We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 221 Lu Bu personally leads an army to raid Cao’s camp

Hearing Xi Yu's words, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia were at a loss: Why is Mr. Xi talking so nonsense? Is he suffering from mental madness?

Although the two of them were worried about Xi Yu's illness, they only dared to ask curiously, "Sir, what is a plumber and what is housekeeping?"

A month passed, and Pingshou City was still very peaceful. Lu Bu closed the city gate and stood guard.

Despite this, Xi Yu still did not dare to be careless. He had already made careful arrangements and would never give Lu Bu a chance to make a sneak attack or break through.

Even if Lu Bu could break out, he could only go west.

On this day, Huang Zhong brought the latest battle report from the west.

"Sir, I just received news that Duke Cao set out from Xuchang and personally deployed defenses along the river to completely block Yuan Shao's way of rescuing Lu Bu."

"Okay." Xi Yu nodded.

As expected of Cao Cao.

In Xi Yu's view, Cao Cao's strategic vision is one of the best among the princes. Apart from this, only Yuan Hao may be able to compare with him.

However, Yuan Shao has an unstable personality, so he can only occasionally be as resourceful and far-reaching as Cao Cao. More often, Yuan Shao is resourceful but not good at making decisions, which is really different from Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao had many ideas, but he was procrastinating and not decisive.

Knowing that Cao Cao had arrived near Guandu and vigorously deployed defenses, even Yuan Shao's son Yuan Tan stopped entering Qingzhou.

Cao Cao therefore took the opportunity to occupy the Yellow River and Jishui, and set up a camp with 3,000 troops stationed to accompany Cao Ren, with Xu Chu serving as a guard.

Ten thousand soldiers and horses were stationed around the camp, but the surrounding terrain was uneven, which resulted in the camps being scattered and not centralized enough.

"I see..." After listening to Huang Zhong's report, Xi Yu nodded. Now he knew what Cao Cao was doing behind him.

Since Cao Cao is willing to personally deploy the defenses, if he sees Yuan Shao withdrawing his troops, he will probably follow him back to Xuchang.

"Has my lord returned to Xuchang? Which general is stationed in He and Jishui now? Is it General Cao Ren?"

Xi Yu asked.

Cao Ren is a general who can advance and retreat with a certain degree of control. He can advance to attack and retreat to defend. Although he dare not say that he is "enchanted" with his troops, he still has his own unique features.

For Cao Cao, Cao Ren was a rare general under his command.

If Cao Ren were stationed in He and Ji, the defense would be simple and Lu Bu would have nowhere to escape.

"It's not General Cao Ren, but Duke Cao himself who is guarding the battle. He wants to watch the battle from a high place."

"Gong Cao's original words were that he wanted to see with his own eyes how Xuzhou's soldiers and horses defeated Lu Bu!"

"Gong Cao even promised that on the day when your Majesty's troops defeat Lu Bu, he and your Majesty will compose poems and have a good time drinking and talking by the river in Beihai!"

Huang Zhong said with a smile.

This recent battle has been very easy.

They only need to absolutely obey Xi Yu's leadership and deployment, follow Xi Yu's combat strategy, and work step by step. First, they will find a way to get a map of the surrounding area, then spy on the strength of the defense forces, and finally, they will either occupy the passes, valley entrances, or forests where the ambush can be buried. , or destroyed directly.

Then they used the black cavalry and the white cavalry as threats to assassinate the generals around Lu Bu and destroy their supplies, so that Lu Bu did not dare to camp in the wild and had to stay close to the city, thus constantly suppressing the range of activities of Lu Bu's troops.

Xi Yu wanted to use this strategy to gradually devour Lu Bu's troops, then gather the people in the city, and finally bring all the people in Qingzhou to submit voluntarily.

However, if Xi Yu's plan succeeds, to Lu Bu, it will be tantamount to a slap on Lu Bu's cheek.

I will seize the land that you, Lu Bu, cannot manage, and I will help you manage it. In the end, the people in the city will still be grateful to me, and even scold you, Lu Bu, for being incompetent. How can Lu Bu not be angry like this? !

"What did you say?!" Xi Yu said loudly with a look of shock on his face, "Brother, do you call this personal guarding?!"

"The last time we said goodbye, I asked you to keep it in mind, but now it seems that you have forgotten it again!

Xi Yu sighed, but he didn't expect Cao Cao to start wandering again and actually leave the land of Xuchang.

A few days later, the golden sunset gradually disappeared, and the dark night slowly fell.

The Yellow River and Jishui camps are Chinese military camps built along the river.

