The most famous families in Jingzhou are the Kuai family and the Cai family. When Liu Biao came to Jinzhou, he first asked the two brothers Peng Liang and Peng Yue as well as Cai Mao for advice. Finally, after the two families reached a consensus, Liu Biao was allowed to take the throne. The location of the state tomb.

But it is a pity that Cai Mao was killed by Liu Bei under Zhang Fei's command when Cao Cao went south. From that time on, Liu Bei stood on the opposite side of Jingzhou's wealthy family. , became the biggest enemy of the entire Jingzhou wealthy family.

This is the most important reason why Liu Bei has been unable to win Jingzhou over the years.

Now Xu Shu, under the banner of Liu Bei, has offended all the wealthy families in Jiangxia. Now it seems that even if Liu Bei wants to come back to life, it is impossible.

The wealthy families in Jiangxia and Jingzhou have all offended him. Now it is impossible for the world to return to his hands.

If he loses the support of the people, Liu Bei will not be able to go far. Besides, Liu Bei used vulgar excuses like benevolence and righteousness to win the support of the people. Now that the support of the people has been lost, he will not be able to sit in this position for how long. If he is not secretly assigned by these wealthy families, It would be good to kill people.

Back in Jingzhou, what we have to do is much simpler, which is to bribe the Peng family and Cai family. As long as these two families join forces, there is no fear that the entire Jingzhou wealthy family will not be in chaos.

When chaos breaks out, it will be time to fish in troubled waters.

After Zhou Yu and Guo Jia combined their efforts, they sent two teams of men, disguised as businessmen, with many crafts, sealed grain and grass, and some property to the Kuai and Cai families to bribe them.

Things with official seals are rare. Even if those wealthy families are used to seeing real money and silver, they will think highly of them when they see products with official seals.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have. If you get the official seal, it belongs to the official family. Most wealthy families started from business. Since ancient times, they have been scholars, farmers, and merchants. Business is the lowest-ranked profession. Even if they become wealthy, they will be mainstreamed. Excluded.

Those things with official seals seemed to tell them that as long as they had money, even officials would be courteous to them.

This is a true gift.

After finishing the matter, the three of them returned to the mansion, and Huang Xu collapsed in the room. Looking at the ceiling, then at the ground, then at the broken bricks and white walls, I suddenly felt Zhou Yu's frugality.

At this time, Zhou Yu, Huang Xu and Guo Jia were drinking in the court. Zhou Yu himself yearned for an elegant artistic conception. The broken walls, fallen flowers on the floor, and the miserable atmosphere in the court were very in line with his taste, but this It really doesn't suit Huang Xu and Guo Jia, two people who are accustomed to living in exquisite houses.

The two of them looked at this dilapidated house and found it unpleasant. When they thought that Zhou Yu could live in such a place for so long, they couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

"I think it's time for brother Zhou's house to be repaired, right?"

The house that Guo Jia lived in during the war was better than this place. This place was worse than a doghouse, but Guo Jia was embarrassed to say it. Looking at Zhou Yu's confused look, he suddenly understood.

This boy didn't feel that the house was dilapidated at all, but felt that it had a certain elegance to it.

Huang Xu couldn't stand it for a long time, and he didn't like it wherever he looked.

"Isn't there water leakage on this rainy day? Look at the eaves, look at the roof of this house?"

Huang Xu pointed at the top of his head.

"If you look at this ground again, you will see what it has become, and you don't even know how to repair it."

Huang Xu stepped on the ground.

"Come here and take a look. Look, this place is almost covered with insects. Don't you know how to repair the walls?"

He pointed his sword at the wall.

"Come and see, wouldn't you be tired of living in a place like this? I will collapse if I live here for a second."

Huang Xu couldn't find a word to describe Zhou Yu, and looked at him speechless for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu still looked confused.

"But I have sent people to repair this house a long time ago. I renovated it before you came. Don't you like it?"

