Xi Yu didn't take it seriously about the battle after the beginning of winter.

Although Yuan Shu has just gathered the Black Shirt Army and the Southern Xiongnu at the moment, his momentum is at its peak.

But, who made this guy unlucky.

To be precise, it is impossible for a group of princes to watch the two brothers of the Yuan family grow bigger on both sides.

On the surface, Yanzhou is currently under the influence of a group of princes.

There is Yuan Shu in the south and Yuan Shao in the north.

To the west is Hanoi Zhangyang, then to the old capital Luoyang, to the east is Beihai Kong Rong and Xuzhou Tao Qian.

The whole Yanzhou felt like it was wrapped in dumplings.

Cao Cao is located in Yanzhou, and on the surface he seems to have no qualifications to compete for the Central Plains.

However, because of this, many princes somewhat ignored Cao Cao.

What's more, no one expected it.

In just half a year, Cao Cao completely pacified the entire Yanzhou.

Without the invasion of the Yellow Turban Army, Yanzhou, which Cao Cao had just pacified, was now considered solid.

Although under the military front of a kind of princes.


Yuan Shao in the north is currently fighting fiercely with Gongsun Zan, and both of them are currently eyeing Qingzhou.

The conflict between the two people cannot be resolved at all.

Yuan Shao wanted to become big in the north, and there was an incompatibility between him and Gongsun Zan.

Now that winter is taking a break, once winter is over, the competition between the two for Qingzhou will be in full swing.

Because of this, Yuan Shao couldn't care about Cao Cao in Yanzhou at this time.

On the contrary, in order to stabilize Cao Cao, Yuan Shao even had to actively choose to win over this little brother.

Probably, he did not expect that Cao Cao would be welcomed to Yanzhou by Bao Xin and others.

In fact, his former little brother actually pacified Yanzhou in one fell swoop.

In order to stabilize Cao Cao, Yuan Shao has no time to care at the moment.

It is only natural that Cao Cao can borrow military rations.

As for Zhang Yang in Hanoi, he is now more than capable of protecting himself and does not dare to invade Yanzhou at all.

Kong Rong of Beihai was just a Confucian scholar. Although he was a prefect, he was not good at military affairs, so there was nothing to worry about. What's more, there was Qingzhou between him and Cao Cao.

When the troops from Qingzhou moved to Yanzhou, some of them naturally flowed to the border of Beihai.

At present, Kong Rong is often threatened by the Yellow Turban.

Xuzhou Tao Qian is indispensable for a battle, but this guy is old, sitting in Xuzhou and not making enough progress.

At the moment, this guy is sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers. Although he has colluded with Yuan Shu secretly, he is not a big threat.

And Cao Cao also took a fancy to Xuzhou.

It's Yuan Shu.

This guy is now almost separatist the entire land of Huainan. Previously, Lu Bu had pledged his services, and in recent days, he has gathered the remaining Montenegrin army and the Southern Huns.

It is inevitable that the momentum is rising.

The opponent's Bingfeng pointed his sword at Chen Liu. If it weren't for the depth of winter, he would have been eager to invade Yanzhou.

However, what Yuan Shu did not expect was that as soon as he marched into Chenliu, his food route would be cut off by Liu Biao of Jingzhou.

When the time comes, it will be difficult to take care of the beginning and the end, and Cao Cao cannot let go of such an opportunity.

This is also true historically.

As Xi Yu's thoughts flickered, Cao Cao beside him took the initiative to add fire to the stove.

"My lord, although Li Jue and Guo Si are ambitious people, the imperial court's appointment as general and the title of marquis is enough to appease them."

"Although the emperor is trapped, these two people can't do anything to Dong Zhuo. I think the emperor has nothing to do for now!"

Xun Yu thought for a while and said something on the side.

Xi Zhicai nodded, now that Yanzhou is pacified, it is the time for these people to secretly accumulate strength.

This 400,000-strong army can invade the Central Plains with just a little training.

But now, what Yanzhou needs is just a period of digestion!

"My lord, our biggest enemy right now is Yuan Shu from the south."

After Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Cao Cao nodded.

Although he looked down on Yuan Shu on the surface, after all, he was the fourth generation and the third prince and had a deep background.

In the past few years, throughout the Han Dynasty, many wealthy noble families have defected to the two brothers of the Yuan family.

At present, the two brothers of the Yuan family, one from the south and one from the north, can achieve such an achievement, and the reputation of the fourth generation and the third prince plays a big role.

Yuan Shu was currently at the peak of his military power, and he had great intentions of targeting Yanzhou.

"Yuan Shu is nothing to worry about!"

Xi Yu said casually.

Hearing this, the three people next to him all looked towards him.

"My lord, Yuan Shu is a narrow-minded person. Although Lu Bu has only recently joined the army, he is obviously a little wary of leaving Lu Bu alone.

As for the latter, he is also a proud and arrogant person who will inevitably lead to chaos. I predict that Lu Bu will abandon Yuan Shu soon. "

"And if he wants to march into Yanzhou, Liu Biao of Jingzhou will definitely not be able to sit idly by and ignore it. If Yuan Shu moves in the winter, he will definitely be defeated!"

Xi Yu spoke with certainty, and Cao Cao nodded as well.

"Feng Yi is right, Yuan Shu, but it's just a pile of dead bones!"

In the back hall, the four people laughed.

The flames in the stove rose.

After this discussion, Xi Yu returned to his place of residence and never went out again.

In the winter of this era, all the princes had a truce, those who were preparing food and grass, and those who were preparing for farming were busy preparing.

The whole Han Dynasty seems to have calmed down a bit in winter.

In December, snow falls on the sky again.

The weather has become colder again.

Xi Zhicai was sitting in the back hall of his house, carefully cooking wine on the stove, while Xi Yu beside him was studying something by himself.

"Ayu, what did you do with that!"

Xi Zhicai was somewhat confused about his younger brother's sudden interest in woodworking.

Of course, Xi Yu has never had a few whimsical thoughts since he was a child, and he has long been used to it.

The wine boiling on the stove began to steam, and Xi Zhi turned his head and began to look at the things Xi Yu was playing with, feeling a little curious.

"I want to make a plow!"

Xi Yu responded casually to Xi Zhicai, feeling a little helpless.

The winter of this era is still a bit chilly after all.

Although he doesn't feel very cold due to his physical condition, other people will!

There are almost no recreational facilities in Changyi County in winter.

With the heavy snow outside, Xi Yu had almost nothing to do except move around in the yard every day.

I have nothing to do, and I think about the spring plowing after spring.

Xiyu thought about it and decided to make Quyuanli out.

After all, the current plows of the Han Dynasty are really backward. To use such plows, you need to use two oxen or one ox and one horse to drive them side by side.

Moreover, the efficiency is not high yet.

In comparison, Quyuanli is much simpler.

It can not help but save manpower and even improve more efficiency.

"Is this a plow?"


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