We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 277 The heart of playing Zhicai, so that’s how it is

Finally, some marginalized officials came up with the idea to move all the ministers into the palace, put the entire city under martial law, and then sent a large number of soldiers to search every inch.

But as a result, the lives of the people in the city will be difficult.

We are living in troubled times, and everyone's life is not peaceful, and it is even worse now. After all, the two industries that have been hardest hit by this incident are the business and agriculture industries.

Especially merchants, among whom rice merchants are the most representative.

Speaking of which, this rice merchant is a newly developed industry. While they exchange surplus grain from farmers at an appropriate price, they also measure the market price and sell it in the store at a brand new price.

In this way, farmers will have the opportunity to convert their surplus into money, and other ordinary people can also use money to buy food. This kind of business, in the words of future generations, should be regarded as a conscientious enterprise.

This is also a good way to benefit the people at the moment, but now it is ruined.

The most miserable among them was a man named Yin Hao. It was said that he came from a merchant family, the Jiuqu Yin family. Since arriving in Chang'an City, he has interacted with many noble families and gained a lot while doing business. convenient.

In fact, when he was in Xuchang, he had already dealt with many people in the gentry clan, because he had been following the footsteps of the Cao family during those three years, and even handed over many businesses to the Cao family for care. , the friendship is very close.

But right now...

Seeing the large amount of grain in the rice warehouse that had been eaten by moths and even moldy and rotten, he felt bad. He couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

After all, several tons of destroyed grain were right in front of him. To him, a businessman, this was like a natural disaster!

Heartbroken, he had no choice but to go to the government office and cry silently. At the same time, he also told many friends from the gentry about his current situation. After receiving a sum of financial aid, he decisively hired many nursing homes just to survive first. this winter.

As for the lost rice and money, we can only wait to earn it later.

Cao Pi had no idea about this matter. He felt that the only thing he could do was to continue searching for the assassin vigorously. Once the assassin was caught, the people in Chang'an would be stabilized.

"Lord, all the people in the city have been checked. All the people recorded in the registers, those who have lived here for less than three years, and the outsiders who have been here recently, there is no one we are looking for!"

Speaking of this, Hua Xin felt very melancholy. In order to investigate this matter, he spent a lot of energy. He read several files without sleep and did not miss any time for air raids to ask the widows and relatives of the assassinated officials. Mansion servants, etc.

It can be said that he basically checked everything in Chang'an City, everything that should be investigated and shouldn't be investigated.

So now in front of Cao Pi, he was very scared.

Not only was he afraid that Cao Pi would blame him for his incompetence and be demoted from his official position, but he was also afraid that the other party would order him to continue investigating the matter.

Of course, if it's just a few simple words of reproach, it wouldn't matter if he doesn't lose his official position. The key is that he is afraid that if he is asked to investigate the matter again, the rumors in the entire Chang'an City will really be uncontrollable.

At this moment, Cao Pi was obviously aware of this. He shouted angrily from the top of the hall: "Who are these bastards talking nonsense? Go, check for me, find the people who are spreading the rumors, and kill them all." Catch him!"

"Absolutely not, my lord!"

When Hua Xin and Chen Qun heard this, they were immediately startled and hurriedly advised: "Now the rumors have spread throughout the streets and alleys. If we really want to arrest people, I'm afraid no one in the city will be spared!"

"Yes, Lord, if we act like this when we first come to Chang'an, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to convince the public in the future. Furthermore, since ancient times, there has been no principle of guarding against thieves for a thousand days. If we continue to guard it so strictly, I'm afraid first It was us who collapsed."

Cao Pi suppressed the anger in his heart and his face became gloomy, but he couldn't help but feel aggrieved for himself.

Damn it, how many days have you been in Chang'an City? How many days!

Where did this rumor come from? The speed of spreading is too fast. Someone must be jealous of me and do this on purpose, you bastard!

"Is this matter as complicated as you say? I have a plan..."

The drunken Xi Zhicai leaned against the pillar in the hall and let out a burst of drunken words.

This person has been doing this for decades. He loves to indulge in mountains and rivers and hang out in places with fireworks. Because when he was summoned, he happened to be drinking in a restaurant and drank a lot, so he was now drunk.

Speaking of which, among Confucian "gentlemen" there are really few people with a personality like Xi Zhicai, who is very casual but very strong...

To him, it doesn't matter whether he stabs or not, but he must drink wine and have fun. But if you really want to assassinate him or offend someone around him, this guy will dare to follow you without saying a word. fist.

He doesn't look like a Confucian scholar at all, but I have to say that as he is familiar with Confucian classics, he does have certain insights and understandings of Confucian thought. This can be felt when he gives Cao Pi ideas on weekdays. It's very special. magic.

"What do you have in mind?"

Although he didn't like the other party's character, Cao Pi still asked. After all, he was one of the important ministers appointed by Cao Cao before his death.

"Check again! Those who have lived here for less than three years have been checked, but those who have lived here for more than three years have not been checked. Within seven days, these people will be checked again!"

