He can even be powerful in the Eight Winds, and his reputation will reach a higher level!

Because of Zhang Wenyuan, Sun Quan lost his former high spirits, and his eyes could no longer see anyone except Zhang Liao.

When Sun Ce saw this, he pursed his lips helplessly.

Because not only the younger brother, but also all the civil and military officials in Jiangdong involuntarily chose to keep silent when they saw Zhang Liao.

Suddenly, the bustling and spacious port suddenly became silent, and unconsciously, the atmosphere became very awkward.

Especially when Zhang Liao held a broadsword with an expressionless face and stared at everyone, even Sun Ce, who was used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but beat his heart.

"Gentlemen...what's going on? Why don't you say anything?"

Xi Yu, who knew what he was asking, looked around around Jiangdong with a smile, then stepped forward and patted Sun Ce on the shoulder, saying: "Come! Wu Hou, let me introduce someone to you. This is Zhang Liao, I am the Han Dynasty." One of the few generals!"

"As one of the four towns, he will be your future colleague. You still need to have more contact with him on weekdays!"

"Rather than staying away from each other forever, I hope you can shake hands and make peace."


Sun Ce opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He looked into Xi Yu's eyes and couldn't help but clench his fists after seeing the other person's fleeting smile.

Then, without knowing what he thought of, he hurriedly turned around and found that his younger brother Sun Quan, who was dozens of feet away from him, had now retreated into the crowd.

A pair of eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and there was no intention of coming forward at all.

"Mr. Sheng Guo, after the battle in Xiaoyaojin, Hefei, I, Sun Ce, lost a limb and will not be able to walk between heaven and earth like a normal person for the rest of his life. You and I know who did this."

"In addition, tens of thousands of soldiers from Jiangdong were massacred in Xiaoyaojin. We, the people from Jiangdong, vow to take revenge and fight with Zhang Liao to the death!"

"Today, you came to welcome the bride, but you brought this room with you. I don't know what your purpose is? If you don't want to marry me, Jiangdong, for the sake of Qin and Jin, why are you so humiliated?"

Sun Ce almost said this through gritted teeth.

Although the voice was quiet and no one could hear it clearly except Xi Yu and the people nearby, but one could guess just by looking at his ferocious expression that it was definitely not a kind word.

This is not what he wants!

Who in the world can feel calm when they see someone they are not dealing with?

What's more, this person has a deep hatred for himself!

In the eyes of the Jiangdong people, especially the two Sun Ce brothers, Xi Yu's move was just a show of pure power!

This is so damn...

Sun Ce took a long breath to hold back his unhappiness and did not say anything more unpleasant.

Speaking of which, it’s really frustrating.

The other party brought Zhang Liao to bully them all the way to the door. Unfortunately, the two brothers had to choose their words carefully and did not dare to fall out with him. It was really ironic.

Originally, they planned to ask Xi Yu and his party to see the heroic appearance of their Jiangdong man, but now it seems that it is a bit of a joke.

Compared with Zhang Liao, who killed hundreds of thousands of people in Jiangdong with only 8,000 soldiers, they really have no qualifications. Instead of humiliating themselves, it is better to shut up earlier.

The defeat of Hefei Xiaoyaojin back then was a pain that the whole of Jiangdong could not express in words!

Thinking about it, even if the governor Zhou Yu was here, his expression would change the moment he saw Zhang Liao.

"Bo Fu, this is wrong. In the past, you and I were divided into two camps. Friction and fighting between the two sides were inevitable. Furthermore, if you and others had not been the first to send troops to attack Hefei, how could I have sent Zhang Liao to attack Hefei? resistance?"

"Also, speaking of this matter, I think you should thank Zhang Liao. After all, according to the situation at that time, if it was me or Cao Gong who was guarding Hefei... I'm afraid you wouldn't even be talking to me today. Not even qualified!"


Sun Ce held back the curse words that were about to come out of his mouth. He was filled with anger in his heart, but he could only hold back.

He is standing in front of you with a smile on his face, and behind him is Zhang Liao, who is fighting against a big sword. Do you dare to attack?

