We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 172 A thousand-mile horse is always there, but a bole is hard to find

After Liu Bei and Liu Xie talked late at night, basically nothing happened in Xuchang, and it was already the Mid-Autumn Festival in a blink of an eye.

It's August 15th.

Cao Cao held a grand banquet in Sikong Mansion. All civil and military officials from Xuchang were present. Cao Ren and others, including Cao Ren who was far away in Xuzhou, left their lieutenants and rushed back.

This Mid-Autumn Festival feast was nominally to celebrate Xi Yu's appointment as Taiwei. By around You hour, the entire Sikong Mansion was already brightly lit.

After Xi Yu entered Sikong Mansion with Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others, everyone he saw along the way saluted Xi Yu and congratulated him.

Regarding this situation, Xiyu remained as usual.

After seeing Xi Yu's arrival, Cao Cao, the host of the banquet, immediately took Xi Yu and sat beside him.

At this time, everyone lined up around them. As Cao Cao nodded, groups of attendants began to bring out all the meals and drinks for tonight.

After the banquet started, Cao Cao was quite impressed. As he raised his glass, he casually said a few words.

Xi Yu raised the lamp together with a smile on his face.

After all, Xiyu still recognizes Lao Cao today.

From the very beginning when he chose to enter Cao Ying, Xi Yu didn't think too much about it.

It's still the case today.

He just keeps doing what he can and wants to do!

It doesn’t matter what outsiders think.

Be it Taiwei, Dasinong, or Taicang Ling.

For Xi Yu, it is just a professional title.

All it represents is reputation!

However, being promoted to lieutenant is still useful in this era.

It’s just that he doesn’t value it now!

At this time, the venue had already begun to become lively.

Xi Yu chatted with Cao Cao for a few words, then sat alone and ignored anyone.

Dian Wei joined General Cao Ying's camp again.

You can still hear from a distance that someone is making fun of Dian Wei by using his name as the Zhuang Shanghou.

And Dian Wei's loud retort was also extremely loud.


Liu Bei, who was in the middle of the banquet, just glanced at Xi Yu from a distance.

After talking to Liu Xiechang late at night, Liu Bei now has more and more thoughts about leaving Xuchang.

For him, if he continues to stay in Xuchang, sooner or later his mind will be exhausted.

He must find a way and find all the help to help him get out of trouble in Xuchang.

Liu Bei knew that it was impossible to rely on Xi Yu now.

The other party still stands with Cao Cao for the time being. Although he will not embarrass himself, it is even more difficult to get the other party to help him leave Xuchang.

After looking away from Xi Yu, Liu Bei's eyes began to scan towards the people at the banquet.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, all the famous civil and military officials in Xuchang are present. Even some people who are not usually qualified are also lucky enough to participate in this banquet today.

Not only Cao Cao's subordinates, but also Dong Cheng and other veterans of the Han Dynasty were resolutely included.

At this time, Liu Bei's eyes fell on Dong Cheng and others.

Compared with the camp led by Cao Cao, the side of the Han Dynasty veterans where Dong Cheng sat was much quieter.

On the entire banquet, the two sides were as distinct as the Jingwei River.

"General Dong, look at those people, it's so lively!"

Someone made sarcastic remarks next to Dong Cheng.

Dong Cheng didn't speak at this time. He just sat quietly in his seat and poured wine into the wine glass.

"That must be Mr. Yang's son!"

Someone's eyes fell in the direction of Cao Cao and the others, where Yang Xiu, with a slight smile on his face, was holding a wine cup and seemed to be greeting the people under Cao Cao's command enthusiastically.

That look seemed like he wanted to blend in.

However, in the eyes of Dong Cheng and others, Yang Xiu looked like a buffoon at this moment.

He obviously has a family background of four generations and three princes. If he really promoted filial piety and integrity and became an official, he would never be thrown into chores by Cao Cao like he is now.

Especially because he was the son of Yang Biao, everyone under Cao Cao's command shunned him.

At this time, Liu Bei's eyes followed those of Dong Cheng and others and fell on Yang Xiu.

