Ouyang Fu said: "Master, do you know my daughter?"

Xi Yu smiled slightly.

"We met once. I never thought she was your daughter."

Ouyang Linlin pointed at Xi Yu's nose unceremoniously.

"What, you are Xi Yu. I really didn't expect that the dignified Xi Gong turned out to be a bad person."

Ouyang Fu was very angry.

"Daughter, what are you talking about?"

He raised his hand and was about to hit her, but Ouyang Linlin looked confident.

Xi Yu said: "Ouyang Fu, please don't hit your daughter. I think your daughter must have many misunderstandings about me."

"Hmph, what's the misunderstanding? That day, I personally saw you beating Lu Xiaochuan."

Ouyang Linlin once again told the story of Lu Xiaochuan being beaten that day.

"Dad, he was the one who beat Lu Xiaochuan."

Ouyang Fu himself didn't like Lu Xiaochuan and felt that he was flashy.

If someone hits him, it will be a good thing for him.

But how could Xiyu hit Lu Xiaochuan?

He is just an ordinary person.

Xi Yu and him are not even close to each other.

He then looked at Xi Yu with searching eyes.

"Master Xiu, can you tell me what is going on?"

He saw both women looking at him with vicious eyes.

Xi Yu was a little unhappy, but still tried his best to smile.

"Miss Ouyang, what you said is so ridiculous. Did you really witness me beating Lu Xiaochuan?"

Ouyang Linlin was at a loss for words. She had indeed never seen it in person.

"But when we saw you, Mr. Lu was lying there, and you were the only one beside him. It wasn't you who beat him. Who was it?"

Xiaohong saw that the young lady couldn't handle it, so she quickly said.

Ouyang Linlin also thought of this immediately.

"Yes, don't tell me that someone beat him, but you saved him."

Faced with the two of them chattering, Ouyang Fu immediately became angry.

"You two can't talk to each other properly if you have anything to say. You need to know who Xi Shigong is. You are so rude."

Ouyang Fu felt that his daughter was just messing around.

Even if it makes sense, you shouldn't speak like this.

However, the two women not only refused to restrain themselves, but instead intensified their conflict.

Ouyang Fu slapped Xiaohong. After all, he was reluctant to slap his daughter, but it was still okay to punish a servant.

"Master, why did you hit me? We didn't tell lies."

"I think the lady has spoiled you so much. If you do this again, I will ground you."

Xiaohong felt a little aggrieved and burst into tears immediately.

Of course Ouyang Linlin knew that her father was killing the chicken to show the monkey.

And she also knew that her father must protect the interests of the actor in front of him.

The two of them can't take advantage of each other.

So he grabbed Xiaohong's hand and said, "Okay, don't cry. Let's sit down now. I hope the actor can give us an explanation."

Moreover, she deliberately bowed to the actor.

He said that he was a little impulsive just now and hoped that the master of the show would not care about the villain's fault.

Of course Xi Yu knew that she was dissatisfied.

Although Xiaohong was still crying, she didn't dare to cry out and just wiped her tears.

Xi Yu explained to Ouyang Fu what happened that day.

"Impossible. I believe Mr. Lu is definitely not this kind of person. You must be slandering him."

Ouyang Linlin's reaction was particularly strong.

"No one else was here at the time. I can't provide evidence. If Miss Ouyang doesn't believe it, forget it."

Xi Yu felt that she was really unreasonable.

Although there were secret guards present at the time, the secret guards could not be their own witnesses.

"Daughter, I have already told you that Lu Xiaochuan is not a good person at all, but you just refuse to listen. You never thought that he would do such a dirty thing."

Although he hated Lu Xiaochuan in the past.

I really didn't expect Lu Xiaochuan to be so hateful.

"Drama Master, you are slandering others. You are a well-known person. How can you do this?"

Ouyang Linlin burst into tears and immediately asked.

Xi Yu immediately became angry.

If the other person doesn't believe it, forget it.

He asked Ouyang Fu to eat with him quickly.

After all, I was a little hungry.

Ouyang Fu quickly apologized to him, saying that he had failed to teach him well and asked Xi Yu not to be angry.

Ouyang Linlin wanted to walk out angrily.

Ouyang Fu immediately sent someone to stop him, saying that he would drink with Xi Yu no matter what he said today.

Xiyu waved his hand.

"It's better to let her go. I won't be happy to have her drink with you."

Although Yu Xiu said this very calmly, Ouyang Fu knew that he was very angry.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have let his daughter come over and cause trouble for him.

"Okay, Ouyang Fu, don't be sad. I know you mean well and I won't blame you."

With Xi Yu's words, it was like taking a reassurance.

Ouyang Fu finally felt at ease.

Ouyang Linlin and the two girls were about to leave.

Suddenly, Xi Yu called them back.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Drama Master, you have let us go, what happened? Do you regret it now? Do you want to punish us for our crimes? We know you have the right, so come on."

She closed her eyes.

But when Ouyang Fu was about to speak, Xi Yu waved his hand to him.

Because Xi Yu just thought of an idea.

"I understand, you like Mr. Lu, right?"