While Cao Cao was eating, he looked at the map not far away.

Cao Cao ordered his scouts to make many improvements based on Xi Yu's map, but continued to use the scale and labels created by Xi Yu, and later used simplified graphics to construct lines.

Although the scout's map is not as good as Xi Yu's Bai Qi, the improved map looks much clearer and more detailed than before.

At this time, Cheng Yu, who had been standing next to Cao Cao, looked quite flustered and nervous.

"Prime Minister, now Lu Bu is at the end of his rope, but don't chase after the poor enemy, give him a way to survive!"

"If we push Lu Bu too hard, Lu Bu will definitely risk his life to resist. This will not be easy for us. We might as well go back first. After the situation here is completely stable, it would be good to come back here or here again!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao smiled lightly while eating, "Haha... Cheng Yu, when did you become so timid and fearful?"

"This, my lord, is not a sign of being timid, but a sign of caution."


Cao Cao tapped on the map with his chopsticks and said calmly, "Now the defense strategy of our military camp is to lure the king into the urn."

"It's best for Lu Bu to come. I'm worried that Lu Bu won't dare to come. If Lu Bu wants to break out, he has to escape to the west. If we can capture the Yellow River, Jishui and other places to the west, Lu Bu can successfully escape to Yuan Shao."

"In my opinion, Yuan Shaopi will never lead troops to rescue Lu Bu."

Cao Cao was full of confidence and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Cheng Yu, as a commander and a general, you must not change your composure even if Mount Tai collapses in front of you!"

"This..." Cheng Yu was stunned and muttered.

"What are you mumbling about? Why don't you speak louder?"

"Ah, I mean... Master Xi, you have romantic feelings."

"What is it? Feelings?" Cao Cao was very anxious. What the hell is this?

Cheng Yu thought for a moment and quickly explained.

"Romanticism, doctrine, feelings," Cheng Yu thought for a moment and said, "Probably, it's the pursuit of very beautiful things, such as composing poems by the river..."

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Hahaha! Yes, yes, I call it romantic sentiment? It's a really nice name."

"Cheng Yu! Remember, no matter when, where, or what happens, you must stay calm and don't panic, and don't get angry. Anger will only reduce your wisdom and decision-making. Do you understand?"

Cao Cao gave a serious lesson.

However, as soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, in the military tent at the door, a man suddenly came with a strong wind.

As soon as this person came in, he opened the curtain and came in with a strong wind. Cao Ren's expression was extremely flustered, and he arrived in front of Cao Cao in a few short steps.

"My lord, something serious has happened. Please leave quickly. Lu Bu is rushing towards our Chinese army camp!!"

"What are you talking about?!" Cao Cao yelled, holding the meal in his right hand with a look of shock on his face.

"Lord, Lu Bu knew that you were in the army, yet he dared to attack on his own initiative. In my opinion, Lu Bu was desperate and had to defend himself. Now Lu Bu must want to fight to the death!!"

After saying this, Cao Ren glanced at Cao Cao, then gave a look to Su Wei and Xu Chu, asking a few people to take Cao Cao away.

Cao Cao said in disbelief, "Why do you want me to leave?! If you want me to leave, I will never agree!"

Cao Cao said disapprovingly, "Even if Lu Bu comes to kill me, I believe you can definitely kill Lu Bu for me. Even if you use arrows, you can kill him with random arrows!"

"Is it possible that he, Lu Bu, still dares to go out in force?!"

Cao Cao looked very unhappy.

Seeing this, Cao Ren immediately knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "We have already stopped him, but Lu Bu has already decided to die. I dare to conclude that Lu Bu wants to die with his lord this time!!"

Yu Jin: "What?"

Cao Cao rolled his eyes, looked nervous, and smiled slightly, "Haha, really?!!"


Cao Cao suddenly put the bowl on the dining table.

"Absolutely impossible!! How can Lu Bu be so ferocious?!"

Cao Cao's body shook violently, and his heart was very complicated. But at this moment, Cao Ren had just returned from the front line, which meant that Lu Bu had indeed come to kill him.

Judging from Cao Ren's tone and expression, Lu Bu must have come with the intention of dying this time.

Cao Cao asked in a deep voice, "How many troops did Lu Bu come this time?"

Cao Ren replied eagerly, "Lü Bu dispatched almost all the troops and horses from Bingzhou this time, and also mobilized a large number of troops and horses from Qingzhou. The total number is by no means less than 30,000!"

"Furthermore, facing the encirclement, Lu Bu had no scruples at all and charged fiercely all the way!"

