"You just need to do this first. I'll tell you the details."

At this time, there was a soldier named Sangyuan among Soochow, who was very unhappy.

"Zhuge Kongming, I'm afraid I can't listen to you this time."

Zhuge Liang asked: "Why is this?"

"You are just giving random orders here. Sun Gong asked us to listen to you. That is because Sun Gong believes that you can make a difference. But what do you mean by this? We will never listen."

And this Mulberry Garden still has some influence, so many people are unwilling to listen to Zhuge Liang.

"If you disobey, you will be punished by military law."

"Then do whatever you want. You could have killed that woman yesterday, but you let her go."

Sang Yuan believed that if she was killed, it would definitely deal a blow to Meng Huo, and then they would directly enter Nanzhong.

Meng Huo might be destroyed directly, but what did Zhuge Liang want to do?

Even if you let them go, maybe it is to impress them to surrender, but the question is, can they do this?

Sang Yuan said: "Zhuge Kongming, please say one thing now. If you catch her today, let her go. If you really let her go, we will never go. Also, you also You must practice what you say.”

Zhuge Liang said: "I made it very clear just now, I still have to let him go."

"In that case, just go on your own."

Zhuge Liang said: "In that case, let me go out to the army as soon as possible."

After they left, Sangyuan sneered.

Yesterday was a good opportunity and we caught someone. How could it be possible if we caught someone today?

"This Zhuge Liang simply has a low IQ."

"That's right. I don't understand why the Opera Guild arranges for such a person to go on an expedition."

Some people said angrily that Zhou Yu came from them, so why not let Zhou Yu come here?

And in the past, I had never heard of Zhuge Liang being able to fight.

I really don’t understand why Xi Yu did this.

Could it be that Xiyu was just perfunctory?

Or do you mean that you don’t take Meng Huo seriously at all?

Just find someone to deal with?

Soldier Du told Zhuge Liang that it was not a good thing to offend the generals of Soochow today.

"Why should you worry about them?"

When they came to a place called Chishui River, they saw Mrs. Zhu Rong leading her troops again.

Zhuge Liang asked: "Mrs. Zhu Rong, I put you back yesterday. Do you still dare to come today?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong would definitely say this if she knew they met today.

So on the way, she told the soldiers in advance.

She ran out yesterday using her wisdom, but the Shu army would definitely provoke their relationship shamelessly.

When they met, he must say that they had let him go, so the soldiers must not believe it.

Thinking about it, this is impossible. The Shu army captured him, how could he let him go?

As a result, most of the soldiers believed it.

However, some soldiers did not believe it at all. They believed that Mrs. Zhu Rong had indeed been released.

"Zhuge Liang, don't talk nonsense. Yesterday you just defeated me. Today I have to turn you all into meat."

Hearing her shout, she quickly attacked this side with her soldiers and swords.

Zhuge Liang said: "Soldiers, it's your turn now."

This time the fight was dark and dusty again.

Zhuge Liang was escorted by several soldiers and temporarily hid in a place.

Someone asked Zhuge Liang when he started setting up that formation.

Zhuge Liang said: "Don't be anxious yet, let them have some fun first."

Just when they thought they were certain to win, the formation appeared, which would have better results.

After a while, Mrs. Zhu Rong killed several soldiers in succession. The morale here feels particularly strong.

Zhuge Liang shouted: "Okay."

So the soldiers immediately began to perform formations.

This formation has ten soldiers each, occupying four different directions.

Next, they rearranged themselves according to the direction of the Bagua diagram.

Once the formation was implemented, the Xijun team seemed to burst out with a powerful force.

Everyone on Meng Huo's side seemed to feel an overwhelming momentum coming towards them.

In an instant, the situation changed.

Zhuge Liang laughed.

"Mrs. Zhu Rong, you lost again this time."

She found that she and the soldiers seemed to have entered a maze and could never get out.

They felt a fog before their eyes, and many people had hallucinations and hearing, which led to many people being killed.

Because when a long-haired gun was pointed at them, they didn't notice it yet.

But Zhuge Liang said that he must capture Mrs. Zhu Rong alive and never kill her.

Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't care whether the person in front of her was an enemy or a friend. She took a big knife and started to chop with all her strength.

Of course, when she heard the screams, she knew that she had killed the wrong person.

But she must not sit still and wait for death.

But after a while, I felt exhausted again.

She was eventually knocked to the ground by the drama army.

This time she was tied up again and taken back to the camp.

Sang Yuan and others were still aggrieved, so they decided to report to Sun Ce.

They came to Sun Ce and explained the situation, and Sun Ce was shocked.

"Why, didn't you follow Zhuge Liang?"

"Mr. Sun, Zhuge Liang is here to assist us, but why should he command us? It's just a command. It's okay if he can win, but he simply treats war as a child's play."

Others were also aggrieved and expressed their suggestions.

