We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 233 Bai Qi tests the military situation, Ju Yiqin leads his troops to fight

Ju Yi also knew the reason.

He has very few friends in Yuan Shao's army. Most of them are generals in the same army. Their relationship is very ordinary. When he made meritorious deeds, he did not even have a celebration banquet. Moreover, Yuan Shao once promised him to be a marquis, but he has not yet fulfilled this promise. Reward.

In this regard, Ju Yi was dissatisfied with Yuan Shaocun.

Now, Ju Yi knows very well that the plain is the only way between Qingzhou and Jizhou. This place is very important, and it is the largest town in the east of Jizhou!

Such an important city, neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shao wanted to control it.

What will be the result if I rebel against Yuan Shao?

Ju Yi suddenly thought of this in his mind, but the job bowl in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"This matter...is not allowed!!"

After thinking for a moment, Ju Yi suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and felt even more frightened in his heart: How could I have such an idea?

Ju Yi secretly thought: If he really rebelled against Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao would probably be defeated like a mountain and gradually decline from then on.

And Xi Yu will lead his army through Qinghe County and directly to Wei County, and then within Wei County is Yecheng!

Ju Yi knew that Yuan Shao's base camp was there!

If Xi Yu really leads his troops through Qinghe County, it will be difficult for Yuan Shao to escape to Youzhou. But if the Jizhou base camp is lost, even if Yuan Shao can escape to Youzhou, it will be of no use.

In this battle of Guandu, what chance does Yuan Shao have of winning?

Ju Yi couldn't calm down in his heart.

He is not a capricious villain, but he comes from a sinful family who was sent to Xiliang. Therefore, Ju Yi has always felt inferior since he was very young.

Until he defeated Gongsun Zan and thus achieved military exploits, no military commanders or civil servants came to congratulate him, and the scene was really deserted.

He didn't have many friends, and the only friends he had were not around, so Ju Yi felt very lonely.

For a warrior like him, Ju Yi found it difficult to achieve anything.

He is really not good at words and has few friends around him.

At this moment, Ju Yi felt a chill in his heart: after all these years, there was no one around him who could give him good advice.


Suddenly, a voice interrupted Ju Yi's thoughts. It was only then that he realized that he had not even had time to finish a bowl of rice.

"Another soldier just came to report. While on patrol, they found a group of white light-armored sentinels, all with white armor and white robes. They are probably Xi Yu's white riders!"

"White Cavalry?! How many troops are there?"

"Five people in total!"

Just five white knights, dare to trespass on our army's territory? !

Ju Yi was very excited when he heard the news.

Ju Yi knew in his heart that these five people must have come to inquire about the military situation: to inquire about the number of soldiers and horses in the city, the population of the people and the prosperity of the merchants.

Liu Bei had been the prime minister here before, and he was doing well in this place, but he later fled here.

Ju Yi stood up immediately, with an idea in mind.

Ju Yi is good at riding and shooting. At this moment, he is wearing light armor made of heavy iron and a hairband with a feather on it. Ju Yi has slender limbs and is of Qiang descent. This outfit , they really look like Qiang people.

"Come here, send soldiers immediately to follow me to capture Bai Qi!"


Ju Yi immediately walked out of the camp, and the guards brought him a war horse. Ju Yi stepped onto the horse and personally led three hundred soldiers, all riding fast horses and holding bows and arrows. They patted their horses and galloped away in the direction of Bai Qi.

Not long after, Ju Yi saw several cavalrymen wearing white light armor running on the plain. These white cavalrymen were not far away from him. Ju Yi thought, if he could catch one or two white cavalrymen, If he goes back and is imprisoned and tortured, he might be able to get some useful information.

There are many people in Ju Yijun who are good at torture.

Ju Yi galloped up his horse and got closer and closer to the white cavalry. He felt that the white cavalry today were a little slow and not as fast and terrifying as the rumors said. Seeing this, Ju Yi felt strange in his heart.

It is rumored that Bai Qi is the most elite cavalry under Xi Yu's command. In this case, Bai Qi's war horse must be the most powerful. Why is the marching speed so slow at this moment?

