With these days of rest, Meng Huo's health finally improved.

Now, he was ready to lead his troops to attack Zhang Lu.

On this day, he was full of energy and summoned all the soldiers.

Now he has ten thousand elite soldiers, and these are his brothers who have been with him through life and death.

"We now want to attack Sichuan and Shu, and then continue to attack Luoyang. We can soon capture the flower world in the Central Plains, and we can enjoy popular food, drink spicy food, and play with beautiful women."

His voice was particularly penetrating, and he spoke with passion.

The soldiers present felt itchy in their hearts.

They already have a grand blueprint in their minds. They seem to have entered the Central Plains and are living their ideal life.

Meng Huo also said that he was just a rough guy and he would not say some high-sounding words.

But he can at least make everyone live a good life.

Suddenly, a soldier came in a hurry.

He looked at a man and threw the man to the ground.

Everyone was puzzled.

Meng Huo asked, "Who is this?"

The man who was thrown to the ground had a dirty face and his clothes were in a mess.

It can only be seen that he is a man in his early twenties.

"Are you Chief Menghuo?"

The man seemed to like seeing Meng Huo very much, and he quickly asked about it.

"I am Meng Huo, who are you?"

"The villain is the son of Zhang Xiu. Zhang Sheng's courtesy name is Mingyuan."

Meng Huo quickly asked the soldier what was going on.

The soldier said that he saw a man sneaking around while on patrol.

He broke into their place and had a conflict with him.

He thought that this person must have been sent by Zhang Lu to inquire about the enemy's situation.

However, this Zhang Sheng did not admit it at all.

So he was brought to Meng Huo.

Meng Huo asked Zhang Sheng.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Sheng said that if he really wanted to inquire about the enemy's situation, he would not have come alone.

He came to seek refuge with Zhang Lu sincerely.

And he also has an army that can help Zhang Lu.

Meng Huo was particularly confused.

"What? You still have an army, who are you?"

"I am my own group. Since my father died, I gathered some of my father's old troops, plus some people I won over, and then stationed myself in Qingcheng Mountain, just to avenge my father. Kill Zhang Lu as soon as possible."

Meng Huo immediately understood. It seemed that this man had a grudge against Zhang Lu.

"Why do you want to kill Zhang Lu again?"

Zhang Sheng was so vicious that the veins on his face burst out.

"It's because when Zhang Lu belonged to Liu Yan, he and my father were both Sima, but later he killed my father. My father was Zhang Xiu."

However, Meng Huo and others were completely unclear about this story.

Because Meng Huo paid little attention to matters in the Central Plains before.

"So, Chief Menghuo, we have a common enemy, so I am willing to help you."

Meng Huo thought to himself, if what the other party said was true.

Then it would be nice to be able to help him out.

"But what benefits can you get from helping me?"

Zhang Sheng said that he just wanted to avenge his father and never thought of any benefits.

As long as someone kills Zhang Lu, he is his friend.

Meng Huo laughed loudly when he heard this.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have any rewards in mind. When I kill that guy, I will definitely give you a territory."

Zhang Sheng immediately knelt down.

"So thank you Chief Meng."

He said his troops were waiting outside Nanwen and they could come in at any time.

Meng Huo was stunned again.

If this is the case, then he will lead his troops out of Nanzhong immediately.

Then you can rendezvous with Zhang Sheng's army.

"How many people do you have in total?"

Zhang Sheng felt a little ashamed.

"I'm really ashamed. I only have more than a thousand people there."

But Meng Huo thought to himself, if he really summoned his father's old troops.

Under the current situation, having more than a thousand people seemed pretty good.

"In that case, let's go."

But his men hid the weapons in a cave.

As for them, they are scattered around the cave.

Some dressed up as farmers and some as fishermen.

In short, from the appearance, it is impossible to tell that these are some brave and capable soldiers.

After a simple swearing-in meeting, the large troops began to set off.

On Zhang Lu's side, two thousand elite soldiers have been stationed here.

However, there was no news of Meng Huolai's attack.

At first, Zhang Lu thought maybe they were just bluffing.

Ma Wenbin said it would be better to ask Zhang Lu to send someone outside to investigate.

Zhang Lu sent some spies, but they did not actually enter Nanzhong's territory because someone there had been investigating.

But in the end, some insinuations led to the news that Meng Huo was ill.

On this day, Zhang Lu led the soldiers from Sichuan and Shu, as well as two thousand elite soldiers sent by Cao Pi, and gathered at the foot of a mountain called Black Flag Mountain.

Because Zhang Lu was a descendant of the Wudou Sect, he planned to come through the Wudou Sect to pay homage to Zhang Tianshi.

He made a portrait of Zhang Tianshi and placed it on a high flagpole.

Afterwards, he worshiped with all the soldiers.

There were not only soldiers, but also some common people.

