"Go back to the general, the patrol team should be... the entire army should be wiped out!"

"The whole army... was wiped out? This... how is this possible? The enemy didn't even show their faces, how did they die? Could it be that everyone on the opposite side is a sharp archer?"

"You bastard! Do you think this general is a fool? There are thousands of people in the patrol team at least. Even if the enemy has sharp archers, it is impossible to shoot down all the patrol guards in a short time-"

Before he could finish speaking, he looked at the enemy soldiers looming in the distant fire, as if someone had choked his throat and could no longer make any sound.

That... that's black——

No! It’s Bai Qi!

Oh my god, Bai Qi is actually at the rear of the army?

This...how is this possible?

It's over, it's completely over now.

At this moment, not even the blazing flames could stop Cao Chun's body from getting colder inch by inch.

"Damn it, why did the White Cavalry suddenly appear behind the camp? Where did they come from?"

At this moment, Cao Chun was not the only one who looked pale and frightened.

In the camp, all the generals who saw the white cavalry were confused and panicked.

That is the White Cavalry who is as famous as the Black Cavalry. Who is not afraid of it?

Thinking back to that year, in the Battle of Guandu, the black and white cavalry came out together. How many capable ministers and generals were killed?

Yan Liang and Wen Chou both died because of this cavalry, and most of the good generals in Hebei were assassinated by them.

Coupled with their elusive nature, more and more people have speculated in recent years that the entire map of Jizhou has been clearly explored by them.

If it was just a guess before, then the moment Bai Qi appeared, Cao Chun knew clearly that this was a fact!

At this moment, Bai Qi had already reached behind the army.

At this time, no one had any room to resist or even react.

After all, the fires all around were still burning brightly.

In this vast fire, the horses that couldn't bear it broke free from their reins and ran wildly into the distance.

Some Qingqi with quick eyes and quick hands want to rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire as soon as they get on their horses.

If you don't run away now, when Bai Qi arrives, everyone will have no chance even if they want to run away.

However, this left only ordinary soldiers and heavy cavalry in the camp.

Ordinary soldiers cannot run away because of their slow speed, while heavy cavalry cannot run away because of their heavily armed armor.

That kind of weight is not something ordinary people can bear.

In addition, it was late at night, and without horses and direction, they really couldn't play any role.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you run away quickly? Take off your armor if you can. It's important to save your life. We'll talk about the rest later!"

Cao Chun gave the order, and the soldiers around him who had not yet realized what he was doing responded and fled in a hurry.

There is indeed a water source around them, but if they want to extinguish the fire, they can only manually lift buckets one by one. Without modern fire-extinguishing tools or even faucets, trying to put out the huge sea of ​​​​inferno is tantamount to wishful thinking.

The most important thing is that even if they can put out the fire, they will already be surrounded by Bai Qi.

Therefore, no one thought about the method of collecting water on site from the beginning.

There was chaos in the upstream camp, with tongues of fire dancing everywhere.

Cao Zhen, who was downstream, naturally also got the news.

He was suddenly woken up by the nightmare with bloodshot eyes. Before he could lie down again, he heard bursts of noise coming from outside.

Sure enough, it’s not that easy to get a good night’s sleep.

He quickly put on his clothes, and as soon as he poked his head out of the tent, he saw many disorganized soldiers in the upstream army whose firelight illuminated half of the sky.

"Hiss! It's so fast. This enemy comes so quietly. It's not something the cavalry under my command can match."

"General, the army upstream is in chaos."


Gongsun Xun's words did not cause Cao Zhen to waver at all. He held the sword tightly in his hand and said calmly: "Go, send people to support, and then call all the cavalry in the two battalions to go down the slope at the rear and wait for Hou Yunji." .”

"There are plains around Hou Yunji, which is convenient for us to find the position of the white cavalry, and is also suitable for cavalry combat. Remember to order the light cavalry to carry the crossbows and divide them into two teams. When the white cavalry is found, release the crossbow and kill him immediately!"


