There are two generals under Xiahou Dun, one is named Zhao Qiang and the other is named Wang Lin.

They just wanted to discuss it and make this old man look good.

Because only by letting the old man fall can Xiahou Dun wake up.

"I really don't know what's going on with General Xiahou, that he actually likes such an old guy."

"It seems that this old guy can also fool people, so let's play tricks on them together."

The two of them started planning.

After a while, the two people came to the tent prepared by Xiahou Dun alone for the old man Nanshan.

The two people bowed respectfully to the old man Nanshan.

He said that since Xiahou Dun liked him, he must have some real abilities.

I hope the elderly can teach them.

But the old man Nanshan's eyes were particularly sharp.

At first glance, these two young men had evil intentions, but they didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

His arrogant attitude made the two of them very unhappy.

But they still treated Nanshan old man perfunctorily.

Old Nanshan knew that these two people seemed to want to tease him, so he nodded.

"In that case, tell me, what do you want to learn?"

Zhao Qiang and Wang Lin looked at each other and it seemed that the plan was feasible.

So, Zhao Qiang said: "There is a small forest ahead. There are few people there, so why not go there to study."

The reason is that he doesn’t want more people to learn Nanshan’s kung fu.

"Okay, in that case, it's up to you."

The two of them didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

Coming out like this, this old guy is not a smart person.

Soon, they headed towards a small forest.

There are densely packed birch trees inside.

At this moment, the breeze blows, and many leaves are swaying in the wind.

The two people had dug a pit in a certain place in advance, and it was covered with a lot of firewood.

As soon as Old Nanshan goes to that place, he will immediately fall into it.

The two people will fill up the soil and bury him completely inside.

As for how Xiahou Dun would explain it, the two of them had already thought about it.

When they actually entered the woods, Old Nanshan understood their conspiracy with one look.

But at this moment he still pretended not to know anything.

Naturally, the two people deliberately guided him to that place.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, the two of them remained calm but very happy.

I saw the old man Nanshan flicking the fly whisk, saying that he had nothing to do.

But the two people moved towards the pit involuntarily, and they quickly entered the pit.

They shouted loudly.

"How is this going?"

Old Nanshan sneered.

"What's going on? Are you still asking me? Isn't this a hole you dug for yourselves?"

At this time, the two people finally knew that the old man from Nanshan really had some abilities.

"Old man, we were wrong, please let us go."

"Humph, now that I know I was wrong, it's already too late."

After that, Old Nanshan left and said at the same time: "Don't worry, no one will let you come out from here except me. I will ask Xiahou Dun later why his men are like this."

"Old man, no, please don't."

The two of them knew Xiahou Dun's temper.

If Xiahou Dun knew about this, they might die without a burial place.

But how could the old man from Nanshan listen to them?

Immediately he went to Xiahou Dun's military camp in a dashing manner.

On the other hand, Ouyang Linlin felt very excited after hearing what her father Ouyang Fu said.

Now I can no longer play the pipa.

After a while, her personal maid Xiaohong came back from shopping.

Seeing her unhappy look, he asked: "Miss, what happened? Who made you so unhappy?"

"If someone else had offended me, I could deal with him, but it was my father who offended me."

Xiaohong quickly asked what was going on?

Ouyang Linlin explained the specific things.

"Oh my god, sir, how could he do this? Isn't this just a random act of love?"

Ouyang Linlin immediately grabbed Xiaohong's arm.

"Xiao Hong, do you think Mr. Lu is a very good person?"

"Yes, miss, Mr. Lu is certainly very good."

Ouyang Linlin decided to do something.

She asked Xiaohong and herself to go out quickly and find a way to find Mr. Lu, and tell him everything about today.

Then let Lu Xiaochuan come here quickly to propose marriage.

"Miss, this is a bit bad, don't forget, we are women, how can we be so shameless and entangled?"

"But I don't care about that much now. If you don't go, do you really want me to jump into the fire pit?"

Xiaohong wanted to say that although she didn't know who Xiyu was, since the master liked him, he didn't seem to be a bad person.

But she knew the young lady's temper, no matter how good she was, she wouldn't like her.

"Hey, what are you doing standing still? If you don't leave quickly, are you afraid of my dad? Don't worry, I'll take care of whatever happens."

"In that case, miss, I will follow you."

As for Xi Yu, he told the soldiers to relax and do whatever they were supposed to do.

No one should act rashly until the secret guard delivers the message.

The fact that the news could not come back so quickly proved that the old man Nanshan did have some different reactions.

As for him, he also wanted to visit Youzhou City.

He successfully entered Youzhou City.

As soon as I entered the city gate, I saw many vendors setting up stalls.

He secretly thought that if he occupied Youzhou City as soon as possible, it would make the place richer and the people's lives better.

Suddenly, he saw a beautiful woman carrying a basket and buying some Chinese herbal medicine.

Originally this was a normal phenomenon, so Xi Yu walked forward.

But then, he noticed a sneaky gaze.