Zhou Yu's words completely caused the two of them to collapse.

Damn it, only he, Zhou Yu, would like this kind of place. Who would like this shabby house?

Huang Xu has been living in a prosperous place since he was a child. He is used to seeing luxury cars and can't stand it at all. And even if the battlefield is a bit more difficult, he has never treated himself badly. He has never seen such a poor place.

In addition, the lord has always been doting on him and he has a family, and he can win battles, making it even more impossible for him to suffer this kind of injustice. Now that he has been forced to live here, his psychology is even more complicated.

The two people pointed at Zhou Yu's house and pointed.

Guo Jia has never treated himself badly, just like what he heard from his lord. The lord once said that when there is no battle to fight, you should be kind to yourself, and you can win the battle after enjoying it.

Zhou Yu watched the two people singing and knew that they were not cheating on him, nor did they look like they were cheating. He was even more confused and thought about it for a long time before he asked cautiously.

"It's not easy to have such conditions in an expedition, and I've already had it repaired. Don't you think it's so clean here?"

Huang Xu and Guo Jia looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. Looking at Zhou Yu's confused look, they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"General Zhou, this is considered repaired, this is considered repaired?!"

Huang Xu suddenly raised his voice and looked at Zhou Yu in disbelief.

"Even my doghouse in Xiapi is much better than this."

This was a bit excessive, but it was completely normal for Huang Xu to say it. He was a very straightforward person.

Zhou Yu looked around and found that the surroundings were clean and there were no problems. He scratched his head again. Is it his own problem?

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

However, both Guo Jia and Huang Xu had expressions full of contempt, and they couldn't stand it at all.

"Look at this roof. Aren't you afraid that all the rain will leak into the house when it rains?"

"That's right, if you look at this place, you have to put up a screen. If someone comes, won't they immediately know what you are doing?"

"Yes, yes, look again. Your table is shaky. What if you spill a handful of wine?"

Anyway, it's not the case, Huang Xu blurted out impulsively.

He walked up and down the hall with a look of disdain wherever he went.

Every time he said something, Guo Jia would echo him. The two of them were obviously dissatisfied with Zhou Yu's house, and only Zhou Yu thought his house was good.

"But if we repair it again, wouldn't it be too extravagant? Besides, I'm used to being frugal and not used to such extravagance and waste. Moreover, we are only living here temporarily, and even my residence in Jiangdong is nothing more than this."

He knew that Huang Xu was a child, and he might not be able to speak clearly, nor could he understand how much manpower and material resources it would take to repair this. The war was tight now, and if it was extravagant and wasteful, it would make the people miserable.

He looked at Guo Jia who was standing aside. He knew that Guo Jia must understand the reason.

"There is nothing wrong with what Ling Xiao said. Even the houses where ordinary people live in Xiapi are like this."

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia glanced at his house and said this.

It would be fine if Huang Xu said so, but Guo Jia actually thought so too, and Zhou Yu suddenly didn't know what to say.

It seemed that this was indeed a big problem, and Zhou Yu couldn't help but reflect on it.

Huang Xu and Guo Jia looked at Zhou Yu's confused expression and knew that he had never seen life in Xiapi.

So I told him about life in Xiapi, the science and technology park, the city wall and the machine beast.

"Is there really such a wonderland? It's simply impossible."

The two sang in harmony, and Zhou Yu was dumbfounded, especially when he heard about the city wall and the machine beast. This simply exceeded his imagination and could not exist in this era.

However, Huang Xu raised his head slightly proudly and said as if showing off.

"You think it's a fairyland, but we all think it's normal. But our capital city was invented by our adoptive father. How about it? Isn't it amazing!"

"When the time comes, Governor Zhou will go and see for himself, and he will know whether there is such a fairyland."

Guo Jia took a sip of tea and said, seemingly not treating these as anecdotes at all.

Zhou Yu knew that these two people no longer lied, and that what they said was indeed true, so he couldn't help but yearn for that city and wanted to see it.

