We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 223 Zhang Liao guards Hefei, and Sun Quan emerges

Cao Cao glanced at Xi Yu and asked tentatively, "How about letting Cheng Yu be the governor of Qingzhou?"

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Cheng Yu is a loyal and honest man, knows the golden mean, and is familiar with internal affairs and diplomacy. He is a very good person to be the governor of Qingzhou. However, I think the generals who command the troops and horses of Qingzhou can be handed over to Yu Jin and General Xia Houyuan. .”

Cao Cao did not answer immediately. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Fengyi, Zhu Ling has a high prestige in the army. How about letting him command the Qingzhou soldiers and horses?"

Hearing this, Xi Yu stared at Cao Cao and said in disbelief, "Brother, you haven't driven this person away yet? I told you to send this person away before?"

Xi Yu knew that although Zhu Ling surrendered to Cao Cao, he still missed Yuan Shao because of Yuan Shao's kindness to Zhu Ling, even though he was rebelling.

So he was gradually abandoned, but now everything has changed!

Since Xi Yu came to this world, the butterfly effect has already affected the original trajectory of the entire world, and the world has begun to undergo many changes.

No one can be sure whether Zhu Ling secretly received some instructions. If Zhu Ling's loyalty cannot be determined, the best way to deal with it is to keep him away from the core of power.

Cao Cao smiled and patted Xi Yu on the shoulder and said, "Fengyi, do you know why you should dismiss Zhu Ling?"

"Brother, please tell me something." Xi Yu replied.

"I sincerely treat the virtuous and virtuous officers, and at the same time I welcome the emperor, this is the same effect as Liu Xuande's benevolent policy."

"What I want is to be open-minded and trustworthy when employing people. I will treat my son as a gentleman of the country, and my son will treat me as a gentleman of the country. What I want is for the world to return to its heart."

Cao Cao paused briefly, then said in a deep voice, "Therefore, Zhu Ling cannot be sent away."

Hearing this, Xi Yu was slightly shocked: He suddenly discovered that Cao Cao was very broad-minded and high-minded.

"Okay, since brother has made a decision, I will order Zhao Yun to guard Qingzhou. However, brother, please remember to keep Zhu Ling with you at all times and never let him stay away from you."

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Cao Cao was very happy and asked, "Do you really mean what Fengyi said?!"

Xi Yu will use Zhao Zilong to guard Qingzhou, so Qingzhou will have no worries.

Xiyu nodded in agreement.

Cao Cao was very happy and said, "Haha, Fengyi, I really saw you right. Not only are you talented, but you also know the general situation. I am really lucky to have such a talent!"

Xi Yu did not feel proud because of Cao Cao's praise. Instead, he said extremely calmly, "Brother, Zilong is brave and resourceful. He is a general. He can command the troops and horses and know how to advance and retreat. There will be no problem in guarding Qingzhou."

"Now Xuzhou and Qingzhou are in our hands. After the north is pacified and Wuhuan is expelled, we will send a group of soldiers and horses to surrender Gongsun Zan. By then, the entire north will be your territory, brother."

As he spoke, Xi Yu's eyes were very firm, and he looked confident. When Cao Cao saw this, his brows widened.

"Fengyi, if it is true as you said, then I will truly have the foundation to dominate the Central Plains and compete in the world!"

"At that time, why should Jiangdong Sun Ce be afraid?!"

Xi Yu shook his head and said, "No, by then, our enemy will not be Sun Ce."

"If it's not Sun Ce, then who is it? The hegemons in the south are none other than Sun Ce and Liu Biao. Could it be Liu Bei who Feng Yi is referring to?"

But Cao Cao then sneered, "Nowadays, the heroes in the world only serve righteousness and are honest. People other than that are not worth mentioning."

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Xi Yu felt a little uncomfortable, but he knew that Cao Cao's move was not a trick on the heart, but an act of heroes cherishing heroes.

Now in Cao Cao's eyes, Xi Yu is another 'Cao Cao', but he has chosen a different path.

For this reason, Cao Cao has always admired Xi Yu, not only because of Xi Yu's contribution, but also because Xi Yu was both a teacher and a friend to Cao Cao.

Now Cao Cao, especially after witnessing Xi Yu personally killing Lu Bu just now, Cao Cao made a decision in his heart: he will not be afraid of any opposition from his clan, he will absolutely trust Xi Yu, and he must reuse Xi Yu.

