We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 363 Preparing to establish a business association

Xi Yu nodded, feeling a little tired and entering a resting state.

A few days later, Xi Yu left here and returned to Youzhou.

On this day, Xi Yu came to Ouyang Fu's house.

"Mr. Xi, you came just in time. We suddenly received a lot of orders from other places. They want to buy bicycles."

Xiyu nodded, this is a good thing. And according to the original regulations, the price must be high for foreigners to buy, but the goods are delivered here.

And wholesale agencies, consignment agencies, etc. are not allowed to appear in other places.

The purpose of this is to make outsiders envious.

Moreover, Xi Yu also estimated that the princes would not dare to choose to buy it themselves, so they would entrust others.

However, Xi Yu saw that Ouyang Fu's face seemed particularly sad.

"What's wrong with you? You seem very unhappy?"

"There are too many orders and we may not be able to produce them."

Xi Yu said, in that case, let Liu Xiaoer and the others work overtime.

Just give them money when the time comes.

Ouyang Fu said that although this is the truth, it is directly opposite to the original one.

In the past, when I was running my own business, no one bought the goods I made, but now it's better, the supply exceeds the demand. Yes, Xi Yu is right, this is a good thing.

Ouyang Fu immediately came to find the housekeeper and asked him to tell Liu Xiaoer about the actor's decision, and asked them to ensure the quality and not to mess around.

Don’t act hastily just because there are too many orders.

When Liu Xiaoer's team learned that they could get more money, they were very happy and ensured that the overtime work must be completed in the shortest possible time.

Only then did Ouyang Fu ask Xi Yu what he was doing here. Are you planning to discuss getting married?

Xi Yu shook his head.

"I am marrying Miss Linlin, so the date will naturally not change. I remember that I came here today for something else."

"Drama Master, please tell me."

"I'm going to set up a business association, with me as the president and you as the vice president."

For Ouyang Fu, this is a very novel thing.

He asked Xi Yu to explain in detail.

Xi Yu then asked him to summon some of the larger businessmen in Youzhou to jointly accept the management of the association.

There are naturally benefits to joining the association. Don’t join and don’t force yourself.

And for those who join the association, Xi Yu will find ways to expand their business and provide them with some guidance.

But there is one condition, they must give one tenth of their income to the association, and then have Xiyu to control it.

Because Xi Yu believes that marching and fighting requires money.

Although ancient society looked down upon commerce, it often relied on commerce for support.

To put it bluntly, they are just scholars who want to save face and regard business as the lowest level.

So let Ouyang Fu make an announcement now.

Ouyang Fu is a little embarrassed. If the merchants are asked to pay, they may not be happy.

And after joining the association, I guess there will still be a lot of unfreedom.

"I understand that some people will be unhappy. I have said that I will not force them to join, but if they join, they will make more money than before. Even if they take a tenth of it, they will still make more than they do."

Ouyang Fu believed these words, but the problem was that he might not believe it when he saw the businessman.

And Ouyang Fuxin thought, in fact, there was no need for Xi Yu to discuss this matter with him in person.

All you need to do is call yourself there.

It seems that she probably wants to meet Ouyang Linlin.

Sure enough, Xi Yu said that he came by the way and hoped to meet Ouyang Linlin.

She was waiting for him at the pavilion, and it was inappropriate to go to someone else's boudoir.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, then go and wait at the pavilion."

Ouyang Linlin was also very happy when she learned that Xi Yu was here.

Come to see him immediately.

The two talked for a long time before Xi Yu left.

When Xi Yu went back, he saw Wen Xuan and Wen Xiaocui standing at the gate.

Wenxuan said: "I was going out to play, but suddenly I remembered something, so I rushed back. I hope I can talk to you alone."

"Okay, then come into the house with me."

After entering the house, Wenxuan still hoped that Wen Xiaocui could play outside alone for a while.

Xiyu asked Wenxuan what happened?

"Xi Yu, do you want to unify the Central Plains?"

At this moment, a little soldier happened to pass by the door.

Hearing this woman call Xi Yu's name directly, I felt that the other party was really treasonous.

But he knew that it was wrong to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, so he left immediately.

Xiyu was stunned.

He nodded.

"Since you are my fellow countryman, I won't hide it from you. Everyone should understand it, but they may not dare to say it."

The other party was very happy and said that Xi Yu was quite candid.

"Why, you were playing outside and suddenly stopped to look for me. Is this just because of this question?"

Wenxuan shook his head, of course that was not the case.

She just hopes to find a quick way to help Xi Yu unify the Central Plains quickly.

Xi Yu naturally had plans, but they had been delayed recently by matters involving Fang Jun.

In addition, this is also a step-by-step matter, so there is no need to rush.

"Is it possible that you have come up with something? Can you help me?"

Xi Yu asked, then pointed to the orange on the table, peeled it, and ate it casually.

He originally just asked casually, but he didn't expect Wenxuan to actually answer that she really had a solution.

Xiyu was stunned.