"So what? Let me tell you the truth, my father wants me to marry you, but I tell you, this is impossible."

Ouyang Fu suddenly felt embarrassed.

But Xi Yu was stunned. He didn't expect Ouyang Fu to have such thoughts.

Understand, Ouyang Fu just wants to use this method to curry favor with himself.

Ouyang Fu lowered his head.

But he immediately raised his head.

The words have been said for this reason, so as not to waste my words with Xiyu.

He also expressed his thoughts, that is, he admires Xi Yu very much.

So hoping to establish a kinship relationship with Xi Yu is, of course, an extravagant hope.

Xiaoyu didn't seem to hear this topic, but looked at Ouyang Linlin with intriguing eyes.

"Miss Ouyang, I will find a way to let you know that Luo Xiaochuan is not a good person. As for the method, you don't have to worry about it."

He also told Ouyang Fu not to let the two women Ouyang Linlin go out to report the news for the time being.

He will definitely let everyone see Lu Xiaochuan's true face.

"Okay, in that case, you two should go back to your room and you'll still be grounded."

Ouyang Fu immediately ordered.

Ouyang Linlin looked at Xi Yu with a look that would stun someone who killed his father.

On the other side, Guan Yu has already established himself in Youzhou.

He also has his own office.

Thinking of Liu Bei again, he was filled with emotions. He always felt that he was sorry for Liu Bei by doing this.

But Xi Yu's words loomed in his mind.

Yes, all this is for the common people in the world.

In the evening, he wanted to go outside for a walk.

I happened to see a moat with many boats on the moat.

When Guan Yu was walking, he suddenly saw an old man playing the pipa, and the sound was particularly sad.

He shivered further, as if a cold wind had blown his clothes.

"Forget the homeland, forget the love of brothers. Can I sleep on a pillow in a foreign country?"

The old man sang while playing.

When Guan Yu was walking forward, he suddenly stopped when he heard these words.

What does it mean? Are you talking about yourself?

He looked back at the old man, only to find that the old man looked very calm and continued to play and sing.

It seems that what just happened has nothing to do with me.

Guan Yu wanted to move forward without being disturbed by the sound of the pipa.

But after walking a few steps, I couldn't help but look back, and suddenly found that the old man was leaving too.

And Guan Yu was even more convinced that the old man was returning it to him.

So, he quickly caught up with the old man.

"Old man, what were you talking about just now? Who wrote the music?"

But the old man pointed to his ears and waved his hands, indicating that he was deaf and couldn't hear at all.

Guan Yu was very surprised.

If his ears don't work well, can he really play the pipa well?

He watched the old man leave.

But he always felt that this old man was definitely not simple.

He must have been waiting for me here on purpose.

No, he wants to follow quietly.

After a while, he watched the old man walk into an alley and enter a door.

When Guan Yu walked there, the door was closed immediately.

And he heard the old man talking to others in the yard. It seemed that the old man was lying to him, and he could hear it completely.

After a while he knocked on the door, and finally a man opened the door, dressed in white.

"Oh, who are you?"

Guan Yu explained the purpose of his visit, and the old man played the pipa next to the moat very beautifully.

He wishes to come and visit.

The man shook his head.

"Are you talking about my father? He doesn't know how to play the pipa. He is just an ordinary farmer."

"How is that possible? I'm not blind, but I heard him playing the pipa."

But the young man denied it.

If Guan Yu had nothing to do, he would have to close his shop.

While Guan Yu was still in a daze, the young man had already closed the door.

Guan Yu felt very strange, what on earth is going on?

The old man could clearly hear it, but said he couldn't.

And the young man denied that the old man could play pipa.

While I was in a daze, the door opened again, and it was the old man who opened the door, but this old man was wearing a cloth.

When the old man saw Guan Yu, he looked like he didn't recognize him at all.

"Sir, are you here to see me?"

"Honey, we were on the moat just now, but you were playing the pipa"?

"Why is it possible that I can play the pipa? Stop joking."

Guan Yu looked at his eyes carefully and felt that he was not lying.

What's the matter? Did he hallucinate or see a ghost tonight?

At this moment, the young man also came out. It turned out that he was accompanying his old father to the drug store.

"Dad, this is the man who said some crazy things just now. It's so strange."

The old man said that Guan Yu must have admitted the wrong person.

Guan Yu could only watch the two people leave, and he had no intention of playing.

I had no choice but to return to the palace where I worked.

This incident made him particularly depressed.

Ouyang Fu and Xi Yu chatted happily.

After thirty years of drinking and five flavors of food, Ouyang Fu asked Xi Yu if there was any way to expose Lu Xiaochuan's true face.

During the conversation, Xi Yu had discovered that this guy also disliked Lu Xiaochuan.

So he told the plan.

"Okay, the actor is really smart, I think this is a good idea."

Xi Yu felt that he was too flattering, but in fact it was just a very simple idea.

"And your daughter must be told this. Otherwise, he will think that we are telling lies."

Xi Yu said that he would come again tomorrow.

When the time comes, let’s go implement the plan together.