If there really is such a fairyland, then everyone in the world can live a happy life with plenty of food and clothing.

Xuzhou, Xiapi.

There is a unique building complex within the huge city wall, which is simply miraculous. That is the famous Academy of Sciences.

A pavilion rises from the ground in his southwest corner.

This is the main building of Tiangongyuan.

Xiyu finished all the things and walked out of the room, standing in the corridor and looking into the distance.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

There was a gentle breeze, and the cool breath entered his nasal cavity, making him feel comfortable all over.

He suddenly thought of many old people, and he didn't know whether Lao Cao was in heaven or on earth now.

He couldn't help but think of many things, and he knew that this was the so-called time of the wise.

However, in the darkness, he suddenly saw a shadow, and the shadow came out of the darkness.

He quickly knelt in front of Xi Yu, with quick movements and agility, and handed over a small note with both hands. The small note was naturally the secret letter sent by Guo Jia. He knew it without opening it.

The secret guard couldn't see clearly the expression on his face without speaking. He could only see his shining eyes. His body and face were all pitch black and merged with the night.

They seem to live in darkness all year round, with only their eyes containing infinite light.

Without any emotion or expression, they were as cold as iron.

Xi Yu looked at the secret guard and suddenly smiled.

It seems that this group of secret guards has finally grown a lot.

These secret guards who can see him are already among the top ten secret guards, and their skills are extraordinary.

This letter was written by Guo Jia. After Xi Yu opened it, he found that it only said one thing.

Guo Jia and Xi Yu have enough tacit understanding. He believes that Xi Yu can understand and know what kind of judgment he will make. He only needs to think for a moment and Xi Yu will understand the reason. He knows that Guo Jia will soon Looking for Jinzhou.

But now is not the time, there is no need to wait for Guo Jia to make preparations to win over all the nobles. Those nobles will definitely cause some trouble by then, but he believes that with Guo Jia's ability, it is impossible to let them These wealthy families are causing trouble.

Those wealthy families need to consider and discuss, and it will take a long time.

There is still a long time and they still have a lot to do.

Even sending troops now would disrupt Guo Jia's rhythm and turn these things into a mess, so he decided to stay put.

It is necessary to choose a suitable time to send troops.

And if troops are sent too early, these wealthy families may unite with Liu Bei.

They will be the ones at a disadvantage then.

After going downstairs, he wandered around the Tiangong Courtyard and then returned to his mansion.

Walk through the front yard and sit down in your own yard.

Then someone came up with tea.

That person was Gan Mei. He didn't expect that the lady would be asked to do these things that were supposed to be done by servants. It seemed that Gan Mei had something to talk about.

"This is Jingzhou's tea. It is somewhat famous outside, so why not give it a try."

Ganmei smiled and pushed the fragrant tea in front of him.

Xiyu looked at her strangely, knowing what she wanted to do.

"Let's talk if you have anything to do. We are an old married couple. Do we need to be like this?"

Xi Yu still took a sip of tea. This tea was still different. It was no different from other teas when he first drank it. But after just sipping it carefully for a while, he felt that all the discomfort in his body had subsided.

This is truly good tea, and there are certain things to pay attention to when drinking tea.

"It seems I can't hide anything from you."

Ganmei smiled slightly, as if being found out was expected.

"After the girl from the Sun family was beaten up by Sister Lu last time, the girl from the Sun family has been locking herself in the room. She doesn't eat, drink, or do anything. She just locks herself in the room. Here, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I didn’t even practice my favorite martial arts. After all, we are all sisters. I was worried that I would catch some disease if I was bored for a long time, so I went to persuade him, but I didn’t think of the Sun family. That sister has a very strong temper and won’t listen to anything, and I don’t know what to say to her.”

After finishing speaking, Gan Mei glanced at Xi Yu.

"I think your husband's behavior will definitely make her feel better. If your husband is so smart, what he says must be different from what I have said."

