I'm afraid it's almost the same as his father Huang Zhongxiang, but he accumulated it bit by bit on the battlefield with his sincerity and meritorious deeds!

Therefore, having personally experienced the cruelty of war, he was extremely ruthless in every moment he faced the enemy.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to your own people!

"General, shouldn't we pursue him?"

"No, just looking at the direction in which they fled, we can see that these people have been defeated and there is nothing to be afraid of."

Huang Xu slowly shook his head, looking at the cavalry in the smoke and dust in the distance with a cold expression.

"But having said that, the sun is already setting in the west now, and it will be night soon. We are chasing the enemy's more than 3,000 stragglers with only a thousand soldiers and horses. Although there is a chance of winning, the number of casualties will probably increase again. Increase."

After just one meeting, he roughly estimated the number of enemy troops, then thought about it secretly and shouted: "Wang Long, get the map!"


A young soldier wearing a white robe and holding a spear walked quickly and took out the map from his arms.

This is one of the most precious things in the entire Baiqi camp, and it is also the key to everyone being able to live in a deserted land in Jizhou.

I saw that the terrain of the entire Hejian County was densely marked on it. The mountains, forests, plains, lakes... were all clearly depicted.

"Since we arrived in Hejian County, we have advanced for dozens of miles, and the enemy troops have become more and more dispersed in the process. If this continues, I am afraid that our hunting range will become wider and wider, and Bai Qi will be exhausted from running around. That’s not what I want to see.”

"Furthermore, let's see, judging from the situation on the map, there is only one place where these soldiers and horses can feel at ease, and that is Wuhuan City!"

"There are three roads to Wuhuan City. One is the nearest trail. Although it has to pass through the cliff, the terrain is steep and quite dangerous, but the distance is short and the speed is fast, which makes it easy for us to intercept and kill..."

Under Huang Xu's command, everyone nodded.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Huang Xu also smiled with satisfaction and said: "In that case, let's rest on the spot and set off again in half an hour to get to Wuhuan City before them."

"You can either intercept and kill Cao Zhen and other deserters, or you can wait for the gates of Wuhuan City to open, then suddenly rush out and take the city in one go!"

It sounds easy to say, but his bright eyes are extremely cold.

Speaking of such a posture on a young general, it would give people a somewhat nondescript feeling. After all, who would think that a person with a delicate appearance and fair skin would show sophistication and ruthlessness on the battlefield that ordinary people can't match.

But Huang Xu was able to do it, and even in his body, these two completely incompatible temperaments were perfectly integrated.

It seems that my adoptive father has already started to "thread the needle", but I don't know to what stage he has reached.

Huang Xu is most concerned about this matter right now.

He knew very well that as long as his adoptive father sent troops, the extremely long front would be integrated bit by bit. Once the frontline battlefield was captured, the entire theater would usher in the final decisive battle.

By then, I am afraid that the entire border of Hejian County will fall, and I, who is behind the enemy's rear, will become the most troublesome nail embedded in the enemy's army. I am afraid that by that time, I will face countless sieges.

But this is fine, if the enemy comes to besiege him, he can take advantage of the situation and become a living target, becoming both the enemy and his adoptive father.

I imagine that my presence will definitely make Xiahou Dun sleepless and eat well, which will have a certain impact on his arrangements for the army.

Secondly, judging from the reputation that I have gained in Hejian County recently, even if a large number of enemy troops come to besiege me, I am afraid that I will be extremely uneasy and frightened. In this way, I will definitely be able to persist in this borderland compared to myself. longer.

Long enough to last until the arrival of my adoptive father.

After all, all the armies are coming to besiege him. With his adoptive father's intelligence, he will definitely know the inside story. When his adoptive father leads the army, he will definitely scare the enemy to death!

By then, Hejian County will be destroyed without attacking, and the first battle between Yifu and Cao's army in Jizhou will come to an end.

I'm afraid that victory in this battle will cause an unspeakable blow to the enemy! ! !

