We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 244 Xiahou Lian’s hunting ground deliberately provokes Xiahou Dun to meet Cao Cao

At the end of the day, Xi Yu and others harvested a large amount of prey.

Xi Yu ordered people to light a fire on the grass and put the prey on the fire to barbecue. As generals, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun were very good at this barbecue.

Xi Yu, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others sat aside and waited, while Lu Lingqi leaned against a big tree, quietly and not talking to anyone.

Not long after, Xiahou Lian, Xiahou Dun's younger brother, came over. This man was a general in the middle of Xiahou Dun's army.

Xia Houlian and his party also came here to hunt today. They wanted to have a good time, but they never thought that Xi Yu and his party would also come here. Xia Houlian originally left, but felt it was too embarrassing, so he forced himself to leave.

After a day of hunting, almost all the prey here was snatched by Xi Yu and others, and only a few rabbits were left.

As they passed by, Xia Houlian said, "After chasing deer, we only hunted some young rabbits. How should we and the dozen or so members of the clan divide them?"

When passing by, Xia Houlian said, "After the deer chase, there are only two young rabbits. How can we and dozens of other clan members share the food?"

Another person replied, "People with foreign surnames actually entered the hunting ground, and the harvest was so rich, but this hunting ground is only a place where clan members can enter. Oh, it is really sad and lamentable."

"It's tasteless to eat and it's a pity to throw it away. It doesn't matter if this little rabbit doesn't eat it."

Xia Houlian was about to abandon the two young rabbits. At this time, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang happened to hear the conversation between Xia Houlian and others. Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang suddenly felt unhappy.

Dian Wei could hear clearly from the side. He had a bad temper and immediately said in a cold voice, "I don't know which family's dog is barking here! It's really noisy to death!"

"The hunting ground is so vast. Everyone has to rely on their own abilities when hunting. Haha, in the end, I only caught two young rabbits. I'm afraid I couldn't shoot eighty steps with my bow. But every time I come back, I'm greedy for other people's prey!"

"It's not impossible to get prey if you want. If you come over and kneel in front of me, kowtow a few times, and call me foster father twice, I can give you some prey. How about that?"

"You are a rude person. Who are you talking about behind your words?"

Dian Wei sneered and said, "Haha, whoever talks to me, who am I talking about?"

"Come here and kowtow. My foster father will give you prey now. Come here quickly."

After that, Dian Wei waved his hands towards the two of them. Of course, Dian Wei could tell that what the two said before was intentional, and he was clearly comparing the world today to a hunting ground.

It is intended to imply that Xiyu wants too much, so that the clan members cannot tell them apart.

However, the meaning behind these words was very obscure, and it was more of an expression of annoyance. It did not mean to provoke a fight, but it happened to meet a reckless man like Dian Wei. There were only a few reckless people in the late Han Dynasty. People, Dian Wei is one of them.

Whenever someone dares to say something wrong with Xi Yu, it's fine if he, Dian Wei, can't hear it. If he can hear it, he will never let this person go.

"General!" Xia Houlian immediately looked at Xi Yu, "I am a powerful general today, how can I be easily humiliated?"

"It's a joke, I'm a dignified general! When I was doing great military exploits in Jizhou, you and the Xiahou family were just guarding Yanjin!"

For a moment, Xia Houlian and Dian Wei were at war with each other, and Dian Wei stood up. He was as big as an iron tower, so Xia Houlian was immediately afraid.

After all, the generals beside Xi Yu are all fierce men.

"What you just said is what you think in your own hearts, or is it someone who deliberately taught you to say this?"

Xi Yu suddenly looked at Xia Houlian and asked in a deep voice.

Huang Zhongli was not far away from Xiyu. When he saw this, he immediately held the bow and arrow in his hand firmly.

Zhao Yun's eyes immediately revealed a cold light. In this Huang family hunting ground, if Zhao Yun and others wanted to leave, even if another thousand or eight hundred people came, they would not be able to stop Xi Yu, Zhao Yun and others.

Xia Houlian just showed off his rhetoric for a while, but now that things have come to this, if he leaves in such a dejected manner, he will definitely be punished when he returns.

With this current situation, Xia Houlian had to say something.

