By November, there is light snow.

After the meeting in the Han Palace, the Han court issued an edict every other day.

The imperial court ordered the servants to shoot Pei Mao and get rid of Li Jue.

At that time, Pei Mao had already made it easy for Duan Xuan, the general in Guanzhong, to communicate with each other.

Duan Xuan had already been dissatisfied with Li Jue before.

When Cao Cao marched westward, Duan Yan had already planned to join Cao Cao, but before Cao Cao's army arrived, news came out that Yuan Shu had proclaimed himself emperor.

After Pei Mao received the imperial edict, he contacted Duan Xuan immediately.

The two hit it off immediately.

On that day, he led the Guanzhong army and went straight to Chang'an, where Li Jue was, to crusade.

at the same time.

Zhong Yao, who was ordered by the imperial court to go to Guanzhong to station at the festival, had already taken the order and set off.

at the same time.

Within Xiapi, Xuzhou.

At that time, the imperial edict had also reached Xuzhou.

After learning that the imperial court appointed him to oversee Xuzhou and serve as its pastor, Xi Yu immediately understood.

Thinking about it, this must be what Cao Cao meant.

It seemed that the letter he left behind had some effect after all.

Xuzhou is now quite stable.

Since the attack on General Ji Lingxiao's head that night, those in the entire Xiapi City had nothing to say about Xi Yu.

At least, on the surface, he is still highly respected.

Now, after receiving the news that the imperial court appointed Xi Yu as the pastor of Xuzhou, there was no objection at all in Xuzhou.

However, Xi Yu is not in a hurry to deal with Lu Bu now.

Later Lu Bu seemed to have received the news that Xi Yu was in Xuzhou, and seemed to be afraid of Xi Yu.

Lu Bu, who is now in Xuzhou, seems to be hiding himself, stationed in the towns he captured, making no sound at all.

Xi Yu didn't seem to care about this situation.

Right now, he was busy checking various situations in Xuzhou in the past years. For a moment, the whole Xuzhou seemed to have suddenly become quiet.

And the other side.

Liu Bei, who led the army on this expedition and was stationed in Xiaopei, Xuzhou, also learned about Cao Cao's return to Xuchang, and also learned about the events in Xuchang.

Knowing that Yang Biao and others failed after all, Liu Bei didn't have much expression on his face.

After learning about Yang Xiu and others' plans before, Liu Bei knew that it would be difficult for Yang Xiu and others to succeed.

Sure enough, the current results speak for themselves.


Liu Bei still felt a little pity for Yang Xiu's death.

In Liu Bei's view, Yang Xiu's talents are quite outstanding. If the other party is willing to help him, he will definitely treat him as a guest.


Yang Xiu never seemed to want to surrender to him.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, the other party has never looked down upon him!

Yang Xiunai came from a noble family, and the Yang family was the lintel of the fourth generation and the three princes. It was natural for him to look down on him, Liu Bei.

Liu Bei knew very well that compared to the glory of his ancestors, the reason why he was today was because of Liu Xie's endorsement.

Is there any noble family that would take a look at it?

At this time, Mi Zhu, who was standing next to him, felt somewhat enlightened after hearing Liu Bei's words.

He knew what Liu Bei meant by pity.

If his Mi family hadn't been a merchant's home, maybe he wouldn't have chosen Liu Bei's words.

Even if his Mi family had the same status in Hebei as the Zhen family, he would not choose Liu Bei.

What's more, it's Yang Xiu who has been in the family of the Fourth Generation and the Three Dukes since he was born.

Even if it is the Chen family in Xuzhou, it is difficult to choose Liu Bei.

At this time, Mi Zhu looked at Liu Bei, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Lord, we led the army to Xuzhou, but now we are stationed in Xiaopei without any action. Now many of the generals under our command seem to be complaining!"

Thinking of the large army brought by Liu Bei today, there were quite a few criticisms against Liu Bei.

