After the two people returned to the room, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Hong felt extremely cold all over her body, not only from the weather, but also from Xi Yu.

She had never felt this way.

"Okay, when dad calls Hua Tuo, nothing will happen."

On the other side, Cao Pi was looking at a map.

He plans to start discussing with Xi Yu after a while whether he can dedicate Xi Shi to him.

He was willing to trade several cities for him.

Although he felt that this was a bit frustrating, now that he saw Xi Shi's appearance, he couldn't bear it.

He also felt that he was burning with desire. Even if it was a reckless thing, he would still do it.

But first of all, after understanding the condition of Xi Yu's body, he thought of a stupid method.

That is to let Xi Zhicai go there in the name of visiting relatives.

But the weather was so cold, and he had not been good in the past.

After all, Xi Zhicai's health has never been very good.

He really didn't know what to do.

The snow has melted today and the sky is clear in the yard.

Suddenly, Cao Pi thought of a person, Sima Yi.

Doesn’t he have a lot of ideas?

So he ordered people to recruit Sima Yi immediately.

After Sima Yi arrived, he immediately saluted.

"Okay, there's no need to salute me. This time, I have something I need to discuss with you."

Then, he took out the portrait of Xi Shi and let Sima Yi take a look.

"Oh, there are such beautiful women in this world. Is this drawn by someone else or is it imagined out of thin air?"

Seeing his reaction, Cao Pi smiled. A normal man would react like this.

He then told the relevant situation.

And yesterday, Zhu San's brother was released, just find any reason.

Let's say that Zhu San felt very happy when he learned that his brother was back.

So, I explained to my brother what exactly happened.

Sima Yi just heard Cao Pi say this and knew that Cao Pi wanted this woman.

And it is estimated that this woman belongs to a very prominent family, so it is impossible to get it casually.

That's why he asked himself for an idea, and he suddenly felt despised.

This Cao Pi must be just like his father, but he still pretends to be confused.

"I wonder what Duke Cao wants to do by letting his subordinates see this portrait?"

"You should have noticed that I like this woman very much."

Sima Yi thought to himself, is there any need to say this? Men all over the world will like it.

"But it's not easy for me to get her. Do you know whose hands this woman is now?"

Sima Yi turned around very quickly, he knew it, and it was probably in Xi Yu's hands.

But he must pretend to be ignorant.

"My subordinates don't know, please let me know, my lord."

Sima Yi then told the truth.

Sima Yi thought to himself that his guess was indeed right. If it were in the hands of others, Cao Pi would have found a way to snatch it away.

You won't feel that the problem is so difficult.

"So Sima Yi, I want you to come here just because I want to ask you what your ideas are. How can you snatch this woman from your hands?"

Sima Yi felt a little embarrassed.

How could Xi Yu let someone else have something he liked?

But Cao Pi said that if Sima Yi could come up with a good idea, he would definitely reward Sima Yi.

He would only show up in the city under forced circumstances. After all, it was the last resort. If there were better suggestions, he would naturally adopt them.

When Sima Yi saw Cao Pi's situation, he knew that he already had an idea in mind to escape, but this idea was not a very good one.

"By the way, do you know who this woman is?"

Cao Pi thought that he must tell Sima Yi frankly.

Sima Yi shook his head. When Cao Pi said the answer, Sima Yi was surprised.

There is such a thing in the world.

Cao Pi said that he didn't know who the thief was at first, but later he often heard people on the street saying that there was a woman beside Xi Yu. It's actually Xi Tzu.

And I got it while digging for treasure in Qingzhou.

"It turns out that there is such a magical thing. It's really incredible."

Cao Pi was a little anxious. Instead of just sighing, it would be better to give himself an idea.

But Sima Yi never answered.

Cao Pi said that he should go back first and it would not be too late to think about it again.

"In this case, I will resign."

After Sima Yi left, he felt that Cao Pi's idea was to contribute to the city, but he was embarrassed to speak.

Because this may leave eternal infamy, and besides, many people probably won’t allow it.

He thought that if his guess was good, he might even know which city Cao Pi would sacrifice.

But if these words come out of his own mouth, wouldn't he be the one who gets the infamy?

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.

But he also knew that this strategy was unlikely to succeed, but he had to deal with Cao Pi in this way.

Let the other person give up and stop asking yourself such difficult questions in the future.

The next day, he came to Cao Pi's house as expected.

"Mr. Cao, my subordinate has come up with a good idea. Do you think it is feasible?"

Cao Pi was elated.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"My subordinates think that we can choose a few beauties from us to give to Xi Yu and exchange them with him. The quantity can be larger."

Cao Pi originally thought he had a good idea, but his face suddenly darkened.

"Even if all the beauties here put together, they are not as good-looking as Xi Shi."

