At the end of September, Gengxu day, it is forbidden to travel.

Since Yuan Shu became emperor, Xi Yu, who was in Xuchang, spent more time on Xuchang School.

The news that Cao Cao's army was preparing to turn back had come back a few days ago, and Xi Yu was not surprised at all.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, after all, was not an easy matter for Xuchang as a whole.

Cao Cao naturally couldn't tolerate it.

Xi Yu had already expected that he would give up attacking the Hanoi area and turn his head to come back to deal with Yuan Shu.

But this time in Xuchang, due to the news that Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, the original hidden undercurrent seemed to have begun to subside a lot.

This actually made Xi Zhicai feel a lot more relaxed.

Today I have a rest, in the actor's house.

Xi Yu did not invite him, but Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others gathered together.

In the courtyard, the late autumn wind carried a bit of chill to the bones. Guo Jia was holding a wine bottle in his hand and watching the chess game between Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu.

Xi Yu was a little lost in thought. At this moment, he was looking at the personnel list of Xuchang School.

Just now, a slightly unexpected name caught his eye.

Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Dan.

When Xi Yu saw these two names at first glance, he was a little surprised.

Although after this name, some famous figures such as Sima Yi also appeared on the school list.

However, Zhuge's name is still very important to Xi Yu.

He didn't expect that when he opened a school, he would attract even the future Prime Minister of the Shu Han Dynasty.

However, although it was a bit unexpected, Xi Yu no longer had the same enthusiasm for historical celebrities as he did at the beginning.

After seeing that Zhuge Liang's native place is now in Xuzhou, it becomes more or less clear to Xi Yu.

When Lao Cao captured Xuzhou, there was no massacre in history. Naturally, Zhuge Liang did not follow his uncle to leave Xuzhou and go to Jingzhou.

Immediately afterwards, deviations began to occur.

Now that it appears on the school list, it is quite common sense.

"Guo Fengxiao, can you shut up!"

Xi Yu was just thinking about finding an opportunity to meet the future Prime Minister of Shu Han when he was next to him. Xi Zhi suddenly raised his head and yelled at Guo Jia.

It's just that Guo Jia's skills are too annoying.

Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu were playing chess, and Guo Jia beside them interjected one line from the left and the other from the right!

The other two were doing a good job, and he was giving advice here and giving advice there.

I was happy, but the faces of the two people playing chess were already a little dark.

Jia Xu is stable. Although Guo Jia interrupts from time to time, he is older and his temperament is not as strong as when he was young.

He just had a dark face, but Xi Zhicai beside him couldn't bear it.

At this moment, he raised his head and cursed at Guo Jia.

The latter poured a sip of wine into his mouth, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and just smiled without retorting.

At this moment, the opera boss suddenly led Xun Yu all the way from the door.

When the two people came from the corridor, Xun Yu's whole body exuded this anxious energy.

His usually steady pace was actually a bit slow now, as if he was almost running.

Seeing Xi Yu and others sitting in a pavilion not far away in the corridor, Xun Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Seeing Xun Yu coming in a hurry, Kung Fu Xi Zhicai actually put down the chess pieces in his hands.

In fact, this chess game was no longer interesting because that guy Guo Jia was messing with it.

Jia Xu was in the same mood. After putting down the chess piece in his hand, he slowly picked up the tea cup from the side.

"Fengyi, Zhicai, Fengxiao, Mr. Wenhe, you all happen to be here..."

Xun Yu frowned. When he saw a group of people, he couldn't help but shout out.

That elegant gentleman seems to have lost a bit of his temperament now.

Hearing the other party's tone, Xi Yu and others couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xun Yu.

"Wen Ruo, what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Xi Zhicai opened his mouth to ask, and Xi Yu next to him also had a somewhat probing look.

Guo Jia took another sip, but his peripheral vision also fell on Xun Yu.

In the blink of an eye, Xun Yu was approaching. He sighed and casually handed the military newspaper in his hand towards Xi Zhicai.

