Yuan Shu's bloodshot eyes showed fear from time to time.

"If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live a long and prosperous life."

These words kept revolving in his mind.

"A good person who has been ordered by heaven will live a long and prosperous life!"

"What a tragedy. Looking at today's situation, it may be difficult for me, Yuan Shu, to have such a destiny..."

Yuan Shu suddenly recalled the dream he had in his early years.

He dreamed of a fat stag, and a group of heroes rushed towards the stag.

When Yuan Shu woke up from the dream, he was very confused, so he found a dream interpreter. The man told him that the male deer was the highway, and those who followed him were the princes of the world. This dream indicated that the princes from all walks of life would follow. Yuan Shu, revitalize the Han Dynasty!

Yuan Shu was very happy. From then on, he claimed that he was the chosen king.

After obtaining the Imperial Seal, his thoughts became even stronger...

But now, he has been defeated like a mountain and can only lead a group of civil and military officials to huddle in Shouchun City...

Yuan Shu's eyes were cold and he felt sadness coming from them.

At this time, huge rumbling sounds suddenly sounded outside Shouchun City, like giant thunder exploding.

Yuan Shu trembled all over and woke up like a dream.

Suddenly, a general covered in blood rushed in, scaring a group of dancers and concubines into screaming.


"His Majesty!"

Yuan Shu suddenly sank. Although he did not recognize who the general was, he saw the scribe Yan Xiang who was following the general.

This person tried every possible means to prevent him from ascending to the throne, so he was relegated to the throne!

"Yan Xiang! Why did you come to my palace? Do you want to surrender to the enemy and harm me?"


Hearing this, Yan Xiang was stunned. He looked at Yuan Shu with great disappointment, "Lord, please wake up!"

"Shouchun... the city... is broken!"

"Absolutely impossible! The Shouchun City Wall is twenty feet high. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It can be held until at least next year!" Yuan Shiqi trembled slightly and said in disbelief, "It has only been a few days of fighting. How can it be possible that Shouchun City has been destroyed!"

Hearing this, the general who came in knelt on the ground and said with hatred and despair on his face, "Your Majesty, Shouchun City has really been breached!"

"It's the catapult developed by Cao Cao's number one strategist, Xi Yu! The cannon is so terrifying that it blasted open the city wall..."

"Throw... a stone chariot?! When did Cao Cao have such a magical weapon?" Yuan Shu had never heard of such a strange thing before, and he was filled with doubts and endless despair...

Seeing this, Yan Xiang felt sad and disappointed, and shouted to Yuan Shu, "Yuan Gongli!"

"You, the fourth and third prince of the Yuan family, are from a distinguished family. I thought you were the Ming Lord of Jiangnan, and you must have the ambition to dominate!"

"How could I expect you to be so dissolute, ignorant, and incompetent!"

While yelling and cursing, Yan Xiang's chest rose and fell rapidly, determined to reveal all his dissatisfaction over the years.

Yan Xiang was already extremely angry and disappointed by Yuan Shu. He tried his best to dissuade Yuan Shu from entering the throne, but Yuan Shu refused to listen and insisted on entering.

Now he is surrounded by enemies on three sides, and the whole world will kill him!

What a stupid and foolish move!

"You bastard! Yan Xiang, you are just a humble Confucian scholar, how dare you commit such a crime and be so disrespectful to me!"

Yuan Shu was so angry that he slapped the armrest, stood up and walked down from the dragon chair with his sword in hand, approaching Yan Xiang step by step.


Yan Xiang suddenly felt extremely frightened. Yuan Shu suddenly slashed his shoulder with a sword, and blood suddenly burst out.

However, Yuan Shu used the sword too hard, and he suddenly felt exhausted and fell to the ground. However, he struggled to stand up slowly and then slashed at the dancer and concubine with his sharp sword.

"Where are you running! You humble servant, hurry up and go to hell with me!"

Yuan Shu was extremely desperate and as terrifying as the god of death. He picked up his sword and chased the dancing girl crazily. The general who was covered in blood was dumbfounded for a moment.

The scene in front of me is truly horrifying and unbelievable.

Is this still the same Yuan Gongli who comes from a distinguished family, is rich in strategy, and treats virtuous corporals?

Nowadays, it is no longer the case.

The once famous queen is now completely crazy!

Yuan Shu was indeed crazy, and he no longer had any intention of escaping.

He just wants to kill all the family members and servants, and never leave any chance for Cao Cao to be whipped!