After Gongsun Xun had gone far, Cao Zhen returned to the camp and put on his armor carefully.

Now that Cao Chun is useless, the best arrangement he can make is to gather all the cavalry in the camp and have a head-on battle with Bai Qi.

Bai Qi is famous and his strength far exceeds his own, but so what, in terms of numbers, he should be the one with the greatest advantage!

As long as nothing unexpected happens, as long as the advantage in numbers can be fully utilized, it is not impossible to win against the White Cavalry!

Even though each of them has experienced hundreds of battles.


While Cao Zhen was preparing his plan, Bai Qi also launched a hunting moment for Cao Chun and Heavy Qi.

More than 150 white cavalry detachments fell behind Cao Chun, and the crossbows in their hands were extremely lethal.

At this time, the gap between the two sides was quite obvious.

Whether it is the military quality of the soldiers, the armor worn by both sides, the weapons they hold, or even the horses under their crotches.

The white cavalry hunts and kills the enemy, just like teasing a cat and walking a dog.

Because he is wearing white armor, he is particularly conspicuous in the middle of the night, so there is no chance of accidental injury when shooting arrows between companions.

Coupled with the fact that everyone was strong and skilled in archery, the enemy had no hope of survival at all.

As if the armor-piercing arrows had eyes, they avoided the white shadow and landed on the enemy.

This armor-piercing arrow is Xi Yu's proud work.

Sharp arrows can directly break through armor, but in just a few breaths, thousands of ordinary soldiers were killed by the rain of arrows.

Under Huang Xu's personal command, the well-prepared people turned Cao Chun's camp into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

Because iron armor could not withstand the sharp arrows, in order to escape faster, more and more soldiers began to take off their armor and run wildly into the distance.

Under such circumstances, running around like headless flies, it was a certainty that they would be hunted down by the White Cavalry.

Huang Xu only took a few breaths to beat the more than 10,000 soldiers in the camp to pieces and fled in a panic.

But soon, Huang Xu's keen ears moved slightly, and he heard the faint sound of horse hooves behind him.

Because the horses of the white cavalry are all shoed, the sound of hoofbeats when walking and running is a little clearer than that of ordinary cavalry.

Therefore, he could be sure that the sound of horse hooves behind him came from enemy support.

He glanced at the looming fire behind him and said calmly: "Attention, everyone, the enemy's reinforcements are coming."

"The army is divided into two. I will lead some cavalry to lure Cao Zhen away. On the 1st, you will lead the rest of the people to burn the camp and completely wipe out the enemy, leaving no one behind!"

After saying that, Huang Xu took the reins and turned around decisively. With the neighing of the war horses, he led some of the white riders to slowly circle towards the woods on the side.

However, he didn't know that Cao Zhen had already set up an ambush here.

Those ambush soldiers waited motionless in the woods for most of the night, just for this moment!

The armies suddenly rushed out from both sides and surrounded Huang Xu and others.

"Haha, Huang Xu, you can't escape, today is the day you die!"

"My death date?"

Huang Xu repeated playfully, his eyes full of teasing.

"It's rare. I was only focused on destroying Cao Chun and forgot to explore the surrounding environment. But it doesn't matter. I just want to see what the level of Cao Zhen's cavalry is!"

"Everyone listened to the order, fired their crossbows to clear the way, and rushed out quickly. Then they joined the army and moved forward in a roundabout way to encircle and suppress Cao Zhen!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the people in white armor rushed into the enemy's interior like meteors, accompanied by the dull sound of horse hooves.

The two armies were like two torrents, all heading towards each other.

The courage to move forward and the fearlessness of death are staggering.

However, although one side has many people, it can only be regarded as a ragtag gang, while the other side, although there are few people, is a good player. Even if it is a repeating crossbow in its hand, it can still wield the cold sword. Killing intent.

Although they are both cavalry, they are like two bottles made of different materials. One is made of pottery, which is fragile and vulnerable.

The other is made of diamond welding and is completely immune to any attacks.

The most eye-popping ones were the white knights who had already rushed out of the enemy army.