"Oh, are you telling the truth?"

He was very curious and wanted to hear what the other person had to say.

Wenxuan said that since Xiyu came from time travel, he must use the wisdom of his previous life.

Xiyu felt that he was talking nonsense and asked her to be more specific.

"I thought gunpowder could be invented."

Wenxuan believes that this one is particularly lethal, and it is also one of the four great inventions of ancient times.

And when Xiyu comes, this invention should be made in advance.

"Of course, I am a weak woman, and from my perspective I don't want to be like this. So I have a second aspect, which is to invent guns."

And the raw materials for manufacturing should be available.

If you use a gun, it is very simple. Just send assassins to kill the princes, which is convenient and quick.

"How about it? Xi Yu, if my idea is not a good one, you don't need to thank me."

Xi Yu said, you can think about it.

"Why do you think you can think about it? This method is very good. You should just use it, right?" Wenxuan seemed a little anxious. She thought such a good method was not very important to Xi Yu.

She really didn't understand why.

Xi Yu saw that she was unhappy and said, in fact, ancient battles like this are also very interesting.

Wenxuan said: "Okay, I have given you some advice, if you don't want to use it, forget it."

At this moment, Xi Yu almost laughed.

He suddenly realized that he didn't understand the other party at all.

Although this was the third time I met the other party, it gave me a completely new feeling.

When I first met her, I gave myself a gentle impression.

Unexpectedly, she actually has another side, but this is also the result of being too familiar with her.

And soon a soldier told Zhou Yu what he had just overheard, saying that this woman was simply too rude.

Zhou Yu ignored it because he knew that Xi Yu loved Wenxuan particularly, although he didn't know why he was like this.

The soldier felt unhappy, so he kept thinking about the problem while walking.

Sun Shangxiang was about to go out, but the soldier didn't see her and almost ran into her.

"Mrs. Sun, I'm sorry."

Sun Shangxiang blamed him for what happened, why he was so rash, and which battalion of soldiers he was from?

He said that he was thinking about a problem just now, and it was all because of a woman named Wenxuan, who actually called Xi Yu by his first name.

Sun Shangxiang was stunned that there was such a thing, and asked the soldier to speak again quickly.

This made the soldiers feel like they had found a soulmate.

He then recounted what he had heard.

Sun Shangxiang's anger was too bold.

She said that this matter would be dealt with.

Then, they saw Wen Xiaocui and Wen Xuan preparing to leave in the yard, and the soldier said it was this woman.

Sun Shangxiang saw the two women leaving talking and laughing, and felt that they were really charming.

In addition, I heard what the soldier said just now. So I felt even more angry.

She then asked the soldier his name, and he said his name was Gao An.

"Okay, Gao An, please carefully find out who they are. I will definitely reward them when they come back. It's best to let them do something on the way."

Sun Shangxiang was originally a lady. Although she had a bad temper at first, she would not harm others.

But I don't know why, when I saw Wenxuan, I couldn't get angry at all.

Gao An was very happy. He didn't like Wenxuan at first, so he hurriedly did this now.

He followed the two men quietly.

How does he want to get information about them?

After a while, he finally thought of a way.

When the two of them came to a remote place, he quickly ran in front of them.

"You two stop, you two are so bold."

The two women were startled and asked her quickly what was going on. Gao An introduced him as Xi Yu's soldier.

"I see, then what do you want from me?" Wenxuan said.

Seeing the other person's domineering look, she was very dissatisfied, so she gave him a blank look.

This made Gao An even more dissatisfied.

"You two are so rebellious that you dare to call the actor by his first name. I think you don't want to live anymore."

After that, Gao An also pinched his waist with his hands.

Wen Xiaocui didn't know what was going on, so she looked at Wen Xuan.

Seeing Wenxuan's very angry look, she immediately understood. It seemed that the young lady had done such a thing, but how could the young lady do this?

No matter how familiar he is with Xi Yu, let alone not being particularly familiar with him.

We met three times in total, but the lady just felt good about herself.

Although Xi Yu won't be angry on the surface, he is definitely not happy privately. Otherwise, why would he let the soldiers come?

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?" Wenxuan put his hands on his waist and asked Gao An coldly.

Wen Xiaocui became even more anxious.

How can a young lady go against someone else?

Sure enough, Gao An was even more embarrassed.

After that, they clapped their hands and a few soldiers walked out quickly.

When Gao An called a few soldiers to talk about this matter, the soldiers didn't know that they were related to Sun Shangxiang.

They thought it was Xi Yu's order, so they were willing to come.

Gao An asked the soldiers to teach the two women a lesson. They were too tough-talking.

Wen Xiaocui was a little scared and quickly asked the lady to apologize to them.

Gao An laughed.

"Did you see that? Your maid is much more sensible than you."

But Wenxuan told Wenxiao Tuicui not to be afraid.

There is something he is responsible for.

After that, she looked at every soldier.

"Why do you really want to take action? Then you should consider the consequences."