Crimson seal.

It means that this report is an urgent report.

And this time it is a military report, which must mean that something big is happening on the front line!

When Xi Zhicai casually took the military report, his whole expression couldn't help but pay attention.

Together with Xiyu and the others beside them, they also focused on the military report.


Xun Yu shook his head without explaining.

Hearing this, Xi Zhi frowned and did not rush to open the report. Instead, he focused his attention on Xun Yu.

"But what trouble did Sikong encounter on the front line?"

Since it was a military report, the first thing Xi Zhicai and others thought of was Cao Cao who was out on an expedition.

But after hearing these words, Xun Yu shook his head.

"No, this is an urgent military report from Xuzhou. There are two copies. One is sent to Xuchang. I just received the previous one. The other is headed straight to Sikong. I think it won't be long before Sikong knows about it."

Xun Yu responded casually.

Xi Zhicai and the others were a little surprised to hear that it was Xuzhou Military News, but nothing happened on Cao Cao's side, which was not bad.

At this time, Kung Fu Xi Zhi didn't say anything more, he opened the report directly, raised his eyes and scanned it.

After a while, Xi Zhi raised his head, his eyes twinkling, and his whole expression became a little more solemn.

At this time, Xi Zhicai handed the report to Guo Jia beside him and circulated it to several people.

Xi Yu was the last one to read it. After seeing the contents of the memorial, he realized why Xun Yu came in such a hurry.

Xuzhou fell!

According to the report, when Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were stationed in Xuzhou, they heard that Yuan Shu had proclaimed himself emperor, and they originally planned to lead troops to the border to defend Yuan Shu.

However, before the two of them reached the border, they encountered Lu Bu who was attacking on the way.

In the wild battle, the Xiahou brothers lost to Lu Bu and returned home defeated.

Even in this battle, Xiahou Dun was shot in one eye by a hidden arrow. Now he is still in a coma and has not woken up yet.

Xiahou Yuan was unable to resist Lu Bu and could only retreat with his army. Now the two brothers are trapped in Xiapi City.

This time, Lu Bu attacked Xuzhou very quickly. Now, half of Xuzhou is already controlled by Lu Bu!

Now Lu Bu intends to attack Xiapi, and the war in Xuzhou is critical!

After reading the Xuzhou Memorial.

Xi Yu didn't speak in a hurry.

What surprised him was that Lu Bu, who had been wandering all the way from Bingzhou, now turned around and headed towards Xuzhou.

And it seemed that it was destined that Xiahou Dun escaped from the hidden arrow in Puyang and his eyes were not hurt.

But who made this guy meet Lu Bu again, and he did so head-on.

As if it was destined, the flying hidden arrow finally penetrated into his pupil.

Lu Bu turned around and appeared in Xuzhou again, while Xiahou Dun was blind in one eye and was now unconscious.

Half of the entire Xuzhou fell.

Everything happened too quickly, perhaps this was the limitation of the times.

Nowadays, the transmission of news still relies on one person and one horse. There is no such thing as radio in later generations.

Tan Ma wants to find out the news, but sometimes it is extremely troublesome.

"I never thought that Lu Bu would join forces with Yuan Shu!"

No one spoke, so Guo Jia slowly followed up and said something.

Hearing this, Xun Yu raised his head and glanced at Guo Jia.

"When I received this report, Lu Bu also issued a statement, saying that he had not surrendered to Yuan Shu, and that he marched into Xuzhou this time, saying that he intended to save the emperor..."

Xun Yu spoke, and several people beside him couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that Lu Bu can see the situation clearly!"

Xi Zhicai curled his lips.

Lu Bu issued such a statement to tell the world that he did not recognize Yuan Shu's status and that he was still loyal to the Han Dynasty.

This is wise.

However, this is just a statement on the surface. Perhaps only he knows what is going on secretly.

"What should we do this time?"

Xun Yu couldn't help but become a little anxious when he saw that the few people didn't say anything anymore, and he quickly asked a few questions.

