"I asked him to go to the Navy just to see what they looked like on the surface, so as to give him a shocking deterrent."

"I think that when he returns to Soochow, he will definitely become the best spokesperson for the Xiapi Navy. As long as he transmits everything he saw in the Navy back to Soochow, he can successfully build momentum for us!"

Xi Yu, who had a gap in his heart, was talking eloquently. The faces of Guo Jia and others still showed a little confusion. He didn't understand why the lord was so sure.

You know, in the eyes of most northerners, the people of Jiangdong are as cunning as a sieve.

This may be an exaggeration, but it still explains something.

The Jiangdong people live in a corner. On the surface, everyone seems to be united, but in fact everyone has their own little ideas and everyone wants to bring down the enemy.

Liu Bei is like this, and Sun Quan naturally doesn't give in too much.

However, he is now besieged in Jingzhou by Xi Yu and Liu Bei from the north and west, and it will be difficult for him to lead his troops out for a while.

Otherwise, he would not have thought of sending Lu Su to Xiapi.

Of course, since Sun Quan could think of sending people to Xiapi, he could also think of sending people to Sichuan and Shu.

In this way, while being in alliance with Xiapi, the relationship with Liu Bei will not be too bad.

This was what Guo Jia was most worried about. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but ask.

"My lord, aren't you afraid of their alliance with Liu Bei?"

"Aren't they already in alliance?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Liang raised his head, put down the book in his hand, and continued: "It's just that their alliance was barely manageable not long ago, but now it is in jeopardy."

"By the way, your spies are all over the country, and they have already sent back the news there, but you don't know anything about it?"

"I know the military situation in Jingzhou, but the Shu-Wu Alliance may not end so quickly!"

As a person with a vigilant nature, Guo Jia may be more casual in life, seeking pleasure and being uninhibited, which makes his concubines at home love and hate him, but in the military, he will never do anything that he is not sure about. Things make Xiyu absolutely relieved.

Therefore, after hearing Zhuge Liang's somewhat one-sided remarks, he immediately denied it: "It's not that I think too much, but judging from the current forces of all parties, the general trend of the world seems to be becoming clearer, but before it is completely unified, all the There is an undercurrent surging everywhere."

"I think only after we have truly secured our position as the common master of the world can we talk about who is an enemy and who is a friend with peace of mind!"

"So if we only look at the current situation, Shuwu may have broken the contract and no longer share the same hatred. But if we look at the long-term interests, I'm afraid there will still be entanglements between them."

"When they join forces again, no one knows what the final result will be."

"In addition, Cao Wei also needs to pay special attention. They are defeated now. But when Cao Wei crosses us and finds Soochow and Sichuan, no one can be sure whether the three parties will fight or cooperate with each other."

"If it's because we are so powerful that we force the three of them to stick together for warmth, then the gain will outweigh the loss."

"At that time, what we have to face will be a situation where the world is the enemy. The war will resume and the swords will not stop. In such a situation, even if we can win, I am afraid we will suffer heavy losses."

"And the people all over the world will also suffer greater harm due to the war, and the world is inherently difficult. If we have the ability to avoid some devastation... it is best to avoid it."

There is some truth to the issues he mentioned.

But after Xiyu heard this, he raised the corners of his lips slightly and said with a smile: "It is precisely because of this concern that I invited you all to come here."

"I have some arrangements for this matter. I plan to lead the army south after Sun Shangxiang enters the inner courtyard. No matter what, I have to make Sun Quan recognize the title of Wu Hou!"

"We don't need to worry about fighting on the water. The navy's strength is enough to crush them. If we choose to start from the Bohai Sea and take a detour, we will definitely catch the enemy by surprise."

"As for the cavalry...if they want to go south to Jingzhou, they will definitely encounter a shield formation, and I have already thought of the way to break it!"

He was not joking. The shield formation was originally Ju Yi's famous formation during the Three Kingdoms period. He defeated Gongsun Zan's 20,000 cavalry with 800 infantry at the boundary bridge!

However, his shield formation was not as simple as slicing the horse's belly and legs. Instead, he ordered his soldiers to lie on the ground with their shields. When the cavalry charged, they raised their shields and used crossbow arrows to attack the side of the cavalry in a non-impact direction, causing the cavalry to form a queue. confusion.