During the previous review, Liu Bei could see Yang Xiu's talent.

Although this person is somewhat arrogant, it is undeniable that someone like him is exactly what Liu Bei needs.

Liu Bei's eyes fell on Yang Xiu, and his eyes quietly looked at Yang Xiu who was surrounding Cao Cao and others.

At this moment, Yang Xiu Xiu was standing in front of Xi Yu with a wine cup in hand.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant!"

The expression on Yang Xiu's face looked very sincere.

Xi Yu didn't have much opinion about it.

Judging from the original history, Yang Xiu was integrated into Cao Ying in the end.

If the other party had not participated in the battle for the right to inherit the throne, perhaps he would not have been killed by Cao Cao for any reason.

Yang Xiu's talent was also highly valued by Lao Cao at that time.


Everything today has already changed.

At present, Cao Ang is not dead, and Cao Pi, Cao Zhi and others are not taken seriously by Cao Cao at all.

After all, in today's era, the eldest son or legitimate son has decided all problems from the root.

Although Cao Ang is not a direct descendant, the other party is the eldest son, and he grew up with Mrs. Ding.

Mrs. Ding was Cao Cao's official wife, so Cao Ang's status naturally increased.

Cao Pi, Cao Zhi and others were not born to Mrs. Ding, but were descended from Mrs. Bian.

With Mrs. Ding here, Mrs. Bian can only be a concubine, and these two are naturally not legitimate sons.

In this way, since they were both born as concubines, Cao Ang's eldest son had a natural advantage.

What's more, although Cao Cao has not cultivated many sons over the years, when Cao Ang was around, Cao Cao would basically take him with him to teach him.

This is the orthodox successor in Cao Cao's eyes.

Cao Ang is here.

The only existence that Cao Pi, Cao Zhi and others have right now is that of Cao Cao's son!

Without any plans to cultivate other heirs, Cao Cao would not deliberately send Yang Xiu to his son.

Under such circumstances, Yang Xiu's existence is somewhat inferior.

Next to Cao Cao himself, compared with Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others, Yang Xiu was a bit immature after all.

In the final analysis, Cao Cao didn't have any opinion on Yang Xiu.

Lao Cao didn't care if the other party was Yang Biao's son. In fact, as long as Yang Xiu was useful to him, Lao Cao didn't mind using Yang Xiu well.

Nowadays, when Yang Xiu is sent out to do some work that is neither salty nor light, perhaps Lao Cao has some considerations in mind.

Consider it a training!

However, Cao Cao thought so, but others in Cao camp would only look at the surface.

Because of the reason why Yang Xiu was placed, most people instinctively felt that Cao Cao disliked the other party's identity.

Therefore, at this banquet, this situation will become more obvious.

Almost no one under Cao Cao would take the initiative to talk to Yang Xiu.

Even if the other party comes close to him with a warm face, the face he faces changes from a smiling face to a cold face in an instant.

I think Yang Xiu himself also experienced this difference.

At this moment, many things flashed through Xi Yu's mind, and he saw Yang Xiu congratulating him.

He didn't have any scruples.

Speaking of the title of Taiwei, Yang Biao is somewhat involved in it.

As for what the other party's purpose is, it doesn't matter.

Xi Yu nodded towards Yang Xiu but didn't say much.

At this time, after paying homage to Xi Yu, Yang Xiu turned around and walked towards Cao Ren's side.

However, Yang Xiucai had just approached Cao Ren, and Cao Ren seemed to have expected it.

He turned around slightly, as if he didn't see Yang Xiu coming over. He raised his glass of wine and took Yu Jin aside to start pouring wine.

Yang Xiu couldn't help but pause at his feet.

Some of the atmosphere is very obvious.

By this time, he had already understood, and if he continued to move towards these people, the results he would get would not change much.

Yang Xiu's head drooped slightly, and he couldn't help biting his teeth.

He has been famous for his talents since he was a child, but Yang Xiu couldn't stand it anymore after these people treated him so slowly.

Although he understands that the Han Dynasty is now at the end of its rope.

Cao Cao may have the ability to change the world.

