We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 204 Xi Yu: Are you going to resign? Great, it’s a deal!

When Tao Qian led Xuzhou in his early years, he was actually a man who disliked poverty and loved wealth. As a Danyang sect, Tao Qian had a good relationship with the nobles. After gaining support, he attracted wealthy businessmen from the common people sect to obtain money.

Therefore, you can raise your own Danyang soldiers.

Later, when Danyang's army grew stronger, the nobles withdrew some of their support, which resulted in the Danyang army being unable to grow. However, the farsighted and talented people from poor families, after seeing the situation clearly, would not stay in Xuzhou and would rather go away.

Therefore, the talents in Xuzhou gradually became only those of the gentry.

Xi Yu settled the matter here, went back to the house, had a good sleep, and then discovered what it felt like to be a free man commanding troops in Xuzhou...

It seems pretty good!

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, no one can care about it, whatever you want to do depends on your ability, and there are no members of the Cao family or the Xiahou family to cause trouble.

Somewhat comfortable.

No wonder Sima Yi, who originally planned history...even if he endured prostatitis, he still had to endure a chance to go out to command troops.

The next day, as soon as the two Xiahou brothers left, Cao Bao joined Xi Yu and received some standard armaments stored in the supply camp. He was immediately overjoyed. All 2,500 people in Cao Bao's tribe received chainmail armor made by Shen Tie.

There are also hooks, sickles, spears and iron stirrups.

After discarding the cloth stirrups, I got iron stirrups that can exert more force when pedaling, which are harder and stronger.

Chen Deng was immediately panicked. This incident meant that Xi Yu had mastered the Danyang soldiers, and Cao Ren's own troops must have followed the arrangements, so nothing would happen.

So in Chen Deng's mansion, the Confucian scholars who had been called to report in front of Xi Yu gathered together. Regardless of their age, these Confucian scholars were all people of the same mind as Chen Deng.

"Nowadays, Xuzhou's military and political affairs have been completely owned by Xi Fengyi, and Yuanlong has no way to get involved," said an old man named Chen Chong.

Chen Chong is a highly respected old man of the Chen clan, and is now the county magistrate.

Chen Deng said with a serious expression: "Fortunately, the internal affairs are still under our own control. There are a large number of books among the gentry, and there are more than a hundred local officials. If they are dismissed in one fell swoop, it will definitely affect the stability of the entire Xuzhou. "

"Yes, we only need to meet certain requirements from Mr. Xi, no matter how big or small, and then we can follow his instructions. And if we encounter something difficult to solve, or something that involves the fundamentals of our survival, Son, just ignore it."

Another old man stroked his beard and smiled, still very confident.

"In Xuzhou, we have to check and balance each other. No matter how famous he is, he wants to control the three clans as soon as he comes. It's a bit arrogant."

"It's just a pity that Liu Bei took Sun Qian and Mi Zhu away from the common people. These two people are really rich," Chen Deng sighed.

"Everyone, I just want to inform you here," Chen Gui also stood up at this moment. The person with the highest status, this Guangling official, has now gathered at the most critical barrier, Xiapi.

In order to defend the situation with 30,000 soldiers and horses.

"Listen to me, Xuzhou has not been occupied by anyone for many years, but have you ever seen Danyang soldiers surrender to others?"

At this age, Chen Gui's hair is already gray and his face is old, but the light emanating from his eyes is still quite strong. He continued to hit the ground with his crutch and said with his hands behind his back: "In the early years, Cao Cao's army fought with Tao Gong. There is hatred, so even if Cao Ren pursues benevolent government, it seems that the Danyang soldiers are not willing to sincerely surrender."

"However, now that it's Xiyu's turn, it seems that Cao Bao has no complaints."

Chen Gui snorted coldly and said: "Of course we can't do this. We can't let those children from poor families get on top of us. If this happens, many years of operation will seem to be ruined."

"So, all you fellow villagers and celebrities in Xuzhou, why don't you go and resign together, making it difficult for the opera masters to continue and have to rely on us. Now it is Yuan Shu, the pseudo-emperor, who has usurped the Han Dynasty, and nothing can be changed. At that time, Master Xi will definitely not do anything to us."

