Although I don't want Xiyu to become big, but now it seems that I can't let Xiyu die.

Besides, the prerequisite is that he must have this ability to let Xi Yu die.

In the next few days, Xi Yu wandered around Chang'an City.

And he has also discovered that someone is following him while he is wandering.

It is estimated that this is the person Cao Pi killed.

These people are not stupid enough to assassinate themselves.

But I wanted to see what I was going to do.

Sure enough, these people quickly reported to Cao Pi.

Tell Xiyu the itinerary for this day.

And apart from playing, I didn’t do anything else.

Cao Pi was relieved.

Of course, even if Xi Yu really wants to do something, I guess he really can't control it.

After two or three days, Xi Yu proposed to say goodbye to Xi Zhicai.

Although Xi Zhicai was a little reluctant to leave, he knew how could he keep his brother here for a long time?

Before Xi Yu left, he said, "Brother, please think about my matter again. Whenever you want to take refuge with me, you can do it."

"Okay, brother, you should also know what I think, so don't ask these questions again."

Xi Yu didn't say anything more, but rode away quickly on his horse.

Xi Zhicai looked at his back until he disappeared, and suddenly his eyes became wet.

It happened that a servant came to report that Cao Pi wanted to invite him.

Only then did he wipe his tears, tidy up his clothes, and then went to Cao Pi.

When Xi Yu was walking on the road, he felt that it was not particularly cold today or that it was not particularly bad, so he wanted to go back quickly.

At noon, we quickly found an inn to eat.

The location of this inn is particularly remote.

So there are not many customers.

When Xi Yu walked in, he saw two bearded men talking at the table next to each other.

Apart from this, there were no other guests.

And these two men didn't know Xi Yu's identity.

They also speak unscrupulously.

"Have you heard that something happened over there in Wuhuan?"

"Really? What does that tribe have to do with us? Why are we paying attention to them?"

"Because I have a relative who is a soldier there. Didn't he come back yesterday? He might be in danger of his life and he won't be able to stay there any longer."

"Oh, life is in danger. What could be so dangerous?"

And Xiyu also listened attentively.

"My relative said that the special civil strife in their place has already broken out. Although the outside world may not know it because few people pay attention to the news about this tribe. I heard that this tribe dared to look covetously at the Central Plains in the past. It is really too bad. Be bold.”

"And my relative said that because they were badly beaten, some of the troops planned to come to the Central Plains to join Xi Yu."

"Ah, take refuge in Xi Yu. I have heard of Xi Yu's name. Why are they doing this? Is it just to use Xi Yu's power to bring down another army?"


Xiyu was stunned, is this still happening?

"But is the other army just willing to sit back and wait for death?"

"Of course not, but another army is planning to join Cao Pi, so if this happens now, wouldn't it be particularly fun?"

"Whatever, this has nothing to do with us. Let's not pay attention to this issue."

Next, the two people started talking about other topics.

However, Xi Yu thought that if this was really the case, it would be really interesting.

Soon, after finishing his meal, he planned to return to Youzhou as soon as possible.

If some people in Wuhuan really come to seek refuge with him, they should probably go to Youzhou to find him.

When he returned to Youzhou, it was already the next day, but he had not heard the news.

He summoned Jia Xu, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang.

Recently, Xi Yu has ordered that his advisers should follow him wherever he goes, so Zhuge Liang and others have already arrived.

He focused on what he heard in the inn.

He thinks this is not groundless, maybe there really is such a thing.

Ask three people how they should handle it.

The three of them just looked at Xi Yu and asked them? Or do you already have an idea in mind?

So, no one of them spoke for a while.

Xi Yu was very unhappy when he saw them like this.

"What do you mean by this? Have you learned to observe words and emotions now?"

Zhuge Liang was frightened and immediately said that according to his understanding, the reason why Wuhuan was in civil strife was because the king there had just died.

And he has two sons, who are fighting openly and secretly. The eldest son is named Harimu, and the second son is named Nalan.

They also began to take the opportunity to rebel because when their old father died, there was no heir.

Because there has always been a rule there. Unlike in the Central Plains, the old emperor will appoint an heir before his death. They are a nation of jackals.

Even the princes and the like were allowed to fight openly and secretly, because they always believed that only those with ability could occupy high positions.

That's why he deliberately didn't leave any photos behind.

Moreover, the abilities of the two sons are really evenly matched, and this time the common people are suffering.

I really don’t know how many people have lost their homes because of this.

Xi Yu nodded, but this small tribe did not come to harass Zhongyuan, so no one in Zhongyuan paid attention to their affairs.

If I hadn't accidentally learned about this from the inn, I really wouldn't have known it at all.

Then, he asked the three people if Wuhuan came and asked him to send troops, would he agree or not?

Jia Xu thought it was best to agree, so that he could take the opportunity to incorporate Wuhuan into his territory.

Xi Yu then looked at Guo Jia, and he thought so too.