But, what does that have to do with him?

He can't even squeeze into this circle!

At this moment, Yang Xiu seemed to understand the persistence in his father's heart that day.


Their family was composed of four generations and three nobles. For those under Cao Cao's command, there was an invisible gap between them.

This has been there from the beginning.

Even though the Han Dynasty has begun to collapse, the Yang family will stand much higher than these people from the beginning.

Blindly pandering is just looking for humiliation!

The jug in his hand was half full of wine. Even if he continued walking and walked around the entire Sikong Mansion, he wouldn't be able to drink too much if he thought about it.

With a wry smile, Yang Xiu turned around and returned to the corner where he was.

At this time, he could only pour and drink by himself.

Yang Xiu's expression went from being eager at the beginning to darkening in an instant.

The people who were busy at this time were those under Cao Cao and had nothing to do with him.

"Master Yang Bo!"

When Yang Xiu frowned, a greeting suddenly came from the side.

Almost instinctively, Yang Biao's face lit up. He just raised his head, thinking that it was the man under Cao Cao's command who was coming.

He was about to answer, but he didn't expect that when he looked up, the face he saw was not the one he expected.

Yang Xiu naturally recognized the face in front of him.

This person is the emperor’s uncle who is now recognized by the emperor himself!

"I've met the emperor, but I don't know what he has to do!"

Yang Xiu took the initiative to greet him, Liu Bei's status was there after all, even though he didn't have much favorable impression of the person in front of him.

However, the etiquette that the aristocratic family had developed long ago still made him bow to the other party in a proper manner.

But at this time, Yang Xiu's tone was a bit salty after all.

Liu Bei didn't care at all.

He knew what kind of person Yang Xiu was, and Liu Bei was somewhat tolerant of talented people.

He sat beside Yang Xiu and spoke in a very sincere tone.

"I have read Yang Zhubo's previous poem in Yuedan Review several times. Every time I read it, I am impressed by Zhubo's talent."

As soon as he came up, Liu Bei began to praise Yang Xiu's previous poems in Yuedan Commentary.

Hearing this, although Yang Xiu still had a cold face, he still had some reaction.

"Your Majesty, thank you very much. Now that I think about it, that essay was a bit exaggerated!"

Yang Xiu is extremely confident in his own talents.

However, sometimes, only a few people can see his talent.

Just like in this world, horses with thousands of miles of horses are often found, but Bole is hard to find.

At this time, Liu Bei began to discuss the contents of Yang Xiu's Fu.

Yang Xiu could tell that the other party had indeed read his essays, and some of the views in them even made him somewhat enlightened.

However, Yang Xiu was not optimistic about Liu Bei.

On the one hand, although the other party is now the emperor's uncle of the Han Dynasty.

However, the backgrounds of Liu Bei and his family were very different, starting from their birth.

The other party is just lucky!

Yang Xiu looked down on him in his heart. The person in front of him was just lucky!

If Liu Xie hadn't personally admitted it, the other party would have been just a commoner, so what if he had made a name for himself.

To be honest, Yang Xiu looked down on Liu Bei a little.

To put it simply, Yang Xiu didn't like Liu Bei's previous identity.

On the other hand.

Nowadays, Liu Bei has no power and no background. He just uses the title of imperial uncle in vain. What achievements can such a person achieve?

And today's Liu Bei is indeed unremarkable.

His reputation was better. He had traveled thousands of miles to help Kong Rong before, and his reputation was spread by the other party. He also helped Xuzhou Tao Qian, but there were no outstanding deeds.

As for the Eighteen Route Princes' crusade against Dong Zhuo, if Liu Bei had not relied on Gongsun Zan, he would not even have been able to enter the princes' camp.


Along the way, Liu Bei fought against the Yellow Turbans several times and fought Lu Bu at Hulao Pass.

After entering Xuzhou, he had no chance of winning against Cao Cao.

Because of Lu Bu's attack, he turned around and chose to ally with Cao Cao. Even Xuzhou, which he had taken over, gave it away.