"You, General He Fang, I order you to set fire immediately! Set fire!"

"Burn me to death in the palace. I want Shouchun City to be buried with me, and I will never leave it to Cao Ahao!"

"Set me on fire quickly!!!"

Yuan Shu roared, waving his sword wildly with both hands, stabbing into the sky one after another in desperation, making a series of harsh sounds.

Half an hour later, the tall walls of Shouchun City collapsed, and Shouchun City was destroyed.

Yuan Shu's defenders in the city were retreating steadily, unable to withstand Cao Cao's ferocious iron hoof.

A group of black heavy-armored cavalry rushed into the city from the alley like a violent storm. They quickly killed all the soldiers who were defending the city, and then quickly opened the city gate.

The general who commanded the cavalry was handsome, with a calm expression and a murderous aura all over his body. His shirt was already stained red with blood. Even just looking at each other would make people shudder.

The black cavalry quickly cut its way through the crowd and rushed towards the Shouchun Palace, which was a sea of ​​fire.

These cavalrymen were Xi Yu's assassination team, and the general in charge was Zhao Yun.

"No. 1! You lead the odd-numbered black cavalry straight to the right, and I will fight to the left. Then we will meet in front of the palace!"

"Take orders!"

The assassination team is ranked from number one to one hundred according to their combat strength, and the person number one in this rank is of course the person whose strength is second only to Zhao Yun.

According to Zhao Yun's order, the assassination team immediately divided into two groups. Each of the cavalrymen had a long spear and sprinted quickly on their war horses. When they got close, they immediately changed to powerful crossbows that could be fired continuously.


The sound of firing continued, and all the cavalrymen who came to stop the city almost fell off their horses and died on the spot.

The assassination team sprinted forward and massacred to clear the way. Cao Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry followed closely behind and quickly entered Shouchun City. All Yuan's troops in Shouchun City were defeated and fled for their lives.

In the previous battles, Yuan Jun had already been frightened by the assassination squad and the tiger and leopard cavalry!

At this moment, on a high mountain in the distance, several people were carefully observing the battle to destroy the city in Shouchun City.

These three people are the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

Seeing Shouchun Palace being devoured by everyone, Liu Bei couldn't help but nod in wonder.

"As expected of Cao Cao, second and third brothers, do you still remember the power of that catapult?"

Guan Yu smoothed his long beard and said softly, "How can you not remember? That catapult was like a huge thunder shaking. Wherever it went, rocks fell and the ground collapsed. The destructive power was extremely terrifying."

"What's even more terrifying is that Cao Cao actually has five such sophisticated and huge weapons."

Hearing this, Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, after all, I am not lucky enough. If I could get a counselor like Xi Yu, why would I be like this now..."

Every time he thought about this, Liu Bei felt very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but feel that he had missed too much.

Just like this powerful catapult, it would have been nice if the design drawings had been stolen from the design institute of the transport camp.

At that time, Liu Bei was still in Xuchang, but he had had such thoughts more than once.

If you can successfully obtain a number of drawings from the design institute, you will be able to obtain a large number of research and development products directed by Xi Yu.

But Liu Bei still lacked courage after all. He knew that the design institute was heavily guarded, and the 500 troops stationed in the design institute were all masters.

It would be extremely difficult to enter the design institute and steal the drawings.

In Xuchang City, the Design Institute and the Tiangong Institute are undoubtedly the most mysterious, especially the Tiangong Institute. Only Xi Yu can enter.

Liu Bei thought that there were probably more powerful generals and even counselors deployed there, and it must be extremely dangerous inside!

"Second brother, third brother, let's withdraw our troops."

"What? Brother! We finally established a foothold near Shouchun City, how can we withdraw our troops?!"

"Yes, brother! I still want to have a drink to celebrate the victory!"

Having said that, whenever Liu Bei thinks of Xi Yu at this moment, his legs will tremble.

Perhaps in the eyes of other princes, Xi Yu was just a counselor. Although he had some slight swordsmanship, he was only good-looking at most.

But Liu Bei did not dare to underestimate Xi Yu. After all, he had experienced Xi Yu's terror at close range.

In his opinion, this man is definitely the fierce general with the deepest hidden strength in Cao's camp.

If he wears armor and fights in the future, he will be invincible.

"Withdraw the troops. Now Cao Cao will definitely not tolerate me. I finally escaped. I can't let him capture me again."

Hearing this, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at each other, neither of them knowing how to answer.