"Fengyi, from now on, Qingzhou and Xuzhou will be handed over to you. I will command the Yanzhou base camp, and from now on it will be Beitujizhou."

Cao Cao's eyes were sharp and he patted Xi Yu's shoulder with certainty, "Lu Bu is dead. There is no more powerful general in the world than you."

"Fengyi, please stop acting in front of my brother. I can see that you are not only a talented person, but also the most powerful general under my command, Cao Cao!"

Facing Cao Cao's sharp eyes, Xi Yu felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast. After a moment, Xi Yu pretended to smile calmly.

Cao Cao was walking on the gravel road by the shore, and he didn't know that the corners of his clothes were soaked by the water. Suddenly, he turned around with a very sincere expression, "Haha, Fengyi, I see that you seem to be scared. Don't worry, I'll tell you." After all, I will never kill you at any time, even if you want to kill me, I will never kill you as a brother."

After saying this, Cao Cao's expression suddenly calmed down and he patted Xiyu's shoulder heavily.

Hearing this, Xi Yu was stunned and frowned slightly. "Brother, why did you say these words suddenly?"

Cao Cao paused for a moment, then shook his head. He didn't continue talking about this topic, but suddenly said, "Maybe it's because he's getting older..."

At this time, Cao Cao was already forty and four.

The ancients said that you will know your destiny at forty.

Cao Cao turned around, smiled lightly at Xi Yu, then turned and walked away gradually.

Cao Cao suddenly said something incomprehensible, leaving Xi Yu unable to know what he was thinking at the moment, but Xi Yu truly felt that Cao Cao at this time was more determined than ever before.

Xi Yu deeply felt that Cao Cao was sincere in leading him and already regarded him as the person he trusted the most. Xi Yu was very grateful in his heart, but he also felt that he had a heavier responsibility.

The land of Hefei.

On the other side of the river, Sun Ce went north from the Lujiang River, stationed troops and horses in Xiaoyaojin, gathered 60 warships, made arrows, stocked up on kerosene, and built new types of armaments. He even sent spies to survey the situation in the city of Hefei on the other side.

On the land route, at least 8,000 soldiers and horses were guarding the pass. It was very difficult to pass smoothly. If a strong attack was carried out, a large number of soldiers and horses in the pass would surely be sacrificed too much.

On the waterway, Zhang Liao had already arranged a large number of crossbows, as well as giant crossbow arrows that required four or five people to pull apart. The bows and arrows were cast with iron locks. Once shot into the hull, they could pull the ship to prevent it from moving. In this way, These warships will become living targets.

The attack was blocked, and Sun Ce really didn't dare to take action easily, but if he didn't take action, Sun Ce felt that he would lose an excellent opportunity.

"It's really hateful! Why are there so many weird weapons in Cao Cao's camp?"

Before this, Sun Ce thought that he would achieve a clean victory, but the reality was that as more and more troops were stationed, the money and food gradually increased. But after this,

Sun Ce originally thought that he was about to usher in a hearty battle, but in fact, he stopped here. For several months, more and more troops were stationed, and the money and food consumed never decreased, but he failed to make any progress!

When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu saw those military equipment for the first time, Zhou Yu was shocked. He felt that those things were too strange and had never been seen before.

Zhou Yu was even more unbelievable. How could there be such a big gap between the ordnance of Jiangdong and the north.

Sun Ce also couldn't believe it, so he sent a warship to find out.

In case the losses were too heavy, Sun Ce asked a few soldiers to board the ship and at the same time let the warship dock far away from the landing place, also to test the true shooting power of the crossbow.

As a result, in less than half an hour, the rain-like crossbow arrows directly destroyed the medium-sized warship.

"I am very unwilling to do so, so I am determined to try again!"

"Northerners are good at riding and shooting, but not good at water warfare. This is our advantage. If we can hide from Cao Jun's Linjiang camp, we can naturally seize all the ordnance in Cao Jun's camp. In this way, in the near future, we can also Build strange things like giant crossbows."

Zhou Yu is so aggressive. As long as there is a chance, he will never wait for the opportunity to win absolutely.

Sun Ce was very similar to Zhou Yu when it came to marching and doing things.

At this moment, a slightly childish voice came, "Brothers, I think it is not appropriate for you two to act like this..."

The person who came was none other than Sun Ce's younger brother, Sun Quan.

Sun Quan, who had a peaceful personality since childhood, was in sharp contrast to the personality of his brother Sun Ce, but they also neutralized each other.