This emperor's uncle, General Jiazuo, and Marquis Ting of Yicheng, are like Cao Cao repaying favors because of the incident in Xuzhou.

Is there anything else worth caring about.

Yang Xiu didn't want to talk to Liu Bei next to him, but at this moment, the latter was eagerly discussing the other party's Fu theory next to Yang Xiu.

The other party was so eager that Yang Xiu couldn't ignore it.

He could only deal with it casually, but Liu Bei could feel the cold expression.

Unconsciously, the full moon in the sky hung on the treetops.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xi Yu called out to Cao Cao, then took Dian Wei, Zhao Yun and others out of Sikong Mansion.

As Xi Yu left the table, all the officials began to stand up.

Yang Xiu seemed impatient. He bowed to Liu Bei and stood up to leave the table.

Liu Bei smiled and followed Yang Xiu, just like the master here. After sending him out of Sikong Mansion, he turned around and walked slowly in the direction of his own house.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the full moon illuminates the sky brightly.

When Yang Xiu returned to Yang Mansion, he walked into the courtyard and saw a figure standing in the courtyard.

Yang Biao was wearing a coat and a cloak, standing alone under the moon. At this moment, he heard Yang Xiu's footsteps and turned his eyes.

"My son is back!"

Yang Biao had naturally heard about Yang Xiu's current situation under Cao Cao. Seeing that the other party smelled of alcohol, he couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Yang Biao's question, Yang Xiu smiled bitterly.

"My son just realized today that what his father said that day was a mature word!"

As the fourth generation and the third prince, it was already destined from the beginning that he must stand by the side of the Han royal family.

The status of the Fourth Generation and the Third Duke is both an honor and a constraint.

In Yang Xiu's view today, whether it is Cao Cao or other princes, when they look at him, they will never ignore the status of the Fourth Generation and the Three Dukes.

This identity cannot be put aside or thrown away.

It's like a brand.

"My son has figured it out now!"

Yang Biao was also a little helpless. He didn't understand what the status of the Han Dynasty was now.

But, he couldn't help it.

Different from the Yuan family who have four generations and three fathers, the path taken by the Yang family has always been civil and political.

While the Yuan family can stand on their own, the Yang family cannot.

Because of their status, it is difficult for them to join a prince.

Only standing completely on the emperor's side is the most beneficial choice for them.

However, today's emperor is still young and his strength is too weak after all.

"My son's choice is actually not wrong!"

Under the current world situation, it would be too difficult for the Han Dynasty to return to prosperity by relying on Liu Xie alone!

Under such circumstances, the Yang family had no choice but to find a way out.

Yang Xiu's surrender to Cao Cao was a way out, but it was not easy.

What's more, Yang Xiu needs to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. Maybe in a few years, he can put aside his status as the fourth generation and the third prince.

But, not now.

The two father and son stood under the moon, but after all they didn't say much.

Yang Xiu felt a little hard to decide whether he should continue to play a transparent role in Cao Ying as he did today.

Wait, wait until the Yang family's status is completely wiped out.

Or, give up the current choice, like his father, try to continue to let this great man continue to dominate the world.

Yang Xiu was in a daze for a moment.

Yang Xiu didn't make a choice until Yang Biao patted him on the shoulder and returned to the house.

"Liu Bei is here!"

The next day was the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and Yang Xiu did not go to work today.

It's almost around 6 o'clock.

There was a breeze filling the courtyard of the Yang family. Outside the Yang family, Liu Bei arrived quietly.

In the courtyard at this moment, Yang Xiuqiu quietly looked at the autumn chrysanthemums blooming in the courtyard.

When Liu Bei came to visit unexpectedly, he didn't care at all.

I thought the other party was here for his father, but at this moment I suddenly heard a servant of the Yang family coming to deliver a message.

It is said that the person Liu Bei came to visit this time was not Yang Biao, but Yang Xiu.

Hearing this, Yang Xiu was a little confused.

Yesterday's scene is still vivid in my mind.

He treated Liu Bei so indifferently, no one else would have done it.

It's a good thing not to have any grudges with him, so why would he come to visit him the next day?


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