Just when Ju Yi was confused, he saw a white-armored veteran not far away suddenly raised his bow and drew an arrow. Then he turned around and looked back. With just that look, he was like a beast staring at its prey.

"not good……"

Ju Yi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and his eyes were full of panic.

Suddenly, Ju Yi looked gloomy and quickly leaned over to hug the horse, as if he was avoiding something.


The moment Ju Yi leaned over and lowered his head, a sharp arrow flew over his head and almost hit the top of his head.

Although Ju Yi dodged the arrow, the general behind him did not have such reaction power and speed. The arrow that rushed towards him hit the general's throat with a pop.


With a muffled sound, the general fell directly from his horse onto the grass. After rolling several times, he died on the spot.

"Bai Qi is releasing the line. Give me the order to catch up immediately!" Ju Yi immediately lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, there was a neighing sound from the horses on both sides. The cavalry behind Ju Yi immediately mounted their horses and divided into two groups, running forward to outflank the white cavalry, hoping to surround several white cavalry.

At this moment, the four white knights behind the veteran white knight suddenly all drew their bows and set arrows, and all of a sudden, four sharp arrows were fired.


The sharp arrows made a piercing sound in the wind, and rushed towards Ju Yi's cavalry. The speed was so fast that Ju Yi's cavalry had no time to dodge, so they fell off their horses and died on the spot.

The shooting skills of these white cavalry are accurate and fast, and they are also good at riding. At first sight, they look like excellent cavalry who have been riding horses for battles all year round and roamed the plain battlefields.

Just when Ju Yi's four cavalrymen fell to the ground and died, the white cavalry horses that had been running slowly before suddenly galloped quickly, and soon Ju Yi's soldiers and horses were able to cover a considerable distance!

"No, I fell into a trap!!"

Ju Yi suddenly shouted, "We have fallen into a trap, go back to the city quickly!"

"Come here, hurry back to the army and order the forward battalion to lead eight thousand troops to fight!"


The horses behind Ju Yi retreated quickly. At the same time, they also fired back with bows and arrows, but the arm strength of these cavalry could not reach the shooting range of Bai Qi.

The four white cavalry Huang Zhong brought this time were cavalry archers trained by him all day long. They were numbered 1 to 4 among the white cavalry. Their military exploits and abilities were the most powerful among the white cavalry. Everyone has the talent of a general, and the four of them also use very heavy bows, with a range of up to 120 steps.

The reason why they have not been sent out to lead their own troops is that Xi Yu once said that Huang Zhong can select personnel from elsewhere. The army composed of ordinary cavalry must be stable and will not be attrited due to any non-death.

After all, this is one of the two soldiers that Xi Yu values ​​​​most.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer and let them come over a little further!"


Bai Qi then slowed down and deliberately controlled the distance between him and Ju Yi Cavalry.

Ju Yi was shocked by Bai Qi's precise shooting skills, and immediately reined in the reins. The horse then hung in the air and neighed.

Huang Zhong immediately drew his bow and arrow, aiming at Ju Yi's horse!


A sharp arrow shot out again and hit the front hooves of Ju Yi's horse. The horse instantly fell to its knees, and Ju Yi fell to the ground.

Huang Zhong then quickly shot a second arrow, which went straight towards Ju Yi.

Instantly, the sound of breaking through the sky sounded.

The arrow that flew out went directly towards the head on Ju Yi's neck, and it was so powerful and heavy that once it hit the head, Ju Yi would be killed of course.

Just when the sharp arrow was about to hit Ju Yi's head, one of the generals around him rushed over and immediately put a large shield in front of Ju Yi, just in time to block the flying sharp arrow for Ju Yi.


The general felt the shield shaking violently, and the arm holding the shield felt numb. Ju Yi and the general both broke into cold sweats.

"Haha, what a pity!"

That Ju Yi escaped, Huang Zhong sneered without a trace of nervousness in his expression.

But Ju Yi, who had escaped with his life, now looked extremely cold-blooded.

"Retreat immediately."

Ju Yi immediately ordered.

Ju Yi only felt that he had been teased by the white-armored veteran. At this moment, his face turned green and red, and his whole body was extremely angry.

He didn't know how to calm down his emotions at all.


