouldn't come to Xuchang!"

Xi Yu chuckled and took the initiative to help Chen Gong get a cup of tea.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought I would be here!"

Chen Gong had already sworn that he would never work with Cao Cao.

But now, the world's structure is no longer what it was before.

Since Cao Cao welcomed the emperor and established his capital in Xuchang.

There are some situations that even Chen Gong did not expect.

However, it is one thing for him to help Xi Yu, and it is another thing to help Cao Cao.

The two are different after all.

"When Gongtai comes back this time, he plans to take some rest. Now that Xuchang is full of waste and waiting for things to be done, Gongtai is really needed!"

"Everything is in vain?"

"Xi Fengyi, you are a dignified imperial censor, and you are also a great farmer of the Han Dynasty. You should be in charge of the spring plowing in various places!"

"I helped you because it was good for the world, but I didn't recognize you as my master!"

Chen Gong's face turned a little dark.

Nowadays, he is basically responsible for the spring plowing. If it weren't for Xi Yu's special letter, he would be running around to preside over spring plowing!

"Gongtai knows that I previously planned to build a school in Xuchang, and now the school has been completed!"

Xi Yu spoke with a slight smile on his lips.

Chen Gong raised his eyebrows.

"I've also heard about the school!"

Chen Gong paused and looked up at Xi Yu in front of him.

What Xi Yu is doing now seems to be deliberately targeting the major families of today's Han Dynasty.

However, these have nothing to do with Chen Gong.

"Gongtai, can I have a professional title in school?"

Xi Yu asked casually.

Chen Gong frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Of course I don't want Brother Gongtai to waste what he has learned. If we can cultivate more talents, it will naturally be of use to the world!"

To put it simply, if Xuchang School wants to recruit students, it will naturally need more teachers.

Nowadays, most of those aristocratic families will not send anyone to help because of the drama.

There are only a few people Xi Yu can think of, and Chen Gong is one of them.

In the past two years, the other party has been busy traveling around without complaint. To be honest, Xi Yu felt a little bit sorry.

I heard that Chen Gong has gone home much less often in the past two years, and has even been absent from his home.

This year's spring plowing has also entered the right path, and Chen Gong has also cultivated a group of worthy subordinates in the past two years.

These people are naturally affiliated with Xiyu, so just leave the spring plowing to those people.

"Is this what Cao Mengde meant?" Chen Gong's eyelids drooped.

Xiyu shook his head.

"This is what I mean. Brother Gongtai should understand what's going on between me and the family. This school is short of teachers now. Brother Gongtai, would you like to continue helping me?"

Chen Gong didn't speak, he raised the tea cup on the table and took a sip into his mouth.

"Now, I, Chen Gong, don't have many ideas. Now that you have made a decision, Chen will accompany you!"

"I really want to see what you can do to the world by playing Fengyi!"

Chen Gong left, but the other party did not reject Xi Yu's proposal.

Things at Xuchang School have made some progress.

Now that it is almost April, Xi Yu plans to imitate the winter and summer vacations of later generations and plans to hold the opening ceremony of Xuchang in early September.

It's still early in September now.

At the beginning of April, there were less than three days left before Tomb Sweeping Day.

Huang Xu, who lives in the theater, has obviously improved a lot in a short period of time.

Seeing this situation, Huang Zhong felt a little more relaxed.

It's the day.

In the side house, Huang Xu speaks much more fluently now, and it doesn't feel as laborious as before.

Huang Zhong supported him and leaned against the head of the bed, with obvious joy on his face.

"My son's life should not have been cut off. If it weren't for Mr. Youxi, my father really wouldn't know what to do!"

Huang Zhong was a little emotional.

After hearing the news about Xi Yu, he decisively brought Huang Xu to seek help. It was indeed true.

Today, his son's condition is much better than before.

Huang Xu smiled: "Thank you for your hard work, Dad!"

After saying this, Huang Xu raised his eyes and looked out the window.

