Sun Zhongmou slept well in the guest room. Now that his sister's problem had been solved, he felt relieved.

He then sent a flying pigeon to pass the message to Sun Ce.

Explain this situation.

Although he knew, Sun Ce probably already knew that his sister was fine.

After getting up, Xi Yu arranged for him to eat and asked him if everything was okay after sleeping.

"Yes, thanks to the actor, I slept well yesterday."

Xi Yu said that the climate and environment are different between the north and the south, and many people may not be able to adapt to them.

Sun Zhongmou thought, it was indeed true. In fact, he had just changed to a new environment and he really couldn't sleep well.

But he didn't say this.

After eating, Xi Yu led Sun Zhongmou to Ouyang's house first.

He also asked if the association's office space had been packed up. If it was packed up, he would move there directly. Otherwise, he would stay at Ouyang's house for the time being.

Ouyang Fu was very happy when he learned that Sun Zhongmou had arrived.

It is said that the villa is being cleaned up now, and it is estimated that it will be ready for living this afternoon.

Sun Zhongmou said: "In that case, let's go to the Chamber of Commerce first as the opera master said."

But Ouyang Fu can just let Sun Zhongmou rest here, and leave this matter to him.

Sun Zhongmou shook his head.

"No, I have to go in person. After all, as the president of the next step, I have to get to know a lot of people."

Ouyang Fu had no choice but to agree.

Sun Zhongmou said again: "By the way, Mr. Ouyang, the opera master said that he would like to let me see something called a bicycle. He also said that he would send someone to Soochow next."

Ouyang Fu was overjoyed and immediately took him to the backyard.

Liu Xiaoer and others are still producing bicycles.

There are many bicycles placed in a warehouse, and these are all ordered.

Ouyang Fu specially took a bicycle and gave it to Sun Zhongmou to watch.

This thing is naturally very magical to Sun Zhongmou.

Sun Zhongmou wanted to give it a try, but Ouyang Fu said: "It's better not to try it. This is not something you can ride casually."

But Sun Zhongmou thought that since he was very good at riding a horse, wouldn't he be able to get this bicycle at his fingertips?

And just now he had heard Ouyang Fu say some important points.

Ouyang Fu saw that he didn't believe it, so he had to let him go.

As soon as Sun Zhongmou stepped on it, it suddenly tilted and fell very embarrassingly. Ouyang Fu couldn't help but laugh.

Sun Zhongmou then said awkwardly: "It seems that I really don't know how to do it, but I will definitely have the opportunity to learn it in the future."

Ouyang Fu originally planned to ride a bicycle to contact Sun Zhongmou if he could not come.

But now it can only be impossible.

"Oh, so you've learned it?"

Ouyang Fu said that he faces bicycles every day, and now he can be regarded as the boss of a bicycle business. Wouldn't it be a loss of face if he didn't know how?

So I have been learning secretly, and finally learned it yesterday.

"Master Sun, even a stupid person like me can learn it, so you will learn it soon."

Ouyang Fu expressed encouragement, and then the two of them officially went to the street.

Seeing the prosperity of Youzhou again, Sun Zhongmou once again sighed with emotion.

He and his brother were both extremely ambitious in the past, but now it seems that they have truly surrendered completely.

Because even if he gains a kingdom, he may not love the people as much as Xi Xiyu does.

And he found out now. When many people talk about Xi Yu, they seem to surrender in their hearts. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Ouyang Fu didn't just ask two people to go out, otherwise it would be too tiring.

He also mobilized some servants at home to do this.

Some small storefronts seem to feel that joining the association will bring more benefits.

Moreover, this association was actually arranged by Xi Yu, so we had to seize the opportunity.

However, some large merchants seem to be unhappy because they have to pay part of their income to the association.

And this time, Sun Zhongmou said that a time must be set and it would expire within a few days.

If you want to join again, you may have to pay some additional fees in addition to the membership fee.

Of course, there must be people who are hesitant, so these are the first batch to pay.

If there is a second batch, maybe we can wait another year, and at the same time we can attract merchants from other places to come here.

Ouyang Fu said: "Master Sun, you have a good idea, but if merchants from other places keep coming in, wouldn't it crowd out the business here?"

Ouyang Fu nodded.

"What you said makes sense, so we have to make some rules."

The two of them ran down for a whole day and were exhausted.

Sun Zhongmou made the final decision within five days. If he did not join within five days, he would have to pay more money or wait until the next year if he wanted to join in the future.

By evening, arrangements had been made in the other courtyard. Tables, chairs, and beds were provided. After all, Ouyang Fu had done business, so the arrangements were very appropriate.

In the evening, Sun Zhongmou came to Xi Yu specifically and reported to him the affairs of the other courtyard.

Xi Yu was very satisfied after hearing this, and Sun Zhongmou decided to ask Xi Yu to check it out the next day.

