Xi Yu ignored him at all and said whatever you wanted.

And many soldiers didn't know Xi Yu's specific plan.

They believed that Xi Yu was willing to escape because he cared about the safety of these soldiers.

They were particularly touched.

After all, many soldiers were injured in the fight just now.

Old Nanshan didn't know this was a conspiracy, but he was very happy.

Xiahou Dun's soldiers pursued him even more fiercely.

But they found that they could never catch up with the enemy.

Because at this moment, Xi Yu also held a whisk in his hand, which was given to him by Hong Xilin.

He keeps holding the fly whisk to prevent those behind him from catching up.

The current task is to lead them into a canyon immediately.

On the other side, Sima Yi finally arrived in Hanzhong this day carrying many gifts.

Unfortunately, it suddenly rained heavily.

It seemed that he couldn't face Zhang Lu directly, so he had to find a place to stay quickly.

He entered a small teahouse and ordered some food.

There was an old man in the teahouse wearing earthen clothes. He was very thin.

There is also a girl wearing a white dress.

The relationship between the two people is grandfather and granddaughter.

After a while, the girl placed the food in front of Sima Yi.

Sima Yi looked at the girl carefully, making the girl feel a little shy.

Because many customers look at themselves like this.

After a while, the girl finally entered the kitchen, then came to grandpa and said, "Why do I feel that the guest is a little rude to me?"

The old man popped his head out of the kitchen and saw that Sima Yi didn't look like a bad guy.

"Granddaughter, are you thinking too much?"

"Grandpa, I can't work here anymore. There are always customers looking at me like this."

"Okay, I'll send you to your aunt's house tomorrow. I hope she can take care of you."

The girl then walked out again.

At this time, several big men came inside from outside, and someone shouted: "Come here, let's order food."

Seeing their fierce looks, the girl was a little scared, but she finally walked over.

Several people seemed to have forgotten to order food when they saw how beautiful the girl was.

They all looked directly at him. The girl trembled a little and quickly hugged her arms.

There was a scarred face who was their head, smiling: "Little sister, why are you afraid? Come on, sit on my lap."

The little girl said: "What do you want to order? Hurry up, and then I will go to the kitchen and tell Grandpa."

Scarface stood up and said, "Little girl, why are you so anxious? Let's play with my brother first."

He went to pull the little girl's clothes.

The little girl screamed.

The old man popped his head out of the kitchen, saw this scene, and said loudly: "What do you want to do?"

"Old man, we like your granddaughter. That is something you feel honored to do. Do you still dare to stop us?"

The old man was also a little scared and hoped that a few people would let his granddaughter go.

He can give currency to several people.

"You bastard. We just like your granddaughter. What's wrong?"

At this time, Sima Yi finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He slapped the case and stood up, shouting loudly: "What do you want to do? Let this girl go quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Several people did not expect that someone would be nosy.

The scarred face looked at Sima Yi fiercely.

"Who are you?"

After that, he took out a dagger from his sleeve and immediately inserted it on the table.

A mark immediately appeared on the table.

They looked at Sima Yi as if he were a weak scholar, so why should they be afraid?

But for some reason, Sima Yi looked familiar to that girl.

Like a lost relative of his.

Therefore, no matter what, he has to take care of this nosy matter.

Seeing the other party take out the dagger, he was indeed a little scared.

But he decided to help the girl anyway.

So, he approached Scarface with a smile.

Scarface yelled: "What do you want to do?"

The girl didn't expect that Sima Yi was willing to meddle in other people's affairs and thought she was a bad person.

The old man looked at Sima Yi.

He didn't want Sima Yi to be harmed because of this incident, but he also wanted others to help his granddaughter.

In desperation, Sima Yi suddenly thought of a way, that is, to pretend to be a ghost.

"Sir, I think you have suffered a bloody disaster."

Seeing the seriousness with which he spoke, Scarface snorted coldly.

"In order to save this girl, you are talking nonsense here. Do you think I will be fooled by you?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it. I'm saying this for your own good. I'm just a guest. What does this girl's life and death have to do with me?"

After that, he was back in position.

Then, he kept chanting the incantation, but he actually didn't know what he was chanting.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "No, no, no. Xiahou Dun has gone to Youzhou. He must be in danger. I have to save him."

After that, he immediately put down some currency and prepared to leave.

And before leaving, he said something to the old man.

"Old man, just don't worry. If these people dare to attack your granddaughter today, let them bear the consequences. I'm leaving."

He quickly went out.

But Scarface couldn't calm down anymore.

Could it be that this person really has some ability?

So he immediately asked his men to get Sima Yi back.

Sima Yi had not gone far when a man called him immediately.

"Hey, get back here quickly."

Sima Yi ignored him at all.

The man came to him frantically and hugged his arm.

Sima Yi shouted loudly: "Let me go, I want to rescue Xiahou Dun quickly."