Ouyang Fu was quite happy.

He believed that the reason why Xi Yu was eager to do this was to prove to his daughter.

And this also shows that he may really like his daughter.

"Okay, it's a deal."

After Xi Yu finished eating, Ouyang Fu ordered his servants to send a carriage to send him back quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Yu came to Ouyang's house again.

Ouyang Fu led Xiyu to the hall, and finally came to Ouyang Linlin's room.

Ouyang Linlin started a hunger strike last night, and Ouyang Fu knew this daughter's temper.

I guess I was just scaring myself.

Although it was a hunger strike on the surface, she would definitely arrange for Xiaohong to steal some food.

So Ouyang Fu made arrangements in advance so that there must be a green light in the kitchen.

Sure enough, I heard in the kitchen this morning that Xiaohong came to steal food last night, but Ouyang Fu was very happy.

When he came to the door of the room, Ouyang Fu coughed.

Ouyang Linlin was stealing something to eat, and she immediately put it under the bed.

Xiaohong quickly opened the door and saluted Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Fu walked in and said, "Daughter, you and Xiaohong should follow dad now."

"Sister, where do you want me to go? You won't tie me up to marry Xi Yu, will you?"

"You are overthinking it. Yesterday the actor said that he wanted you to see Lu Xiaochuan's true face, so Xi Yu and I are going to put on a play. Can't you confirm?"

At the same time, Ouyang Fu said that even if he believed in Lu Xiaochuan's character, if he went there, he could prove that Xi Yu was wrong.

This sentence finally succeeded in arousing Ouyang Linlin's interest.

"In that case, I will go with you."

After that, he asked his father to go out first, and she wanted to change clothes with Xiaohong.

Of course Ouyang Fu knew that he was going out to eat.

Yesterday, Xi Yu had heard from Ouyang Fu that every morning, Lu Xiaochuan would go for a run on a road to exercise.

Xiyu did not expect that Lu Xiaochuan's life would be so regular. This ancient person also knew how to maintain health.

And there is a forest on that road.

It is more convenient for Xiyu to do things.

Xi Yu had already arranged for two secret guards to wait beside the grove.

There was a small stone house in the grove, and Xi Yu asked Ouyang Fu and three others to wait in that small house.

When Ouyang Fu and the other three arrived, they saw Xi Yu already here.

Ouyang Linlin sneered.

"Master Xiu, what are you doing?"

"Didn't I already say it? As soon as you see Lu Xiaochuan's true face, the three of you don't say anything next. If anyone dares to make any noise, you will look at this corner."

And suddenly a hidden guard appeared in the corner.

The three people were surprised. Why did this person suddenly appear?

Only then did Ouyang Fu realize that Xi Yu's power was truly unfathomable.

No wonder he gained so much territory and defeated so many people.

The secret guard said that they should just do as Xi Yu said, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Ouyang Linlin was a little scared and quickly looked at Ouyang Fu.

How did she feel that Xiyu was a figure in the underworld?

I really don’t know why his father is so fond of him?

But Ouyang Fu knew that this behavior was just to scare the two women.

"Daughter, I believe the actor has a reason for doing this. Just watch the show."

And Xi Yu is also hiding in this room.

The secret guard quickly walked out, still quietly.

Another secret guard has been following Lu Xiaochuan.

He really wants to come here for a run.

As we were about to reach this small forest, a girl came face to face.

The girl looked very weak and looked a little tired, so she sat on a stone to rest.

Lu Xiaochuan happened to run to this side. He saw that the girl was beautiful, so he stopped immediately.

He looked around and saw no one around, and immediately felt filled with joy.

This girl actually came to this remote place, wouldn't she have become his prey?

"Hey, girl. Who are you? Why are you here alone?"

His face lit up with lust.

The girl replied that she was going to visit relatives, but she got a little tired from walking and wanted to take a rest here.

"Girl, where is your home? Why don't I take you back."

Lu Xiaochuan thought that it would be easier if he found out that this girl was very far away.

Just get her to the woods quickly and accomplish good things.

The girl just mentioned a place casually.

Lu Xiaochuan was overjoyed.

So he approached the girl.

When the girl saw her appearance, she quickly hugged her arms.

"What do you want to do?"

"Little girl, you are as beautiful as a flower. If you meet me, what else can you do?"

Lu Xiaochuan was so excited that even his voice changed.

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong in the stone house couldn't believe their eyes.

Is this Lu Xiaochuan really such a bad person?

Lu Xiaochuan was still approaching the girl.

The girl quickly stood up and ran into the woods.

"Hey, don't come over, don't come over."

"Little girl, how can anyone save you in this barren mountain? Even if you scream to no avail, you should just stop obediently."

The girl ran wildly while screaming, but Lu Xiaochuan quickly caught her.

"You have become my prey now. I advise you to obey me obediently. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"You're a beast with a human face and an animal heart. Let me go quickly."

"Little girl, no matter how you scold me, I have to get you today." Lu Xiaochuan's face was twisted.

Ouyang Linlin was stunned. Is this still the Mr. Lu that she has always liked? (End of chapter)

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