Because after he entered Sichuan and Shu, many people around him had already believed in the Five Pecks of Rice Sect.

Five measures of rice are given to each person who joins the sect. Therefore, he harvested a lot of grain.

So Zhang Lu didn't have to worry about food and accommodation first.

He even thought about letting people plunder Meng Huo's grain, grass and food.

Then they sent troops to Nanzhong to trap them to death.

The soldiers brought by Cao Pi were not believers, so they watched from a distance.

Zhang Lu held a mahogany sword in his hand, then wore a Taoist robe and muttered something.

The general idea is to let the ancestors protect themselves. This time we must win against foreign enemies.

At this moment, many believers were excited.

Those who had never seen Meng Huo already regarded Meng Huo as a bad person.

They must kill them quickly.

The whole ceremony lasted for more than an hour.

Zhang Lu lied again and claimed that he had a dream in which he dreamed of Zhang Daoling.

Moreover, Zhang Daoling was also very supportive of killing Meng Huo, and this time he was blessed by the gods.

Their plan will succeed.

"Do you have confidence?"

Everyone answered that they had faith.

After that, everyone responds first.

However, halfway through, a soldier suddenly reported that Meng Huo had attacked.

Zhang Lu gritted his teeth in hatred, but he laughed at the same time.

"How's it going? The dream that the Heavenly Master gave me last night was completely correct. We must beat them to pieces this time."

Nothing that happens here has anything to do with Xi Yu.

On this day, Xi Yu came to the room where Song Meijiao lived.

Just because I want to see them one more time.

"Miss Song, I wonder if it's comfortable to live here?"

"Drama Master, please come in."

Xi Yu also walked in.

But this guest room was suddenly filled with the scent of flowers.

This must be Song Meijiao's body fragrance.

"What's wrong? Do you blame me?"

Xi Yu asked such a question, which made the other party feel very baffled.

"Master Xiu, little girl, don't you know what you mean?"

"After all, I made your father do hard labor, didn't you blame me?"

"No, my father deserves this punishment, and among all the punishments, this is already the lightest one."

"It's good that you don't blame me. If you feel uncomfortable here, you can tell me at any time. I will see if there is a suitable maid and match you with one."

Song Meijiao immediately shook her head.

She said that she is just an ordinary person.

Xiyu shouldn't do this to him.

"It's not necessary, that's what it should be, because you are also a guest here. After all, your father has also said that he may let you marry me in the future, so you will be the master by then."

The purpose of Xi Yu is to test the other party and see how they react.

Song Meijiao's face turned red.

Xi Yu was filled with joy when he saw her.

It proved that this little girl was somewhat interested in him.

Otherwise, she might just say no, at least without blushing.

"By the way, Mrs. Ouyang said yesterday that the little girl should discuss everything with her and try not to trouble the actor, because the actor is doing important things."

Xi Yu was stunned, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually find Ouyang Linlin alone.

At this moment, Xiyu was unhappy.

But after a while, I suddenly thought that these are normal phenomena.

After all, women will conflict with each other.

Perhaps, they all like themselves, so they will have a sense of crisis.

He felt a little dizzy.

"Okay, I understand, you can talk to her about small things."

Xi Yu thought, since Ouyang Linlin said it, he must give others some face.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, I understand."

Xi Yu wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

He really wanted to stay here, but he was a little distracted.

Song Meijiao also felt a little embarrassed.

"Master Xiu, you'd better sit down."

Xi Yu sat down immediately, and the other party immediately started making tea.

Xiyu looked at her carefully.

Song Meijiao immediately made tea, still feeling a little uneasy.

"This is not your home. I didn't expect you to be so comfortable with it."

"The little girl used to do these things when she was at home. So, just understand."

Next, the two people were in an awkward situation again.

Don't know what to say further.

Xi Yu wanted to shamelessly stay here, so he quickly found a topic to talk about.

"By the way, what do you usually like?"

"Little girls like a lot of things. I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Xi."

Xi Yu thought to himself that he finally opened up the conversation, so he started talking about food, tourism and the like.

The two finally found something to talk about.

After another hour, Xi Yu felt that he couldn't stay here anymore, so he had no choice but to leave.

After he left, Song Meijiao responded with a question.

The reason why Xi Yu stayed here just now was just to find something to talk about.

In other words, the other party likes me. After all, I am as beautiful as a flower.

But at the same time, she also looked down on Xi Yu.

I thought he was a different man.

Unexpectedly, he must also be a womanizer.

At night, Song Datian returned to the guest room.

This was also the unusual treatment Xi Yu gave him, allowing him to live in the guest room.

Instead of staying in the military camp, it was also to reunite him with his daughter.

"Dad, I want to tell you something."

"Daughter, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it."

Then she told Xi Yu about coming here.

After Song Datian heard this, he felt very happy.

"Daughter, this is a good thing."

