At the beginning of September, golden autumn has arrived.

At this time, the entire Yanzhou was filled with golden color, and large tracts of rice were swaying in the wind.

The effect of the military garrison policy is particularly obvious.

Not only did it bring a great harvest to the entire Yanzhou, but it also gave the people who migrated a place to settle down.

With Cao Cao firmly established in Yanzhou, Changyi County, where he was temporarily stationed, was finally disliked.

A month ago, as more and more people came to defect to Cao Cao, Changyi was too small after all, so Cao Cao simply moved the administrative center to Juancheng, Dongjun.

After more than ten days of autumn harvest, the whole Yanzhou is filled with joy of harvest.

Countless people were proud of having leftovers after handing in the grain, grass and grain they were supposed to pay, and these grains became the capital for every family in Yanzhou to live and work.

Throughout Yanzhou, the number of villages and pavilions began to increase gradually.

At the same time, as Yanzhou had a great harvest, Cao Cao obtained millions of dendrobium of grain and grass in an instant, and Yanzhou was instantly full.

This situation made Cao Cao smile for several days.

Yanzhou, the government office residence in Juancheng.

As soon as Xi Yu came over, he met Xun Yu coming from the side.

He probably saw him from a distance. At this moment, Xun Yu seemed to be waiting for Xi Yu to come over.

The two people entered side by side, and all the officials on both sides of the government office saluted them.

Xi Yu looked around and saw more officials after Cao Cao moved his headquarters to Juancheng.

As soon as I saw it, some officials were discussing quietly, while others were holding letters and hurriedly passing by the corridor.

Everything is different from Changyi before.

"I forgot, congratulations!"

As the two of them walked toward the back hall, Xun Yu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly grinned at Xi Yu and congratulated him.

Hearing this, Xi Yu thought the other party was talking about military garrison strategies and smiled.

"What we have today is not due to me alone. Brother, please don't belittle yourself!"

Xun Yu was stunned, and in an instant he understood that Xi Yu was wrong.

He smiled and shook his head, but did not continue to explain.

Before today, he had received news from the imperial court, and he thought that his lord would inform Xi Yu later.

There was no need for him to speak in a hurry.

The two of them chatted all the way, feeling somewhat emotional about Yanzhou's current development.

Not long after, the two of them had arrived at the main hall.

At this time, in the main hall, Cao Cao and all his advisers and generals were here.

Seeing Xi Yu and the two coming, everyone nodded in greeting.

Cao Cao looked at Xi Yu coming over with a happy face. He stood up from his seat and took the initiative to greet him.

"Fengyi is here!"

"It's been a hard life these days!"

Xi Yu has been keeping an eye on this matter since the beginning of the autumn harvest, and now, after the autumn harvest is over, he has just rushed back to Juancheng.

Now, when Cao Cao spoke, Xi Yu just smiled.

"Lord, I'm glad you didn't disgrace your life!"

He didn't have to participate in the autumn harvest, but to be on the safe side, Xi Yu still inspected it.

The entire Yanzhou had a good harvest, and it was difficult for him to guarantee whether Cao Cao's men would do anything.

However, now things have ended perfectly.

Everything is fine.

"By the way, Fengyi, the imperial court has granted you a reward. His Majesty has appointed you as the Order of Taicang, in charge of the Han Dynasty's granary!"

"Now that you and I are officials in the same dynasty, you don't need to call me your lord."

Cao Cao had a smile on his face and looked at Xi Yu with burning eyes.

Hearing this, Xi Yu was stunned for a moment.

The imperial court appointed himself the Order of Taicang?

He didn't expect that Cao Cao would establish relations so quickly.

"So, Yu thanks my lord!"

Xi Yu solemnly raised his hands and saluted Cao Cao.

Seeing this situation, Cao Cao had a smile on his face and quickly supported Xi Yu with his hand.

"Hey, Fengyi, I'm sorry. I've already said that you and I are now officials in the same dynasty, so we can no longer call you lord!"

Cao Cao was naturally extremely happy that Xi Yu still called him lord.

This means that the other party truly recognizes himself.

However, you still need to have the proper attitude.

The two of them did not continue to struggle with the issue of address.

Afterwards, Cao Cao took Xi Yu and led Xun Yu into the main hall and began to sit down.

at the same time.

Jizhou, within the residence of Yecheng Yamen Office.

A few days ago, the emperor suddenly issued an edict to commend Cao Cao, the governor of Yanzhou. Naturally, the princes from all over the Han Dynasty received news of such things.

Everyone was somewhat surprised that the young emperor suddenly commended Cao Cao.

After asking around, a name appeared in front of all the princes in an instant.

Yingchuan plays Yu.

A counselor under Cao Cao was granted the title of Taicang Order by the Emperor!

The princes did not really care about the position of Taicang Ling. What they cared about was Xi Yu.

This time the emperor commended Cao Cao, and even brought Xi Yu to the limelight, which made all the princes realize that Cao Cao seemed to value this person unusually.

As the princes began to pay attention to Xi Yu.

Immediately afterwards, everything that happened in Yanzhou was quickly put on the agenda of the princes.

Renovate the Quyu plow, build a waterwheel, and farm Yanzhou for Cao Cao, and the grain and grass harvest will be bumper!

Everything seems to be related to this Xiyu.

This year, all states and counties are suffering from drought, but only Yanzhou's rice is unharmed, all because of this thing called Xiyu.

After Yuan Shao read the collected information, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Cao Ah Man is really lucky to have such a good minister to help him!"

"If I had a subordinate like Xi Yu, coming to Jizhou would be like Yanzhou!"

"What a pity, what a pity!"

In front of all his subordinates, Yuan Shao felt quite emotional.

As soon as he said this, all the advisers beside him frowned.

What does it mean.

Could it be that these counselors are not as good as that guy named Xi Yu?

Naturally, their counselors also knew about Yanzhou's military garrison strategy, although Yuan Shao's counselors recognized it.

However, they did not want to implement some of the methods in the military garrison policy at all.

"Does my lord think that these people like me are not as good as that Xiyu?"

When Yuan Shao looked sad, Tian Feng couldn't help it anymore.

When he spoke this time, Guo Tu and others beside him did not refute.

These counselors assist Yuan Shao, and naturally they don't want their lord to suddenly praise other counselors.

What's more, they don't think it's worse than Xi Yu.

"Lord, what this person knows is nothing more than some strange skills!"

How could they, the counselors, get things like shaft plows and waterwheels?

"That's right. After all, Xiyu only knows some small things. How can he compare to the other gentlemen?"

Hearing Guo Tu speak, Yuan Shao suddenly came back to his senses. What he just said seemed to be biased.

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