"You still want to investigate? This... Lord, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Yes, my lord, you must not listen to this nonsense. How can the assassin be someone who has lived in the city for more than three years?"


Just when all the courtiers objected, Sima Yi was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became brighter.

Then, he walked out of the team and said seriously: "My lord, I think what Xi Zhicai said is reasonable!"

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Cao Pi frowned slightly, confused. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Needless to say, Hua Xin, Chen Qun and others are all honest people in the clan. Although their research on Confucianism is acceptable and they are not outstanding in internal affairs, they can't make mistakes. They are only slightly inferior in strategy. .

On the contrary, Xi Zhicai, an old drunkard, although he looks a bit slovenly on weekdays, his strategy is indeed a bit better than others.

However, this does not mean that his drunken words will be adopted by him.

But after hearing what Sima Yi said, could Xi Zhicai’s drunken words contain a hidden secret?

Xi Zhicai, who was being watched by everyone, smiled and said nothing. Instead, he glanced at Sima Yi and asked, "How come? Could it be that Zhongda and I have the same mind?"

Sima Yi's mouth twitched, what kind of bad words were used?

Although he was a little speechless, he was still calm. He cupped his hands towards the other party with a smile and said: "Although I cannot communicate with you, I know that when you speak at this moment and say that you will investigate strictly, you must have your own reasons." Consider.”

"If Zhong Damo wants to make a joke, you must already know what I am thinking."

Xi Zhicai leaned on the pillar, completely ignoring the others, only staring at Sima Yi, and said with a half-smile: "It seems that I have made Da Zhong unhappy. Otherwise, how could he hide his secrets from the master like this? "

"Oh, you obviously have a countermeasure already, but you only speak out when you have to. Zhongda, aren't you afraid of making people feel chilly in the long run?"

When Sima Yi heard this, his calm expression almost broke.

What the hell is going on with this guy Xi Zhicai? Aren't you speaking for him? It's okay for him to be ungrateful, so why do he have to operate on himself?

Can these words be said in front of the Lord?

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but Xi Zhi didn't care about that.

He himself comes from a poor family, and is not welcomed by the children of the clan, nor does he like the people of the clan. Therefore, even now, he is alone, whether at home or in the government office.

Because of this, he has never thought about family. Anyway, he has been alone for so many years. Even if he conflicts with others in the future, it will not affect the whole family, let alone rise to the level of the family.

With this idea in mind, there is naturally nothing in this huge palace that he would not dare to offend.

Sima Yi, who was placed on the stage, was thinking crazily in his heart. After a moment, he looked at Xi Zhi before bending down and saying with a smile: "What are you talking about? I am not very talented and have little knowledge. I just have some ideas. I don't have any." A relatively mature strategy.”

"How dare you open your mouth and show off in front of your lord?"

Xi Zhicai looked at him sideways, curling up the corners of his mouth unconsciously, thinking to himself, I believe you, you have so many tricks in your belly.

In fact, the two of them have been working together for a long time. Although there is no serious pretentiousness, there is still a bit of fate.

Therefore, they have some opinions about each other, but there has never been a confrontation or confrontation. This is not possible because the two sides have a sense of sympathy for each other.

Xi Zhi only recently understood this, but he was too lazy to ask the other party, and he didn't want to tell anyone else.

How could he, who has always prided himself on being a bohemian and dissolute person, want to get caught up in things like fighting with others or even intrigues?

At this time, Cao Pi took a deep breath, suppressed the impatience in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "If you have any good strategies, please tell me as soon as possible!"

Don't let yourself see the scheming among you lonely and important ministers again!

Although he didn't say the second half of the sentence, anyone who is smart can basically hear the impatience in his words.

But Xi Zhi is smart, but not sensible!

"Wei Gong, if you really want to solve the current predicament as soon as possible, then just listen to me!"

Nonsense, why would I say this if I didn't want to hear your plan?

Looking at the drunk Xi Zhicai, Cao Pi couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

This bastard, maybe he thinks he is young, so he is relying on his old age to show off his old age, right?

Let’s be honest, what are you showing off here?

Although Xi Zhicai only said a simple sentence, Cao Pi was very annoyed because of his attitude.

Because the other party gave him the feeling that he was a jerk, and a jerk was not enough to conspire with him!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Cao Pi made a serious note to Xi Zhicai in his heart, and then said with a smile: "In this case, we all rely on your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Xi Zhi lazily left the pillar, stood crookedly and gave an informal salute to the other party, then hummed something unknown, turned around and walked out of the hall.

When he arrived outside the hall, he was slightly awakened by the cold wind, but he also felt more dizzy. At this time, his feet were already on the stairs.

His body was shaking violently, and just when he almost lost control of his body and was about to fall, a pair of hands appeared beside him and held him firmly.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Zhong Yao.

"Hey, Mr. Zhong? Why are you here here in the middle of the night when you're not taking a break at home?"

Zhong Yao smiled cheerfully and did not answer. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Zhicai, since you are confident in solving this kind of trouble, you must know who this assassin is, right?"