At this moment, the cavalry following Ju Yi were all frightened. A mere five white cavalry shot and killed five of their soldiers in just half a stick of incense. What frightened Ju Yi's cavalry even more was that no matter how they chased, None of them could catch up with the five white knights.

Ju Yi's soldiers were terrified at the moment. If they continued to chase Bai Qi, they might fall into Bai Ma's ambush.

Ju Yi understood this, so he immediately ordered a temporary retreat. Upon receiving this order, the cavalry behind him immediately turned around and prepared to retreat.

But just as these cavalrymen turned around, Ju Yi looked back and was immediately frightened out of his mind: At this moment, Baiqiu actually turned around and came over!

"What does Bai Qi want to do?!" Although Ju Yi had some guesses, he didn't believe that Bai Qi dared to do that.

"General! Look, Bai Qi...they are chasing us?!" A general behind Ju Yi suddenly exclaimed.

"White Cavalry... Okay, that's how it is! Give me my order, half of the cavalry will immediately turn back to kill the enemy, and the rest of the cavalry will keep their distance and wait for my order to act!!"

Ju Yi soon had an idea in his mind: How could the three hundred cavalry be teased by just five white cavalry? After all, Ju Yi now had an absolute advantage in numbers, so he could naturally attack the five white cavalry in two groups.

However, what Ju Yi and a group of cavalry did not expect was that as soon as the cavalry turned their heads slightly, they were shot to death by sharp arrows.

For a while, the two soldiers and horses chased each other for a long time. It was not until Huang Zhong shot all the arrows that Ju Yi suddenly understood, "Xi Yu's white cavalry is clearly hunting us."

"Yes, that Bai Qi clearly wants to hunt us!"

At this moment, a cavalryman behind Ju Yi shouted angrily and fearfully.

At this time, the white cavalry armor has become a nightmare for the Ju Yi cavalry.

Being treated as a living target, unable to escape, trying to catch up but unable to outrun the horse, there is no point in being entangled in such a battle.

The three hundred soldiers brought by Ju Yi seemed to have become the prey of Bai Qi. With only five of them, he could hunt down nearly three hundred of them.

Ju Yi's soldiers and horses were in disarray. In such a small encounter today, the playful Bai Qi taught Ju Yi a lesson.

Ju Yi was shocked in his heart. He did not dare to entangle with these five white cavalry any longer. He glared hard at the cavalryman riding a bloody horse and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Ju Yi even had the illusion that facing these five white knights was like facing five superior generals.

These five people gave him the feeling that they were powerful and difficult to defeat.

"That's it, withdraw first."

After that, Ju Yi looked at the plain. In a short time, more than thirty cavalrymen had died under the arrows of Xiyu's five white cavalrymen.

Ju Yi felt a sense of fear in his heart: If he forcibly led the cavalry to pursue the five white cavalry, he would be ambushed.

What happened at this moment seemed to give him a kick.

Finally, the five white cavalry left, and Ju Yi and the more than 200 cavalry behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Ju Yi led the cavalry and did not dare to stop immediately. They did not even clean up the bodies of their own soldiers on the ground, so they quickly rode away and hurried to the military camp.

Xi Yu waited in the camp until nightfall when Huang Zhong led Bai Qi back.

Huang Zhong jumped off his horse and ordered someone to lead him back to the scout camp. Then he entered the Xiyu camp and laughed loudly, "Haha, it's really fun!"

Huang Zhong was smiling and very happy.

"The old general has returned after a long time. I thought you were ambushed."

Xi Yu put his hands in the sleeves of his light armor robe and said to Huang Zhong with a smile.

If Huang Zhong does not return, he will order people to search for him.

Now that Xi Yu's soldiers and horses are near Qinghe County, they have few retreats. If they lose a general before the battle begins, it will have a negative impact on the subsequent war.

"Haha... Sir, you are worrying too much."

Huang Zhong remembered what happened just now and said in a deep voice: "My lord, I don't know something. When I led the men and horses to patrol the camp, I never thought of being chased by the horses in the camp in front of Pingyuan City. I was really itchy and couldn't bear it, so I took action. Fan."

"However, I will all follow the tactics of war that your lord has taught me before. If the enemy retreats, I will advance. If the enemy advances, I will retreat. This is how to deal with it!"