Sun Quan behaved more often, calmly and calmly, not radical.

When Sun Quan was nine years old, his father Sun Jian was ambushed and killed by Huang Zu's men on his way to Jiangdong, and died from random arrows.

At that time, Sun Quan and his brother Sun Ce were weak and unable to resist Liu Biao. Sun Ce wanted to fight with him, but Sun Quan tried his best to stop him.

However, the young Sun Quan led several people to Jingzhou to recover the body of his father Sun Jian. After returning to his hometown, the young and intelligent Sun Quan became famous.

Moreover, Sun Quan had a purple beard and blue eyes, which was really different. People of the Jiangdong generation believed that Sun Quan had the appearance of a born emperor, and therefore he was very popular among people.

As Sun Quan grew older, and after secret talks with his brother Sun Ce, he often walked among the nobles and had good relations with many nobles in Jiangdong.

Besides, this Zhou Yu was from the Lujiang noble clan. He had served as the prefect of Danyang with his father. He held military power and had a high reputation. His Zhou family was even more prominent in Jiangdong.

Later, Zhou Yu led Sun Ce to raise an army, but Zhou Yu violently oppressed the gentry. The gentry class therefore hated Zhou Yu, thinking that this person was trying to steal others and harming the interests of the gentry. Zhou Yu's reputation became worse and worse.

However, Zhou Yu didn't care about this. In today's Jiangdong, he already plays the image of a villain.

Furthermore, now in this land east of the Yangtze River, he, Zhou Yu, has tens of thousands of troops. Even if someone is dissatisfied with him, they dare not accuse him face to face.

Gradually, Jiangdong Zhoulang has been regarded as a positive image. The people know the most about Zhou Yu who was in charge of the army at the age of fourteen. He was good at the art of war and was a high-spirited hero.

Only a few members of the gentry still criticized Zhou Yu because of his previous affairs.

However, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce had long been determined to suppress the gentry class and never give the gentry a chance to take control of power.

But they really didn't expect that Xi Yu's policy of running a school would be so followed. Almost all the resentful nobles and people from poor families fled to Xuzhou.

In this current situation, Sun Quan's role is particularly important, because Sun Quan's existence can at least slow down the overly radical strategies of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

Sun Ce looked at Sun Quan and asked, "Brother Quan, do you have any good ideas for this situation?"

At this time, Sun Quan was only seventeen years old, but he was handsome and heroic.

He looked solemnly, looked at the mountains and rivers outside the river, and shook his head, "The land of Hefei has withstood the war in Yangzhou and is now a deserted city, but Xi Yu sent General Zhang Liao to guard it."

"As far as I know, Zhang Liao is good at attacking and fighting, and he is also very brave in fighting. I heard that this person was Lu Bu's most powerful general before!"

Zhou Yu and Sun Ce already knew what Sun Quan said, but they still listened to Sun Quan's detailed comments very seriously.

"If we take a forceful attack, even if we take Hefei, we won't be able to defend this place."

Sun Quan pretended to pause, thought for a moment, and said with a solemn expression, "I think that in this situation, our first choice strategy should be to preserve our strength, continue to recruit troops, build warships at the same time, and then practice day and night, and keep training. Soldiers and horses.”

"After ten years of this, we may be able to go north to attack again."

Hearing what Sun Quan said, Sun Ce frowned and couldn't help laughing for a moment, "Ten years?! Brother Quan, do you know how many unknown variables there will be in ten years?!"

Sun Ce stood up and said with a heavy expression.

"How can I not know the meaning of my brother's words?"

Sun Quan said in a deep voice, "But brother, you should know that Cao Cao will definitely go before you and my brothers. Cao Cao wants to annex me Jiangdong as soon as possible, the better for him. He can't afford to wait, but you and my brothers still can't wait." Young people, we can afford to wait.”

"The more stable Jiangdong is, the more advantageous it is for us, but the more panicked Cao Cao is. In my opinion, while stabilizing and developing Jiangdong, we can stop quietly and wait for Liu Biao to take over Jingzhou. Once Once we get this place, we will have the strength to go to war with Cao Cao."

"Jingzhou! Haha, I didn't expect that the young master at such an age would have ulterior motives for the land of Jingzhou."

After listening to what Sun Quan said, Zhou Yu was slightly shocked and smiled slightly as he spoke. Now he was really not in a hurry to attack Hefei.