What's more, there is indeed nothing wrong with what he said...

Speaking of which, they were indeed the first to cause the battle in Xiaoyaojin, Hefei.

If not, Zhang Liao, the evil star, would not have been offended.

In addition, if the general guarding Hefei at that time was Xi Yu or Cao Cao, let alone a leg, it is really hard to say whether Sun Ce could come back alive!

"That makes sense..."

Sun Ce felt as if he had eaten coptis, even his voice was full of astringency.

But just for a moment, he returned to his former indifference and said seriously: "That's all, time has passed, and there is no need to mention the past."

"It's just that my brother Quan is still obsessed with Zhang Liao because of the Xiaoyaojin incident. I think there will be some trouble in the future. I hope you can bear with me."

"Well, in order to welcome you all, we have specially set up a banquet and invited Duke Sheng and all the generals and ministers to come with us!"

The first part was easy to talk about, but when he said the last sentence, his tone suddenly became a little more energetic. Even just a little bit, it made Xi Yu subconsciously raise his eyebrows.

After meeting Zhang Liao, he still has such confidence. It seems that tonight's banquet will be interesting.

"It's just that on the way to the banquet, our civil and military knights in Jiangdong have been waiting for a long time. I wonder if you all dare to enter the city through the main gate?"

This rich tone, coupled with the puffed out chest, made Xi Yu couldn't help but curl his lips.

So childish to say.

But...it seems quite interesting.

"Wenyuan, did you hear what Bo Fu said? Why don't you follow me quickly?"

Xi Yu turned to look at Zhang Liao. However, before Zhang Liao could speak, Huang Xu suddenly came out and asked with a smile: "Father, let the child go first in this matter?"

"My child brought some good things to the heroes in Danyang, Jiangdong. It would be a pity not to take them out at this time."

"Who are you?"

Looking at the young boy in front of him, Sun Ce frowned, feeling very unhappy.

As if Huang Xu didn't notice his displeasure, he smiled and said with a cupped hand: "I am not talented, I am Baiqi Guardsman Huang Xu, my father is Huang Zhong, and my adoptive father is Xi Yu!"

Although he is slightly thinner and more immature than Sun Ce, who is tall and tall, the incomparable confidence on his face cannot be ignored.

It was obvious that he did not take the situation he was about to encounter seriously.

"Do you know who the long-awaited heroes are? How many of them are hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity? The journey here is extremely dangerous. What kind of trouble are you, a mere brat, going to make?"

"Moreover, they are waiting for people with enemies. Today, enemies have entered Jiangdong. No matter how friendly they are, they will not let each other go easily. If you don't understand the reason, don't open your mouth easily. You should be quiet and follow Sheng Guogong. .”

"After all, Duke Sheng Guo has some reputation and prestige in Jiangdong."

It is self-evident who the enemy in Sun Ce's words is.

Finally, let's talk about Xi Yu, partly because he wanted to inspire the young man in front of him.

However, the other party didn't take the bait and didn't pay him any attention. Instead, he looked at Xi Yu nonchalantly and said with a grin: "Father, can I go ahead and go over to have some fun?"

"what ever."

Xi Yu threw down the two words lightly and walked towards the ceremonial car prepared in advance with his head held high.

After he sat down on the cart, Sun Ce also got into another cart.

The people separated on both sides of the road, and the civil and military officials from both sides stood still after driving their cars and walked slowly towards the front.

The army marched toward the city in great numbers, and even more people gathered in the city.

Crowds of people came one after another, and many people even climbed onto the surrounding roof beams and trees.

Ever since they knew that Xi Yu was coming to Jiangdong, the people had been extremely excited. Countless people were looking forward to seeing this famous man with their own eyes.

All over the world, there are many ordinary people who regard Xi Yu as their savior, and there are also many generals who regard him as their lifelong struggle and pursuit of their goals.

In fact, before Xi Yu knew it, he had already changed a lot of things after coming to this era for more than 20 years, even the course of the world was no exception.