Sun Ce said that all this was arranged by the actor, and it made sense.

Sang Yuan and others were stunned. Zhuge Liang didn't tell them this, but even so, they shouldn't be so foolhardy.

And Zhuge Liang was able to catch that woman even yesterday.

But today, maybe they have been defeated.

"You are just fooling around. No matter what, I have told you to obey Zhuge Kongming, but you don't listen. What's going on?"

Sang Yuan was still aggrieved.

"You must not listen to what he says, otherwise our brothers may be killed in battle."

At this moment, soldiers suddenly came and delivered good news, saying that Zhuge Liang had captured Mrs. Zhu Rong again.

Sun Ce was at the banquet, but Sang Yuan and others were immediately stunned.

But the soldier who reported the news also said that the woman would still be released today.

Sun Ce said: "Since all this is arranged by the actor, then let's do it."

Then the soldiers were asked to retreat.

Sun Ce looked at Sang Yuan coldly.

"Did you see it? You're playing with soldiers and your military skills are as good as gods. How could it possibly fail? You should apologize to Zhuge Liang quickly."

Sang Yuan and others were a little embarrassed. Sun Ce said: "You didn't go to participate today, but you still won. So who is important? Don't you have a point in your mind?"

Sang Yuan did not expect that he would eventually scold him so he had no choice but to take the soldiers to Zhuge Liang to apologize.

After Zhuge Liang's teacher responded, he asked everyone to prepare food and drinks for a good celebration.

The soldier asked him if he would let Mrs. Zhu Rong go this time, but next time, how many times would she be arrested and released.

"Don't worry, it's seven times at most."

"What? Mr. Kong Ming, is seven times too many?"

"This is all arranged by the actor."

Zhuge Liang took the folding fan and shook it.

This time I go back and see who still looks down on me.

Moreover, he told the soldiers that Sangyuan and others would probably come back to apologize to him soon.

They will definitely go to Sun Ce angrily.

Sun Ce will definitely give them a scolding.

really. As soon as they finished speaking, they heard footsteps coming. Sang Yuan came to Zhuge Liang with several major generals. Although he was a little aggrieved, he still saluted Zhuge Liang.

Sang Yuan immediately apologized to Zhuge Liang.

He said that he was really impulsive just now.

Zhuge Liang naturally gave up when he saw the opportunity.

"Why are you so polite? No matter what, we are all working together to deal with the enemy. It is very normal for you to have such thoughts."

Sang Yuan originally thought that Zhuge Liang would definitely ridicule or scold him, but she didn't expect that Zhuge Liang would be so easy to talk to.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was really nothing.

Once again he led everyone in bowing.

This time it was sincere.

Next, he said that no matter what Zhuge Liang said, he would definitely listen to Zhuge Liang during this battle.

Zhuge Liang said: "Okay, just let's talk. Sit down quickly."

Mrs. Zhu Rong was still locked in the same room as yesterday.

Unexpectedly, one day later, she came again.

She felt that her husband's idea was a bit too hasty. Now that she was not strong, how could she arbitrarily make enemies of others?

Of course, I was too confident, which resulted in something like this happening.

Yesterday they put me back, but today it is absolutely impossible.

An hour later, she felt a little hungry and a little thirsty, but no one came to bring her food or water.

She was willing to die in battle, but she was not willing to die of hunger and thirst. That would be too cowardly.

It wasn't until nightfall that someone finally brought him food.

And give yourself some slack.

"Mrs. Zhu Rong, you can eat now."

At this time, she no longer had any dignity and hurriedly devoured it.

After he finished eating, Zhuge Liang came in again, waving his folding fan.

"Is this the last meal? Have you studied it? How should I be executed?"

Zhuge Liang said: "I will send you back early tomorrow morning."

Mrs. Zhu Rong simply couldn't believe her ears.

"What did you say? Will you let me go again tomorrow?"


"Zhuge Kongming, what on earth are you doing?"

"I have already said that you are a talented person. I hope you can go back and persuade Meng Huo to stop being an enemy of everyone, wouldn't it be better to be his chief? Besides, Nanzhong is now under exclusive management. But Most of the time, Meng Huo still has a lot of autonomy."

Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't speak this time, and she was put back. Just not afraid of attacking again.

Yesterday, she swore that she would kill them, but now it seems that every word she said was a joke.

"You put me back. If I can't persuade my husband, if I come to attack next time, will you kill me?"

Zhuge Liang said: "It's hard to say, but in any case you have to give it a try."

Next, Zhuge Liang began to arrange accommodation for Mrs. Zhu Rong.

She also ordered two maids to accompany her carefully.

The moon is particularly round tonight, but Mrs. Zhu Rong cannot sleep peacefully.

She originally thought that Zhuge Liang would definitely send someone to guard outside to prevent her from escaping.

But after careful observation, except for the two maids at the door, there was no one at all.

In other words, Zhuge Liang is not afraid of escaping at all.

