We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 294 Compared with Han Xin, Zhou Yu is no longer a famous general!

Xi Yu gritted his teeth and stared at the other person, suddenly feeling itchy in his hands.

"Yeah, I have a mahjong competition, and I hold several games here every year--"

Before he finished speaking, Dian Wei suddenly felt weak as he felt the angry gazes around him.

But even so, he still retorted: "The soldiers in the army often have martial arts competitions. Why can't I have a mahjong competition? I can't win against you, and I can't fight against the common people?"

"Besides, I gave a silver reward to everyone who participated in the mahjong competition!"

Xi Yu looked at the old people walking tremblingly on the shore with all their teeth missing, and then looked at Dian Wei who was tall and thick beside him. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and cursed: "You evildoer..." ···Even someone of such an age—"

"That's not me! I have never played mahjong with an old lady!"

Dian Wei explained incoherently, and couldn't help complaining in his heart. These old people usually don't go out in Xuzhou, so why are they gathering here in large numbers today?

Isn't this just to find something for yourself?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect that an old boy like you would have such a hobby."

Xi Yu said with emotion, while Huang Xu came forward with ill intentions, showing a strange look on his face, and said jokingly: "Speaking of uncle, your hobby is quite special. You are indeed the only one of our big men who is still alive. Someone with the posthumous title of General!"

"Go away, you little brat, how dare you read my jokes? Are you looking for a slap in the face?"

Dian Wei puffed his beard and stared at Huang Xu furiously.

Jia Ji quickly sent someone down to inquire about the situation at his father's signal.

Guo Jia was dressed in a short shirt, tied into a ponytail on the back of his head, and was holding a wine gourd in his hand, making him look like a knight in the world.

He leaned on the deck, drinking wine, and said with a smile: "Dianwei, how did you rule? To have such an old man come to complain, could it be that some soldiers were robbing them of their food?" Or family?”

As soon as these words came out, Dian Wei, who had planned to continue to scold others, became pale, and his face suddenly turned extremely pale.

It seems...it's really possible!

Damn it, I'm afraid I'm going to be tricked to death!

Unlike other generals, he was in charge of dead soldiers.

As the name suggests, a dead soldier means that you live for your lord. As long as your lord gives you an order, you must carry it out, even if it means committing suicide.

Of course, the gap between such people and ordinary soldiers is also completely different.

Since he is always working under the threat of death, his skills and brains are of course far beyond what anyone can compare to.

Therefore, they are given special preferential treatment in terms of their placement and pension.

Not to mention money, house, or even family members, even personal behavior is more unrestricted than ordinary people.

If the elderly people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are suffering or being wronged because of them, I'm afraid things will really get serious.

If word spreads in the future, it doesn’t matter if he, the general, doesn’t do anything, after all... he will be completely embarrassed!

"My lord, I made a mistake, please forgive me!"

Before his subordinates could find out the news, Dian Wei suddenly fell to his knees with a plop, holding Xi Yu's thigh tightly with both hands, and said sincerely: "Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of the general. Please forgive me, my lord." Sin!"

Xi Yu frowned and said nothing.

Could it be that those old people outside were really wronged because of Dian Wei's incompetent governance?

Probably not?

According to historical records, Dian Wei was a loyal man who hated evil as much as he hated evil. He should be someone who would not do such a thing.

But if he didn't do anything he felt guilty about, why would he admit his mistake so quickly?

"What on earth did you do, you bastard?"

Xi Yu's face was solemn, and his voice was cold and he growled: "Why don't you hurry up and recruit me truthfully?"


Dian Wei was very panicked when he saw his lord was so stern, but at this time his mind was empty and he didn't know what to say at all.

"I...I didn't do anything? How did things become like this? I have no idea!"

"But since this matter occurred in the area under my jurisdiction, I naturally apologized first."

Hearing this, Xi Yu's originally serious face suddenly couldn't hold back anymore.

The corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the people Jia Ji sent to inquire about the news came back in time, and soon they came back with sacks full of sacks.

There were several black knights who followed him, and they all came back with smiles on their faces and were extremely happy.

"Hahaha, my lord, those people have not suffered any injustice. They just heard that you would pass through this place, so they came here to pay homage to express their gratitude and respect."