"As a result, haha, the horses of Pingyuan City's cavalry were not as good as ours, and their shooting skills were even more incomparable to ours. Within a few rounds, we shot and killed more than thirty of them, and they were so frightened that they dared not It’s so exciting to come forward and chase us!”

Huang Zhong said proudly.

"Haha, old general, I wonder if you can find out any information when you go this time?" Xi Yu said lightly.

Seeing that Huang Zhong returned safely, Xi Yu was more concerned about the investigation. As for what Mr. Huang said about the pursuit, he didn't care much.

Hearing this, Huang Zhong's expression changed slightly, and then he suddenly scratched his head and said with a smile, "This... haha, I haven't found anything yet."

"Sir, this time we mainly encountered Yuan Jun's pursuit, which prevented us from patrolling the camp. This investigation is considered a failure. However, I remembered that the cavalry chasing us had the word 'Ju' written on the flag."

"Ju Yi." Xi Yu said immediately.

"Well, yes, that's the person."

Huang Zhong immediately smiled and complimented Xi Yu, "Your Excellency is really awesome. I just said a last name and you knew who the other person was. I really admire him."

"Get ready immediately, rush to the camp at night, burn all the food and grass as usual, force them back into the city, so that they don't dare to camp outside the city anymore, and then act according to the opportunity."

After saying that, Xi Yu immediately turned around and went to another part of the camp. After a while, Xi Yu returned to the Chinese army camp again and called the civil servants and generals to discuss the matter.

Before this, Xi Yu thought that Yan Liang or Wen Chou would be the defender. Now it seems that today's history has not changed much. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are still fighting for the White Horse, attacking Dongjun, intending to enter Yanzhou, and then make a detour Encirclement and cutting off food and grass.

But even so, once Ju Yi is defending the city, there is no need to worry. It would be better to start a war directly.

That night, Ju Yi returned to the camp with lingering fears.

He has experienced many battles, large and small, but he has rarely encountered a team with five generals.

But Ju Yi felt that this shouldn't be the case. There was only one general in an army, and the opponent should be just an old and weak scout with a low status in the army. Otherwise, how could he lead a mere five people to attack the camp alone?

No, are these five people here to spy on military intelligence?

But his soldiers and horses did not set up camp outside, so what could these five white knights see?

If you really want to observe the marching formation in depth, you can't do it by coming here this time. But if you don't do this, then why don't these five white knights have to go all the way in vain?

Ju Yi really couldn't understand. There were a lot of strange things about today.

"Now I am guarding Pingyuan County, Pingyuan City and Gaokang. These are the only two places I can defend. And Xiyu is backed by Jishui and has no supply of food and grass. I only need to defend and not go out to attack, and I can stop Xiyu's attack. attack."

Ju Yi quickly thought of a countermeasure.

Resolutely defend and not fight outside Xiyu City.

Nowadays, Xi Yu's cavalry is very powerful. If they fight head-on, they will definitely be massacred by Xi Yu's cavalry.

Ju Yi even guessed that Xi Yu must be looking for a quick solution in order to occupy a city and place his troops first, so as to meet the needs of further operations.

Ju Yi knew very well that the people of Pingyuan City had long been accustomed to a life of benevolent policies. If he allowed his soldiers and horses to do no harm to the people, he would be able to get the people's food and grass support, and even help them fight against Xi Yu's attack.

But once they enter the city and defend it, it also means that the people in the city need to make a lot of sacrifices, either by internal migration, or like fish waiting to be slaughtered.

No matter what choice he made, this was a very troublesome matter, but time did not give Ju Yi much room for choice.

Suddenly, roars and stampedes came from Ju Yi's camp. Countless people rushed in from outside. The dull and noisy sound of horse hooves soon resounded throughout the camp.

People in the camp were suddenly panicked. Ju Yi wanted to lead his troops to fight, but when he heard such a loud sound of horse hooves and the sounds of fighting around him, Ju Yi realized that it was too late.

At this time, the guards outside the camp opened the tent and rushed in. Deafening shouts of killing came. Ju Yi immediately rushed out of the barracks in panic, but at this time, there was already chaos outside the camp.

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