Scarface gave the girl to one of his men to watch, and then walked towards Sima Yi.

"The Xiahou Dun you just mentioned seems to be a general. Does his life and death have anything to do with you?"

"Of course it does matter, and it matters a lot."

Sima Yi continued to lie, because Xiahou Dun's fate was tied to him.

If something happens to Xiahou Dun, then he will also suffer a bloody disaster. This was set by his master back then.

Seeing his anxious look, Scarface was thinking, is what he said true?

Scarface was still holding the dagger, and Sima Yi immediately snatched it away.

This was Sima Yi's purpose, to successfully snatch the dagger away when he wasn't paying attention.

Unexpectedly, it was successful.

He quickly put the dagger on Scarface's neck and shouted loudly: "I don't think any of you dare to be rude to that girl?"

Only then did Scarface realize that he was all lying to himself.

What a shame, I actually believed what he said.

So he started insulting Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was actually a little scared.

This was the first time he had done such a thing.

But he told himself that he must stay calm.

Scarface's younger brothers suddenly panicked.

Sima Yi pretended to be vicious: "Why don't you let that girl go?"

Scarface's men had no choice but to let the girl go.

The girl immediately came to the old man, and the old man breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed her hand, and said in a low voice: "Granddaughter, you still said that this person is a bad person, did you see it? If they hadn't helped you, you That’s it.”

"Yes, Grandpa. I was wrong."

Sima Yi also knew that he was no match for others, so the top priority was to ask Scarface to quickly get those brothers to withdraw.

Scarface had no choice but to do this, and in an instant, many brothers were far away.

Scarface sneered.

"You should let me go now, right?"

Sima Yi would definitely not let him go so quickly. So he asked the old man to quickly find a rope to tie up Scarface.

The old man was a little scared. Sima Yi said, "If you let him go once, think about the consequences."

The girl asked her grandfather to do it quickly. The old man suddenly found a rope.

Tie up Scarface.

Scarface sneered.

"If you tie me up, you have to consider the consequences."

On the other side, Xi Yu fled to the canyon with his soldiers.

At this moment, Xiyu suddenly burst into laughter, immediately turned his horse around and turned around.

At the same time, let all the soldiers stop.

Xiahou Dun also stopped his horse in time, but he still failed to catch up with Xi Yu.

He asked: "Xi Yu, what are you doing?"

"Xiahou Dun, I hope you will dismount and die. If a war breaks out soon, many soldiers will die for you. Are you willing to do this?"

Xiahou Dun was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Xi Yu was already defeated by his men, how dare he be so successful?

And the old man Nanshan beside him also gained some sense at this time.

Could it be that Xi Yu had brought him here and he had a backup plan?

But after looking around, there were no other reinforcements here.

Xiahou Dun said coldly: "Xi Yu, are you still my opponent now? Don't forget that in terms of the number of soldiers, you are not as large as mine."

"I am shouting from one to three now. If you don't dismount and die, you will regret it."

After Xi Yu finished speaking, he immediately shouted.

When the old man Nanshan was preparing to make the recipe, Xi Yu took out a whisk from his sleeve.

"Old man, do you still want to do it now?"

When the old man from Nanshan saw this whisk, he was shocked.

His arms were trembling a little.

How could Xiyu have this thing?

Xiahou Dun felt very strange when he saw his expression.

"Old man Nanshan. Is there anything wrong? There is a whisk in his hand. What's going on?"

"Where did your whisk come from?"

When the old people asked questions, their voices were somewhat distorted.

The soldiers around Xi Yu discovered that Xi Yu also had this treasure.

Xi Yu ignored him at all and kept counting.

Finally, three beeps have passed.

Xi Yu immediately sneered.

"Xiahoudun, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Now you have lost the chance."

Before Xiahou Dun understood what was going on, he heard Xi Yu shout loudly: "Old man, why don't you show up?"

"Of course I'm going to show up."

At this moment, a voice seemed to appear in the sky, and many people saw a gust of wind blowing from the top of them, and an old man seemed to be riding on auspicious clouds.

It was Hong Xilin who appeared.

When his body floated to Xi Yu's side, he immediately put away the whisk.

When his body hit the ground, Old Nanshan was immediately frightened.

"How could it be you? Aren't you already dead?"

Hong Xilin's eyes were particularly sharp.

"How can it be so easy for you, a beast, to want me dead?"

Seeing this scene, Xiahou Dun felt baffled.

"Old Nanshan, who is he?"

The old man Nanshan lowered his head and said nothing.

Many people around Xi Yu realized that the secret guard had already conveyed the news and brought this mysterious old man here.

But Xi Yu didn't tell them.

But it’s okay not to tell them, otherwise you won’t be able to act.

Hong Xilin shook the whisk, and the old man Nanshan immediately fell off his horse.

Now, he is like a paper tiger.

Let Hong Xilin handle it.

Knowing that Hong Xilin would not die, he himself had already lost morale.