"In addition, many people know that you are getting married to Jiangdong, so they specially prepared some things at home as congratulatory gifts."

"Those things are not something we can fit in. Please ask the lord to send a ship over there. I'm afraid the ship is too small to fit in!"

Xi Yu blinked after hearing this, feeling stunned for a moment in his heart, and then he was surrounded by an inexplicable warmth.

Speaking of which, these ancient people... were quite cute!

"Look, I just said that I didn't make any mistakes. If you insist on unjustly accusing me, I really am..."

While Xi Yu was still immersed in the warmth, Dian Wei stood up and looked at everyone with a rather sad look.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him and ignored him. According to the Lord, he was a drama queen!

Soon, at Xi Yu's signal, two huge building boats behind him, together with the boat everyone was riding on, slowly sailed towards the embankment.

After watching it closely, everyone understood why they wanted to send a building boat to load things.

Speaking of building ships, they were originally one of the largest warships in the world. Coupled with some improvements made by the design institute and others, they are now several times larger than the building ships in other places, and their carrying capacity has increased by an unknown amount. , also has some attack and defense capabilities.

Thousands of soldiers went back and forth between the shore and the large boats, using such large boats to load the people's gifts. It took more than half an hour to load all the gifts, which shows how enthusiastic the local people were.

Xi Yu stood on the deck, looking at the people who were reluctant to leave. He slowly raised his hands and bowed deeply while clasping his fists in salute.

Two large ships of gifts may be something common or trivial to him, but to the local people, it is the best thing they can currently offer.

He has to accept this intention and respect it!

It wasn't until the building where Xi Yu was located completely disappeared from everyone's sight that the people on both sides of the strait helped each other get up from the ground and gradually dispersed.

"Filial piety."

At nightfall, Xi Yu, who was having a banquet on the deck, leaned against the railing alone, looking at the afterglow that was about to disappear on the coastline in the distance, and thought thoughtfully: "You said, the people of Qingxu under my governance, How is your life now?"

"Why doesn't it count?"

Guo Jia looked at the person he was willing to serve as his lord, and smiled calmly: "My lord, do you know what I said when I left Yuan Benchu's camp?"

"He is not a wise master! Although most of the clans at that time were proud of Yuan Benchu's use, in fact he was just a fool who wasted talents and was incompetent in governing his subordinates."

"In my opinion, even if you are the wise ruler of the world, you must do things for the people from the bottom of your heart. The kindness and generosity on the surface can confuse the people of the world for a while, but not for a lifetime!"

"But my lord, you are different. When you make any decision, you will put the people first. You sincerely want to be good to them from the bottom of your heart, fundamentally change the lives of the people, and make them rich. ,stable."

"Only those who can do this are worthy of being called the Ming Lord of the World!"

"In fact, the lives that the people in Qingxu and Xu live today have far surpassed those in other areas at this time."

"Xiliang and Yanzhou are currently in the midst of war. Year-round melees have left the local people homeless, and they can only struggle to survive. In Jingzhou in the south, the Sun and Liu families look harmonious on the surface. There is no conflict.”

"But in fact, anyone with a brain knows that the two forces are secretly turbulent."

"If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and not return it, then Sun Quan can lead his troops into the inland river and attack Jingzhou during the post-Autumn flood season. Liu Bei will definitely resist in order to protect himself."

"It is expected that by the autumn of this year, the South will be plunged into chaos. Only our Qingxu region is like a paradise. In recent years, the internal affairs have been stable. Not only can we expand our territory externally, but we can also develop agriculture and commerce internally."

"While fighting the enemy, we can also vigorously develop foreign trade, transport local specialties, food and even discarded military supplies to the territories of other princes, and earn crazy money and all the rare treasures in the world."

"In addition to these, the development of food, armaments, science and technology, farming and other technologies stored in our territory also far exceeds that of other regions in time."

"You may not believe it when you say it. What you said before, like how the economic base determines the superstructure, technology determines everything, the right to speak in this world is in the hands of the strong, etc. I have only recently understood and completely sobered up. .”

Guo Jia's belief in these words has recently reached the top, and he fully agrees with them.

Today's Qingxu area can develop to its current scale, which is indeed inseparable from economy and technology.