"What about Kong Ming, what did you think about it?"

"My subordinates think that Wuhuan Land is not important. It is just a place where birds don't poop. It doesn't matter whether we occupy it or not."

And Xi Yu suddenly hesitated, not knowing what to do.

But the three of them understood that Xi Yu might really want to get this place.

Otherwise, there is no need to discuss it with them. In fact, we can just blow him away.

"Master Xiu, actually it would be nice to actually occupy this place."

Zhuge Liang immediately said with a smile.

At this time, the other two people felt that he was a very smooth person.

Xi Yu then asked him why he suddenly changed his words.

"What's the reason?"

Zhuge Liang said that he had heard that the beekeeping industry was also particularly developed on the Wuhuan side.

Xi Yu immediately understood what he meant.

"You mean we don't need to occupy his territory, but let them continue to supply us with honey?"

Zhuge Liang said that this was exactly what he meant, but he had not thought of it just now.

Xi Yu nodded: "In that case, let's talk about it when the time comes."

On the other side, Fang Jun welcomed Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and others today.

Since Liu Bei's defeat, they, like Liu Bei, have been splitting up and looking for new territories.

Later, I finally heard that Liu Bei had peeked at Xi Yu.

Zhang Fei's mood was particularly complicated.

After Liu Bei received them, he burst into tears, and finally met Zhang Fei alone.

Zhang Fei was indignant.

"Why does the elder brother have to do this? Is there no one else besides Xi Yu to turn to?"

Liu Bei sighed and stopped talking.

"The younger brother knows that the elder brother is feeling uncomfortable, and maybe he is desperate, but from now on..."

Zhang Fei's dark face was filled with indignation. He sighed and stopped talking.

There was a sudden silence in the room until after a while, Zhang Fei once again expressed his indignation.

"Especially the second brother, he turned out to be a traitor..."

Zhang Fei clenched his fists, he really wanted to beat Guan Yu up.

Liu Bei felt very uncomfortable. He once said that he was particularly envious of Cao Cao for getting Xi Yu.

He also said how great it would be if he could gain credibility.

But what about now?

It was completely turned upside down. He actually needed Xiyu to survive.

Sometimes, fate plays tricks on people.

"Okay, third brother, this is probably your fate."

But Zhang Fei still couldn't accept Xi Yu.

Liu Bei suddenly thought, could the private conversation between the two of them be eavesdropped by the teasing secret guards?

He then whispered: "Maybe the walls have ears, so you and I should stop talking casually."

He winked at the other party. Anyway, the deal was done now, and there was no use talking too much.

Although Zhang Fei understood his look, he became even more irritable.

"So, Xi Yu doesn't trust you at all. Did he actually send someone to spy on you secretly?"

"Third brother, please stop talking, okay? Now that we are here, the place is ready. You can go outside and rest."

The palace itself is very small and cannot accommodate Zhang Fei. Besides, it is unreasonable for him to live here.

Zhang Fei was so angry that he walked away without saying hello or saying any kind words.

Walking on the street, he was still feeling very depressed, when he suddenly saw a wine shop in front of him.

So I went in to drink. Only drinking can make myself happy.

In life, he could only live up to good wine and delicious food, so he immediately ordered food and wine.

He also wanted to vent well, so he had to get drunk.

As a result, Zhang Fei became drunk.

After a while, I had a conflict with several guests.

It was because when he was leaving, he accidentally stepped on a guest's foot, and the guest was naturally unhappy.

And because he was drunk, he refused to admit that it was his fault.

Got into a fight with someone else.

As a result, several people surrounded him and beat him violently.

The shop owner hurriedly came over to persuade him, but Zhang Fei was so drunk that he couldn't listen to him.

As a result, Zhang Fei was knocked to the ground by them, and they walked away.

The shop owner felt very angry, so the rescuer took Zhang Fei outside. Such a drunkard was not worth taking care of.

Although some store waiters think that this may be inappropriate, the store owner thinks so.

And no one has ever come to our store to cause trouble after drinking.

After a while, soldiers came to patrol and saw that Zhang Fei looked familiar.

They suddenly remembered that Zhang Fei had met Liu Bei before, so there were soldiers watching here, and some people hurried to report to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was practicing calligraphy when he suddenly heard a soldier reporting the matter and felt very angry. From what they said, this man was probably Zhang Fei.

He threw the pen on the ground angrily. This old man was just ignorant and made trouble every time he drank.

Mi Fang left in anger because he was drunk, and he still feels bad about it now.

He planned to take a look in person, but felt it would be a shame, so he asked the soldiers to bring Zhang Fei directly to him.

After a while, several soldiers brought Zhang Fei to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei's face turned livid with anger, and then he asked the soldiers to wake Zhang Fei up.

Just pour cold water on him to wake him up.

After Zhang Fei woke up, he immediately shivered, and then suddenly started to curse.