The winner is king, and war is inherently cruel, but as long as it can win this first victory, the morale of the army will be greatly increased, and it will be unstoppable on the next battlefield!

A few days later, Xi Yu had arrived at Chengping, and the number of soldiers around him had also increased from the initial three thousand to tens of thousands.

Basically, all the soldiers who were scattered on the battlefield were gathered here by him, but for some reason, when the decisive battle was about to begin, the enemy retreated...

Yes, at this critical moment, Xia Houchun suddenly ordered the army to retreat.

What are you doing?

Xi Yu was a little curious. At this moment, he had even thought about how to greet Xia Houchun in the decisive battle, but the other party withdrew.

Is this like having constipation and taking off your pants, only to get nothing?

You know, the morale of the army has now risen to an unprecedented height with the continuous victories. He is just a wave of his hand, leading the people to sing all the way and win the Hejian County.

As a result, the enemy was disconnected.

"What is this scenario?"

Dian Wei touched his head, feeling a little baffled.

He just led the army to sweep away all the major cities on the battlefield around Hejian County, and rushed the generals to Xi Yu's side.

Speaking of which, he hasn't been idle these days.

Because his own power was extremely powerful, coupled with various advanced weapons and equipment, he wanted to let the veteran generals with rich combat experience in Qingxu's army lead some recruits who had just joined the army to gain experience points.

At the same time, it would be a good choice to recruit some capable or skilled soldiers in Cao's army.

After all, everyone knows the cruelty of war. After a large army has experienced a war, even if it wins, it will have to pay a heavy price, and the heaviest price among these is human life!

As long as there is a large-scale attrition of the army, even if it is a victorious army, it will eventually be defeated, losing its original combat effectiveness and losing lives.

Of course, there are also large armies that have maintained their illustrious reputation in the long river of history, but that kind of reputation is watered with the blood of everyone from the generals down to the foot soldiers.

On the battlefield, blood is useful, it can stimulate people's potential, but it is useless, because - it is everywhere...

Therefore, even though the momentum of the army is now high, there is not much attrition, and everyone pays great attention to this aspect.

In this way, the soldiers from the previous small-scale battles have all merged into Xi Yu's army, including some surrendered enemy soldiers.

This is the most legendary coach in the world today!

As the most powerful general in the world, he made countless military exploits in his best years, such as killing Lu Bu alone, defending Hefei, and breaking through the Jizhou defense line...

In the entire Cao Jun camp, there is not a single veteran who does not know these past experiences.

As for the new recruits, everyone comes out to serve as a soldier, and who doesn’t do it just for the two or two meters in their belly? To live a better life?

Since there is an ever-victorious army that wants to recruit you, anyone who doesn't nod quickly is a fool!

Especially the new recruits from the enemy camp. Seeing Yu's army turning Cao's camp upside down like a whirlwind, they all surrendered before the general shouted to flee.

In this way, after several days of fighting, the number of Xi Yu's army not only did not decrease, but increased sharply.

Now, he is like an endless sea, waiting for the river-like armies to gather.

"Retreat instead of attacking... Ah! Could it be that something happened to that boy Huang Xu?"

Dian Wei smacked his chin, suddenly remembered something, and said loudly: "If that kid gets hot-headed, he will be able to do something unexpected. Maybe... that kid is in the enemy's hinterland right now. !”

Hearing this, Xi Yu understood instantly, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "Maybe this matter really has something to do with that kid."

"Hurry, send the order, order the sentries to keep an eye on Xia Houchun's movements, and then send people to bypass the nearby enemy cities and hidden sentries, attack from inside and outside, and then go straight to the hinterland of Hejian County!!!"

Following his order, the entire camp moved in an orderly manner.

Because there were many soldiers and horses, and there were many war horses among them, the dust on the ground waved unconsciously with this movement. The magnificent aura, the momentum of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, made people's legs weak.

When Xia Houchun heard the trembling sound of the earth, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

He always felt that there were huge waves behind him. No matter how hard he worked, he was just a drop in the ocean in the eyes of the rough waves behind him.