Immediately, those eyes couldn't help but fall on Xi Yu.

Xiyu didn't speak.

Because of the previous incident, he had decided not to interfere in Cao Cao's military affairs anymore.

What if Xuzhou fell?

When Cao Cao returns, he will eventually be able to get it back.

For now, he just needs to do his own thing step by step.

Xi Yu had no intention of speaking, and Guo Jia and others beside him naturally understood and had no intention of saying anything.

Xun Yu was a little confused!

Now Cao Cao is leading his troops and has not returned yet.

He came here in such a hurry because he wanted to find a few people to come up with an idea together.

I just didn't expect that none of them had the slightest intention to speak at this time.

Even Xi Zhicai seemed a little silent.


Xun Yu shouted towards Xi Yu, who raised his head and smiled.

"Brother, has this matter been reported to Sikong?"

"Before I came, I had already asked Kuai Ma to pass the news over!"

Xun Yu responded, staring at Xi Yu, wanting to hear what other opinions the other party had, but at this moment the two looked at each other, Xi Yu looked calm, and still had no intention of continuing to speak.

After looking at it, Xun Yu understood.

Fengyi is silent now, presumably because of what happened before.

Under such circumstances, Xi Yu didn't speak, but he couldn't force the other party to speak.

Xun Yu knew that once something happened, it would eventually have an impact, just like it does now.


He sighed and didn't ask again.

Guo Jia and others also did not speak. After thinking about it, Kung Fu Xiyu opened his mouth and said something.

"Brother, why should you worry? If Xuzhou is lost, we can just get it back one day. Why should we do this?"

Lu Bu is nothing after all, although the other party has captured some towns in Xuzhou.

But Lu Bu’s nature is there.

A little proud, and a little more arrogant.

Perhaps when he was frustrated, Lu Bu could show some energy and work together with his subordinates.

However, once he gained momentum, he could not last long.

I can’t bear half of my foundation!

Such a person, who occupies Xuzhou, is just making wedding clothes for others.

Not worth taking to heart.

Hearing Xi Yu speak, Xun Yu turned his head and glanced at him.

Nothing seems to be back to the way it was before.

Although Fengyi was right, after all, they only started to grow their power from Yanzhou.

However, after both gaining and losing, it is still somewhat unspeakable in people’s hearts.

"Wait until Sikong comes back!"

Only then did Kung Fu Xi Zhi say something, and then he turned his head and looked at the distant sky.

Cao Cao has now begun to return with his army.

I think it won't take long to return to Xuchang, and when Cao Cao receives the military report from Xuzhou, the return trip may be faster.

After Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Xi Yu nodded.

Xun Yu glanced at a few people again and saw that they all had the same meaning, but he didn't say anything more.

"It seems that this is the only way to go now!"

At the same time, Xun Yu found Xi Yu and others with military reports.

The report from the other side was also coming towards Cao Cao rapidly.

At that time, after Cao Cao received the news that Yuan Shu had proclaimed himself emperor, after some hesitation, he finally planned to lead his army back to Xuchang.

However, when the army was about to turn back, it happened to be rainy and the land road was muddy, so the return trip couldn't help but take a lot of time.

To this day, the 200,000-strong army has not completely left the Sili area.

Nowadays, the essay on Yuan Cui, written by Cheng Yu, has also been transferred to Xuchang and published in all states and counties in the world.

However, at this time, there were very few people in the world who responded.

Inside Cao Jun's camp.

It was raining continuously outside the tent. At that time, Cao Cao was very angry, and his whole body exuded this impetuous spirit.

Within the large tent, all the subordinates abide by their duties and dare not say anything.

"Zhongde, Gongda, is there any news from Xuchang today?"

Cao Cao raised his head and glanced at the gloomy weather outside the tent, then casually asked Xun You and Cheng Yu not far in front of him.

Hearing this, both of them shook their heads.

The land road was muddy, and the army's turn was a little slow. Except for the cuneiform message sent from Xuchang two days ago to inform the world, no news came.