But after he finished scolding him, he found Liu Bei appearing in front of him with a gloomy face.

"Brother, how could it be you? Where am I?"

Liu Bei snorted coldly, and then asked the soldiers to leave temporarily.

At this moment, Zhang Fei's Qiwu had also woken up, and he immediately understood that Liu Bei was going to reprimand him.

He vaguely seemed to have had a conflict with others, as if he had suffered a disadvantage and been beaten.

"Do you know why I asked you to come here? Do you know what you have done?"

Zhang Fei also said honestly that it must have been caused by the drinking incident.

"You still know this. If I ask you to drink less, your problems won't change."

Zhang Fei said painfully, he remembered that he seemed to be beaten, but Liu Bei thought he deserved it.

"If you didn't piss with these horses, this wouldn't happen."

Zhang Fei was suddenly a little scared. No matter how miserable Liu Bei was, in his heart, he would always be his eldest brother. Liu Bei could punish him however he wanted, but he must not let himself stop drinking.

However, Liu Bei didn't really punish him like this, nor did he receive other punishments, but he felt that he had become gentler.

"You have to understand Big Brother's difficulties. Someone is probably watching Big Brother right now. Big Brother must not make mistakes. Do you understand?"

Zhang Fei is very smart. He naturally knows that someone is watching here, and naturally it is Xi Yu who is watching.

"Anyway, I have a place to live now. Do you still want me to live on the street?"

Zhang Fei knelt down in pain to Liu Bei. He promised that he would be pained in the future, change his past, and would never cause trouble to Liu Bei.

Just drink less from now on. Others will be fine if they drink, but he is different, so he can only control himself.

"Okay, since you know your mistakes and can correct them, then go back first."

Liu Bei waved his hand, finally making Zhang Fei feel relieved.

The news of Zhang Fei and others' arrival slowly reached Xi Yu's mouth.

The secret guards also told what Zhang Fei was doing so far, which had already been predicted by Xi Yu.

With Zhang Fei's temper, it's normal for him to be unconvinced, but it doesn't matter, he will accept it as time goes by.

Although Zhang Fei often complains, he has one characteristic, that is, he is loyal to Liu Bei.

As long as Liu Bei does something he may not agree with at first, but he will eventually go along with it.

Even if he is wrong, he will follow.

Therefore, Liu Bei is relatively lucky to a certain extent.

Zhang Fei's loyalty to Liu Bei definitely exceeds his own, but he is not particularly greedy.

Suddenly, Jia Xu came to report that Wuhuan's envoy had arrived.

Xi Yu said, in that case, someone should invite them in quickly.

After a while, a messenger came and saluted Xi Yu respectfully.

And he also brought a lot of gifts, that is, honey.

Although Xi Yu already knew it, he pretended to be ignorant on the surface.

"Oh, I wonder what you're here for?"

The messenger didn't say any nonsense and got straight to the point. He was the eldest prince Harimu's man.

"You mean there is civil strife there and you want me to send troops to help your eldest prince?"

"Yes, Xi Gong, after the matter is completed, we Wuhuan will carve out a piece of land for Xi Gong's use."

This messenger obviously has eloquence, otherwise he would not be sent here.

He said that although their area is small, the geographical location of that place is very important.

After hearing this, Xiyu was a little tempted.

However, Xi Yu always smiled and did not express his position at all.

"Drama Master, I don't know what you are thinking about."

Xi Yu said, "What about the second prince? Will he come to see me too?"

The envoy was stunned, and finally felt that Xi Yu was too cunning. If the second prince came to find him, could he please both sides?

He shook his head, indicating that he was not clear about the matter.

But Xi Yu understood that he was fully aware that the second prince was going to seek refuge with Cao Pi.

Xi Yu said: "Since you are here, I will arrange a place for you to stay first. As for the issue you mentioned, I have to discuss it with the generals and the governor."

The messenger was very unhappy, and of course he knew that Xi Yu was perfunctory.

So he raised it and hoped that the opera master would reply to him quickly and return to his hometown as soon as possible.

"Do we still need you to teach us how to do things here?" Xi Yu looked at him coldly.

The messenger immediately apologized to Xi Yu.

"Young man, I don't dare to do this, but I must be sure of my success. Why should I discuss it with other people?"

"What we have here is a democratic system, it is not something you can understand."

The messenger frowned. He knew that even if Xi Yu really wanted to deal with him, there was really nothing he could do.

Who allows me to ask for help from others now?

And he also knew that this time he would not be able to complete the task so smoothly.

He had no choice but to agree to Northwest's request and enter the guest room to rest under the guidance of others.

Xi Yu suddenly remembered a word from Yang Xiu, which was called tasteless.

Thinking about Wuhuan, even if you get an advantage, the advantage is so small that it doesn't seem worth it.

Forget it, let the envoy stay here first. Anyway, I won't be anxious about this matter. (End of chapter)

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