After thinking about it, Mi Zhu finally spoke to Liu Bei.

After hearing this, Liu Bei raised his eyes and glanced at Mi Zhu.

He led the army out to support Xuzhou, but now Xuzhou has been more or less stable, with only Lu Bu left.

Then even Xi Fengyi is not in a hurry to make any movement, so what is he anxious about?

If Yuan Shu was attacked, Liu Bei would naturally be the first to rush forward.

But now, no rush!


"Although we are stationed in Xiaopei, the entire Xuzhou is now under Xiyu's control. What's more, the imperial court has just appointed him as the Mu of Xuzhou!"

"Now that we are stationed in Xiaopei, we still have to be controlled by the other party!"

"Now, Xi Yu has no dispatches, so we can continue to stay in Xiaopei!"

Liu Bei is not in a hurry!

He is still waiting for his second and third brothers to come and take his turn!

Calculating the time, it’s only a few days away!

As for Lu Bu's affairs, if Xi Yu has arrangements, he will naturally be happy to do so.

However, now, Liu Bei still has some hesitation in his heart.

After leaving Xuchang this time, he naturally did not intend to be controlled by anyone, whether it was Cao Cao or Xi Yu.

The reason why he said this was just to delay for a while, waiting for his second and third brothers to arrive.

At that time, whether it is to attack Yuan Shu first or do other things later, there will be some discussion.

"Trouble Zizhong, go ahead and appease the generals under your command, tell them that I am stationed again now to wait for the arrangements of Taiwei Xi!"

After thinking about it, Liu Bei finally spoke to Mi Zhu.

The 30,000 troops brought out from Xuchang were not a small number after all for him.

If he could turn these 30,000 troops into his own, it would be the best thing for Liu Bei.

After hearing Liu Bei's words, Mi Zhu didn't say much.

After nodding in agreement, he immediately went to the military camp to make arrangements.

After the lieutenants learned about Liu Bei's thoughts, they temporarily calmed down because of their playful relationship.

It's just that he was stationed in Xiaopei for a few days, which is nothing.

This situation passed for a few more days.

On this day, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Sun Qian and others, whom Liu Bei had been waiting for, finally arrived at Xiaopei.

Today, the weather is slightly cold!

But Liu Bei's heart seemed to be lit with a fire.

He had been waiting outside Xiaopei City early. After seeing two figures riding horses from afar, Liu Bei immediately stood up and dismounted.

"Yun Chang, Yide!"

Liu Bei shouted!

From a distance, Guan and Zhang came on horseback. Before they could get in front of Liu Bei, they fell off their horses in an instant with a distance of three to five feet.


The two of them spoke in unison, with a slight tremor in their voices.

It has been more than a year since they parted ways and met each other. This is the longest time they have been separated since they became sworn brothers.

After shouting to each other, the three brothers didn't say anything more and just kept their own hands and dragged each other's arms and hugged each other.

When Mi Zhu and Sun Qian saw this scene from afar, they just smiled.

They somewhat respect the friendship between Liu Bei and others.

At this time, after Liu, Guan and Zhang separated, Liu Bei took Guan Yu with one hand and Zhang Fei with the other, and they walked towards Xiaopei City together.

"I haven't seen you for a year, and my brother has lost weight!"

On the way back, Guan Yu's eyes fell on Liu Bei. After looking at him for two years, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his voice.

He didn't know how Liu Bei spent more than a year after falling to the ground in Xuchang.

But thinking about Liu Bei's status, he must have a difficult time in Xuchang.

Although he had the honor of being crowned an imperial uncle by the emperor of the imperial court, Guan Yu had already thought a lot about the difficulties involved.

At this time, Liu Bei did not know what Guan Yu imagined he would be like in Xuchang.

To be honest, he did lose some weight during this time.

However, if we say that in Xuchang, although he was not free personally, his life was actually pretty good.

Compared to Guan and Zhang who were left alone in Xuzhou, Liu Bei's life was much better.