As for why they didn't attack with crossbows from the front of the cavalry... of course it was because they were afraid of death.

The biggest advantage of the cavalry is speed, and if you think about it in the galloping state of the horse, if you are a soldier standing directly opposite the cavalry, you may be dead before you even take out your crossbow or dagger.

Even if you are holding a shield, don't forget that in addition to your own weight, the opponent also has the weight of the mount and even the armor. Once a stampede occurs, it will only take a matter of minutes to crush you to death.

Speaking of which, no one in history has used similar battle formations since Ju Yi was defeated, not even in the history of the world.

As for the reason... it's very simple.

Because the soldiers who can participate in this battle formation must be elite soldiers who are not afraid of death. Otherwise, who has the courage and courage to remain calm and wait for the opportunity when facing the enemy's cavalry attack?

Seeing the enemy cavalry attacking from the front, any individual will have the idea of ​​​​escape. In this case, those who are not mentally strong will definitely be noticed by the enemy, so they will change the direction of the attack and run straight towards the location of the army.

As a result, the ambush formation that originally intended to kill the enemy not only did not cause losses to the enemy, but instead made itself a living target.

If the enemy's impact speed were to slow down a little, and he stood still and stampeded for a while, I'm afraid that my soldier would be instantly killed by the enemy and trampled to death.

But if elite soldiers are used to do this, with their psychological and military qualities, they will definitely inflict heavy damage on the enemy, but at the same time, they will be hurt to some extent and will not be able to escape unscathed.

In this way, the army won, but the losses to the elite of the army were probably not small. If you think about it carefully, it would make the general even more heartbroken.

Because it is easy for a large army to lose one or two elite soldiers, but what if it loses hundreds or even thousands?

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

No matter how many elite soldiers you have in the army, you still can't stand it!

Speaking of which, the reason why Ju Yi was able to successfully use the Shield Formation to kill the enemy was because he was not reused.

Yes, at the beginning, he was not the general sent by Yuan Shao to command the main force in the Battle of Jieqiao, even though he was quite good at training troops.

If he hadn't gritted his teeth and risked everything to fight this battle in order to be reused, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been recorded in the annals of history.

To put it bluntly, the success of the Shield Formation was due to some luck.

Now, Xi Yu, who understands the key, is no longer afraid of facing this shield formation again!

"It's just... I want to try to see if there is any other better way to capture Jiangdong!"

Guo Jia blinked, then brushed his beard and said in a deep voice: "This is not easy, but... can we try a business war?"

"It is possible to make money by diverting all the ships that originally transported goods to Jiangdong to go north and send them to Xianbei and other nomadic peoples in the north, but Jiangdong will be in dire straits!"

"However, as long as we block the transportation of goods within Jiangdong, it is equivalent to blocking the lifeblood of Jiangdong!"

"Well said!"

Zhuge Liang suddenly put the feather fan on the table, stared at Xi Yu with wide eyes and said in surprise: "My lord, did you already think of this when you ordered the merchants in Jiangdong to recycle large quantities of new grains and seeds at high prices at the beginning of last year? today?"

"I'm afraid it won't stop!"

As the son of Jia Xu, Jia Ji has some of his father's intelligence and wisdom, and even... at certain times, he has to be better than others.

He clasped his fists and greeted the uncles around him one by one, and then said: "Actually, Jiangdong purchased a large amount of grain seeds from Xiapi some time ago. Considering the past friendship, the price of this batch of seeds is not very high." Expensive, even cheap.”

"It's just that... those are fried seeds that have been prepared long ago!"

"I guess they must have thought they had taken advantage of it, but they didn't know that after the spring plowing was over... there would be nothing more to do!"

"Besides, even if the price is low, because of the large quantity, the price we can sell to Jiangdong will not be too much of a loss."

"I think when this year's autumn harvest comes, Jiangdong, who has no harvest, will buy grain from us again. By then, they have already played the friendship card once, and they will definitely not have the right to lick their faces a second time."

"Of course, even if they are shameless, we still have the qualifications and confidence to refuse them directly!"