"Two brothers, the land of Jingzhou is full of fierce generals and many scholars and advisers. We must not attack it today." Sun Quan had already made an idea in his mind, "Right now, we can use the land of Jingzhou as a pass. When our troops in Jiangdong are strong and strong, we will raise another hundred thousand troops to attack it. Then, once we capture Jingzhou, our strength will be enhanced as never before!"

Sun Quan's words were very heroic and he had already had this in mind for a long time.

After hearing Sun Quan's strategy, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu looked at each other. Sun Ce smiled and asked, "Gong Jin, how is my brother?"

Zhou Yu praised, "Brother Quan is really talented, and there is no limit to what he can do in the future."

"No, no, no..." Sun Quan was very humble and bowed deeply, "Brother Quan is too stupid to dare to do anything in front of his two elder brothers..."

Sun Ce stood up and looked into the distance, looking at the rivers and mountains in the distance. His heart couldn't calm down for a long time. Although he was very unwilling, he finally listened to Sun Quan's suggestion. He sighed deeply and said, "Just follow my brother Quan's words and pass on my order, Xiaoyao Eight thousand troops were stationed in Jin, and the remaining troops were immediately withdrawn. In the following days, we will vigorously develop the army and stabilize the territory of Yuzhang."

"Here." Zhou Yu bowed and immediately gave up the strategy of all-out attack.

What Sun Quan said is indeed a deep strategy. Even if Hefei can be captured now, the current strength of Jiangdong makes it difficult to defend this place.

If we can't defend this place, the soldiers who died before will lose their precious lives in vain, and they will waste money and people, but they won't get any benefits. It's really not worth it.

Zhou Yu suddenly realized that although Sun Quan was young, he was by no means simple. He had underestimated Sun Quan before...

At this time, in the land of Qingzhou, in Pingshou City, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia had been waiting at the door of Lu Bu's office for a long time, but they never entered by force.

It's just because there are still a few female relatives in this government office who don't know how to deal with them.

First of all, Xi Yu has already said that he must treat the people of Qingzhou and Lu Bu's widow well.

Secondly, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia knew in their hearts that the woman named Diao Chan was the "beautiful wife from the city next door" as the Opera Master said. Naturally, they had to treat each other with courtesy to avoid offending the Opera Master.

But this caused an explosion in the government office.

"Shameless vixen!"

"Shameless! As expected, it was you who secretly communicated with Xi Yu. Huh, no wonder the family members dare not touch you. My father was killed by you. You should pay my father back!"

In the government office, there were waves of curses. The voices were harsh, extremely angry, and a little hoarse. Although they were women's voices, they were much thicker than those of ordinary girls.

"Lingqi, how can you say that to me? Mr. Xi and I have never met..."

Diao Chan kept explaining to Lu Lingqi, her voice was soft, but her tone and expression were full of endless grievances.

"Hmph, don't even think about making excuses. I've already heard that Xiyu's attack on Pingshou this time came just for you!"

Lu Lingqi said loudly without mercy.

"Ling Qi, why did that person say this? That Mr. Xi already has five wives and concubines. I, Diao Chan, am a married man. It is absolutely impossible for Mr. Xi..."

Diao Chan almost cried, feeling aggrieved and explained softly.

"Pretend, don't think I will believe your nonsense!!"

Even though Diao Chan tried her best to defend herself, Lu Lingqi didn't believe Diao Chan's explanation at all.


Outside the government office, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia suddenly heard a muffled sound.

At this time, Diao Chan was speechless and even more troubled and heartbroken.

She was just a kind-hearted and weak woman who had never wanted to get involved in family and national affairs. She had been suffering from Lu Bu's poor treatment in recent days, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Now that Lu Bu seems to be gone, she will have a hard time surviving. She originally wanted to die, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Yan would leave before her.

This Lingqi is Lu Bu's daughter. She is only sixteen years old now. If she is displaced, she doesn't know what kind of miserable situation she will end up in. This makes Diao Chan very worried and can't bear to leave her...

But what made Diao Chan very sad was that Ling Qi slandered her and said that Shen Xiyu was here for her, Diao Chan!

But until now, she had never seen Xi Yu, and Diao Chan felt aggrieved and sad...

Diao Chan thought about it carefully, she had indeed heard many rumors about Xi Yu, and had seen his name in many books...

Could it be possible that I had actually seen him at a certain time and place before?

While feeling angry and sad, Diao Chan suddenly said in a trance.

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