"Brother, do you think this is a good thing? But my daughter is different from what you have in mind."

"Daughter, why is this?"

Song Meijiao brought it up.

He originally thought Xi Yu was different from others.

But it seems that he is no different from ordinary men.

"Daughter, how can you say that?"

Song Datian explained that it was very normal for men to do this.

Xi Yu cannot be denied because of such a shortcoming.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is not a shortcoming.

Song Meijiao's face turned red.

"Daughter, do you like him too?"

Song Meijiao still didn't speak, but she had expressed this point.

"So, daughter, why are you so entangled? You are both interested in each other. Isn't this a good thing? My wish can be fulfilled."

Next, she asked her father when she could reveal her true identity to the actor.

"Don't be anxious about this."

Song Datian believes that the top priority is to hope that his daughter can marry Xi Yu.

As for other things, everything is negotiable.

If you tell this now, will it make Xi Yu think too much?

Song Datian said: "Dad, if you tell him, wouldn't it be a gift to him?"

Looking at Song Meijiao's eyes, Song Datian shook his head.

"Daughter, what are you thinking about? Do you think that the royal family's status can make the actor care?"

Song Datian talked about the process of Xi Yu's success.

Song Meijiao discovered that Xi Yu was a genius.

However, she was particularly puzzled, how did her father know these things?

"Dad, you are just a hunter, why do you know so much?"

Song Datian just smiled and said nothing.

"Dad, have you been paying attention to the current situation?"

"Yes, indeed."

To outsiders, he is just a very ordinary hunter.

But he is always paying attention to the development of the current situation.

"Dad is doing this all for you. After all, you are of royal blood."

After hearing this, Song Meijiang was very moved, but he also said that it didn't matter if she was of royal blood, she was just a daughter.

"Daughter, you can't say that. The blood flowing in your body is indeed the blood of the Liu family. Dad doesn't want the lifeblood of the Liu family to be cut off."

"Dad, you have worked really hard."

"Okay, you just need to know that daddy has good intentions."

These past few nights, Xi Yu felt itchy in her heart.

Song Meijiao's cute face rang in her mind.

Then I thought of Xi Shi again, and compared the two people.

There were also many evil thoughts in his mind, and he hugged the two people.

However, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by a soldier.

This is when a soldier from the Black Cavalry came to the door.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Xi Yu immediately stopped smiling and became serious.

"Back to Xi Gong, there is a war in Sichuan and Shu."

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on."

According to the spies' report, Nanzhong rebelled and began to attack Sichuan and Shu.

Nanzhong had already received the news, so Cao Pi had sent two thousand people.

The two sides eventually fought, evenly matched, and each suffered a loss.

"Nanzhong, is their leader named Meng Huo?" Xi Yu asked immediately.

The soldier was stunned.

He didn't expect Xi Yu to be so clear.

"Master Xiu, how do you know such a little person?"

Xiyu laughed.

His smile was particularly mysterious, which made the soldier feel particularly amazing.

Seeing the soldier's eyes, the actor felt particularly happy.

This feeling of being worshiped is so good.

Meng Huo, I am very familiar with him. Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times.

This Meng Huo... seems to be born with a rebellious streak.

But Zhuge Liang's seven captures will never happen again in this life.

"Okay, I already know this, please retreat first."

Xi Yu thought, history still has to happen according to certain rules.

But this time it was very lively. Some people had already taken action in the cold winter, which was enough for Cao Pi to drink a pot.

By the way, when talking about this matter, he thought of Zhao Yun.

The secret guard always said that Zhao Yun was fake and he must pay attention to this matter tomorrow.

On the second day, he was thinking about how to understand Zhao Yun.

If the other party is indeed fake, you can't show that you already know it.

If you want to talk to Zhao Yun, what reason should you give?

He just couldn't think of anything and felt a headache.

Has he decided to tell Ouyang Linlin about this matter?

Or talk to Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang?

But in the end, after thinking about it, I still felt that something was wrong, and it was better not to alert the snake.

He found himself becoming nervous.

Maybe there was nothing wrong with it, it was just that the secret guard was too sensitive.

After a while, he called out the secret guard.

"Since you said there is something wrong with Zhao Yun, let's observe it carefully."

The secret guard said that a brother had already done this.

But if the young man is a fake, he might be extra careful.

Because the person who arranged for him to come must also know that there are secret guards here.

Coupled with the incident involving Zhao Haimin, they will probably be even more cautious in doing things.

If the secret guard brothers have any news, they will report it to Xi Yu as soon as possible.

On the other side, in Sichuan.

After a day of fierce fighting yesterday, Zhang Lu also went to fight in person, only to find that Meng Huo's power was really very powerful.

Moreover, it was completely inconsistent with the team of soldiers he had originally encountered.

Why did this person suddenly become so many? (End of chapter)

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