He knew the master's methods.

"Before I die, I really want to know what happened to you."

Hong Xilin told what happened that year.

"I just faked my death because I have long seen your disobedience."

"Unexpectedly, after I calculated for a while, this was the result."

Old Nanshan was not willing to give in, but he seemed to have no better way.

"Beast, it would be fine if you didn't come out and do all kinds of evil, but you want to die."

Hong Xilin immediately put his hand on Old Nanshan's forehead.

Xiahou Dun finally understood the relationship between the two of them.

He originally thought that the old man Nanshan would resist, but the old man Nanshan was particularly calm.

Just like that, with eyes closed, I accepted the fate that was about to come.

Immediately afterwards, he began to bleed to death from his seven orifices. It was just an instant process, and his body immediately fell to the ground.

Hong Xilin sneered.

"This is all your own fault."

After that, he said to Xi Yu: "Okay, the trouble has been resolved, and it's time for me to return to my own place."

Xi Yu immediately dismounted and said, "Old man, I hope you can stay by my side and enjoy the glory and wealth."

But Xi Yu also knew that his idea would probably not succeed.

Sure enough, I heard Hong Xilin say that he is an idle cloud and wild crane.

He is not willing to help anyone. The reason why he came here today is to clean up the house.

So I hope Xiyu won’t force anything difficult.

Xi Yu sighed, and the old man Nanshan said at the same time that he was not willing to accept any favors.

So Xi Yu shouldn’t give anything to herself.

"Well, old man, since you have said so, take care of yourself along the way. I hope I can contact you again in the future."

Hong Xilin nodded and walked forward.

Xiahou Dun was a little anxious.

The reason why I feel confident is because of Old Man Nanshan.

But now...

He didn't expect Xi Yu to be so cunning as to lead him here.

Xi Yu saw sweat on his face.

"Beasts, in fact, Hong Xilin himself can go directly with me to kill you, but I just want to make you happy for a while. You should feel honored to have chosen such a beautiful place to die for you."

"Xi Yu, don't talk too much. It's not yet certain who will live and who will die!"

He immediately sent his soldiers to fight.

But this time...

Xiahou Dun also knew that the morale on his side had been greatly affected.

But the morale of the soldiers on Xi Yu's side has soared.

The two sides are fighting, and the outcome has been decided.

As for Xiyu, he hid aside and looked lively.

"Xiahou Dun, you are full of evil and allow your subordinates to do bad things. So you will definitely die today."

At the same time, Xi Yu also accused the other party of several crimes.

Especially harming our own people is absolutely intolerable.

"I don't object to you coming to Youzhou, but if you dare to leave my territory and hurt my surname, this is a sign of your own death."

At the same time, Xi Yu also specifically said that the people are the god, which made Xiahou Dun's soldiers feel incredible.

They had heard that Xi Yu was brave and good at fighting before, but they didn't expect that Xi Xiyu had such an idea.

Some people were even talking and suddenly stopped to listen to Xi Yu's speech.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why do you stop?"

Xiahou Dun shouted loudly.

And soon, many soldiers were knocked to the ground.

This time they really saw the power of Xiyu's soldiers.

Xi Yu said: "But Xiahou Dun, you have to keep it for me. I will execute him myself."

He walked towards Xiahou Dun, and Xiahou Dun felt as if his feet were electrocuted.

Unable to move around.

Several soldiers rushed to protect Xiahou Dun.

"You are simply overestimating your capabilities. Since you want to die, then I will grant it to you."

Xi Yu grabbed the long-haired spear from a soldier and immediately hit several soldiers.

Although several soldiers resisted, they were no match for Xi Yu in the end.

In an instant, several soldiers had fallen to the ground bleeding into rivers.

Xiahou Dun shouted, "Even if you die today, you must die with dignity."

"Xi Yu, am I afraid of you?"

"Xiahou Dun, so what if you have 200,000 soldiers? In terms of morale, you have already lost. When two armies are fighting, sometimes the battle is also about morale."

The sweat on Xiahou Dun's forehead also flowed out.

However, many people loyal to Xiahou Dun also came to protect him.

It made Xi Yu feel very ridiculous.

"I really don't understand why you have to come here to seek death."

There were many more screams, and both sides were injured.

But Xiahou Dun's soldiers were more injured.

And some people have chosen to surrender.

The soldiers who came to protect Xiahou Dun were immediately killed by Xi Yu.

Xiahou Dun got the spear gun and wanted to attack Xi Yu's back.

Xi Yu quickly turned around.

The two long-haired guns were constantly competing.

The head of Xiyu's long-haired spear quickly touched the middle of Xiahoudun's long-haired spear.

Xi Yu drew his long-haired spear, and Xiahou Dun's long-haired spear split into two.

Xi Yu laughed loudly and immediately put the long-haired spear on Xiahou Dun's neck.

"Do you have anything else to say now?" (End of Chapter)

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