Otherwise, when the time comes, he will really be unable to speak, and it will be difficult to speak out. Xiahou Dun, the elder brother in the family, will probably scold him to death and let him go back to the front line in Jizhou.

In this way, now that the words have reached this point, Xia Houlian simply continued, "Of course, what I just said is from the bottom of my heart. General, I was just quick with my words. I should apologize and admit my mistakes. However, there are some It’s hard to speak quickly.”

Xi Yu immediately looked at Xia Houlian.

This man has a rough build, a flat face, relatively open and closed facial features, and a plump and broad forehead. He indeed has the appearance of a general.

Moreover, this Xia Houlian's arms were slender and strong, but his eyes were not very clear, and he looked a little more cunning and mean.

Xi Yu withdrew his gaze from the distance of the hunting ground again, and turned to look at the two generals of the Xiahou family in front of him who looked like they were complaining, but in fact they were emboldened to yell at him.

"Haha, tell me." Xi Yu sneered and said.

Xia Houlian immediately clasped his fists and said, "A few years ago, in the eastern part of Jizhou, when we were in Qinghe County, our general Xiahou Dun sent troops to Qinghe to change defenses, so as to release General Zhao Yun's troops and horses so that he could attack Hejian County."

"However, General Zhao not only drove away General Xiahou Dun's soldiers and horses, but also took away the armor and food. The lord already knows about this."

"I wonder how the general will deal with this matter? From what I can see, the lord must be waiting for the general to report this matter. The general should also know that General Xiahou Dun is the lord's brother."

"This incident has always been a pain in the heart of General Xiahou Dun. General Xiahou Dun has never mentioned it before. It was because he wanted to ensure the victory of the Northern Expedition. But in the eyes of our junior generals, this kind of armaments and ordnance are absolutely useless. It is not a trivial matter, but if we indulge in robbery, it will definitely affect the unity within our army."

Xiahou Lian said righteously, and even glanced at Zhao Yun intentionally, as if he wanted Zhao Yun to stand up and confront him.

Thinking of that time, his soldiers and horses, Xia Houlian, were pointed at their noses and scolded by Qingzhou soldiers, which was very rude. Xia Houlian and his soldiers and horses suffered a great humiliation.

"General, there are still Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses in Jizhou. Jizhou has not yet been completely stabilized," Xia Houlian continued. "We still need to spend a lot of energy to drive away Yuan Shao's remaining soldiers. Otherwise, Yuan Shao will never be able to easily conquer Jizhou." The land was surrendered.”

"If the general is thinking about the unity of the army within the lord, he should inform the lord of the matter as soon as possible and then return the corresponding military supplies."

"Is there such a thing?" Xi Yu immediately looked at Zhao Yun.

"There is absolutely no such thing, it's just something made out of nothing!" Zhao Yun replied solemnly.

"General Zhao, you are also the commander-in-chief of an army after all. How can An Neng talk so freely, dare to do something but dare not act?!" Xia Houlian said coldly.

Zhao Yun glanced back at Xia Houlian and said in a deep voice, "If I remember correctly, the person who came to claim the territory was named Jiang Qi."

"Yes, it's Jiang Qi!"

Zhao Yun then continued, "Haha, if that's the case, that's right."

"The armaments you mentioned were snatched by Jiang Qi from Yuan Jun. However, after they arrived in Qinghe County, they were robbed by bandits. We defeated the bandits in Qinghe County and robbed the armaments. Come back, this is the truth of the matter, why do you say that I, Zhao Yun, robbed Jiang Qi's armaments?" Zhao Yun asked with a sneer.

"Isn't this what it is?!"

Xia Houlian suddenly became anxious, and secretly said in his heart: Well, Zhao Yun, the reason why you never reported it is because you didn't take these armaments seriously at all? !

How is this different from gangsters? !

He didn't even mention this matter at all. If I, Xia Houlian, hadn't asked about it today, I'm afraid no one like you would have mentioned it from now on, and then the previous armaments would really be impossible to get back.

However, the prosperous Xuzhou and Qingzhou are already very wealthy, and now there are nearly 70,000 more sets of armaments in the military camps!

In the view of Xia Houlian and others, Xiyu has so many reserve armaments, which are all obtained from the mining of ores by the people in the territory.

Moreover, after mining the mines, you can also get a lot of gold and silver ores. Xiyu is already very rich in armaments, and there are naturally a lot of other ores and other raw materials. How can it be poor and barren.