Cao Ren looked at Cao Cao, "If we delay any longer, it will be difficult for us to have a chance to evacuate!"

Xu Chu knew that Cao Ren would never be alarmist at this moment. Cao Ren and others must have been almost unable to resist Lu Bu's oncoming attack.

After thinking about it, Xu Chu immediately walked up to Cao Cao. He was about to force Cao Cao to evacuate, but Cao Cao suddenly waved his hand and said loudly, "You don't need to panic!"

"Zhong Kang, I order you to immediately lead the troops to resist Lu Bu. Our position here is quite high. We can look down at Lu Bu from a high position. His cavalry will slow down if they want to come up. When the time comes, we will immediately push down the rolling stone. This will definitely block the charge of Lu Bu's troops!"

"Let's go out and take a look!"

Prior to this, Cao Cao's camp had prepared many rolling stones and logs. In order to prepare for the enemy's charge, he would push the rolling stones and logs down and use the slope to create a huge impact, injuring the enemy and guarding the high slope. Camp.

Xu Chu was very excited and said, "No, my lord!! You must leave here quickly. I will no longer have any scruples, so I fought hard with Lu Bu!"

"I will never leave, come here, take my sword!" Cao Cao said firmly, no one could change his decision at this moment.

Cheng Yu had no choice but to take the Yitian Sword and hand it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao immediately drew his sword and strode towards the crowd.

Cao Cao had two swords, one named "Yitian" and the other named "Qingzhi".

After Xi Yu reforged these two swords, they were both divine swords in the world. Cao Cao thought for a moment, and suddenly his face became solemn. He handed the Yitian Sword to Xu Chu, and said solemnly, "Zhongkang, now I hand over this Yitian Sword to Xu Chu." As for you, I order you to be the last one to charge, and you must cut off Lu Bu's head before you come to see me!"

"Lord, this..."

Seeing Cao Cao's determination, Cao Ren knew that he could no longer persuade Cao Cao to leave, so Cao Ren had no choice but to turn around and leave.

When Cao Ren met Cao Cao to report the military situation, he was delayed for a long time. At this time, the sound of horse hooves gradually came from the distance, and Cao Ren secretly thought: Lu Bu's troops and horses are getting closer and closer.

Cao Cao also heard the sound of horse hooves coming gradually. Cao Cao said solemnly, "Feng Yi is very shrewd in using his troops. Once he knows that Pingshou City is empty, he will definitely understand that Lu Bu from Beihai abandoned Pingshou City and attacked us. At that time, Fengyi will definitely send troops to rescue us!"

"So, we only need to block the first wave of Lu Bu's charge, and as long as we wait until the Fengyi reinforcements arrive, there will be no danger."

"Zixiao, I order you to go out and command the battle immediately and continue to encircle Lu Bu!"

After saying this, Cao Cao immediately turned back to Yu and said, "If I die, return to Xuchang and tell Xun Yu that Cao Ang is your lord, and you must try your best to assist me!"


Hearing Cao Cao's words, Cheng Yu suddenly felt frightened and secretly thought: If my lord, you are killed by Lu Bu, can we survive?

But at this moment, Cao Cao turned around, feeling even more proud in his heart.

He walked out of the tent, opened the Chinese army camp, and looked from a distance: At this time, under the mountain road, there were Lu Bu's soldiers and horses coming from the plains. Thousands of arrows were fired from the camps on both sides of the hillside, but Lu Bu was fearless and fought hard. Fight forward.

Lu Bu sat down on the red rabbit horse, which was the best war horse in the world. At this time, it ran quickly among the soldiers and horses to cooperate with Lu Bu's charge.

Lu Bu's captured camp followed closely behind, and his beloved general Gao Shun followed Lu Bu closely with a spear in hand to protect him.

The Bingzhou cavalry, with tall horses and fierce soldiers, followed Lu Bu and rushed towards Cao Cao's camp.

At this time, Cao Ren had returned to the camp and immediately commanded three thousand cavalry to charge towards Lu Bu's soldiers and horses!


At the same time, Yu Jin and Li Dian led the forward troops to rush down from the high slope, while the rest waited for the opportunity to push down the rolling stones and logs, this time blocking Lu Bu's cavalry.


The sound of horse hooves sounded, and dust suddenly filled the sky.

The attack was so fast and violent that Lu Bu's soldiers and horses had no time to dodge and collided with the well-equipped heavy cavalry and tiger cavalry.