And those soldiers thought that since it was Xi Yu's order, why didn't they dare?

So I advised the little girl to apologize quickly.

Gao An said: "You have also seen that she made a mistake and did not admit it. Now she is like this."

Gao An ordered everyone to do anything quickly, so they started to attack Wen Xuan and Wen Xiaocui.

Wen Xiaocui said she was willing to apologize.

Wenxuan said: "Xiaocui, you must join me, otherwise, don't follow me from now on."

Wen Xiaocui had no choice but to be beaten together with Wenxuan.

In an instant, the two people were already bruised and swollen.

But Gao An was afraid of beating them both to death, because it was just a lesson to make everyone stop.

And asked Wenxuan to tell him his origin.

Wen Xiaocui thought to herself, this person is too stupid. He should ask about his origin first. Is it appropriate to do this casually?

"Asshole, why should I tell you this?"

Wenxuan took Wen Xiaocui's hand and hurried to the medical clinic. At the same time, he turned to them and said, "You two had better resign as soon as possible, otherwise I will bear the consequences next time I encounter you."

As the two of them continued walking, Wen Xiaocui felt very aggrieved.

Wenxuan said: "Xiaocui, don't worry, Xiyu will make the decision for us."

Wen Xiaocui said: "Miss, why do you still call people by their names?"

Could it be that all the beatings he received were in vain? Isn't this young lady too out of place?

"Xiao Cui, I know you have been wronged today. Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you."

"Miss, you'd better stop talking."

Wen Xiaocui was crying, and soon, the two of them arrived at the medicine shop.

The doctor felt puzzled when he saw them like this and asked them what was going on.

But Wenxuan didn't say anything at all, and just asked him to take the medicine quickly.

Gao An took a few brothers back, asked them to disperse, and went to report to Sun Shangxiang himself.

Sun Shangxiang was naturally very happy when he heard that the two women were beaten with bruises and swollen faces.

Then he quickly praised the other person for doing a good job and gave him some silver rewards.

"Thank you so much, ma'am."

After that, Sun Shangxiang asked Gao An to retreat.

But after a while, Sun Shangxiang felt something was wrong.

Could Xi Yu have fallen in love? If this were the case, wouldn't it offend Xi Yu?

It's over, it's over, it would be a big deal if Xi Yu knew about it.

Why was she so impulsive? She wasn't usually particularly stupid.

But when she heard those words just now, her IQ was zero, and she suddenly felt a thunderbolt hit her.

It was as if Xi Yu had slapped him in the face.

It's over, it's over, what should I do now? Should I apologize to Xi Yu quickly?

Otherwise, just say that this matter has nothing to do with you and that Gao An has the final say.

In that case, isn't it a bit sorry for Gao An?

She suddenly felt confused. After a while, she came to Xi Yu's room. Xi Yu was reading a book at the time.

I felt very strange when I saw her coming.

"Why do you have time to come to me?"

"I see what you said, I am your wife, isn't it normal to come to you?"

Xi Yu then asked her to sit down and asked her what happened, but he didn't believe it was so simple for her to come to him casually.

"Okay, actually I really don't have anything to do, I just want to come see you."

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

Xi Yu felt even more strange when he saw the unnatural look on his face.

"What on earth do you want? My time is very tight. If there is nothing else, please go back to the room first."

Xi Yu criticized her seriously.

She thought of a reason.

She said she was particularly envious of Ganmei. Now that she is pregnant, she has someone to take care of her.

She hoped that she could get pregnant as soon as possible, but her belly always failed to live up to expectations.

Xi Yu said he would get her wish.

"Well, in that case, I will retreat first."

She slipped away like a thief, which made Xi Yu even more aware that something was wrong. What happened to this woman? Why did she become so crazy all of a sudden?

When Sun Shangxiang returned to the room, she felt as if she had been caught having an affair and was caught by her husband. She felt hot and overwhelmed.

Why don't I have the courage to say this?

After a while, several maids came over and saw that she was a little uncomfortable, but they didn't ask.

An hour later, Wenxuan and the two were also treated, but it would take four or five days to completely eliminate the trauma on their bodies.

After the two people walked out, Wen Xiaocui said: "Miss, should we go back to the opera master's place?" "

Wenxuan said that this was necessary. When his injuries were healed, it would be equivalent to no evidence.

"But miss, what if the actor blames you for calling him by his name?"

"Don't worry, Xiao Cui. Since I dare to say this, it proves that he will make the decision for me. Don't worry, okay?"

Wen Xiaocui had no choice but to say oh, and the two of them quickly arrived at the place where Xi Yu lived.

The soldier guarding the gate felt very strange when he saw the two of them like this.

"Girl, what's going on? How did you two become like this?"

"It was the one who was beaten, so we asked the actor to seek justice."

The soldier quickly let the two of them in.

Wen Xuan had an angry look on his face and pulled Wen Xiaocui quickly inside.

Xi Yu continued reading when he suddenly heard footsteps outside. (End of chapter)

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