"It is imperative to buy high-priced grain. As long as we are willing, one stone of grain can cost hundreds of taels of gold. However, in order not to starve, Jiangdong may need to mobilize the entire territory to get grain and grass together."

"Of course, all of this is the worst-case scenario. It depends on whether Sun Quan is willing to accept the title of Marquis of Wu!"

He ended with what Xi Yu had said before, which made everyone want to laugh.

Why did these words come out of the Lord's mouth with such power and domineeringness, but when they fell into this boy's mouth, they seemed a little bit nondescript?

"Ahem~ This is a wonderful plan. In ancient times, Wu was punished with vaccination. When Gou Jian, the king of Yue, returned the grain to King Wu Fu Chai, he not only cooked the best quality grain, but also returned a little more. This made King Wu Fu Chai very happy and ordered someone to do it directly. Sow it so that there will be no harvest that year.”

Zhuge Liang coughed lightly and closed the raised corners of his mouth: "Now, I'm going to sell fried seeds to Soochow, so that they have to bow their heads. This plan is really brilliant! It's really awesome for future generations, Zhuge Xian!"

Originally, Jia Ji was quite happy to hear people praise him. After all, these uncles in front of him are the most famous counselors in the world. It is a great honor to be praised by them.

But when he heard those last two words, he couldn't bear the resentment.

Isn't this word too unpleasant to hear?

He only dared to complain in his heart. He hesitated to speak but secretly glanced at Xi Yu, only to meet the other person's teasing eyes.

really! The lord did it on purpose back then!

I don’t know how my father offended the lord in the first place, and he actually got the retribution on him.

Yes, Jia Xu specifically asked Xi Yu to give him this name, but Xi Yu was a little busy at the time, and Jia Xu kept talking, so he casually said two words and it became a word that stayed with him throughout his life. !

Although it sounded strange and not as loud as Huang Xu's words, because it came from Xi Yu's mouth, even if he didn't like it, he could only accept it gratefully.

Jia Zhuangxian...hiss~ The more I think about it, the worse it gets!

Seeing Jia Ji frowning slightly and even the corners of his eyes starting to twitch unconsciously, Xi Yu kindly let him go, turned to look to the side, and called out: "Xu'er!"


On the side, Huang Xu, who had been so sleepy by the words of a group of counselors that he could no longer hold his eyelids, suddenly woke up and stood up immediately.

As a military general, what he dislikes the most is the various "conspiracies" of counselors. Therefore, even in court meetings, if he encounters a situation like today, he will stay quietly in a corner where no one is around. yawn.

"After some time, will you go out with your adoptive father?"

"But you want to go to Jiangdong? I'm very happy!"

Huang Xu was smiling all over his face, without any trace of his previous listless and lazy look.

It is said that there are outstanding people in Jiangdong. If I accompany my adoptive father this time, I might be able to meet some happy women.

At that time, together with the adoptive father, we will bring them all back!

In addition, I heard that the craftsmanship of Jiangdong craftsmen is also good. I wonder how it compares with the craftsmen of Xiapi?

By the way, there seem to be a lot of martial people over there. It would be nice to have a few fights with them.

I just don’t know how many tricks they can have with me?

"Well, how many people do you think we should take with us on this trip?"

Hearing this, Huang Xu's eyes lit up at first, and then he thought for a moment and said: "Father, I think one thousand is enough, including five hundred dead soldiers, three hundred black cavalry, and two hundred white cavalry!"

"Of course, it would be even better if we could add Uncle Fengxiao and Brother Zhuangxian!"

"Well! Where is the general? Who is in charge?"

"Uncle Wen Yuan, General!"

Regarding this candidate, Huang Xu spoke without hesitation, which shows that he has had bad intentions for a long time.

Hearing this, Xi Yu couldn't help but smile and shook his head. This kid really wanted to find trouble.

Taking Wen Yuan there, aren't you afraid that the two Sun brothers will be pissed to death?

Speaking of which, we have to mention Wenyuan, the "indissoluble bond" between Zhang Liao and the Sun brothers.

This man is historically regarded as a more famous general of Cao Wei during the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period.

He was originally a descendant of Nie Yi. At first, he served as a magistrate of Yanmen County.

