Xi Yu returned to Youzhou for the time being. He had a plan. If Liu Bei really couldn't find any territory and had to take refuge with him, he would temporarily let Liu Bei manage Fang State.

This should be a great favor to Liu Bei.

Although he felt that Liu Bei was too hypocritical, at present, it seemed that he could not find a better candidate.

But I can’t tell the other party about this matter yet.

After I went back, I went to Ganmei's room to take a look.

Ganmei has gained a lot of weight recently because she was taken care of by her servants during her pregnancy.

And Xi Yu asked the maids to accompany Gan Mei for a walk in the yard, and they couldn't just stay in the house, otherwise they would get bored.

Recently, Sun Shangxiang found other people playing poker with him. Of course, he still abided by what Xi Yu said and must not exceed the time limit.

After Xi Yu returned to the room, he called Zhou Yu.

And told Zhou Yu about the idea of ​​letting Liu Bei manage it.

Just let Zhou Yu make an idea.

Zhou Yu was stunned and suddenly smiled: "I guess you already have an idea. It seems that you are determined to get Liu Bei there."

"Yes, I'm treating him as a favor. If he does well, that's the best. If he doesn't do well, I won't let him stay there any longer."

And he also knew that Liu Bei probably knew well that he had secret guards.

If Liu Bei has any bad thoughts at that time, the secret guards will also bring the news, so Liu Bei should actually understand the situation he is in, he is just a puppet.

Of course, this requires Liu Bei to come to him.

Besides, there are only a few days left. Liu Bei wants to find a backer, which is probably as difficult as climbing to the sky.

At this moment, a soldier came in and reported that there was a girl named Wenxuan outside who wanted to see him.

Xi Yu felt very excited, after all, this was his fellow countryman.

Wenxuan talked to himself a lot that day, which made him very happy.

Wenxuan said that he would leave soon.

He also felt regretful because it might be difficult to see each other in the future.

After all, in this era, the sea is vast and the mountains are shaking, and communication is not as developed as in the previous life. At this moment, I didn't expect that this girl wanted to come to me.

He asked the soldiers to invite them in quickly.

At the same time, he said to Zhou Yu: "You should retreat first."

Zhou Yu didn't know who Wenxuan was, but hearing that she was a girl, she thought to herself, does Xi Yu have another sweetheart that he likes?

Wen Xuan and Wen Xiaocui headed towards Xi Yu's room.

And the soldier told them that they were particularly lucky because Xi Yu had just come back today.

After the two of them entered the room, Wen Xiaocui leaned forward and began to salute, but Wen Xuan nodded teasingly.

Xi Yu asked them to sit down quickly.

Wen Xiaocui thought to herself, why is Xi Yu so kind to his lady, can he just nod his head?

Is this lady's charm so great?

"I wonder what you want from me? What a coincidence. I just came back from Fang Country."

Wen Xuan smiled at Wen Xiaocui.

"You go out and play for a while. I have something to say with the actor alone. Actor, would you mind if you let him play in your yard?"

"Of course not."

Wen Xiaocui suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

The young lady never avoids her when it comes to anything. What's going on?

She was in a daze, so she didn't move.

Wenxuan asked: "Hey, didn't I tell you to get out quickly? The actor has already agreed, why are you still standing there?"

Wen Xiaocui agreed and quickly walked to the yard.

Just now, Zhou Yu was particularly curious, so he had been hiding in the bamboo forest and watching the two girls walk in.

At this moment, he saw Wen Xiaocui coming in again, so he pretended to meet Wen Xiaocui by chance and walked towards Wen Xiaocui.

He immediately said: "Hey, girl, why are you so strange, don't you know who you are?"

Wen Xiaocui talked about Wenxuan.

"Oh, it turns out that your young lady respects the actor so much, which is really a good thing."

But Zhou Yu really looked down on the two of them from the bottom of his heart.

Isn't this the kind of person who has the tendency to climb the dragon, attach himself to the phoenix and attach himself to the flames?

In the future, many girls may come to seek refuge with Xi Yu.

Zhou Yu just said "oh" and then left.

Seeing Wen Xiaocui leave, Wen Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She also knew that her behavior might make the maid dissatisfied.

But she must not let her know the secret of time travel. The key is that even if I tell her, she won’t understand.

"Okay, call all your maids out. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

Xiyu felt very happy. This shows that the other party really regards him as one of his own, and suddenly remembers that there are still some oranges, so he should take them out and eat them with the other party.

"In our time, I also liked to eat this fruit." When talking about this, Wenxuan seemed a little excited.

It’s just that no matter how good it is, you can’t go back.

"Okay, let's not talk about the past, let's talk about today's things."

"Xi Yu, let me ask you, do you want to open an academy?" she asked directly.

Suddenly blushing, she said she shouldn't call Xi Yu by her name.

Xiyu laughed.

It doesn't matter, they are all fellow villagers, so he doesn't care if they call him by his name.