When the old man said this, many people nodded frequently.

There are more than 20 officials here, plus their relatives, friends, and celebrities who have not arrived, at least fifty or sixty. The local officials manage more than 20 counties and counties in Xuzhou from Xiapi to Xiaopei.

If they all resign, Xuzhou as a whole will be paralyzed.

This is used to show determination and let Xi Yu know their importance. In this way, they will accept it as soon as they are good. As long as Xi Yu gives a little persuasion, he will immediately say good things!

Chen Deng and his son had planned this matter for a long time. Xi Yu was a famous person, a kind and wise man, he knew people well, was easy-going to others, and he came from a poor family.

No, actually speaking of being from a poor family is a compliment. Leaving aside the identity of the uncle, Xi Yu and Na Xi Zhicai were just people from the mountains.

If each of them takes a step back, turn a blind eye in the future, and Xuzhou remains peaceful, then it is not a bad idea to get the support of the nobles. Xi Yu can have the most respected status in Xuzhou like Tao Qian.

A smart person will never refuse.

So in the afternoon, after dinner, Chen Gui and Chen Deng, father and son, came to the government office with a dozen officials of high status.

In the government office, Xi Yu's family members and retainers have all arrived. The family members are in the inner courtyard. There are thirty-eight courtyards to choose from. They are quite safe in the boudoir.

There are thirty-two rooms in the outer courtyard, which are where the guards and counselors live. The inner and outer are separated. The guards are commanded by Dian Wei, and Jia Xu is the counselor in the government office.

This is the external identity.

Soon, Chen Gui immediately explained his intention after exchanging pleasantries.

"Your Majesty, we have now informed you of all the approximate harvest and product areas in Xuzhou. Therefore, I would like to ask your approval for something."

"What?" Xi Yu smiled and drank tea, smiling at Chen Gui very warmly.

"We know that your Excellency, you are talented in the world. You understand the time and place, astronomy and geography, farming and water conservancy, and the ability to recognize people. Therefore, we know that Your Excellency can certainly make strategic plans, so we would like to ask Your Excellency to... let us retire and return home."

They want to resign.

When Xi Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Yeah, okay."



Chen Deng and Chen Gui suddenly felt their hearts thump.

? ? ?

What does good mean? !

"No, sir, what I mean is that officials from more than a dozen of our counties must resign."

There was also a touched look on Xi Yu's face, "Old sir, I admire you for being so noble. Don't worry, I will manage Xuzhou well so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. Everyone, please return home. I will send someone to take over tomorrow."

"Sir! Sir, what we mean is that there will be no officials in more than a dozen counties!"

Chen Gui's eyes widened, he was panicking!

His heart tightened all of a sudden. Their plan was very simple, as long as Xiyu casually redeemed himself! Immediately borrow the donkey down the slope.

There will never be any hesitation, nor will he be arrogant and proud just because of the large number of nobles! After all, for so many years, the gentry clan has always relied on maintaining a good relationship with Zhou Mu and establishing a good relationship with each other.

Therefore, they will definitely respect Master Zhou Mu, as long as they respect each other's interests and provide some benefits.

Chen Gui and Chen Deng figured this out very well. It can be said that Chen Deng figured it out better than his father Chen Gui.

There will definitely be no trouble at all, and it won't come to the point of collapse.

This time, it is absolutely impossible to break up the conversation, it is just to have a little fight with the adults.

It's fine if they understand each other tacitly.

Could it be that this drama master doesn’t understand?

Impossible. With all his talent and wisdom, how could he not understand this?

"How come there are no officials!?"

Xi Yu immediately laughed, "I have many officials here. I can manage just these soldiers! They were trained by me myself. They are far superior to their peers in both civil and military skills, and they have great military exploits. I am... I’m worried that I can’t award the reward.”

"Thank you so much, adults. Such a noble person deserves to be praised," Xi Yu clasped his fists, "I will give you a verbal reward based on the ability of the state pastor."

Orally, you...

"No thanks, no thanks."

Xi Yu quickly made a gesture of invitation. He was indeed surprised. He was thinking about how to deal with the last group of scholars.