After the carriage entered the inner city, the people lined the streets to welcome them. They could not stop their enthusiastic cheers until they reached the palace gate at the government office.

At this time, Xi Yu also got into the carriage and walked towards the palace under the leadership of Sun Ce.

After passing through the tall and majestic inner city gate, the current Yamen Palace gives people the image of a "little family's jade".

It's not that the scale of this government palace is small, but that the architectural style of Jiangdong is like this. There is no majestic grandeur, only small and exquisite nobility.

Whether it is carved beams, painted buildings or bricks and tiles, they are all made of special rare and precious materials. The red walls and green tiles, surrounded by mountains and rivers, gold paved floors, and white jade cast the palace, which is really beautiful.

Sun Ce didn't get off the carriage until he reached the main hall of the government office and waited for Xi Yu to go with him.

They were the first to arrive here. As for the courtiers following behind them, it might still take some time.

After being divided into two groups, the civil and military officials who came on foot could only vaguely see the shadow of an inner city gate.

"Sheng Guogong, are you really not worried about Huang Xu? It is said that he is your adopted son. Although he is somewhat prestigious as a white cavalry general, it is not easy to overpower the heroes in Jiangdong. "

Facing Sun Ce's slightly worried inquiry, Yu smiled playfully but said nothing.

After a while, he asked: "I wonder, Bo Fu, have you ever inquired about the situation of the war in the north? Or is it the news about my soldiers?"


How to say this?

Isn't spying on military intelligence a secret code that all princes can do but keep secret from each other?

Why did you ask directly? What did this make him do?

It would be false to say that there was no spying.

It can be said that they have spied on... The information they can get is all related to those veterans, such as Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei and others. Although they cannot guarantee 100% that they know everything, but I know more or less.

On the other hand, Huang Xu, a young man, seemed to have nothing special except that he knew that Xi Yu's son Huang Xu was brilliant on the battlefield in Jizhou and killed tens of thousands of tigers and leopards.

And killing tigers and leopards is not something surprising in the eyes of Jiangdong people.

As a cavalry, its weapons, equipment, armor, and mounts are the best in the world, especially the cavalry built by Xi Yu, which is unique.

Isn't it natural to lead such a champion of the world to victory on the battlefield? What else deserves everyone’s attention?

Especially in addition to those external conditions, the strength of the cavalry themselves is also quite extraordinary. Each of them is a leader in the army. If they are not comparable to ordinary soldiers, how can they be confused with each other?

"Although I have never spied on the military situation, we Jiangdong people are somewhat familiar with the brave and famous generals under your command. Generals like Zhang Lionas, Dian Wei, Zhao Zilong, Huang Zhong, etc. are even more famous throughout the world."

"On the contrary, this Huang Xu... We only know the bravery of the white knight..."

"Hahaha, then you guys are really ignorant!"

Xi Yu naturally understood the other party's unfulfilled intentions. He couldn't help but laugh to the sky, then shook his head and moved forward with his hands behind his back.

"Today, I will let everyone know how powerful he is!"

After saying that, he walked straight up the steps, with the breeze blowing gently, his black hair fluttering, a slight smile on his face, and his eyes deep and sharp. The Jiangdong officials around him couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

What an extraordinary person!

Of course, sighing is a sigh, but they won't show it on their faces, let alone the other party said such arrogant words.

But anyone who is not a fool knows the profound meaning contained in his words.

Speaking of which, when Xi Yu came to Jiangdong this time, not only the Sun Ce brothers wanted to see what he was capable of, but also the clan members in Jiangdong wanted to observe him.

Therefore, after hearing Xi Yu's words, everyone's little actions never stopped.

"Hurry and take a look. You must know the entire process of Zhang Liao and Huang Xu entering the inner city!"

"Isn't this too exaggerated? The journey into the inner city is extremely dangerous and full of difficulties. Whether the two of them can enter or not is the same thing, so why would they mobilize so many troops?"

"I'm afraid you're not stupid. Who is Xi Yu? The world-famous Duke Sheng Guo! How could he take aim at nothing? Those two people must have some abilities!"