Under such circumstances, Xi Yu actually refused to return the weapons. Xia Houlian felt that this was too much.

At this time, Zhao Yun tilted his head, looked at Xia Houlian, and said in a deep voice, "What if we didn't defeat the bandits? Will you still report to the lord that this armament was robbed by bandits?"

"However, when we defeated the bandits and harvested these armaments from the bandits, we naturally reported this as captured proceeds."

"In the report to the lord last night, we made it very clear that these armaments have nothing to do with you now. Why do you have to come out today and say that we have affected internal unity?"

Dian Wei also followed with disdain and said, "That's right! You can't even defeat the bandits, but you still have the nerve to come to our general to ask for armaments, and you don't feel embarrassed!"

"When this news comes out, I feel ashamed for your Xiahou family. I was robbed by bandits. Instead of attacking the bandits to get back the weapons, you come here to slander us?!"

"Do you really think that my lord has a good temper?" Dian Wei glared and continued, "However, my lord does have a good temper and usually doesn't get angry. However, once he does get angry, the consequences will be serious."

"So, I advise you to get away quickly while my lord is still angry, otherwise... once my lord becomes angry, you will not be able to reap the benefits!"

"You...you guys!!"

Xia Houlian never thought that he would be scolded by Dian Wei, and his face suddenly turned green and red, and he became even more angry with embarrassment. However, what Dian Wei and Zhao Yun said was not completely unreasonable, and Xia Houlian also understood the matter themselves. Justify the loss.

At this time, Zhao Yun said in a deep voice, "If Jiang Qi had a better attitude back then, I could have given him the weapons."

"But this person is talking nonsense, saying that Lord Shenxi is just a retainer of the Cao family, and furthermore, that these armaments and soldiers will be returned to the Cao family and Xiahou family sooner or later!"

"I was wondering, is this Jiang Qi a member of the Cao family? Or does he recognize General Xiahou as his adoptive father? Serve General Xiahou every night?"

"Haha, if it is convenient, please ask General Xia Houlian to go back and ask me a question."

Hearing these words, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia immediately looked at each other and felt secretly happy in their hearts: They never thought that this boy Zhao Yun, who had been with them all these years and often quarreled with Dian Wei, would now argue with others. His ability is quite extraordinary!

Zhao Yun was so hurtful at this time without using any curse words, which left Xia Houlian speechless.

When Xia Houlian and other members of the Xiahou family heard what Dian Wei and Zhao Yun said just now, they were speechless and had to leave the hunting ground.

But everyone in this group of people had expressions of surprise and anger on their faces.

As several people left the hunting ground, within half a day, news about the hunting ground reached Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun was a very honest man, and he was extremely strict in running the army. Therefore, he was very strict with himself and would never hide his property secretly.

Therefore, this armament was like a timely rain for Xiahou Dun. Now it could at least solve the urgent need to expand the army, and his officers and soldiers could also receive military supplies for supply.

If Xiahou Dun is unable to meet the basic needs of his soldiers at this time, then naturally there will be a lot of discussion among the new recruits. What's more, they may be resentful and no longer willing to work hard for him.

Xiahou Dun knew very well: as a general, the most desired situation is for his soldiers to be willing to fight to the death for him. Only in this way can the army's combat effectiveness on the battlefield be fierce.

"Then Xi Yu really said that??" Xiahou Dun looked at Xia Houlian and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, brother, we just met Xi Yu by chance at the hunting ground. Out of etiquette, we wanted to go up and say hello to Xi Yu. Who would have thought..."

"Hey, if I had known it would end like this, why would I have caused all this trouble? I didn't expect Master Xi to have such a bad impression of us. I thought nothing had happened in the past few years, and we treated each other with courtesy. , the old grudges should have been resolved long ago."

Xiahou Lian thought carefully, added some fuel to the situation at that time, and tampered with what Zhao Yun and Dian Wei said. After hearing this, Xiahou Dun suddenly felt angry.

"This is simply too much! But, why would you talk to Xi Yu about such things?!" Xiahou Dun asked doubtfully.

Xia Houlian's expression suddenly changed, but Xiahou Dun could see such details clearly.