It was raining lightly outside the house at this moment. In weather like this, he usually never opened the window to look.

He didn't know how many years he hadn't seen rain outside.

But now, this room is as warm as spring, all because of Mr. Xi.

"Father, I have been so kind to Mr. Xi this time, and I don't know how to repay him!"

Thinking that all this was because of Xi Yu, Huang Xu felt very grateful.

It's a pity that he is still a patient.

If not, he would definitely serve under Mr. Xi and do his best for Mr. Xi.

Hearing this, Huang Zhong smiled.

"My son, don't worry. After you recover from your illness, my father will teach you all the skills passed down from the family. Then..."

Before Huang Zhong finished speaking, Huang Xu had tears rolling down his eyes after hearing this.

"Father, if it hadn't been for the burden of my children these years, with my father's ability, he would be just a small lieutenant general!"

Huang Xu knew how powerful his father was.

When there were rumors that Lu Bu in Hulao Pass was like a heavenly being, the first thing Huang Xu thought of was his father.

When he was young, his father's martial arts was already the best in the world.

Now is the time when the world is changing.

This is the time when dragons and snakes arise and heroes emerge in large numbers.

With his father's ability, he can be as famous as Lu Bu, and he can become famous all over the world.

However, it was precisely because of him that his father was willing to be a small lieutenant general in that land of Jingxiang!

For this reason, his father never used all his martial arts skills.

Even Liu Biao only regarded his father as a mediocre person.

Seeing that his father is already over fifty years old, his peak martial arts is no longer what it used to be.

Huang Xu felt a little heartbroken.

Over the years, he had thought about committing suicide many times, but every time he saw his father running for him, he couldn't bear it.

Now that his condition has improved significantly, he can no longer drag his father down.

With Huang Zhong's current strength, maybe he can still make a name for himself.

"Father, now that you have resigned as the lieutenant general of Liu Jingzhou, it's time to think about your affairs!"

Huang Xu knew clearly that his father must not be reconciled to this.

When he watched his father learn about the situation at Hulao Pass, he saw the longing look on his face.

Now, it's time.

"What do you mean, my son?"

Huang Zhong glanced at Huang Xu and asked softly.

Huang Xu grinned.

"Father, now that the child's health has gradually improved, and there is a doctor hired by Mr. Xi to take care of him, there is no need for the father to stay with the child all the time."

"Father, it's time for you to fulfill your ideal!"

"If my father's talents are not used in the world, I will never see my father again!"

"Now that your husband is a rare hero in the Han Dynasty, if my father surrenders to your service, it will not only fulfill my father's ambitions, but also repay the kindness of my husband and my Huang family!"

Huang Xu talked a lot, while Huang Zhong beside him just looked at him quietly.

Seeing that the other party could say so many words, Huang Zhong felt a little more stable.

"My son is right, that's what being a father means!"

He had written a letter to resign because he wanted to repay Xi Yu.

Now that Huang Xu's condition has stabilized, he can repay his kindness with confidence.

The next day, when Xi Yu was practicing Wu Qin Xi in the yard early in the morning, Huang Zhong walked over from the side.

Seeing Xi Yu's extremely capable gestures, Huang Zhong couldn't help but narrow the corners of his eyes.

The generals can understand each other's meaning with just a glance.

At this time, he could see that Xi Yu's strength was definitely not low, and Huang Zhong immediately became interested.

It was as if he had forgotten his purpose of coming to Xi Yu.

Huang Zhong opened his upper body and jumped to the side of Xi Yu.

"Sir, would you like to let Mr. Huang help me!"

Xi Yu was practicing this by himself, and he couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Huang Zhong appear on the side and the opponent's posture.

It's been a long time since he fought against anyone.

Regardless of whether it was Dian Wei or Zhao Yun, those two guys didn't like fighting with him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong came forward now.

"Old Huang, since you brought it here yourself, don't blame me for bullying you for being old!"

Xi Yu chuckled lightly and put his posture into position.