As a result, they were sent directly to the door. I wish the whole army was annihilated in this government office.

Dian Wei almost laughed out loud when he saw this. After sending these people out of the government office, they came back very happy.

In front of Xi Yu, he asked: "We are all idiots with no background and no connections. Sir, do we really want to send them to serve as officials in various cities and counties?"

"Of course that's impossible. What are you thinking..." Xi Yu rolled his eyes at him, then turned to Guo Jia who was aside, "What do you think of Feng Xiao?"

Guo Jia chuckled lightly and said: "This matter is quite simple. The first is a trade route. Please contact the merchants with grain merchants, horse merchants and cargo merchants to open a trade route in Yanzhou, so that you can get money."

"The second is farming. Taking Xuchang as the yardstick, we will distribute farm tools and reclaim wasteland. Then we will wait for the spring plowing to start farming and settle the issue of military grain farming."

"The third one is the order for seeking talents. Now I issue another order for seeking talents. With the name of the state pastor, I should be able to attract many famous people to apply."

"Asking for orders from the wise is the best way, and now that the scholars are resigning and returning to their hometowns, with your reputation, you might be able to give it a try."

Xi Yu nodded and said: "It makes sense. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner the better. Let the post be posted."



It was late at night, when almost everyone was about to fall asleep.

Generally speaking, because entertainment facilities are very scarce, if the children of the gentry do not sleep late at night, they will choose to read and read.

At this time, in Chen Deng's mansion, the father and son could not sleep.

I don’t want to study either.

They squatted on the steps in front of the house, unable to figure it out.

After a long time.

Chen Gui sighed deeply, "How could this happen?"

Chen Deng curled his lips.

Now not only did his father lose his official position, he also became a commoner.

At the end of the afternoon, Dian Wei also informed the citizens of Xiapi, praising Chen Deng and others for their high moral integrity, and also accumulated a lot of fame for them.

But what is this fame for? !

You have already resigned, how can you still become an official again? ? If he were to run into an official position with a shy face, he might be ridiculed crazily.

This is so damn...

"Oh, how could this happen?!"

Chen Gui asked again.

It made Chen Deng almost crazy.

Damn it, I have a great future!

"Father!! Don't think about these crooked ways!"

Chen Deng buried his head and said, his face full of bitterness, he wanted to slap himself twice, why should I resign with you? !

Why should I resign? ! I am in charge of the affairs of the farmers in Xuzhou, and I am from the same family as Master Xi. Now that all the officials have been lost, the gentry is nothing but the gentry!

This is obviously meant to support poor families.

Chen Gui was also stunned, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect Mr. Xi to be so direct! As soon as I said it, he agreed quickly!"

"Yuanlong, you know how to be a father. This matter is not determined to resign at all, it is just a casual comment!"


Chen Deng covered his chest, damn...


"What now?"

Chen Deng felt that he was not feeling well, and his head was buzzing. It would be too embarrassing to ask the opera master to do it for an official.

But if he leaves the country and becomes a farmer from now on, living in vain without making any achievements, he will only be reduced to a commoner in the future. Even if he relies on his family's money and current connections to do business, it may not be of any use.

After all, these are troubled times, and Chen Deng still has ambitions.

The relationship with Cao Cao is also quite close, and a deep relationship has been established with Cao Ren. Now that the relationship is gone, who can be willing to do so?

Chen Gui thought for a while, crouched down a little more, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed: "Alas! Now, all we can do is take a look. Our noble clan still has some reputation in various places in Xuzhou. The lord should not look at it. Sir, you are so ridiculous!"


Chen Deng's heart skipped a beat.

During the day today, he saw the "Farewell Note". To be honest, if he were Cao Cao, he would probably burst into tears of gratitude and rush from Xuchang immediately.

For no other reason than to save Mr. Xi and let the world's scholars and people from poor families see how Cao Cao treats his counselors!

This is what a hero should do.

At this juncture, will the Lord uphold justice for us? !

What a fart! ! !

When he does things in a playful way, it's obvious that they all go hand in hand!

Bring your family to Xuzhou, then take charge of the Xuzhou army and replace the Danyang soldiers with Qingzhou soldiers! This is a time of war, an emergency, and no one dares to say anything!