There was a young man in white clothes who looked very respectable.

He smiled lewdly at the woman.

But after the woman bought the Chinese medicine and left, he followed her quietly.

Xi Yu felt that this man had evil intentions.

He decided to follow quietly and rescue the woman.

The woman hurried home without realizing that someone was following her behind her.

I walked to a remote bridge.

Finally, the man ran over quickly. He immediately stretched out his hands and hugged the woman.

The woman panicked and screamed loudly.

The man already smiled and said: "In this situation, who will save you? Then just follow me."

The woman struggled desperately but to no avail, so she asked the man to let her go quickly.

"It's a joke. How could I let you go? You are so naive."

"You'd better let him go, otherwise, I will make you regret coming into this world."

A voice rang quickly.

It was from Xi Yu.

The man was surprised. He had just seen this barren mountain and there was no third person at all.

Where did this sound come from?

He immediately turned his head and saw Xi Yu standing a few meters away with his hands behind his back.

So he immediately sneered: "Who are you?"

When the woman saw someone coming to rescue her, she was naturally very happy and shouted: "Sir, save me quickly."

When Xi Yu walked towards this side, the man grabbed the woman's neck.

Let Xi Yu better stop, otherwise the woman will be killed now.

The woman was so frightened that she asked Xi Yu not to come over yet.

As Xi Yu walked away, he said, "Why are you still standing there?"

Both men and women felt very abrupt.

Who is he talking to?

At this time, a ghost-like secret guard appeared quickly and immediately kicked the man aside.

Then he quickly rescued the woman.

The woman had not yet come out of her panic, but found that she was fine.

Only then did I realize that there was an extra person out of thin air at this time.

Xi Yu nodded to himself.

And the man didn't expect that someone would suddenly come to disrupt the situation.

He looked at the secret guard fiercely.

"who are you?"

The secret guard immediately came to him, squatted down, and slapped him several times wildly.

The woman quickly expressed her gratitude to Xi Yu.

"Girl, you don't have to thank me. Be careful when you walk in the future. Don't go to these remote places to avoid encountering bad guys again."

The woman agreed, but she felt baffled. What is a dirty trick?

Only then did Xi Yu realize that he had accidentally brought up the vocabulary from his previous life.

Xi Yu asked the woman to leave quickly.

The woman also happened to be very anxious because there were still patients at home.

Thank you again and leave in a hurry.

The secret guard then asked: "Lord, what should we do next?"

Xi Yu took a look and saw that there was a small forest not far ahead, so he said, "Okay, let's beat him up and throw him into the small forest."

The secret guards also took action immediately. Although this man was tall and thick, he was a weakling.

Soon, the secret guard placed the man in the woods.

Only then did Xi Yu realize that there were actually two beauties walking towards this side of the woods.

These two women are Xiaohong and Ouyang Linlin.

It turned out that when the two of them were walking on the road, Ouyang Linlin suddenly felt upset, so she quickly found a small forest to relieve herself.

After the secret guard finished doing this, Xi Yu asked him to retreat temporarily.

When the two women saw the man lying on the ground, they were stunned.

It turns out that this man is Lu Xiaochuan.

Ouyang Linlin shouted: "Mr. Lu, what's going on?"

Xi Yu was stunned, it turned out that they knew each other.

He looked carefully at the two women.

It seems that one is a lady and the other is a maid.

Seeing Lu Xiaochuan's injured appearance, Ouyang Linlin suddenly felt very heartbroken.

Xiao Hong looked at Xi Yu fiercely.

"Did Mr. Lu get injured by you?"

"My servants were the ones who injured him. It's not wrong to say that I was the one who was injured."

Xiaohong sneered and said, "Okay, you still admit it."

Lu Xiaochuan had already fainted at this moment.

Ouyang Linlin also raised her head and looked at Xi Yu angrily.

"Who are you? Why do you do this"?

"Because he deserves to die, it's good that I didn't beat him to death."

Ouyang Linlin saw a small stone on the ground, picked it up and hit Xi Yu crazily.

But Xi Yu quickly dodged away.

Xiaohong said: "Miss, the first priority is not to waste time with him here. It's better to send Mr. Lu to the hospital as soon as possible."

Ouyang Linlin also woke up immediately, but should she just let Xi Yu go?

Xi Yu sneered and said, "You two women don't seem to know what this beast has done. Do you want me to tell you now?"

Ouyang Linlin ignored him and asked Xiaohong to quickly ask the doctor.

But Xiaohong was a little worried about Miss.

If he leaves, what will this man do if he attacks the young lady again?

"Xiaohong, you don't have to worry about me. Can you bear to see Mr. Lu in trouble?"

Xiaohong looked at Xiyu, then at the young lady, and had no choice but to sigh and leave.

Ouyang Linlin looked at Xi Yu.

"Tell me why you hit him. I can listen to the explanation now."

So, Xi Yu told the real situation.

"What did you say? You dare to slander Mr. Lu, you are simply disgusting."

In my mind, Mr. Lu is a male god.