If it weren't for the establishment of banks and the development of business routes, it would be impossible for Qingxu and Qingxu to make huge profits from the people of the world.

After having money, if the lord hadn't insisted on purchasing rare materials from all over the world, insisted on recruiting skilled craftsmen from all over the world, and insisted on speaking out so many ideas in his mind and putting them into practice, the military power of Qingxu and Xu would not be so strong. .

Vigorously developing science and technology on the basis of an established economy has just created the dominant position of Qingxu and Qingxu, and everyone in the world is flocking to it.

"Well, what you said is just an analysis of the current situation in Qingxu and Qingxu. I also want to hear your views on the situation in the world, especially on the upcoming war between Sun and Liu."

"If we don't help each other, which one of them will win in the end?"

Guo Jia did not speak when he heard this. Instead, he looked at each other and smiled with Jia Ji who was not far away, showing a perfect understanding.

The two of them had already discussed this matter dozens of times, and they had exactly the same views.

As for Jia Ji, despite his young age, he has learned his father's insidious, cunning, and unruly family secrets very well.

Of course, he can be called cunning and cunning, and his clever strategies are no less than anyone else.

There are some reasons why these two people can become friends despite the large age gap.

The key lies in their perspective of looking at the problem. They only focus on the final result of victory and don't care about the process.

In particular, the two of them never pay attention to how many people the enemy will die due to their own strategies.

As long as the two of them start to make suggestions for Xiyu, it means that what they are about to do will bring the greatest benefit to him, and at the same time, it will cause huge losses to the enemy, and even worse... he will be unable to recover after a fall!

Therefore, the two of them don't often make suggestions for Xi Yu, but once they do, they can see the general trend of the world very clearly, and fully grasp the differences, advantages and disadvantages between the enemy and ourselves.

"Uncle, in my humble opinion, the winner must be Zhou Gongjin!"

"He may not be able to annihilate Liu Bei in Jingzhou, but he will definitely defeat the enemy and run away like a lost dog. Even if Xu Yuanzhi is in charge of Jingzhou, he can't change it!"

Before Guo Jia could speak, Jia Ji excitedly spoke out first.

"Oh? Why?"

Xi Yu raised his eyebrows, a little curious.

Zhou Yu, also known as Gongjin, was a famous military strategist, politician, and strategist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He was also a famous general in Soochow.

He came from a well-known family, the Lujiang Zhou family, and was the son of Zhou Yi, the commander of Luoyang. His ancestor Zhou Jing and his father Zhou Zhong were both officials to Taiwei, ranking among the three princes.

Zhou Yu was tall, handsome, and good at music. There was a time when there was a saying in the local area that "the music is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu", which shows how popular he was with the girls at that time.

But this is not his most famous achievement.

Zhou Yu had a good relationship with Sun Ce when he was young. In the second year of Xingping, he helped Sun Ce defeat Liu Yao in the Battle of Qu'a.

In the third year of Jian'an, he followed Sun Ce to pacify Jiangdong.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, Sun Ce was assassinated and Sun Quan succeeded him. Zhou Yu sent troops to the funeral and took charge of everything together with Zhang Zhao as the Central Protector.

In the seventh year of Jian'an, Cao Cao was in charge of sending pledges, but Zhou Yu remonstrated and blocked the acceptance of pledges. He suggested that Sun Quan occupy the south of the Yangtze River and support troops to observe the changes. He established the strategic policy of separatizing Jiangdong and establishing an independent country.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Cao's army approached Jiangdong. Zhou Yu analyzed the four dangers of Cao Cao's army and advocated resisting Cao. He personally led the Wu army and defeated Cao's army in Chibi with a fire attack.

The Battle of Chibi is one of the famous and typical battles in history where a small number defeated a large number. This battle laid the foundation for the "three-part world" in the late Han Dynasty.

In the 14th year of Jian'an, Zhou Yu led his army to defeat the coalition forces of Cao Ren and Xu Huang in the Battle of Nanjun, successfully captured the military town of Jiangling, and worshiped the partial general as the governor of Nanjun.

In the 15th year of Jian'an, the strategy of "taking Shu, annexing Zhang Lu, joining forces with Ma Chao, and then using Xiangyang as the base to encroach on Cao Cao, and the north can be exploited" was proposed.