He also followed Ding Yuan, He Jin, Dong Zhuo, and Lu Bu successively, fulfilling his duties and going through all the ups and downs.

After Lu Bu's defeat, he returned to Cao Cao. Since then, he has made many outstanding achievements.

He understood the enemy's situation and persuaded Changxi to surrender, attacked the Yuan family and moved to Hebei, led the vanguard to defeat the Wuhuan in the Battle of Bailang Mountain and killed the Wuhuan Shanyu Tadun, expelled the Liaodong general Liu Yi, calmed down the rebellion in the army, and marched Jianghuai defeated Chen Lan and Meicheng...

Since then, he has been guarding Hefei for a long time.

In the 20th year of Jian'an, at the Battle of Hefei, he led 800 soldiers to attack the 100,000 troops of Soochow, and rushed to the banner of Sun Quan's commander, making the Soochow army invincible.

When the Soochow troops were withdrawing, Zhang Liao led the pursuers and defeated Sun Quan, Gan Ning, Ling Tong and others, and almost captured Sun Quan alive.

After this battle, Zhang Liao became famous in Jiangdong.

"Zhang Liao stopped crying" has become an allusion that has been passed down through the ages.

In the first year of Huangchu, he was granted the title of Marquis of Jinyang. After contracting the disease, he still made Sun Quan very afraid.

In the third year of Huangchu, he was still ill and defeated Wu general Lu Fan.

However, there was no way for people to do it. These heroes died of illness in Jiangdu in the same year, and they were posthumously named Ganghou.

Zhang Liao was highly regarded by all dynasties and was one of the sixty-four famous generals in ancient and modern times.

This was also the reason why Xi Yu fell in love with him and recruited him into his employ.

Of course, the more important thing is that this guy is palatable. If not, why don't you see him dragging Sima Yi under his banner?

However, these are all recorded in historical materials. For now, the Battle of Hefei has not yet begun, and the fear of Zhang Liao by the two brothers Sun Quan is not as serious as that of later generations.

But even so, when they heard the word Zhang Liao, everyone in Jiangdong's territory still trembled.

Lu Su a few days ago is the best proof.

At that time, when he learned that it was Zhang Liao who was guarding Hefei, his face turned bad.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Liao has achieved such outstanding military exploits in the past few years!

"If that doesn't work...then take Uncle Zhongkang and Uncle Dianwei with you? Anyway, these two uncles have nothing to do all day long."

Jian Xiyu remained silent, Huang Xu rolled his eyes slightly and turned to look at the two people not far away, which made the other party very dissatisfied.

Dian Wei, in particular, glared with a pair of bull's eyes and said loudly: "Hey! How can you talk, you little brat?"

Then, Xu Chu stood up unhappily.

The two men stood on the left and right sides of Xi Yu, like door gods, guarding Xi Yu.

Speaking of which, Shan Xiyu's skill is actually comparable to that of few in the world. Now that Dian Wei and Xu Chu are added to the mix, his martial arts value is off the charts.

One of these two people is heroic, and the other is extremely brave. It is not easy to break through these two people and come to Xi Yu's side!

Although they are older now, especially Xu Chu, who suffered from a serious leg injury a few years ago, his martial arts skills have not deteriorated at all, and his strength is even more frightening.

In addition, their brains are definitely good enough. They are all people who can become generals. They are naturally quite deep in the city. Not only can they use their own advantages to take down the enemy's key points in a short period of time, but they can also stay calm in critical moments and find every opportunity to exploit. Turn things around.

It is precisely because these two people are now extremely mature and will not reveal their true inner thoughts in any situation that Xi Yu allows them to retire from the battlefield and become the commanders of the army.

After all, compared to the brave generals who charge on the battlefield, what he lacks even more are generals who are brave, strategic and as steady as an old dog!

Even if the other person is no longer young.

Of course, judging from the personalities of these two people, even if they are older, they will still be the best candidates to be brave generals who charge on the battlefield.

Speaking of which, this trip to Jiangdong did not have to involve so many troops. After all, the total number of troops and horses in Jiangdong was only about 300,000, which was far inferior to that of Qingxu.

Even the naval force among them was only 50,000, and they were scattered among various armies.

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