The direct cavalry led by Yu Jin and Li Dian occupied the geographical advantage of the high ground and swooped down quickly towards Lu Bu's troops. The huge impact was like a stormy sea, and they rushed into the camp of Lu Bu's troops in an instant, quickly fighting a way out, and then the two led the troops. Evacuate quickly to both sides and return to the camp on the mountainside.

The soldiers and horses led by the two men had just returned to the formation. In an instant, thousands of arrows were fired from both sides of the camp, shooting at Lu Bu and others!

The arrows rained down with such ferocity that Lu Bu and the others did not expect it. Lu Bu's heart sank, his eyes turned blood red, and his whole body suddenly ignited with raging anger.

"Now, we have no escape route. If you want to survive, then follow me to fight a bloody path and rush out!"

Lu Bu shouted loudly and shouted at the soldiers and horses.

After saying that, Lu Bu's feathers fluttered, Fang Tian waved his halberd wildly, Lu Bu continued to slash like crazy, and soon, the entire camp fell into chaos.

The screams continued, accompanied by the continuous howling of war horses.

The fighting between the two sides became more and more intense.

Rolling logs and stones kept rolling down, blocking Lu Bu's troops from charging upward, and Lu Bu had to lead his troops to stop the offensive.

Lu Bu glanced behind him. There were less than forty people around him at this time, but Cao Cao's camp was within easy reach.

"Lu Bu, you are a slave with the third surname. Your grandfather Xu is here. Today is the day you die!"

Suddenly, Cao Cao's guards rushed out from both sides of Lu Bu. The leader of a group of soldiers and horses was Xu Chu.

Xu Chu suddenly let out a loud roar like thunder, which made the veins on Lu Bu's forehead bulge!

"Ah, you have humiliated me so much. I will kill you today!"


Lu Bu was furious. He suddenly raised his right hand and lifted the reins instantly. The red rabbit horse immediately jumped up with its front hooves, making bursts of neighing sounds. The horse even threw its head with a puff, landed on the ground, and suddenly spat out instructions. A mouthful of thick white mist.

Lu Bu couldn't bear the anger in his heart and rushed towards Xu Chu violently.

In an instant, the two figures quickly staggered and attacked each other.


There was a sudden loud noise, and Lu Bu felt a numbness in his mouth. He really didn't expect that Xu Chu's strength was as strong as that of his opponent.

Lu Bu's bravery is comparable to that of Xi Yu's subordinates Dian Wei and Zhao Yun.


After fighting Xu Chu with a halberd, Lu Bu swung the Fang Tian Painted Halberd with great force and struck Xu Chu down!

Xu Chu suddenly waved his hand and immediately blocked Lu Bu's fatal blow.

Xu Chu actually blocked Lu Bu's fatal blow. Seeing Xu Chu and Lu Bu fighting fiercely with his own eyes, Cao Cao's anxious heart was finally at ease.

Xu Chu successfully blocked Lu Bu's attack!

Seeing that the best time had come, Cao Cao immediately drew a sword from Cheng Yu's waist, and then he stood alone on the highest general platform, where everyone could see him immediately.

Cao Cao suddenly held a sword in his hand and shouted loudly, "Lü Bu has been surrounded!!"

"Lu Bu is dead, kill Lu Bu's army immediately!!"

"Encircle me to death, everyone must not be timid and must hunt down Lu Bu!!"

When Cao Cao shouted, all the soldiers behind him immediately shouted out.

"Chase Lu Bu!!"

"Lu Bu is actually dead?!"

"Kill Lu Bu!!"

The shouting and cursing continued, and Xu Chu soon fought with Lu Bu. Xu Chu had the power of bravery, and the Fangtian Painted Halberd in Lu Bu's hand was ferocious and frightening, and its powerful power had no opponent.

So he soon showed his suppressed attitude.

"Kill Lu Bu...Lü Bu is dead!!" Suddenly someone came rushing over and shouted loudly.

Lu Bu suddenly felt very frightened and worried. He turned around and yelled angrily, "You bastard, idiot, look at me, Lu Bu, and I'm alive and well!"

"I, Lu Bu, am not dead at all. Don't panic, everyone! Remember, don't panic!"

Lu Bu was shocked and confused in his heart.

Those soldiers and horses who failed to charge forward saw Cao Cao brandishing his sword on the general stage, and heard him threatening Lu Bu's death. They were all at a loss and in chaos.

Lu Bu and the remaining soldiers now don't know where to go.

"General^...is he really dead?"

"If the general is not here, where will we go?"

"In my opinion, at this time, it is better to retreat first to preserve our strength. If the general is captured, we will have the opportunity to rescue the general!"

"If the general is really dead..."

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