"Tsk! Who else besides Xi Yu? Although I don't know when those assassins sneaked into Chang'an, but if I guess correctly, the 'assassins' he sent must be those black knights!"

"Because in the whole world, only the Black Cavalry has such unpredictable and unpredictable means and strategies. It kills people quietly. If those guys... If we treat them as ordinary cavalry, I’m afraid they will suffer big losses..."

"In fact, I have had several discussions with my late lord about the black knights. The main purpose was to study the talents of these people. In addition to killing people, they also learned strategies!"

Together with Zhong Yao, he slowly walked down the steps and walked towards the outer hall, intending to find the commander-in-chief in the imperial city and ask him to pass the news to Cao Zhang.

Then he asked Cao Zhang to arrange manpower to block the city gate, and finally worked with him to conduct an in-depth search of the people in the city.

In this dim environment with light moonlight, the two of them never stopped talking until they reached the main campus.

Only then did Xi Zhicai talk about what Xi Yu taught Black Cavalry to learn and practice.

"I still remember that there were thirteen subjects that Xi Yu ordered the black knights to study. Assassination and stealth were only two of them. In addition to these black knights, they also had to study strategy, business, agriculture, and arithmetic..."

"Not only that, he also set up an inspection system at the end of each month. Anyone who fails in one of the thirteen subjects will be expelled from the Black Cavalry team."

"It took several years under such fierce competition before the Black Cavalry took shape today!"

"It was at that time that the first batch of black knights came into the world. They were no more than a hundred people, so the name of the black knights was resounding throughout the world!"

"I feel that the white knight who is causing trouble for everyone is no different from what the black knight has learned."

"It's a pity that only Xi Yu knows the subjects they learn, and we can't teach them at all..."

"I see!"

Zhong Yao was quite impressed after hearing what the other party said along the way.

He nodded slowly, then looked at the other party with a burning gaze, and said calmly: "In this case, since we know that this matter is the work of the black knight, why don't we kill or expel him on the spot, but search everywhere? "

"Because no matter how powerful they are, what they are doing now is just assassinations and unsavory things that only young people would do. As long as I wait for the whole city to be under martial law and search, I think they will be upset."

"Seven days later, regardless of whether these people are found by us or not, the city gate will be opened. By then, with their panicked temperament, they will definitely try their best to escape from Chang'an."

"At that time, wouldn't it be better if we dispatched soldiers to arrest them all, torture them severely, and interrogate them about the specific contents of those thirteen subjects?"

"So that's it, this plan is so clever! If we can also learn that knowledge, I'm afraid we can bring peace to all generations!"

Zhong Yao stroked his beard and smiled heartily.

"Looking at the current situation in the world, in troubled times, prosperity is late, and it is difficult for Confucian scholars in the world to protect themselves. Naturally, it is difficult to develop and grow. If Confucianism and Taoism are left alone, it will be really chilling."

"If some methods and skills can be found in Chang'an at this time to help and revive it, it can be regarded as a sign before the prosperous age is coming."

"I have never thought about this. I just hope to save Chang'an."

Xi Zhicai shook his head, sighed deeply, and continued: "Before my lord passed away, he repeatedly asked me to help him, so I can ignore other things, except my lord's worries."

"My only wish now is that Xi Yu will not harm the Lord or the Wei Dynasty again!"

"I see!"

Zhong Yao nodded, he didn't know how many times he said this along the way.

Xi Zhicai also discovered that Zhong Yao only listened to himself from beginning to end, but never expressed his thoughts, opinions or even strategies. I wonder... what did he think?

He still values ​​​​this old man who is older than him and has been working with him for several years!

"Mr. Zhong, Zhicai has the courage to ask, I wonder... what is your opinion on the world today..."

"Hahaha, it has nothing to do with me!"

Zhong Yao looked up to the sky and laughed, and then looked at the other party and said speciously: "Although I eat the emperor's salary and worry about the emperor, I am just a person who is about to die. The only thing I can do is to fulfill my duty faithfully."

"When I am in charge of my position, whatever position my lord gives me, I will do my duty with peace of mind. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with me, whether it is the world or the great cause, it has nothing to do with me!"

After saying this, the two of them arrived outside the palace gate, and it was time to go their separate ways.

The two said goodbye, and Zhong Yao took his servants in a carriage and walked slowly towards Jiqing Street.

At the end of this street are the residences of various ministers. The road is flat along the way, but there are continuous trails, just like a leafy tree, with the street as the main trunk and densely packed with small branches.

There is nothing wrong with walking on this road during the day, but at night, if others have evil intentions, it becomes an excellent place for murder, robbery, and hiding!

"Walking this road in the dead of night, he's not afraid of anything!"

Xi Zhicai looked at the carriage gradually leaving and murmured to himself.

Suddenly, he suddenly figured out a problem that had been bothering him for a long time - the road!

What troubles me is not the road in front of me, but the road of life!

"Mr. Zhong... is really enviable..."

It was only at this moment that Xi Zhi finally sobered up.

After living for half a lifetime, the only person I have seen who is alive and clear is probably the person in front of me.

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