And now there are some sales after he went to the palace to meet Liu Xie, got the belt edict, left Xuchang with his army, and gained freedom.

Although he was free, his life was completely different from the time in Xuchang.

When he was in Xuchang before, all Liu Bei thought about was how to break out of his cage.

But now, Liu Bei has more on his mind. On the one hand, he is still thinking about defeating Yuan Shu on behalf of the emperor, and on the other hand, he is also thinking about how to rise and how to save the emperor.

However, after thinking about it, I didn't have the slightest clue.

There was no one around to make suggestions. Under such circumstances, Liu Bei naturally began to lose weight.

"It seems that when I came to Xuchang, my brother was very angry with Cao Cao!"

"If not for this, brother Ande would have lost a lot of weight!"

At this moment, after Guan Yu finished speaking, Zhang Fei beside him muttered something.

After hearing this, Guan Yu also nodded.

Zhang Fei even tried to show Cao Cao a good look.

Just hearing these words from his two brothers, Liu Bei's face looked somewhat embarrassed.

His weight loss actually has nothing to do with Cao Cao.

At this time, Mi Zhu's face next to him also looked a little strange.

When he was in Xuchang, he had been following Liu Bei. At the beginning of Yuedan Ping's period.

He follows Liu Bei in and out of major restaurants in Xuchang every day.

During that time, Liu Bei was making friends with scholars from all over the world every day. To say that he was losing weight, during that time, Liu Bei almost gained weight.

If Liu Bei hadn't been practicing martial arts all these years, he would still have quite a few requirements for himself.

I'm afraid that's not the case now.

Mi Zhu's expression was a little weird, and she glanced at Liu Bei subconsciously. After all, as a subordinate, she couldn't expose her boss' shortcomings.

Liu Bei seemed to have noticed Mi Zhu's expression, and he did not hide it at all.

After looking at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei spoke.

"Yun Chang, Yide, when I was in Xuchang, except for the physical restrictions, I was doing fine in other aspects!"

Speaking of this, Liu Bei began to tell his two brothers how he had lived in Xuchang for more than a year.

Almost one by one, without any concealment, Liu Bei informed Guan Yu and Zhang Fei of what happened in Xuchang.

After hearing that their elder brother almost gained weight because of his friendship with scholars when he was in Xuchang, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked a little strange.

However, when I think about why my brother is a powerful man in the Han Dynasty, he indulges in wine and sex in order to support the Han Dynasty, and it is just to make more scholars.

Thinking about it this way, the two of them were somewhat silent when they arrived.

Although they were separated for more than a year, their circumstances were different.

But some of them are somewhat difficult.

Both of them knew that Liu Bei was not the kind of person who liked to sing and dance to his heart's content. He had done so in Xuchang before, and that was why the Han Dynasty had won the country.

Later, I heard Liu Bei talking about the emperor's belt edict. For this reason, Liu Bei even took off his jade belt in front of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Since Liu Xie brought the jade to him, Liu Bei carried the jade belt with him almost day and night.

In fact, sometimes I often take it out for observation.

Now in front of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei once again took out the clothes and belt edict.

At this time, watching Liu Bei reunite with brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Mi Zhu and Sun Qian didn't stay long. After talking to Liu Bei, they left the house.

Only the three brothers were left in the house.

At this moment, Liu Bei did not hesitate. In front of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he directly took out the imperial edict from the jade belt.

spread out.

On top of it, the stained blood has now become a little darker. Compared with the bright red at the beginning, it has now turned into a deep red and brown.

Just looking at one thing makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Zhang Fei didn't have much reaction when he saw the imperial edict. In his opinion, his brother was a nobleman of the Han Dynasty, and it was natural for a capable emperor to place such great trust in him.

Guan Yu on the side frowned slightly, his red eyes were slightly closed, his brows were slightly raised, and his jujube-like complexion became even redder.

When had the emperor been forced into such a situation?