The most important thing is that as the army moves forward, Xia Houchun, who is on the high platform, can even see the enemy's vanguard clearly.

"The plan worked, Brother Yuan Rang, look, they are in a hurry!"

Xia Houjie said excitedly: "I will immediately lead 10,000 cavalry to block their way. You immediately lead the army back to Wuhuan. We will work together to defend Hejian County. Otherwise, all the eastern part of Jizhou will fall to Xiyu." On your hands!"

Speaking of Xia Houjie's 10,000 cavalry, they were the most elite troops left in Cao's camp on the battlefield.

He had always looked forward to competing with the Black and White Cavalry, but never met on the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, the opponent had already quietly passed through the layers of defense and came to his back.

It is said that although it is not far from here to Wuhuan, there is still some distance.

It can take at least one or two days to ride a horse, and it can take up to eight or nine days at most. Even if everyone on the other side is a rare BMW with a thousand miles of distance, it is impossible to get there in a short period of time without any warning.

I really don't know how Huang Xu did it. In Xia Houjie's opinion, even if he spent two whole days without stopping for a moment, he might not be able to reach Wu Huan.

Especially when there are mountains and forests nearby and there are no so-called trails.

Furthermore, the sound of Bai Qi's iron cavalry was different from that of an ordinary army. Even if the surrounding defenders didn't know, they would have planned something or even set up an ambush.

But even under such circumstances... Bai Qi still reached the hinterland of Hejian County.

I don’t know whether I should say that Huang Xu is extraordinary brave, or that he is so bold that he dares to lead his white cavalry into the enemy’s army alone. This is a taboo for military strategists!

"Xia Houjie, you should know clearly that this is our last chance, because Huang Xu's desire to come and play with Yu has already had some fluctuations in his heart, which gives us an opportunity to take advantage of."

"The only thing we have to do now is to cause huge damage to him. If possible, it is best to kill more than half of his Qingxu army! You must remember, even if you lose your life, you must do everything possible Consume the enemy's troops and hold back Xi Yu!"

"General, please rest assured, I will take your orders!"

After Xia Houjie said that, he turned around and walked away quickly.

He is in a hurry!

Looking around, Xi Yu was obviously in a hurry at this moment, even the soldiers were in a hurry. This was an excellent opportunity for him to make a contribution, and he must not miss it.

Speaking of Na Xiyu, it is obvious that he is a steady, step-by-step, and good at planning coach, but he has a young and energetic man under his command, who even dares to do such a taboo as a military strategist who goes deep into the army alone.

Now that I have encountered it, I must not let it go, disrespect, the opportunity must not be missed and will not come back again.

After a while, an army of 10,000 troops headed by Xia Houjie broke away from Cao Jun's camp in a mighty manner.

At this time, the city guards along the direction of Xi Yu's advance were also ordered to send a large number of archers to try to block Xi Yu's advance.

A few hours later, Xi Yu's army faced off against the first wave of enemy troops that came to stop them.

At the same time, Xi Yu also discovered that Xia Houjie, who had led nearly ten thousand people, was running towards the north without looking back.

Judging from the posture, he was probably going to capture the few cities he had just captured a few days ago.

This made Xi Yu raise his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, there are actually no common people in these cities now. There are more soldiers who are specially used to defend the cities and build fortifications. The key is that some of these soldiers are surrendered soldiers!

If Xia Houjie's departure goes smoothly, he is afraid that the surrendered troops will betray him again. In this case, he will be attacked by the enemy from both inside and outside, causing unnecessary trouble.

The battle situation is fleeting, and the drama at this time cannot tolerate the existence of any uncertain factors.

"Where is Dian Wei?"

"Coach, the general is here!"

Dian Wei, who heard the summons not far away, shouted and ran over in a hurry.

"Hurry up and take four thousand dead soldiers to take off Xia Houjie's head!"


Dian Wei accepted the order and immediately led four thousand dead soldiers to rush straight towards Xia Houjie's position, never thinking about the disparity in manpower.