Then he used his reputation to gain support from the common people faction.

Then use tricks to evade the nobles!

We didn't collapse so quickly! ! As a result, you stupidly ran up and said you wanted to resign! They even resigned collectively!

It's all gone now!


Then wave!

The more Chen Deng thought about it, the angrier he became, wishing he could devour his father in one gulp.

"Yuanlong! You can't do this. No matter how difficult the moment is, we must maintain a peaceful mind and not panic."

Seeing that his son was depressed, Chen Gui couldn't help but exhort him. Now is the time to unite together.

Chen Deng sighed deeply, "I can't be happy. Tomorrow I will continue to face the verbal and verbal criticism from the gentry in the countryside. It's just...sigh..."

It's not that they don't want to sleep, but they were just sprayed by someone half an hour ago. These Confucian scholars don't use bad words when they spray others, and they can't even reply.

Chen Deng's head aches when he thinks about being trolled again tomorrow.

Xi Yu's soldiers and horses were stationed by the river outside Xiapi City. Relying on the river water and the plains, they built a horse farm that could raise more than 10,000 horses.

In addition, the established grain station has planned the main road route, transporting grain all the way from Xuchang to Xuzhou, connecting Yanzhou and Xuzhou.

The craftsmen established their own craftsmen's academy and raised a team of strong men from Xuzhou. The common people and wealthy businessmen had so much money that they did not need the support of the nobles at all, and fame was even less needed.

When Xi Yu offered advice to Cao Cao and implemented benevolent policies in Xuzhou, during the winter disaster, Xi Yu personally led a team to rescue 100,000 refugees, and now they are all settled in Yanzhou.

With the combination of such achievements and fame, Xi Yu has become a very popular figure. With a raise of his arms, people will flock to him.

On this day, two unexpected people also came to Xiapi.

Xu Jing and Xu Shao.

These two brothers, who were the last to criticize Yang Xiu, could no longer stay in Xuchang. Although Xi Yu had told them to say so, they could still be used to suppress him.

So after the news of Yang Xiu's rebellion spread, the two people discussed it and prepared to follow Xi Yu.

After all, these two brothers have been working with Xi Yu for a long time.

And it seems good to follow Xi Yu who is already Xuzhou Mu.

The two arrived at the military camp and came to meet Xi Yu. At this time, Xi Yu was still tinkering with improving the new Yuan Rong crossbow.

This crossbow arrow has been transformed into an exquisite ten-shot short-range lethality weapon that can penetrate iron armor, but if it is made of heavy iron, silver, or relatively hard metal, it will be difficult to break through.

When armor-piercing arrows are developed, the combat effectiveness of the supply camp will be greatly improved again.

Apart from anything else, the strength of Zhao Yun's soldiers and horses may be able to scare the princes all over the world.

Xi Yu was very happy when he heard that they were coming, knowing that their reputation would play a big role in recruiting talents throughout Xuzhou.

It may be able to solve today's urgent needs, and it can also work in some unique ways to help these two people earn a sum of money.

When they arrived at the tent, Xi Yu was sitting on the main seat, with a document in front of him. Xu Jing and Xu Shao sat down on the right side, and Xi Yu's own advisers were on the left. The first one was naturally Guo Jia.

According to Guo Jia's temperament, Xi Yu thought that he would not get involved here, but what he didn't expect was that since arriving in Xuzhou, Guo Jia seemed to have suddenly become interested in these things.

What made Xi Yu amused was that Jia Xu actually went to sit at the end of the table and gave up the middle seats to Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong.

However, Dian Wei and Cao Bao were guarding the frontline camp and had not come over. Now Xi Yu seemed to have enough strong generals but lacked a handsome man.

"I didn't expect you two to come here."

"Although the new year is approaching, I still plan to let you two start another monthly review."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Xu Jing and Xu Shao were very happy when they heard it. It seems that the adults still need my two brothers!

"Sir, this is how we came. At first, our brothers settled in Xuchang just to follow you. Now that you have arrived in Xuzhou, we have come naturally."

"It's just that I don't know about Mr. Cao..."

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