The moment they rushed out, they held on to the reins tightly, then turned around and rushed back towards the enemy again.

Look at that posture, it seems that no matter how many enemies there are, I have nothing to fear!

For some reason, this battle was obviously the first time the two sides had met, but they showed the fierceness of a young man.

While the two sides were fighting, Xi Yu, who was far away in the Bohai camp, was also busy in the middle of the night.

Listening to the battle reports reported by the generals, Xi Yu felt a little dazed.

A few years ago, I probably wouldn't have understood what these generals were saying.

After all, Cao Cao was there at that time, so he didn't need to worry about this at all as he had no intention of going to the battlefield.

So it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not.

But things are different now. Even if Guo Jia doesn't force himself, he probably has to study it carefully. Otherwise, when he leads his troops to the battlefield in the future, he will definitely make some unnecessary mistakes due to ignorance.

"We have already studied this map, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, the casualties of the troops have begun to gradually increase. The number of dead soldiers alone has exceeded 4,000, and there are countless injured soldiers."

Guo Jia frowned slightly, while scrolling the map, he said: "In addition, Zhao Yun's cavalry and Dian Wei's dead soldiers have not shown up yet, and the interior of Hejian County has been almost penetrated by us."

"Right now, all the more than twenty plans we made before the war have been implemented. It is expected that in three days, Cao's army will be unable to hold on and will be completely defeated."

"Under such a great situation, why do you have to go to the battlefield in person?"

Guo Jia didn't understand very much.

A while ago, Xi Yu defeated the enemy in three consecutive battles on the battlefield.

When he charged into the enemy's army single-handedly, it was as if he was in an uninhabited land. The more he fought, the braver he became, and no one in Cao's army could stop him.

If everyone hadn't been really worried that Xi Yu, who became more and more courageous as he fought, would suffer crazy revenge and assassination from the enemy because he was too dazzling on the battlefield, they probably wouldn't have strongly forced Xi Yu to leave the battlefield.

Yes, with the victory in three games, everyone is also afraid that the coach will be injured by an eyeless sword.

If something happens to the coach, the current young master is still young, just a child of four years old, and has not yet established his horse's steps. How can he inherit Xi Yu's leadership?

Just because he only had one son and could not take over all the power he could inherit as scatteredly as Cao Cao did, he did not let himself go to the battlefield.

Thinking of the main reason why he was persuaded to leave the battlefield, Xi Yu was speechless and choked.

These people are making too much of a fuss.

Aren't you just too active and dazzling on the battlefield? What's the point? As for bringing all inheritance issues to the forefront?

"No, I have to fight this battle myself!"

He said that, but looking at the generals and counselors who were hesitant to speak, Xi Yu still sighed deeply and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will put on hundreds of steel-made full armor before going to the battlefield this time. Is this possible to reassure everyone?"

Although a little helpless, the thought of going to the battlefield makes me quite happy.

You know, I am no longer the frail scholar I once was.

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia were almost blistered after hearing the advice, but they couldn't resist Xi Yu's stubbornness at all.

In fact, Xi Yu knew what he was doing. The reason why he insisted on going to the battlefield was to solve the problem.

Because he has not participated in many wars, he clearly feels that his strength will make a qualitative leap if he does not participate in a war.

Don't let go of such an opportunity to make yourself stronger.

In the end, the two people couldn't help but looked at each other and had no choice but to retreat: "I obey!"

With two military advisors present, Xi Yu quickly arranged the battle formation for the future.

Zhao Yun led the black cavalry to contain the enemy troops on the periphery of the war zone and resist Cao Jun's pursuit and attack. As for Dian Wei's dead soldiers, they would quietly appear in various places where they should and needed to appear.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of thousand-mile horses in the army, as well as well-armed elite soldiers and generals. However, Xi Yu is hesitant as to who should be the commander of them now.

Without a coach, no matter how powerful these armies are, they will be in disarray and unable to exert any advantage.

Maybe... Zhang Liao and Gao Shun can?