"Indeed, we all know Zhang Liao's bravery, but we don't know what ability that young boy Huang Xu has that can make Xi Yu admire him so much."

"Hmph! In front of so many Jiangdong heroes, including Huang Xu, I'm afraid even Zhang Liao can't resist it. I want to see the final fate of these two people!"

"Yes, the loser cannot seek revenge anyway. If something goes wrong between these two people, especially Huang Xuzhen in Jiangdong, it would be pointless for Xi Yu to hold him accountable."


After some discussion, everyone led by Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao waited for the opportunity and sent people to inquire about the situation outside the inner city.

Among them, Yu Fan and everyone in the Lu family are also thinking a lot.

Perhaps because they got some unknown news from Xi Yu, everyone's impression of Huang Xu has changed.

But what its own strength is needs to be proven with facts!


In the outer city, eight war horses held their heads high, their manes were neat, their hooves were tough and powerful, their eyes were bright, and their speech was clear and sharp. They were the best horses in a thousand, but now they were used to pull carts.

This made everyone around him speechless.

However, they did not know that the contents of the carriage were more valuable than the eight horses.

This is the betrothal gift brought by Xi Yu. Each car is huge and looks like a house.

Because of his strong endurance, Huang Xu could see it at a glance.

He quickly dismounted and jumped off the ground with a sprint, flying onto the roof of the carriage.

"Uncle Wen Yuan, can you hand that flag to me?"

In full view of everyone, he leaned over and stretched out his hand towards Zhang Liao.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao pulled the reins. After the horse stopped, he smiled lightly and asked, "You should know what the consequences will be after I give it to you, but do you still want it?"


Huang Xu nodded, with no trace of fear on his face and full of confidence.

Seeing how high-spirited he was, Zhang Liao no longer hesitated and decisively took out a rolled-up banner from his side and threw it to Huang Xu.

This flag was originally prepared for himself.

As a general, he is a well-known general with great military achievements. No matter how honest he is, he still has a passionate heart.

Therefore, since he knew that he would be in trouble when he came to Jiangdong, he was aroused and angered and brought this flag here just to demonstrate and scare everyone!

Now that someone is willing to take action with him, he naturally has no reason not to give it.

After taking the flag, Huang Xu smiled and waved a spear with his backhand, which glowed silver under the sunlight.

This gun is a magic weapon that his master Zhao Zilong specially ordered Pu Yuan and his son to build for him.

Standing alone on the carriage before, he was not very conspicuous, but now he was held in the hands of Huang Xu, who was dressed in white robes, with a long sword at his waist, and they complemented each other perfectly, making Huang Xu look like a divine weapon descended from heaven.

Everyone was deeply shocked by this scene, but before they could recover, Huang Xu slowly raised and closed it with a somewhat joking smile, then released his four fingers and let the flag unfold on its own.

Then, the flags flew and the whole scene was revealed.

This is a dilapidated military flag with stains of blood on it, but I don’t know how many years have passed, and the stains of blood have already turned extremely dark red.

"This flag is familiar to all of you, right? But I still want to say that this is the battle flag that was abandoned by Sun Bofu's army during the Battle of Hefei. It is the most dazzling general's flag among the three armies!"

"Today, I, Huang Xu, am standing here holding this flag. I wonder if any of the military officers, soldiers, knights and warriors in Jiangdong dare to take it back?"

"How dare you, a mere brat, dare to speak nonsense here?"

"You ignorant boy, do you really think there is no one in my Jiangdong territory?"

"Well said, there are countless heroes in Jiangdong, and there are many people who are qualified to step forward and seize the battle flag!

"Everyone, wait a minute, I'll go meet this boy first, so that he can know what it means that there is a world outside the sky and there is a world outside the world!"


As soon as Huang Xu finished speaking, the crowd around him instantly became excited, and from time to time there was a burst of yelling and cursing.


There were many people who spoke, but in the end, no one dared to move forward...

Huang Xu's skill in getting on the carriage had already surprised many people.

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