Yes, you have already said that you will be released tomorrow, why do you still need to monitor yourself?

She found that coming to Soochow was a joke, a complete joke.

How should she explain to Meng Huo after she returns?

Just tell people that you were released, but can he believe it?

Even if he believed it, would he have any doubts? Did you say that you have any dealings with the soldiers here?

Even if he didn't doubt it, how could he persuade him to surrender?

She suddenly found that she had a very scary thought, that is, surrender. Did she really want to surrender?

That's not okay, I can't afford to lose this person.

And Meng Huo would definitely not agree. She thought it would be better to let Zhuge Liang kill her.

But when she really thought about death, she suddenly felt a little scared.

Anyway, this night.

She suddenly had insomnia.

It was almost midnight and I still didn't fall asleep.

Moreover, the two maids were frightened so much that they were afraid that she would go crazy and kill them both. Fortunately, nothing happened.

On the next day, Zhuge Liang brought a more sumptuous breakfast to Mrs. Zhu Rong.

After Mrs. Zhu Rong finished eating, Zhuge Liang came to her.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt that Zhuge Liang was very strange and really didn't know why he did this.

So he asked: "Is this your own idea or Xi Yu's?"

"Of course this was my actor's idea, otherwise how could I be so bold?"

"He did this just in the hope that Meng Huo would surrender"?

"That's right, because he also feels that Xi Yu is a talent."

Next, Zhuge Liang told a series of major things Xi Yu did.

"In today's troubled times, it is very good to have such a person. He must be a true dragon sent by God."

"You don't have to tell me these things, I won't listen." Mrs. Zhu Rong resisted very much and quickly turned her face to the wall.

But she couldn't help but continue listening.

Zhuge Liang also continued, regardless of her reaction.

Zhuge Liang believed that he would definitely persuade her.

Sure enough, after a while, he felt that Mrs. Zhu Rong was already attracted to her.

She probably already recognized Xi Yu in her heart.

"Okay, I've told you so much nonsense, you can leave now."

Next, Zhuge Liang expressed his admiration for Mrs. Zhu Rong's sword skills.

I hope she can carry forward this skill of swordsmanship.

Mrs. Zhu Rong did not leave, however. Zhuge Liang asked, "What's wrong with you? Don't you want to go back?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong said nothing.

Of course Zhuge Liang understood that she was embarrassed to go back.

"Go back quickly, we can't afford food here."

Zhuge Liang left quickly.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was in a daze for a while, then decided to leave.

When she returned to her tent, she found that many people were talking about it.

Some of them were those who fought together yesterday, and they all came back injured.

Of course, some people never come back.

When they saw the lady coming back, they immediately stood up.

"Okay, you all sit down."

Mrs. Zhu Rong's face was very ugly.

Several soldiers asked her how she came back.

This time, she had no choice but to tell the truth.

"I also lied to you last time. It was someone who put me back, not me who came out on my own."

She felt ashamed, so be ashamed, it was better to tell the truth now.

Sure enough, many soldiers were shocked.

Mrs. Zhu Rong's face was very ugly.

"Okay, let me take a rest first."

Mrs. Zhu Rong quickly returned to her tent to rest.

He didn't know whether he should continue fighting next.

On the other side, when Cao Pi was studying, the ninja came to him again.

"I'm here today to convey the Dachuan dialect."

"So what are Mr. Okawa's instructions?"

The ninja said that he could make Cao Pi show weakness and take the initiative to nuke Meng Huo and fight.

Then he pretended to be defeated and ran away in embarrassment.

Cao Pi asked: "Why is this?"

"Why are you so stupid? Of course you go to negotiate with Xiyu."

Cao Pi finally understood at this moment.

It means that you can't beat others at all.

So let Xi Yu send troops, and then use up Xi Yu's troops, so that it won't be revealed that there are ninjas secretly helping.

Let the outside world think that Cao Pi is really incompetent.

The ninjas can seize the opportunity and slowly expand their power to help Cao Pi.

Cao Pi immediately felt that this was a very good idea.

Ninja said: "The opportunity has been given to you, I hope you can grasp it well."

After that, the ninja disappeared.

Cao Pi was elated.

He said to himself, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, we will have a battle sooner or later, and I can only feel sorry for you.

Of course, after colluding with the ninja, he felt like he was walking a tightrope.

But now that it's like this, he must go on.

Another night came, and Mrs. Zhu Rong had a gloomy expression on her face when she and the soldier were eating together.

The soldiers comforted her that there was no need to give up on herself like this.

They will regroup tomorrow and will definitely win.

And this formation is actually very easy to break.

Today, several soldiers have gone to invite an expert to encounter this formation.

"What, is there such a thing?"

"Yes, madam, indeed."

"But is it right or wrong for us to be enemies with others?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong sighed.

"Madam, how can you take advantage of others and destroy your own prestige?" (End of Chapter)

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