These two people were old acquaintances, and they were still the commander-in-chief and deputy commander of the Xuzhou army. As the commander-in-chief, Zhang Liao had a very high prestige in the army.

Especially when he was in Hefei, after he killed Sun Ce's nearly 100,000 troops in one battle, it was even more impressive.

Even the soldiers in Qingzhou have probably heard of his reputation.

Furthermore, this guy already commands tens of thousands of troops in Xuzhou, and he is very good at arranging and matching various soldiers and horses in the army. Now he is the perfect person to lead the army.

After thinking of a solution, Xi Yu quickly left the army without any burden.

It would be really ridiculous if anyone really thinks that they have to be in charge in their own military camp.

In his own military camp, among the main camps of Guang, Qing and Xu's armies, the number of people who could take charge of their own affairs was at least a thousand, not to mention the 6,000 black and white cavalry and the 4,000 dead soldiers.

Those who can be planned within these ten thousand people are all good at blocking a hundred people.

Just like that, in a corner where no one was paying attention, Xi Yu led three thousand soldiers and horses, ready to start "threading the needle".

Threading the needle and thread refers to more than twenty plans that have been made before.

Because there are many counties scattered along this line of Hejian County, and the guards within each county are also very scattered.

Therefore, having anticipated this, he divided the army into more than 20 parts before the war began, and issued different orders to each army, intending to make more flowers and attack them comprehensively.

At present, most of the troops have completed the assigned tasks and captured various passes and towns.

These inconspicuous places may not seem like much to the enemy, but as long as Xi Yu is willing to connect these large and small dots into lines, and then from line to surface, I am afraid that the entire Hejian County will be in his hands. superior!

His plan was very detailed, but Xia Houchun across from him didn't know anything.

His subordinates reported one after another, which really made him a little confused.

What is Xiyu doing? The war has reached this level, why do I feel a little confused?

He was confused, but he was very playful.

Before he knew it, Xi Yu had already crossed the battlefield and arrived at Wen'an.

The general sent by the Cao family to guard Wen'an was Cao Jun, who had five to six thousand troops.

Previously, Wang Meng led Qingzhou soldiers to attack Wen'an. Seeing that he was outmatched, he immediately led his army to abandon the city and flee. Now he is guarding less than a hundred miles away from Wen'an, always waiting for the opportunity to recapture Wen'an.

However, he never expected that before he could find a suitable opportunity, he would be caught by Xi Yu who was running across the river on horseback.

He led three thousand cavalry and jumped across the river, as if he had built a narrow bridge. In the blink of an eye, he reached Cao Jun's camp.

Xi Yu raised the knife and killed them all without leaving a single piece of armor behind.

With a casual bow and a shot, Cao Jun was sent to the underworld.

Without the backbone, Cao Jun's army suddenly fell into chaos.

When Wang Meng saw this, he quickly seized the opportunity and led his soldiers to fight out of Wen'an.

While killing the enemy, he also did not forget to order people to appease the people in the city.

When the two armies met, Wang Meng hurriedly saluted and said with a smile: "My lord, the general has fulfilled his mission. Now there are still 50,000 people left in the city!"

"Well, that's right. Let the people go to Bohai. You can lead the army and follow me!"


Xiyu, who had arranged everything long ago, carried out his plan in an orderly manner.

To this day, taking over Hejian County is like picking something out of a bag.

As soon as they joined Wang Meng's army, Xi Yu's original three thousand soldiers suddenly turned into tens of thousands.

He led these 6,000 people all the way south, and soon arrived at Shuzhou, and then rushed from the upper reaches of Heyazi to Chengping.

Along the way, whenever they encounter Cao Jun, they will strangle them as quickly as possible without mercy.

From then on, the battle line of Cao Pi's army could no longer bear it and began to retreat steadily.

Because all the soldiers led by Xi Yu were dead soldiers.

Dead soldiers are different from soldiers. They are not afraid of death no matter where they are. They don't do meritorious deeds and don't care about money. The only motivation to keep them alive is to kill people for Xiyu.

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