Huang Zhong didn't think much, he raised his hand and thrust straight towards Xi Yu with a diving punch.

However, the next moment, fists and palms faced each other.

Huang Zhong only felt that he was being dragged forward by a huge force.

Before he could react, his figure was already thrown away.

Huang Zhong was a little shocked when he landed again!

He didn't use all his strength just now. He originally thought that he should be able to compete with Xi Yu. Who would have thought that once they fought, he would be wrong.

The Xiyu in front of me is just a weak counselor!

This is clearly a military commander inferior to him!

Even, it may be stronger!

"Sir, I need to be serious!"

Huang Zhong spoke again, and Xi Yu smiled along with him: "Old Huang, just come!"

Half an hour later, Huang Zhong was lying on the ground in the yard, staring at the sky in a daze.

What kind of force is this?

He actually felt like he couldn't cope with Xi Yu. He hadn't encountered such a situation in countless years.

Even at his peak, he might not be a match for the opponent.

Even the rumored Lu Bu would probably just run away with his tail between his legs when he met Mr. Xi!

"Old Huang, your mood looks good today!"

At this moment, Xi Yu glanced at Huang Zhong on the ground.

After this exchange, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his body.

As expected of Huang Zhong.

A character who can kill Xia Houyuan at the age of sixty is indeed no ordinary person!

Compared to Lu Bu, the two should be on par with each other. In fact, Huang Zhong may have a slight advantage.

But this advantage is declining with Huang Zhong's age.

However, Huang Zhong's martial arts lasted for a long time, and he was like Lian Po in ancient times.

The point is, what Huang Zhong is even more outstanding is his riding and shooting.

Xi Yu thought in his mind, Huang Zhong on the ground quickly came to his senses.

After getting up from the ground, Huang Zhong looked at Xi Yu with some embarrassment.

I originally thought that my martial arts could be used to repay Xi Yu.

Who would have thought that the other party's force was more powerful than his.

This made him a little overwhelmed.

My husband may look down on my own martial arts!

"Old Huang, what's wrong? I think something is wrong with you. Is something wrong with little brother Huang?"

Seeing the tangled expression on Huang Zhong's face, Xi Yu frowned and subconsciously asked.

Upon hearing this question, Huang Zhong quickly shook his head.

"Sir, you misunderstood. Everything is fine now!"

"To be honest, Zhongzheng doesn't know how to repay Sir for saving his life. I came here with the intention of surrendering to Sir and letting him do whatever he wants."

"However, Zhong never thought that sir would be so powerful!"

When Huang Zhong said this, his voice paused, probably because he didn't know how to continue.

At this moment, Xi Yu's face was obviously happy when he heard that Huang Zhong planned to surrender to him.

When he found out that the other party was Huang Zhong, Xi Yu was somewhat excited.

After all, in this era, although he doesn't like military positions, he is the same as Cao Cao when it comes to recruiting generals.

Who doesn’t want to have a group of peerless generals by his side?

Just like a collection of cards, Huang Zhong is a perfect gold card character, even with a bit of purple.

How can Xi Yu not be happy when such a person takes action?

"Old Huang, you want to surrender to me. Do you really mean what you say?"

Xiyu asked blurtly.

Huang Zhong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but then he came to his senses.

His body fell to the ground for an instant.

"I've met my lord!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing Huang Zhong recognize his master, Xi Yu said hello three times in a row.

At this moment, if Cao Cao saw this scene, he would probably feel like he was looking at himself in the mirror.

In fact, both of them loved military commanders very much.

Xi Yu reached out to help Huang Zhong up, and patted Huang Zhong on the shoulder.

"Old Huang, you don't need to be called lord from now on, it's better to be called sir!"

Huang Zhong nodded in agreement.

Xi Yu then smiled again and spoke.

"I heard that Lao Huang, your riding and shooting skills are extremely outstanding. I can't compare to you in this regard!"

"I don't know, are you interested in teaching others?"

Thank you to Brother Zhutou for the 100 starting coin reward! ! !

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