"Hurry up and tell the truth, without any deception. Although I am not good at strategy, I am by no means stupid. How can I not know what kind of people you are?"

With that said, Xiahou Dun walked to the weapons rack and took down the pear blossom gun.

Suddenly, the pear blossom spear gleamed with cold light, and its sharp edge was revealed. Xiahou Dun was so fierce that he bravely defeated the three armies and was famous for his toughness.

If anyone makes him angry, no one can dissuade him, not to mention that he is the commander-in-chief, and his own majesty has completely surpassed everyone in the past few years.

Xia Houlian suddenly felt frightened. He who was kneeling on one knee immediately knelt on both knees in front of Xiahou Dun and said loudly, "Brother! I don't mean to embarrass you!"

"It's just that it's too embarrassing to see Master Xi hunting down a large number of prey in the hunting ground, and even taking away the prey we wanted to hunt, so that we only caught a few young rabbits in the end."

"I suddenly thought about how my eldest brother was oppressed by Xi Yu, and our Xiahou family was also oppressed by Xi Yu and others. I was so angry that I couldn't hold it back for a moment, so..."

"That's why it's like this..."

Xia Houlian's face suddenly looked uncomfortable but strong.

He knew very well that if he didn't tell the truth, he would be punished even more severely once Xiahou Dun asked him about it.

If he tells the truth now, he won't be punished too severely.

"You, alas..."

Xia Houdun's face darkened, and he waved his hand and pointed at Xia Houlian who was kneeling on the ground. He didn't know what to say for a moment, but he was very sad and angry in his heart.

His soldiers and horses under Xiahou Dun have been with him for seven or eight years, and many of them have become veterans from new recruits. Although Jiang Qi is not a core general, he is also a veteran in the army. He was bullied at that time, and it is really difficult to explain it. .

"I already know about this, but you'd better not provoke Xi Yu and others again, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to save your life!" Xiahou Dun said worriedly.

Hearing this, Xia Houlian suddenly became frightened and whispered, "Brother, that Xiyu, you don't dare to kill me easily, right? I am also a member of the Xiahou family after all!"

Xiahou Dun sneered helplessly, "Why doesn't Xi Yu dare to kill you? Let me tell you, if you push too hard, then Xi Yu would dare to kill me. In this world today, Xi Yu will only listen to one person. "

Moreover, this was an emotion piled up with affection, so he would listen to it.

Then, Xiahou Dun hurriedly left. After a while, he walked out of the military camp, mounted his horse, and went straight to Xuchang City, arriving at the government office.

Now Cao Cao would handle affairs in the government office during the day and return to the Prime Minister's Mansion at night.

Although both the front yard of the Prime Minister's Mansion and the government office could handle affairs, Cao Cao would still come to the government office during the day because it was larger than the palace and very close to the palace where the emperor lived.

Not long after, Xiahou Dun walked up the hundred stairs, with soldiers guarding both sides. All the way to the outside of the main hall, there were soldiers guarding him. After someone informed him, Xiahou Dun knew that Cao Cao was carefully reading the documents from various states and counties sent by Xi Yu. book.

Xiahou Dun had no choice but to wait outside until he was called inside.

After waiting for some time, someone brought Xiahou Dun inside.


In Cao Cao's military camp, Xiahou Dun had already saved Cao Cao's life and was the leading general among his clan members, so he was already a very important figure around Cao Cao.

Over the years, he had a close relationship with Cao Cao, so he always called Cao Cao Meng De. The two were like family members.

Cao Cao has long been accustomed to Xiahou Dun calling him this.

"Yuan Rang, why are you here this time?" Cao Cao asked.

"There are indeed extremely important secrets that I have to discuss with you in detail."

"Oh, Wen Ruo." Cao Cao then looked at Xun Yu.


Xun Yu immediately glanced at Xiahou Dun, then called out all the people on both sides of the room. Then, he walked out of the hall and closed the door.

As a result, Xiahou Dun and Cao Cao were the only two people left in the hall.

But at this time, Cao Cao still carefully looked at the book that Xi Yu sent, was familiar with the map that Xi Yu sent, and understood the humanities of Xuzhou and Qingzhou.

Cao Cao has always enjoyed doing this without interruption.

"It's just the two of us at the moment. If you have something to say, it doesn't matter. I'm listening."

Cao Cao said in a deep voice.

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