We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 42: Jumping on the enemy’s battlefield, killing thousands of troops

Xi Yu's voice brought Cao Song back to his panicked thoughts.

The killing cries all around seemed to be suddenly no longer heard, and the figure riding on the Jueying suddenly looked extremely tall.


Cao Song responded twice in succession, but Cao Song didn't know which horse he should get on.

Cao De on the side quickly pulled the horse over: "Father, get on the horse quickly!"

Such a scene made Xi Yu a little surprised.

The scene in front of him felt somewhat familiar.

Is this man Cao Cao's younger brother and Cao Song's son?

"Follow closely, I will protect you!"

As he spoke, Xi Yu swung up the tiger-headed golden gun, and casually flew away a figure on a light horse in front of him.

"There's a horse!"

"Who is that person?"

Seeing the unstoppable figure that suddenly came in, Zhang Kai looked a little flustered.

Now that we have taken action today, there is no way back.

Unless, all these people are left here today.

"General, that man just said he was Yingchuan Xiyu!"

The captain next to him heard it clearly just now and responded quickly.


Zhang Kai was a little confused. He seemed to have heard of this name before!

By the way, isn't this the Taicang Order that the emperor added when he commended Cao Cao a few days ago?

However, how is it possible!

Then Xiyu should be a scribe, why can he come in?

This person is definitely not Xi Yu.

Looking at the other party as if he was in a deserted place, he looks a bit like the rumored Lu Bu!

"Archer, where's the archer!"

Zhang Kai was a little panicked!

If the current situation continues, his light cavalry will not be able to block the opponent's figure at all, and he will be killed by the opponent before long.

When the time comes, when things are exposed, I will inevitably...

No, Jinri must keep all these people here no matter what.

"Archer, shoot me an arrow!"

Zhang Kai no longer cares about the situation in front of him. In his opinion, even if the man in front of him is violent, what will happen?

Under the volley of arrow clusters, the opponent has no chance of survival!

"General, are our people in there too?"

The captain next to him was a little surprised.

The situation in front of them was that their Qingqi were surrounding Cao Song and others in a circle. It was time to release arrows!

The more injured were their men Qingqi.


Zhang Kai can no longer care about so much. At this moment, only shooting arrows can deter that person. Otherwise, if the other party really saves Cao Song and others and kills them.

If the matter is exposed, he may not even have a chance to escape from Xuzhou!

At that time, even if you have all this money, what’s the use of it!

Tao Qian did not dare to go against Cao Cao.

And if he wanted to leave the country, he might not even be able to pass Tao Qian's test.

"Listen to me and let go. If we let this person go out today, you and I will not be able to survive!"

Zhang Kai stared hard at the captain next to him, who suddenly came to his senses and a blush appeared on his face.

"Fire the arrow!"

The captain gave orders to the archers, and the archers on the outside began to draw their bows and load arrows.

Following the order, countless arrow clusters began to shoot wildly towards the center of the field.

The moment the bowstring sounded, a warning sign rose in Xi Yu's heart. Subconsciously, he pulled the tiger-headed golden gun in front of him.

The figure on the Qingqi in front of him was directly provoked by him, and Lun's human shield was directly blocked by everyone.

When the arrow cluster fell, wailing sounds followed from all around.

Immediately following, the Qingqi that surrounded everyone began to disperse in a panic.

"Bow and arrow, it's bow and arrow!"

Cao De yelled in panic, and Cao Song beside him had already been pulled off his horse again. The two of them hid behind the horse, trembling.

At this moment, Xiyu's blood seemed to be on fire, and the hairs on his body were standing on end.

Damn it, the guys outside didn't even care about their own men and dared to shoot arrows in such a situation!

He was not wearing armor. If the warning signs hadn't arisen in his heart just now, he might have been hit by an arrow now.

The second round of arrow rain is coming soon!

The Qingqi in front of them had begun to scatter in panic.

Xi Yu knew clearly that if he continued to defend like this, something would definitely happen. For this reason, the only way to deter these guys in front of him was to kill the enemy in front of the formation.

With his heart clear, Xi Yu raised his eyes, and his eyes instantly fell on Zhang Kai who was outside.

If you read correctly, that person is the leader of these people.

With just one glance, Xi Yu was already sure.

The next moment, he stared at the temporary shield made by Qingqi in front of him. He thrust forward the tiger-headed golden gun, and the shadow under his feet instantly jumped up and rushed directly towards Zhang Kai.

at the same time.

When Xi Yu raised his head, Zhang Kai, who had been staring at Xi Yu, naturally made eye contact with him.

At this glance, he felt as if he was being stared at by a ferocious beast.

Before he could react, the figure in his sight was staring at someone with a spear and rushed towards his direction.

The hair felt like cold needles, and the skin seemed to tingle for a moment.

Zhang Kai panicked!

"Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!"

He roared loudly, and while roaring, he instinctively drove his horse to move to the side to distance himself.

The captain next to him also responded.

The distance of tens of feet is not short, but it is not long either.

When the second round of arrow rain came down, Xi Yu waved his spear and protected Jueying under him.

It was as if those arrows were being avoided.

The third round of arrow rain was too late, and the figure riding the black horse was already close in front of him.

The tiger-headed golden gun flicked casually, and the figure originally wearing it hit the archer in front of him.

This was followed by a burst of wailing.

The captain who ordered the arrows to be fired stared with huge pupils. Before he could say anything, he saw a golden shadow passing in front of his eyes, and then his eyes began to roll.


The situation around him was completely chaotic.

Some Qingqi took some of their belongings and immediately began to flee, followed by more and more people participating.

At this moment, Xi Yu was chasing Zhang Kai. In just a moment, Jueying had already caught up with the opponent's speed.

Zhang Kai turned around and raised the spear in his hand to resist.

However, as soon as he set up the spear, a huge force pressed down on him along the body of the gun.


This tyrannical force made his hands numb, and the spear in his hand was released directly, and it hit his chest instead.

The blood from the corner of his mouth was still seeping out, and he saw a golden tiger head enlarged directly in front of his eyes.

Xi Yu casually picked up Zhang Kai and threw him far away, then quickly rode his horse back towards Cao Song and others.

Just now, he could only kill the enemy general first. If not, if the other party ordered a few rounds of arrows to be fired, he might even get involved himself, let alone save others!

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