"Lord, no news is actually the best news!"

"Now that Yuan Shu is proclaimed emperor, if he comes to Xuchang, everyone from his majesty to the common people will surely share the same hatred and hatred towards Yuan Shu!"

"I think it will be safe and worry-free when I come to Xuchang!"

Xun You spoke. In his opinion, if Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, the undercurrents in Xuchang would focus on Yuan Shu.

Under such circumstances, it is good news for Cao Cao.

After hearing Xun You's analysis, Cao Cao nodded.

This was what he thought in his heart.

Although the old officials in the court were dissatisfied with him, Yuan Shu's act of proclaiming himself emperor was a rebellion against the world.

These people who keep saying that they are loyal to the Han Dynasty will definitely not sit idly by this time.

If they really didn't react at all, it would be a slap in their own face.

However, even though that is what I think.

But for some reason, Cao Cao felt a little clogged in his heart since yesterday.

It was like something bad had happened.

What worries him the most is the situation within Xuchang.

However, this inexplicable mood was getting stronger and stronger, coupled with the continuous rainy weather, a series of additions, and his mood began to become more irritable.

"When will this rain stop?"

Cao Cao opened his mouth and murmured.

When Cheng Yu and others below heard this, they all felt helpless.

It's going to rain. Who can say that?

Although some of them know a little bit about celestial phenomena, but so what, can they still stop it from raining?

Cao Cao murmured, and there was some silence in the big tent.

At this time, the sound of rain outside suddenly became louder.

Raindrops pattered on the big tent. Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked in the direction outside the tent as if there was a sudden omen.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise amidst the sound of raindrops hitting the big tent.

There was also the sound of horse hooves galloping towards the big tent.

"Urgent military situation! Urgent military situation!"

The sound of horse hooves was followed by an anxious voice.

Hearing the voice, Cao Cao subconsciously bent over his desk and stood up.

Then he looked at the rest of the people in the tent.

"Did you hear anything?"

When Cao Cao asked this question, he probably felt that he was hearing something.

However, at this moment, the voice outside the account came again, and at the same time, when Cao Cao was listening to the sermon, Xun You and others also heard it.

There is a military emergency.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of Xun You and others, Cao Cao knew that he had heard correctly.

Before he could say anything, a figure broke in from outside the tent.

As if he was a little anxious, the visitor rushed into the tent and rolled to the ground, as if he fainted from exhaustion.

Seeing this situation, Cao Ren immediately rushed to the opponent.


"Come here, send this person down to rest!"

Cao Ren took out the report from the opponent's body and randomly shouted to the guard outside the tent.

He then glanced at the crimson report and quickly looked at Cao Cao.

"Brother, urgent military situation!"

"Give me!"

Cao Cao spoke out and couldn't help but take two steps forward. Cao Ren handed the report to Cao Cao.

Taking over, Cao Cao opened the report in his hand without any hesitation.

As he glanced around, Cao Cao's expression couldn't help but change.

"Xuzhou, Xuzhou!"

Cao Cao opened his mouth and read a few words, and then his pupils suddenly widened, as if they were about to bulge outwards.

Seeing this situation, Cao Ren subconsciously wanted to ask a question, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Cao Cao suddenly covering his forehead with his hand and shaking.


Cao Ren shouted anxiously and stretched out his hand to support Cao Cao subconsciously.

At this time, everyone on the left and right in the big tent couldn't help but get up. The news was really too sudden.

Even Cao Cao in front of him had such an expression when he saw this report.

Involuntarily, everyone's expressions became solemn.


Xun You shouted, and Cao Cao within sight was shaking. If Cao Ren hadn't supported him immediately, Cao Cao would have fallen to the ground.

At this moment, everyone saw that Cao Cao's face was filled with teeth that were about to burst, and his face was ferocious.

He covered his head, opened his mouth and let out an instinctive sound.

"It hurts, I have a headache!"


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