What the other party came up with was really a bad idea. I thought he was wise, but I didn't expect him to be like this.

"If Xi Yu likes this woman very much, it won't be of any use if we send her too many vulgar fans."

Sima Yi said that at the moment, he really couldn't think of a better way.

It would be better to let Cao Pi call all the ministers over to discuss it together.

It's not like Cao Pi hasn't thought about this problem, but once he does it, won't it make the officials laugh even more?

But then I thought, if I really want to dedicate the city, I have to let everyone know sooner or later.

He suddenly felt distraught.

He even blamed Zhu San for sending him this at this time.

Wouldn’t it disturb one’s own psyche?

It's simply unreasonable. If it hadn't been for this matter, he wouldn't have so many worries.

While he was hesitating, another flying pigeon came from Zhao Haiming to pass the message.

He said that after investigation, he found that Xi Yu's situation was real and not pretended.

Ouyang Linlin deliberately followed him and was reprimanded by him. However, she was able to investigate this matter after expending a lot of energy and danger. She just reassured Mr. Cao.

Cao Pi was elated. Should we just grab the people and then attack the city?

But this matter can be discussed with the ministers.

Soon, he called several of his confidants together.

Of course, Xi Zhicai was excluded. After all, he and Xi Yu had a very close relationship.

Cao Pi held a small meeting and told the situation. Several ministers were very surprised, but worried that there was fraud.

Maybe Zhao Haiming was loyal to Cao Pi, but what if it was a trick deliberately used by Xi Yu?

It is even possible that Zhao Haiming was also confused.

Finally, Cao Pi decided to send a few people to Youzhou to take a look.

It is better to wait until the situation becomes clear before taking action.

On the other side, Ouyang Fu worked hard and finally arrived at where Hua Tuo was.

He saw a door to the manor, which was probably the place provided by his daughter, but the door was closed.

He thought that Hua Tuo probably went out to practice medicine, so he would just wait here.

But when it got dark, Hua Tuo didn't arrive.

He thought, what kind of patient is so serious that he needs to stay overnight.

So he temporarily found a place to live.

The next day, after waiting for another long time, there was still no sign.

So, he had to quickly inquire about the people around him.

Several people nearby knew that the miracle doctor Hua Tuo lived here, but they all shook their heads, wondering where the other person had gone.

He felt particularly depressed, so he decided to wait a little longer. At dusk, there was still no whereabouts.

It happened that a coachman came over, and he happened to be the coachman who took Hua Tuo that day.

The coachman only knew this was Hua Tuo's home in the past few days.

I just happened to drag a guest past this side.

Seeing that Ouyang Fu seemed to be looking for Hua Tuo, he stopped the car.

"Are you here to see Hua Shenyi for treatment?"

"Yes, little brother, that's true. Then can you tell me where he went?"

"He's gone."

Ouyang Fu was shocked: "What did you say?"

The coachman told all the relevant circumstances of that day.

Ouyang Fu never expected that this would be the case.

After a long time of fussing, it was all in vain.

If this is the case, how can Xiyu be freed?

The coachman had no choice but to get on the road.

Because the people in the car were already a little unhappy.

Helpless, Ouyang Fu had no choice but to leave quickly.

Ouyang Linlin has been waiting for her father to return.

Finally at dusk the next day, Ouyang Fu sent someone to deliver the news, saying that he had returned.

Ouyang Linlin also hurried home.

But he saw a painful look on his father's face.

"Dad, are you back by yourself? Has the miracle doctor Hua Tuo been found?"

"The miracle doctor Hua Tuo is no longer here."

Ouyang Fu told the relevant situation.

"Why is this happening? Can't this problem be solved?" Ouyang Linlin suddenly started crying.

But Ouyang Fu advised her that there are no absolutes in this world.

It is not necessarily impossible to do anything without Hua Tuo.

Maybe there are other miracle doctors.

Ouyang Linlin had no choice but to return disappointed.

After returning to the room, she felt particularly painful.

Xiaohong asked her what happened. Didn't she find Hua Tuo?

She then told the relevant situation.

"Oh my god, why are you so sorry? What should I do?"

Ouyang Linlin said she didn't want to say anything anymore and just let fate take its course for now.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside, and Xiao Hong saw that it was Zhuge Liang coming this way.

Ouyang Linlin thought to herself that he came just in time.

If the other party has so many ideas, you should ask him how to solve the problem.

"Mr. Zhuge, you came just in time. I just have something to discuss with you."

"Madam, I came to see you for something, why don't you tell me first?"

Ouyang Linlin told the story of Hua Tuo's death.

Zhuge Liang expressed great regret.

And he put forward an idea, that is, Xi Shi should be killed. After all, Xi Shi must have brought bad luck.