However, before this strategy was implemented, he died of illness in Baqiu on the way to Shu. He was only thirty-six years old.

According to the official history, Zhou Yu has a "magnificent character", "high elegance" and "a real genius". He was both civil and military, and had great talents and strategies. He was one of the main contributors to the military success and separatist status of the Soochow forces.

He was praised as "a heroic man in the world, a romantic and beautiful husband in Jiangzuo".

It is naturally not easy for someone who has achieved such success to fail.

Furthermore, in history, he once led his army to defeat the coalition forces of Cao Ren and Xu Huang in the Battle of Nanjun, and successfully captured the important military town of Jiangling, but now it may not be impossible!

It's just that he knows these things, but Guo Jia, Jia Ji and others don't know about it, so why do they think Zhou Gongjin will win?

He was quite curious about this.

"Gongjin grew up in the Jiang and Huaihe Rivers. He is well versed in the dangers. He goes in and out of Peng and Li. He has waded in the waves for a long time. He is familiar with each other. He uses his ability to defeat the masses with a few. I watch his decisive plan to defeat Cao Cao and dominate in one battle. He is majestic and heroic. , He is truly the hero of ten thousand people in planning Myron!"

"Such a hero will be able to conquer Jingzhou by occupying the right time and place, and he will be able to occupy Xiangyang and exploit it. This plan cannot be carried out except by those who understand the general strategy."

"In my humble opinion, I think Zhou Yu's generation is the most talented person in the world. If there are many others who are wise and courageous, they can't be counted. Gong Jin is no less generous than the Marquis of Huaiyin back then!"

Marquis of Huaiyin?

Xi Yu didn't expect that this little guy would have such a high opinion of Zhou Yu, and he didn't expect that he would compare Huaiyin Hou with Zhou Yu.

The Marquis of Huaiyin, Han Xin, was known as the "Soldier Immortal" and the "God of War".

He first led troops to pacify the Three Qin Dynasties, and then in the Chu-Han conflict, his outstanding military ability swept across the Wei, Zhao, Dai, Yan, and Qi countries, and supported Liu Bang with troops several times.

In the Battle of Puban, he attacked from the east and west to capture the Wei capital Anyi; in the Battle of Jingxing, he defeated the Zhao army in a last-ditch battle; in the Battle of Weishui, he devised a clever plan to flood the Qi-Chu coalition forces and kill the Chu general Long Qie... ··

Finally, at the Battle of Gaixia, he laid an ambush on all sides and adopted a heart-attack strategy to undermine the morale of the Chu army with embarrassment on all sides. In the end, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, was cornered and committed suicide in Wujiang River. He was also awarded the title of King of Chu for his meritorious service.

In addition, as the first-class military strategist during the Qin and Han Dynasties. , he not only commanded many major military operations with brilliant achievements, but also had profound military literacy and left three military works "Han Xin".

He is also one of the "Thirteen Military Strategies" recorded in "Hanshu Yiwenzhi", alongside Sun Wu, Sun Bin, Shang Yang, Wu Qi and other military strategists.

Not only that, he also worked with Zhang Liang to sort out the military books that had been handed down to the early Western Han Dynasty.

Speaking of which, although Zhou Yu and Han Xin did not live in the same era, they were somewhat similar in some achievements.

However, one Baqiu died of illness in middle age, while another one who shocked the master due to his outstanding achievements was conspired by Empress Lu and Xiao He to murder him in Changle Palace, and was executed by the three clans.

It can be seen from this that it is not easy to be a famous general through the ages.

"However, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, I think Liu Bei will definitely follow the path of Sichuan and Sichuan in Xichuan, because it seems to him that with his status as a clan member of the Han Dynasty and his countless fierce generals, he will definitely Will gain a firm foothold in the Land of Abundance..."


After hearing what Jia Ji had to say, Xu Chu suddenly became a little irritable.

He couldn't help but roared, and then said angrily: "The defeat of Huarong Dao by Guan Yu is the greatest shame in my life! If I had not met my lord, I am afraid that I would be worse than Sun Ce, the Marquis of Wu in Jiangdong!"

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