And when two people meet again in the future, they can call themselves by their names at home.

Wenxuan was very excited.

"Is what you said true?"

Xiyu nodded.

He asked Wenxuan if he wanted to stay here and teach?

Wenxuan nodded, that's exactly what she meant.

Moreover, I still have some achievements in poetry, and since I came from time travel, I naturally have an advantage.

"Very good, since you are willing to stay, then stay." Xi Yu also agreed very simply.

Wenxuan was particularly surprised.

"Can't you test me again? Do you trust me so much?"

Xi Yu said that the last time he talked to her, he felt that she was particularly well-educated.

As he said, there are advantages to traveling through time, so why not keep her?

However, the salary and benefits are naturally the same as others, and I won't take more care of her. I hope she can understand.

Wenxuan did this in the hope of staying. Because she would have more time to see Xi Yu. In fact, she had been hesitant.

Because she is a person who likes to travel, she may get stuck in one place.

In addition, her family is extremely rich, so her parents probably would not agree to her staying and working hard in teaching, but she has already made up her mind.

And sure enough, Xi Yu asked: "The last time I heard you say, you seemed to be attached to the mountains and rivers. Would you be happy to put you in such a place?"

"I will. Didn't I work there in my previous life? Once you get used to it, you'll be able to adapt."

After saying this, she actually lowered her head and blushed at the same time.

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment, why did she have such an expression? Could it be that she also likes him?

No, I don't have any special feelings for her, I just feel a special appreciation for her talent.

However, Xi Yu told her that it would take several months for the academy to be built, because the address had just been chosen, and he hoped she could wait patiently.

"Oh, I still have a few months to be free, that's great."

Before she knew it, it was time to eat, and Xi Yu stayed with her to eat.

She was not polite and asked Wen Xiaocui to eat with her.

During the meal, Wen Xiaocui kept seeing the two people laughing and laughing, like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

She felt very strange again.

So after the two people left, Wen Xiaocui asked Wen Xuan.

"Miss, why is your relationship with the actor so good? Do you two know each other?"

"Little girl, you don't understand even if I tell you, so you better stop asking."

Wen Xiaocui suddenly felt a little bored, but Wenxuan immediately said that he came here this time actually hoping to stay and teach in the future.

Wen Xiaocui's eyes were so wide that he couldn't believe what she said.

She knew that this young lady didn't want to be trapped in one place.

Besides, can the master and madam agree?

"Don't look at me with such eyes. Anyway, I have already decided. I have to do this. Even if my father and mother don't agree, they can't stop me."

Wen Xiaocui knew that if the young lady found out, the master and his wife would really have nothing to do.

But the question is why would she make such a decision?

Has she completely fallen in love with Xi Yu?

If that's the case, that's a good thing.

She suddenly laughed, and Wenxuan asked: "Why are you laughing?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing."

But Wenxuan knew that this little girl was probably thinking wildly.

The night is getting darker. Liu Bei bought a horse and rushed to Youzhou again.

This time he came to Guan Yu's house.

Before he could speak, a concierge said: "Aren't you a fellow countryman of Mr. Guan? We have informed you."

Liu Bei was very happy and asked them to clasp their fists to express his gratitude.

The other concierge kept looking at him.

Guan Xu is still reading. This time, as soon as the concierge walked to the door, he immediately said: "Master Guan, your fellow countryman is here."

Guan Yu was suddenly surprised.

What, my fellow countryman is here, who is that?

Suddenly I remembered, could it be Liu Bei?

He looked very excited.

"Master, do you want to go out to greet me personally?"

"Yes, I want to greet him personally. Who else saw him coming?"

"There's no one there except our two concierges."

The concierge felt particularly strange. Why did the two of them act like thieves when they met?

When Guan Yu saw Liu Bei, he looked very excited, and Liu Bei was naturally the same, but they did not dare to express their emotions in front of the two concierges.

"Since you're here, please invite me quickly." Guan Yu quickly invited Liu Bei into the room, and then closed the door.

He immediately saluted Liu Bei.

Again, no matter what, Liu Bei will always be his eldest brother.

Liu Bei sighed and said that he had already planned to join Xi Yu.

"Brother, how many more days are there in this half-month period?"

Liu Bei shook his head. He only had a few days to worry about anything. The outcome was probably doomed and he was not willing to struggle anymore.

And he told what happened in Fang Country this time.

"I originally hoped that I could find a way out by taking refuge in Shi Tiancheng, but I never thought that Fang Country would be occupied by Xi Yu in the end."

Guan Yu naturally knew about Fang State being occupied by Xi Yu, but he didn't expect that this matter was actually related to Liu Bei?

"If I hadn't run out that day, I might have become a ghost by now."

Liu Bei actually started crying when he said that. Even now, he is still a little scared.

Guan Yu advised him not to cry. Anyway, Liu Bei was safe now, and his choice was correct.

It was a good thing to run out of the inn.