Those dead soldiers did not take this matter to heart. After all, they were quite confident in their own strength.

Not to mention anything else, just the heavy and invulnerable armor on his body is not something that ordinary soldiers can accept.

There are also fully armed war horses underneath them. These are the finest horses in Dawan Kingdom. Not only are they tall, but their ability to carry weight is also extraordinary.

Come to think of it, they are the only ones in this world that can carry such a heavy weight of dead soldiers while being fully armed.

It's a pity that Xia Houjie didn't know this.

He felt unhappy when he saw that the enemy dared to pursue his own army of ten thousand people with no more than a thousand men.

There are only so many people here. Who are you looking down on?

Unhappy, he decisively ordered the army to set up a battle formation on the hillside, and then rushed towards the thousands of people.

Xiyu in the distance didn't notice this.

After giving the order, he just led the army to continue to attack.

Four thousand dead soldiers are enough to fight against more than 10,000 enemy troops, and you don't need to worry too much.

At this time, Dian Wei was already rushing towards the high slope.

However, because it was uphill, it was quite strenuous. In the end, almost all the horses stopped charging and moved forward slowly.

At this moment, Xia Houjie, who seized the opportunity, led his troops on horseback and galloped over, like surging waves, rushing down.

But when he saw the opponent's army that was calm in the face of danger, like a thick city wall, he was stunned.

"This army... Why does it give people a terrifying coercion like a giant bear?"

Feeling the enemy's unwavering momentum, Xia Houjie was deeply surprised, but he couldn't think about it deeply.

The war was about to break out. He brandished his spear and rushed straight towards Dian Wei.

Dian Wei, who was riding a tall horse, smiled brightly, showing his big white teeth and playing with the two halberds in his hands like a tiger.

Within a moment, the two started a fierce battle, and then the army behind them all collided with each other. In an instant, people were thrown onto their backs, and the battle began.

Dian Wei raised his two halberds high, and then brought them down hard. Seeing this, Xia Houjie quickly held the spear across his chest to resist, but he was not strong enough and was no match for Dian Wei.

After only being able to resist for a few times, he was shocked so hard that his arms went numb.

Seeing this, Dian Wei struck hard again with one hand, knocking Xia Houjie off his horse, who could not hold on, and then swung his halberd, causing his opponent's blood to spill on the spot.

Shortly after Xia Houjie's death, the 10,000 troops behind him gradually followed in his footsteps.

Although they had an advantage in numbers, in the face of absolute strength, this advantage was nothing. They stood in front of the dead soldiers one by one, as if they were living targets.

In addition, the quality of weapons and equipment is completely incomparable. The dead soldiers kill people easily and easily, and the spears in their hands can easily break through the armor of the enemy.

Therefore, the dead soldiers who seemed to be surrounded on Banpo felt a lot more relaxed now.

As for the soldiers, because they had some inertia coming down from the top of the slope, they were unable to stop their feet in time, and they were all stabbed to the core by the spears set up by the dead soldiers.

In just a few breaths, the army was severely damaged, and the war that had just begun was about to end.

Soon, Dian Wei and his men killed all the ten thousand soldiers like mowing grass, and the one-sided massacre ended.

But at this time, it was obviously unrealistic for Dian Wei to go back and catch up with Xi Yu.

Therefore, he planned to lead the dead soldiers to take a shortcut from the other side and then meet up with the army.

"Quickly clean the battlefield, count the number of people, and see what else can be used? We can't catch up with the army for the time being, so let's deal with all the enemy forces nearby first!"

Dian Wei wiped the blood from his halberds and began to direct everyone to clean up the battlefield.

After this battle, the dead soldiers also suffered some damage. Although the enemy was vulnerable, there were still many of them.

Although Cao Jun had no choice but to cut through their armor, they could still swarm forward and cause the dead soldiers to fall off their horses, thus being accidentally injured by iron hoofs on the chaotic battlefield.

Therefore, after this fight, they also lost more than 300 people.

However, compared to the enemy's army, it is obviously a number that is not worth mentioning.

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