After a while, Guan Yu could only sigh and said: "Brother, if we withdraw our troops, where will your brothers and I go?"

Liu Bei narrowed his eyes, he already had a plan, "Jingzhou."

"There are countless celebrities and generals in Jingzhou City. Liu Biao has promised to give me Xinye and Rangcheng to reject Wancheng. In this way, as long as we recover Wancheng, we can lead Nanyang as the governor."

Liu Bei's eyes showed bursts of hope. This was his most feasible strategy at present.

Perhaps, in this Jingzhou City, he will gain something unexpected.

"What? Wancheng?!" Hearing this, Zhang Fei exclaimed, "Didn't Liu Biao regard you as the second Zhang Xiu?"

Zhang Fei is usually seen as reckless and lacks strategy, but in fact, he is smarter than many generals.

Just from Liu Bei's words, Zhang Fei had already seen through Liu Biao's thoughts in Jingzhou.

Guan Yu was quite surprised, "Third brother, you have been accompanying me all this time when we entered Jingxiang. Why did you only learn about this now?"

As he spoke, Guan Yu's eyes narrowed, obviously blaming Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei quickly smiled and said, "Second brother, don't blame third brother. It's me who didn't let him in. As you know, third brother has always been impulsive. I'm worried that he might accidentally bump into Liu Biao, which would be more than worth the loss."

"Hehe, brother is right." Zhang Fei suddenly smiled.

"Eldest brother, second brother, two brothers, look, Zilong has gone crazy in Shouchun City!"

As soon as Zhang Fei said this, Liu Bei and Guan Yu immediately looked at Shouchun City.

From a distance, the three of them saw Zhao Zilong among the tall pavilions, as if the God of War had descended to earth.

I saw that he was holding a spear and was invincible. All Yuan Shu's soldiers and horses wearing armor, even if they were holding sharp blades to resist, they could hardly resist in front of Zhao Zilong.

As Zhao Zilong's figure quickly shuttled, Yuan Shu's soldiers and horses were directly destroyed and killed without leaving any trace of armor.

Looking at Zhao Zilong from a distance, as if he was in a no-man's land and invincible, Liu Bei felt a little pain in his heart.

Alas, this brave and skilled Zhao Zilong should have been owned by me, Liu Bei! ! !

What a pity, and even more hateful!

Soon, Shouchun City was breached and Yuan Shu's dynasty was destroyed.

It existed for less than two months, which was too short-lived. In this troubled world where princes were fighting, it was just a short-lived pseudo-imperial force.

The Yuan Shu dynasty fell in just two months, and the Yuan Shu family lost all face.

However, Yuan Shao took this opportunity to deal with Gongsun Zan in Youzhou in the north.

General White Horse, who was once a powerful figure, had to be trapped in a building in the end. After killing all his family members, he committed suicide in hatred.

This is very similar to Yuan Shu's death.

At this point, the two forces that once started together and helped each other are moving forward on their own path to strength.

The fight between them also began to escalate.

After being breached, Shouchun City had to be rebuilt. Cao Cao personally took charge of the city and recruited his first counselor, Xi Yu.

Xi Yu set out from the grain station and went with Guo Jia, while Xun You went with Xi Zhicai.

Cheng Yu and Cao Ren came from Xiaopei, and Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others were also among them.

As of now, Xuzhou, Yangzhou North, Yanzhou, three and a half states, and cities with a population of one million are all in Cao Cao's hands.

How powerful this is!

Cao Cao was very happy and held a grand celebration banquet.

At night, at the banquet, Cao Cao drank and chatted happily, unabashedly praising Zhao Zilong and the assassination team, his affection was beyond words.

"Zilong, your assassination team is truly the most powerful force in the world!!!"

Cao Cao was in a good mood tonight, and he did not hesitate to express his love for Zhao Yun in his words.

"Zilong is such a fierce general with both literary and military skills! Let's find the second one today!"

Hearing this, Dian Wei and Xu Chu were immediately unhappy in their hearts, and they were very unconvinced, "My lord, I can't believe what you said. When it comes to military strategy, we definitely belong to Zhao Zilong!"

"Haha..." Hearing this, Cao Cao smiled slightly and said, "You two are quite a couple."

"My lord, what are you talking about? How can I be married to this reckless man?" Dian Wei said with great displeasure as he stuffed his mouth with meat and chewed it.

The way he eats is really rough, so Huang Zhong's eating style is a little more elegant.