"Okay, then I'll take a look tomorrow."

In the early morning of the next day, when Xi Yu was about to leave, suddenly, Lu Su arrived in a hurry.

"Zijing, why are you sweating profusely so early in the morning?"

Lu Su said that he heard that Sun Quan had arrived and hoped to meet him.

In fact, I heard about it yesterday, but I didn't dare to meet in private for fear of making Xiyu jealous.

Xiyu laughed.

"What's so difficult about this? If that's the case, then come with me to the headquarters of the Business Association."

Lu Su was stunned for a moment.

"What, the business association headquarters?"

"Disrespectful, it seems that you are always running about the academy and have no idea what is going on here."

So, I explained the relevant situation to him.

Lu Su then admired Xi Yu even more. He was really a man who did great things.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the business association, Xi Yu was also very satisfied. He said that it would be officially opened in five days, and there would be a ribbon-cutting ceremony and others, and then people would also perform songs and dances.

All these things were accomplished by Sun Zhongmou.

"Master Xi, don't worry, my subordinates will do their best to handle this matter."

Only then did Sun Zhongmou have the opportunity to talk to Lu Su.

Xi Yu said, "You guys should find a room and talk alone."

The two people came to the room, and Lu Su felt very cordial.

But he was a little confused, why did Sun Zhongmou come here to handle this matter?

Xi Yu's subordinates are naturally full of talents and can fully shoulder this important task.

Sun Zhongmou told the relevant situation.

"So that's what happened, then we can take care of each other from now on."

Sun Zhongmou was also curious about the affairs of this college and asked Lu Su to give a brief introduction.

Lu Su said that the location has been negotiated anyway, and the house is being built now.

Sun Zhongmou touched the beard on his chin and murmured: "The actor is really a man who does great things."

On the other side, Fangjun.

Fang Zhongyuan set out to find the old doctor.

The old doctor was neither in the Central Plains nor in Fang County, but on an isolated island in the south.

In fact, Fang Zhongyuan was not sure whether he could find this old doctor.

It is said that his whereabouts are unpredictable. I hope he will have good luck this time.

He rode on a swift horse and set out in search of many gifts.

It takes at least three days to travel from Fangjun to the destination.

Before setting off, he knelt on the ground and prayed to all kinds of gods, hoping that this time things would be successful.

He has been loyal and patriotic since he was a child, and believes that the royal family is sacred and inviolable.

Even if Mao Dacheng did something wrong, it could be changed by the advice or influence of his officials.

But to rashly overthrow his rule would be treachery and an evil thief.

Although he had heard Xi Yu's name before and didn't know much about it, now he thinks Xi Yu is a robber.

It's a pity that this trip was not smooth.

It suddenly started raining heavily during the journey, so he had no choice but to take shelter with his horse in an inn.

Inside the house, he felt particularly depressed. He had already worshiped the gods, but the gods did not bless him.

But what can I do about God’s problem?

I just have to keep it obediently.

After a while, he borrowed an umbrella from the counter and went to the toilet.

I passed by a room accidentally and heard two people whispering inside.

Naturally, he didn't want to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but the content of the other person's conversation continued to attract his ears.

"I heard that there are many experts around Xiyu, and there are some secret guards. It is probably impossible to assassinate him."

He was stunned for a moment, someone actually wanted to kill Xi Yu.

Isn't this a good thing for yourself?

Although the other party is a stranger, they have a common goal.

It would be great if Xi Yu could really be killed, then there would be no need to look for the old doctor.

Then, another voice appeared in the room.

"But no matter what, I'm going to give it a try. Even if I don't succeed, I still have to be successful. Why, you don't want to back down, do you?"

"No, how can you understand me so well? I just think we need to find a perfect solution."

"There's no foolproof plan. Just stick to the original plan."

The two people's voices sounded particularly young.

He also looked at the room number carefully, and then hurried to the toilet.

When he came back, he approached the room consciously and tiptoed.

But there was no talk about this matter inside.

He suddenly felt a little grateful for the heavy rain, which allowed him to learn some better things.

When he returned to the room, he was thinking about the identities of these two people.

Can they really assassinate Xi Yu?

By early morning the next day, the rain had stopped.

He deliberately came to the door of the room to see who these two people were.

It’s impossible for them to keep the cat in the room and not come out anyway.

At least, they have to eat.

Sure enough, after a while, the door rang, and two handsome-looking men came out.

And they look very similar, so they are probably brothers.

And he consciously wanted to get close to the other person.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, are you from the Jia family?"

He made up a random name just to open up the topic.

The two of them were stunned.

One of them said: "You have the wrong person, we are not".

Fang Zhongyuan asked again: "Really? But we really look very similar to the two young masters of the Jia family. Where are they from?"

The man said coldly: "Where do we come from and what is our relationship with them?"

Another said: "Brother, are we too rude?"