It turned out to be for Sun Shangxiang.

After being beaten by Lu Lingqi and being disliked by the Sun family, he would naturally become autistic.

Maybe this is depression.

He took another sip of tea, didn't take this matter to heart at all, and said nonchalantly.

"What advice are you advising? If you want to stay in the room, just stay there. Why do you care so much? Why don't you mind your own business?"

Everyone is here anyway.

The Sun family members have also spoken out a long time ago. This matter has nothing to do with them in the first place. Sun Shangxiang can stay as long as he wants.

Xi Yu couldn't even persuade him, not even if he died.

"But she and I are still sisters after all. And you see, this grandson sister left her hometown and came here. She must be homesick. If she were left here without the feeling of home, she would miss her and become ill. Instead, it's me who does this. It’s not a big deal, if it falls on other people’s tongue, then it will be more than worth the gain.”

Gan Mei was indeed a very generous person. She knew what to say and how to persuade. She didn't blame Sun Shangxiang for being coy, but instead spoke for Sun Shangxiang blindly. She was worthy of being an eldest lady.

"What other people say is their business. As long as I know you are not that kind of person, why should I care about them? The mouths of those people cannot be blocked. If you block them once or twice, they will still be there. They say it behind their back, in a place where you can’t see it, so why bother with them?”

Xi Yu has never regarded this matter as a matter, or he doesn't care what others say. Besides, with his current status, no one can question it even if he comes to Literary Prison.

But he didn't bother to do this, even if he banned other people's thoughts, he couldn't do anything.

After hearing these words, Gan Mei couldn't help but blush, and her heart was beating.

If Xi Yu could understand her in this way, it wouldn't be in vain to try to persuade her.

But she always took Sister Sun's matter to her heart, and she had already mentioned it over and over again over a dozen times just after drinking a cup of tea.

Later, Xi Yu was almost fed up and couldn't resist her, so he had no choice but to agree.

"This tea is really getting tasteless the more I drink it, I might as well go play mahjong!"

"But it's getting a little late now, why not have a good talk with Sister Sun?"

Ganmei didn't expect the topic to change so quickly and reacted immediately.

I wanted to try to persuade Sun Shangxiang, but I felt that Xi Yu was in a bad mood and didn't dare to continue talking for a while.

"It's not too late at all. You can play with this thing all day and all night."

Xi Yu thought for a moment and then said.

"But now three are short of one, why don't you join me and Cai Yan!"

Ganmei immediately became interested when she saw that Xi Yu was telling the truth.

The two of them came as soon as they came, and came to Sun Shangxiang's courtyard. There was a peach blossom tree in his courtyard, which was a good place to go.

"Just right here."

Gan Mei looked at it and planned to ask Sun Shangxiang to come out.

Not long after, Cai Yan came wearing a long robe, as if she wanted to kill someone.

The three of them were having fun, so Gan Mei knocked on the door to ask Sun Shangxiang to come out.

Knocking on the door three times gave Sun Shangxiang enough face. For a lady to do this, she was already giving her face.

Unexpectedly, Sun Shangxiang didn't respond at all.

At this time, Zheng Huan was playing mahjong outside. It was impossible that he didn't hear it inside. The only possibility was that Sun Shangxiang didn't want to respond at all.

"I'm sorry, madam, my lady has gone to bed, so I can't play mahjong with you anymore."

A maid came out and smiled carefully with everyone.

"Since she can't play cards, then you do it."

Xi Yu suddenly said these words, which startled the little girl. At this time, the young lady was far away from home and needed company.

If she plays cards with these noble ladies, she will definitely make the eldest lady dissatisfied, and the eldest lady will definitely slap her if she is dissatisfied.

In addition, he didn't have much money in his pocket. If he lost it all playing mahjong, it would be even worse.

But the one who spoke was the master here.

She didn't dare to say no or agree, so she just stood there and Ganmei came over to hold her hand.

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