"But Mr. Zhuge, even if you really kill Xi Shi, what problem will it solve? Also, if your husband finds out, won't he blame us?"

Zhuge Liang said, as long as Xi Shi is killed, there will be countless reasons and he will definitely be able to explain.

Maybe only by letting Xi Shi die can Xi Yu get better.

But Ouyang Linlin thought this matter was too big.

Now it seems a little wrong to directly define the other party as a witch and kill her.

"Okay, Mr. Zhuge, let me think about this matter again."

Zhuge Liang said this and left.

That's when. A little maid came over and said that it was Mrs. Ganmei who was in love.

Ouyang Linlin thought to herself that she might also be discussing this matter.

Now Ganmei's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

After entering Ganmei's room, Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to wait outside.

"Sister, I wonder when you asked for my little sister?"

Ganmei sat her down and smiled at her.

"I won't hide it anymore. Something happened to my husband recently. I believe you know better than me."

Ganmei only heard about this today.

Originally, everyone was talking about it. They were all told behind her back.

I was afraid that she would be unhappy if she heard this, so as not to affect her ability to raise a baby.

But after she heard this, she asked a few maids, and if they didn't tell them, she would drive them away.

Several maids were frightened and told him what they had overheard.

It's a pity that I'm pregnant now and can't go anywhere, so I asked Ouyang Linlin to find out.

Ouyang Linlin nodded, thinking that her eldest sister also knew about this.

"Then can you tell me what is going on?"

Ouyang Linlin told everything she heard and saw.

"how could this be?"

"Anyway, my little sister only knows that it may have something to do with Xi Shi's situation. But I don't know exactly what happened."

Ganmei thought to herself, should she meet Xi Shi?

But the other party immediately understood what she meant.

"Look, little sister, it's better not to go see her. After all, you can't stand the stimulation like this."

And she also specifically told what Zhuge Liang said.

"Sister, it's better not to say that before the matter is investigated clearly."

Ganmei nodded.

"Sister, you better not worry about this matter. You must take good care of your baby."

Ganmei nodded, but how could she feel calm?

Ouyang Linlin advised her that her husband was not an ordinary person after all, so God might give him some tests.

Not only testing him, but also testing his women.

So if you can accept the test, you are a dragon among men.

"Sister, you must not be tempted."

"Okay, sister, just don't worry."

Ouyang Linlin went back soon.

Xiao Hong heard the news. When she was in the yard just now, she heard several girls saying that it seemed that Zhuge Liang had invited a Taoist priest from outside to prepare a recipe, and he was going to the door of Xi Shi's room.

Ouyang Linlin was shocked. This is something that I must stop.

At this moment, Xishi is still wandering outside.

Ouyang Linlin found that he went out more and more times than before, which was not necessarily a good sign.

But she didn't dare to follow quietly.

Although there are secret guards who can ensure his safety, what should he do if he goes crazy?

What Ouyang Linlin was worried about finally happened.

Xi Yu finally had a conflict with someone.

He came into the wilderness alone. There was a scholar who was reading under the tree.

Xi Yu was thinking about a problem at the time and didn't see him, so he accidentally stepped on him.

The scholar was stunned and yelled.

When he was about to accuse, he realized it was Xi Yu.

"Hey, it turns out to be the actor. Why did the actor step on the little one?"


"Asshole, if you weren't here, how could I step on you?"

The scholar was shocked, not expecting Xi Yu to be so unreasonable.

"Master Xiu, you stepped on me first, how can you say that?"

"So what if I stepped on you first? Didn't I already say that? If you weren't here, how could I have touched you?"

The scholar's bad temper also came up. No matter who the other party was, why did he talk like this?

"Master Xiu, you are really unreasonable. You must give me an explanation today."

The secret guard was hiding in the dark and did not dare to appear.

Although this scholar does not pose any threat to Xi Yu, he is a scholar after all.

But if this happens, won't the actor's reputation be ruined?

What if this scholar spreads this matter?

Xiyu snorted coldly, ignored him, and continued walking forward.

"Drama Master, what do you mean? You must give me an explanation and apologize to me."

"What did you say? Let me apologize to you and see if you don't want to live anymore."

Xi Yu came over, raised his hand and hit him.

The scholar sneered.

"I used to admire you very much and thought you were doing things for the people. But today I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. It turns out that everything you do is just an act."

Fortunately, Xi Yu didn't fight in the end. He told the other party to leave quickly and not to be an eyesore here.

"Master Xi, you are so unreasonable. Today I must seek justice. And I will tell everyone about you so that everyone can see what you are like."

Xi Yu's eyes became very scary, like a devil, and the secret guard was thinking about whether to take action at this time.

But what happens after we are dispatched? He couldn't comfort Xi Yu.

Should Xiyu be knocked unconscious and taken away? (End of chapter)

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