How could Ouyang Linlin allow anyone to insult him?

However, she suddenly understood.

This man must have been sent by his father.

Yes, his departure with Linlin must have attracted his father's attention.

Father also said that Lu Xiaochuan was not a good person.

Just so that he could marry Xi Yu, he sent someone to follow him secretly, and then found someone to beat Mr. Lu.

Then arrange Mr. Lu.

I never imagined that my father could be so vicious.

"Tell me, how many benefits has my father given you to make you willing to do these things for him?"

This time, Xi Yu felt baffled.


Her father?

Who is her father?

"Girl, I simply don't know what you are talking about. I can see that this man is your lover. I tell you, you'd better stay away from him."

Xi Yu ignored him and left directly.

Although Ouyang Linlin was very angry, there was nothing she could do.

It's better to go and settle the accounts with your father later.

I really don’t understand why my father took the wrong medicine, and why he must oppose his marriage?

Xiaohong quickly found the doctor, and then the doctor sent two people to take Lu Xiaochuan away.

When Xi Yu returned to the camp, he saw that the secret guard who was inquiring about the information had not returned yet, and he suddenly felt unsure.

Some soldiers said that they should rush to attack Youzhou and send troops.

It doesn't matter even if some soldiers are injured.

But Xi Yu said that every soldier is a soldier, and he doesn't want to be harmed because the soldiers are his brothers.

Once again the soldiers were moved.

Old Nanshan found Xiahou Dun with a very angry look on his face.

"Old Nanshan, what's wrong with you? Did someone insult you?"

"Xiahoudun, I came to help with good intentions. You didn't expect that your men could make me angry. I don't know whether they did it behind your back or you arranged it."

Xiahou Dun was taken aback and quickly asked the other party what was going on.

The old man Nanshan told him what happened in the woods and asked Xiahou Dun to see it for himself.

"What, there is such a thing? Don't worry, I will definitely go over and take a look."

Xiahou Dun led two soldiers to the woods, his face ashen.

I don’t know who caused the trouble for me.

Soon he came to the pit.

Only then did he realize that it was Zhao Qiang.

He cursed loudly: "What on earth did you two do?"

The two people told the real situation honestly.

The green streaks on Xiahou Dun's face bloomed.

"Old Nanshan is here to help me, what do you mean?"

Instead of saving the two people, he asked the two soldiers who came to immediately fill up the soil and buried the two people alive.

Zhao Qiang just screamed, hoping that the general would forgive him.

"Humph, you are not three-year-old children. If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price."

No matter how the two begged for mercy, it was of no avail.

Eventually, the hole was filled.

After Xiahou Dun returned, he knelt down in front of the old man Nanshan, hoping that he would calm down.

It was all because of his own fault and lack of strict management of his subordinates that this happened.

"Old Nanshan, if you want to punish you, then punish me. I hope our agreement will not be broken."

Old Nanshan looked at him fiercely and became angry when he learned that he had buried two people alive.

If he hadn't asked for something, he wouldn't have come to help Xiahou Dun.

"I hope this will not happen again. Also, please tell the soldiers what to do next."

Xiahou Dun breathed a sigh of relief, saying that the other party had forgiven him.

He immediately summoned many soldiers and told them everything.

"Perhaps there are still some of you who are dissatisfied with Old Nanshan, but you already know that Old Nanshan is very powerful. If anyone is provoking, this will be the fate."

It is true that many people are dissatisfied with the old man Nanshan, but now they dare not.

At this moment, Old Nanshan suddenly came in front of everyone.

"I haven't shown my skills to you. You don't know what I'm capable of, right?"

I saw him moving the whisk, and many stones on the ground were blown up by the wind.

Then, he swung again and a tree was cut directly in the middle.

"Is there any one of you who is dissatisfied now?"

Many soldiers were frightened. They had never seen an old man with such powerful magic.

But some people were angry. If he had shown his skills earlier, Zhao Qiang and the others would not have plotted against him, and such a disaster would not have happened.

Xiahou Dun laughed loudly and said, "Can everyone be confident now that we can deal with Xi Yu easily?"

The soldiers also became happy.

Xiahou Dun also analyzed that it was said that Xi Yu was about to enter Youzhou, but he still didn't come in. It was probably Nanshan Laozi's name that scared him.

As a result, everyone began to flatter the old man Nanshan.

Old Nanshan was very happy, but then his face turned gloomy again.

He said to Xiahou Dun: "Come to the camp with me. I have something to say to you."

Xiahou Dun followed him obediently like a servant.

If the soldiers saw such a scene before, they would naturally be very angry.

But now they knew what Old Nanshan was capable of. After a while, the two people came to the tent prepared by Xiahou Dun for Old Man Nanshan alone.

The two people bowed respectfully to the old man Nanshan.

, they didn’t dare to say anything more. After a while, the two people came to the tent prepared by Xiahou Dun alone for the old man Nanshan.

The two people bowed respectfully to the old man Nanshan. (End of chapter)

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