Xi Yu didn't interrupt and just focused on eating.

However, Xi Yu is the one with the largest appetite. Together with Dian Wei, Xu Chu and Zhao Yun, these four people can eat meat and drink more than twenty or thirty people...

If Cao Cao was strong now, he might not be able to support these four people.

Seeing Xi Yu drinking and eating meat like this, Xi Zhicai and Xun You could only shake their heads and smile bitterly.


A few years later, Xi Yu finally stopped competing with ordinary civil servants for credit, but he didn't expect that all the generals would now obey him.

When the war was over and rewards were given for merit, the planning and food transportation still fell into Xi Yu's hands.

Even the killings of a group of generals were attributed to his Xi Yu.

This really made it difficult for Xun You to balance his mind, but Xi Zhicai had already looked away.

"Zhicai, I have ordered you to invite Liu Bei to come and have a meal. Why don't you see Xuande?"

Cao Cao suddenly asked.

At this time, Xi Yu immediately raised his head and replied: "Brother, you don't know something. Liu Bei has already ran away. Haha, he finally got out of Xuchang, how can he run back again?"

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "How could Xuande be like this? He is General Zuo of the Han Dynasty. I have asked the emperor to summon him. Now is the time to ask for merit and reward and gain fame in the world. How can he run away?"

Hearing this, Xi Zhicai smiled and said: "My lord, I am bound by justice. After all, Uncle Liu Huang is the general of the Han Dynasty. We can't use force, but I have sent someone to invite Uncle Liu. Don't worry..."


Suddenly, a panicked cavalryman ran out of the tent, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Uncle Liu Huang's camp is empty, and he is missing!"


Cao Cao stood up suddenly, in disbelief.

"Is he really willing to leave behind such a great reward? Doesn't he want to help the Han Dynasty? Is it possible that he really ran away?"

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Xi Yu immediately looked at his brother, "Brother, what did you just say to me?"

"This..." Xi Zhicai's mouth suddenly twitched.

Xi Zhicai wanted to say just now that he could rest assured that Liu Bei would never run away.

Nowadays, no one knows that Liu Bei has made the Han Dynasty his own responsibility, and this is the foundation for his life.

Who would have thought that Liu Bei would actually run away, but now that the words were on his lips, Xi Zhicai could only swallow them back.

"He actually ran away?! I didn't expect Liu Xuande to be so despicable!"

Xi Yu suddenly smiled and said, "I have already concluded that Liu Bei is not worthy of reuse."

"Although I don't know how Liu Bei decided to leave, I conclude that someone in Xuchang must be helping him in this matter."


Cao Cao glanced at Xi Yu faintly.

Although it was inconvenient to say anything at this time, I still couldn't help but wonder, "Liu Bei really has ambitions for hegemony?"

"Of course." Xi Yu said with certainty.

Cao Cao's face darkened, he thought for a moment, and suddenly smiled, "Even if he has ambitions for dominance, it doesn't matter..."

"The war was urgent at first, and I had no one available for the moment. His second and third brothers were in charge of Xiaopei's troops. If the imperial court ordered it, they might not send out the troops with all their heart."

"But even if he wanted to run away, there would be nowhere to go."

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang, who was in the penultimate seat, suddenly spoke softly, but smiled and said nothing.

Originally, he was supposed to sit at the end of the table, but for some reason, Jia Xu insisted on sitting at the end of the table.

"Your Excellency..." Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuge Liang.

This person looked to be no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and he had never seen him before, but he had an excellent temperament and was quite upright.

Cao Cao couldn't help but feel in his heart that Xi Yu's subordinates were really hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

"I am Zhuge Liang, courtesy name Kongming. I have met Duke Cao."

Hearing this, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Liang and asked, "What did you mean by laughing quietly just now?"

"Mr. Cao understands." Zhuge Liang stroked his beard and said calmly and calmly: "I don't mean to be sarcastic. I just lament that Uncle Liu Huang, although he is based on benevolence, righteousness and loyalty, does not dare to stick to this principle."

"Uncle Liu Huang made great achievements in killing the false emperor, but he didn't dare to accept the emperor's reward. It's really... sad."

"If a person like this is really talented in literature and military skills, he will know that this person is not a wise master. If he follows him, it will be difficult to settle down and live in peace. How can he talk about grand ambitions and hegemony? How can the knowledgeable people in the world rush to him? Duke Cao does not need to worry .”

As soon as Zhuge Liang said these words, Cao Cao felt very relieved.

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