"Okay, don't worry about too many things, let's go eat quickly."

Since the elder brother said so.

The younger brother stopped talking.

But he smiled at Fang Zhongyuan and signaled not to take what he just said to heart.

Fang Zhongyuan thought to himself that this brother-in-law was so strict that it was impossible to find out who he really was.

So should I follow quietly?

After thinking about it later, I decided to forget it and go ahead with the original plan.

Let’s talk about it after finding the old doctor.

Even if they really succeed in committing suicide, they still have to do their own things. This is called a two-pronged approach.

So he suddenly felt that he was worrying too much.

And when the weather is clear, we can hit the road right away.

On this day, in Youzhou, several wealthy businessmen were meeting together.

"How is it? Are you really planning to join the association?"

"Yes, we believe that the actor is a man of his word, but we still have to hand over our income."

"Are you stupid? How much do we earn? How can his people know? So it's not up to us to decide how much to pay at that time?"

The eyes of several merchants brightened up, and it turned out that this was the case, and they could completely cheat when the time came.

Yes, their worries are too much.

"So we can definitely manipulate it, and it is said that after joining the Chamber of Commerce, didn't he say that it will bring us more benefits? Maybe our business will get better and better."

So after the discussion, those who were a little hesitant at first became happy now.

"Okay, now that I have said that, let's sign up tomorrow, because it will officially open the day after tomorrow."

Sure enough, on the second day, merchants of all sizes came to sign up. There were more than 200 of them. They paid their membership fees and issued certificates one after another.

At the same time, it is stipulated that you can withdraw from the membership at any time. You must hand in the certificate at that time, but the membership fee will not be refunded, but there is a condition. Once you withdraw from the membership and want to join again, it will probably never be possible.

When signing up, Sun Zhongmou was on site, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to get to know the merchants better.

Many businesses whisper that they can make a killing by hiding their income.

The merchant who proposed this opportunistic plan was in the silk business.

His name is Liao Youcai, and he is indeed talented, so people talk behind his back about how shrewd he is.

He has many branches, and he now goes to each branch to tell the person in charge that he must report less income in the future. To get yourself into the association, you have to make a fortune.

It was impossible to deduct money from himself, so these people in charge naturally agreed to his request.

Now we are just waiting for the opening the next day.

On the second day, the sun shone brightly, and the ribbon-cutting ceremony was officially held today.

Although there are many ordinary people who have nothing to do with the business association, they also come here just to have a look.

And several restaurants are also very happy because the business association has reserved tables here today.

According to the procedures, Xi Yu gave a speech first, and then he and Sun Zhongmou jointly unveiled the plaque.

As for this refreshing unveiling ceremony, it was indeed the first time for many people to see it, and they felt it was even more novel.

Sun Zhongmou was also thinking about where Xi Yu came up with these weird ideas.

Firecrackers and fireworks were also set off at the scene, making it a lively scene.

And many people who joined the association have already taken their seats in order.

They all also swore in accordance with Xi Yu's regulations, never to reveal secrets, but to be loyal to the development of the association throughout their lives.

You must not do anything in the name of the association that is detrimental to the association.

In particular, many small merchants are very enthusiastic. They hope that after joining the association, they can use the strength of the association to make themselves bigger.

Some large merchants look down on these small merchants, thinking that they are just whimsical.

Xi Yu also told them that they must unite in the future. No matter how big your property is, no matter how rich you are or how big your store is, from today onwards we are all brothers.

At this time, a woman immediately interrupted Xi Yu.

"They are still sisters."

Xi Yu smiled. She was a strong woman in the ceramics business. Because her husband passed away very early, she supported herself for almost half of the day.

"Yes, what Sister Liu just said is right."

The woman named Liu did not expect that Xi Yu actually remembered her name.

She immediately said that Xi Yu called her eldest sister, but she really didn't dare to accept it.

Xi Yu said: "Didn't I already say it? Everyone here today is brothers and sisters, and everyone is equal."

Sun Zhongmou also said that he is a foreigner after all, and he will have to rely on everyone's help in the future. Everyone has one purpose, which is to make the association bigger and stronger.

And not only in Youzhou, but also in other places in the future, opera players will also establish various business organizations there.

After the two people have finished speaking, the merchant representative will also be responsible for speaking.

In short, the entire opening ceremony was very formal and lively.

It was almost lunch time, and the merchants originally thought that the matter was over, but unexpectedly Xi Yu said that there was still one more procedure that needed to be explained.

And this is what everyone is concerned about.

Many people suddenly became curious. Haven't he and Sun Zhongmou already said everything they should say in their speeches?

What else is there to say now?

Xi Yu said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, everyone. What we are talking about this time is very simple, and it is also related to everyone's vital interests."

So, everyone had no choice but to stay.

"This time we are talking about the turnover you hand over every month." (End of Chapter)

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