"Brother, if that's the case, then let's go see the actor together tomorrow."

Guan Yu's mood was also very complicated.

This matter can be said to be a good thing or not.

The two brothers talked a lot that night. It was not until late in the night that the wind blew through the window, and they realized that it was already very late.

Liu Bei said that as long as Xi Yu could take him in and let him be a little soldier, it didn't matter.

"Brother, you think too much. How can he only let you be a soldier?"

Liu Bei yawned, and Guan Yu said, "Brother, you'd better rest early."

He walked out of Liu Bei's room.

At this time, I walked under the eaves and suddenly found that the sky was getting gloomy.

The wind also picked up and it was extremely cold.

When Guan Yu returned to the room, it was raining and it was getting heavier.

When he went to close the window, he almost couldn't close it.

Xi Yu was already asleep, but was woken up by the thunder.

For a while, he couldn't sleep either, so he put on his shoes and stood in front of the window.

He felt that the wind and rain of life were also so precarious.

Seeing the rain, I suddenly felt homesick, thinking about my home in my previous life.

Probably because they just met Wenxuan today, the two of them reminisced about the past together.

Unknowingly, Xiyu's tears started flowing down.

After coming here, it seems that I rarely shed tears.

But now my feelings suddenly became richer.

It rained all night. By early morning these two days, the rain had stopped.

Only the fresh air tells people that it rained last night.

Not long after Xi Yu had breakfast, Guan Yu suddenly arrived.

"Oh, Guan Yu, why are you here? Is there something going on?"

Guan Yu told Liu Bei about his arrival and is still waiting at the gate.

Although the date has not yet arrived, Liu Bei believes that there is no point in struggling for a few more days.

"In that case, why don't you invite him in quickly?"

Guan Yu came to the gate and asked Liu Bei to walk in.

But Liu Bei was still a little nervous.

"Brother, now that you are here, you have to face everything."

Liu Bei sighed. Although he had made such a decision, would his subordinates be willing to do it? Just like Zhang Fei, he would probably be very opposed.

"Brother, don't think about it so much. I believe everyone will understand after time. Because eldest brother is doing this to protect everyone."

Liu Bei sighed, and finally came to Xi Yu with Guan Yu.

Liu Bei saluted Xi Yu respectfully.

"Uncle Liu Huang, please don't be polite. Sit down quickly. I think we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Liu Bei sat down and Xi Yu got straight to the point.

"I already know very clearly what you are here for. I would like you to stay, but I hope you can be loyal to me and don't have any bad thoughts."

Liu Bei stood up immediately, his eyes filled with tears.

"If the actor can take in Bei, Bei will be grateful and will go through fire and water."

Seeing Liu Bei looking like he was about to cry, Xi Yu felt even more disgusted.

"Okay, please don't cry all the time, okay? Sit down quickly."

Liu Bei wiped his tears and sat down quickly.

But Guan Yu said that if nothing happened, he would resign.

Xi Yu said: "No, you stay and listen together."

And Guan Yu's ability to stay made Xi Yu feel as if he had a backer around him.

Xi Yu said that Liu Bei was also a talent, but it was just the current situation that limited him, so he became like this.

But if you follow yourself, you will definitely achieve great things in the future.

Liu Bei then stood up again, saluted Xi Yu respectfully and said, everything depends on Xi Yu's cultivation.

"Okay, don't stand up casually."

Xi Yu frowned, obviously hating these red tapes.

And Xi Yu then talked about Fang Guo and asked Liu Bei to manage it.

At this time, both Guan Yu and Liu Bei's eyes widened and they couldn't believe their ears.

Xi Yu said, "You heard me right, what I said is true."

Liu Bei was extremely excited. He originally thought that he could only be a soldier, but he never expected that he would be able to become such a high official.

Although Xi Yu might not like him standing up, he still expressed his gratitude.

And Guan Yu actually cried too.

"You two brothers don't have to come to me sincerely like this. How could I treat you badly?"

Liu Bei said that once he arrived in Fang State, he would definitely govern Fang State well.

"Very well. I hope you will not disappoint me. You are kind, and I hope you will govern with kindness."

Xiyu has always provided support.

And Liu Bei and Guan Yu also understood that there would definitely be other people going there, and even Liu Bei's secret guards would pay attention there.

So Liu Bei going there is actually equivalent to being trapped there, but now there is no better way.

"Liu Bei, if you are willing, I will personally take you to Fang Country to get familiar with it. What do you think?"

"Bei is willing, thank Xi Gong for his cultivation. Xi Gong can lead Bi there personally, I would be very grateful."

"Then it's settled. You go and rest first. I will tell you when I go to Fang Country."

Xi Yu said that it would be enough to let Liu Bei live in Guan Yu's house first, and the two of them could communicate first.

Anyway, Liu Bei is going to Fang State soon, so there is no need to arrange other accommodation for him.

"In this case, prepare to resign."

After the two people left, Liu Bei was very excited. (End of chapter)

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