My brother just said it was easy, but even the emperor behaved like this in Xuchang, how much grievances he felt in his heart to write this blood letter.

Even the emperor is like this, let alone his own brother!

Thinking about my brother's days in Xuchang, it must not be as simple as he said.

This time, on their way here, they even heard about the mutiny in Xuchang. After learning that Dong Cheng and others failed in the mutiny.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had some feelings.

Fortunately, his brother has left Xuchang, if he was also involved.

As Liu Bei, it might not be that easy to leave Xuchang alive.

Now that they see their brother alive, it is natural for both of them to cry with joy.

"Yun Chang, Yide!"

"I still don't know what happened to you two after falling to the ground for more than a year!"

Glancing at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei quickly asked.

Compared with their own situation in Xuchang, it was extremely difficult for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to get through.

I heard Liu Bei ask.

At this moment, Zhang Fei couldn't help but glance at Guan Yu.

The latter also regained his composure at this time and smiled at Liu Bei.

"Compared with the difficulties my brother has in Xuchang, it's much easier for the two of us in Xuzhou!"

After they separated, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei immediately thought about where to go to win over people.

It's just that the two didn't pay much attention to it for a while.

Later, Sun Qian advised him to let the two travel between Xuzhou and Qingzhou.

Between the two places, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were extremely lax in their jurisdiction, which gave Guan Yu and Zhang Fei room to move.

At first, the two of them blatantly recruited troops.

However, compared to the official governments of Xuzhou and Qingzhou, things between the two are much more difficult.

After several months, no one has been recruited.

It wasn't until Guan Yu and Zhang Fei met a group of grass bandits on the way that things changed.

There are some men and horses who fell to the ground under the hands of the grass bandits. Compared with directly recruiting troops, it is easier to annex these grass bandits.

With Sun Qian's words and the strength of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, it was time for the two to start to deal with the bandits, and it was extremely smooth.

In just a few months, the two of them wiped out the grass bandits on the entire border between Qingzhou and Xuzhou.

Nowadays, the two men have thousands of troops under their command.

Guan Yu was strict in running the army, and he carefully considered which bandits were under his command. After weeding out some of the evildoers, most of the ones left were those who were desperate due to war and natural disasters.

After the two recruited these people, they never did anything to bully the good and oppress the good.

"I never thought that it would be so difficult for you two, Yun Chang and Yide, over the past year!"

After hearing what happened to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei for more than a year, Liu Bei felt a little confused.

Compared to my situation in Xuchang, my two brothers were outside, and it was very windy and rainy.

Naturally it is more difficult.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Guan Yu couldn't help but speak.

"Compared with the difficulties my brother faces in Xuchang, the two of us are just suffering from physical pain outside!"


After saying this, Guan Yu raised his eyes and stared at Liu Bei, with some regret in his eyes.

This look made Liu Bei somewhat confused. He had just told everything about his situation in Xuchang.

It wasn't that difficult, and I don't know what Yun Chang was thinking when he fell to the ground.

Liu Bei didn't explain when he arrived, but held his two brothers in his arms.

He patted both on the shoulders.

The three of them sat on the bed in the house. At this time, the candles originally lit on the table had burned out.

Speaking of now, before I knew it, I had already talked from dusk to early morning.

Outside the window, the full moon in the sky has been replaced by a rising red sun.

At this time, Liu Bei was somewhat tired without realizing it.

He turned to look at the two of them.

"Before I knew it, it was already dawn!"

"Yun Chang, Yide, are you my brother? You two have traveled a long way to get here, but my brother still keeps you talking day and night."

Saying this, Liu Bei looked a little apologetic.

But after saying these words, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei couldn't help but chuckle.

"Brother, why do you talk like that!"

"My three brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, so what's the point of talking to him for three days and three nights!"

Zhang Fei couldn't help but complain, and Guan Yu beside him also smiled and nodded.

"Yes, brother, Yide is right!"


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