Sun Ce was happy when he heard what Sang Yuan said.

"Sangyuan, have you thought about it?" Sun Ce asked again.

"Yes, I am very happy to be able to contribute."

Zhuge Liang said, if that's the case, let's start tomorrow.

Sun Ce said: "In this case, I will go back first."

After he left, Zhuge Liang once again showed respect to Sangyuan.

On the second day, Zhuge Liang began to implement the bitter plan with Sang Yuan.

According to the plan last night, Sang Yuan started yelling and scolding first.

"Zhuge Liang, I have a problem with you."

He deliberately spoke louder so that more soldiers could hear him.

Sure enough, many soldiers were stunned when they encountered this situation.

Zhuge Liang immediately came out, holding a folding fan.

"What's going on? What are you going to do?"

"Zhuge Liang, let me ask you, we failed yesterday, and all the responsibility for this lies with you."

Zhuge Liang pretended to be aggrieved.

"what do you mean?"

"What do you mean by that? If it weren't for you letting Mrs. Zhu Rong go twice, how could we have failed yesterday?"

Zhuge Liang said that he had a reason for doing this.

"I don't care what your reasons are. Anyway, the responsibility lies with you. Many brothers are dead, and it's all your fault."

At this time, many soldiers came to persuade him not to scold him like this again.

Didn’t Sun Ce already say that? Everyone should value harmony.

"If you have any objections, go and raise them with Sun Ce. Why are you nagging me here? And I'm here to help you this time."

Zhuge Liang also seemed particularly unreasonable.

Soldier Du immediately came out, hoping that he would calm down.

"Let me tell you, I am an actor, why do you insult me ​​here?"

"What's so great about you being an actor? I just can't stand you. If you hadn't come, maybe we would have won long ago."

"Really? In that case, let's just leave. Many of our brothers have died. Do you think I want to be here?"

"Zhuge Liang, do you think I want to be here? Get out of here."

Sang Yuan shouted loudly and raised his palm to hit Zhuge Liang.

At this time, many soldiers came and grabbed him.

"General Sang, you must not be impulsive."

"Don't pull me. Let me go. I will beat him to death today."

Zhuge Liang shook his fan and stamped his feet.

"This is unreasonable. You let him go and let him hit me. Let me see if he dares to hit me."

At the same time, Zhuge Liang asked a soldier to quickly report the news to Sun Ce.

Seeing what he said, the soldier hurried to report the news.

Yesterday's plan was to make it look real, and Zhuge Liang had to be beaten for real.

So Sangyuan looked hard at the soldiers who held him back.

"Can you let me go quickly?"

He didn't know where he got the strength, he desperately shook off the soldiers, came to Zhuge Liang, and finally slapped him hard.

Zhuge Liang cursed loudly: "Sangyuan, you did this to me, you should be punished by military law."

"Hmph, even if it's a matter of disposal, it should be handled by Grandpa Sun. Who do you think you are? I've long disliked you."

Although several soldiers knew that Sangyuan had an impulsive temper, they were not so impulsive.

In the face of a formidable enemy, the two sides should not team up to deal with it together.

But it's good for him. Since he is like this, wouldn't it mean that he will destroy his own prestige by taking on other people's aura?

Soldier Du said: "Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Zhuge Kongming, maybe..."

Zhuge Liang waved his hand.

"No, Grandpa Sun will come soon, and I will definitely let him administer justice."

Sang Yuan said: "Okay, let him administer justice, and now I have to kill the person directly."

After that, he took out a long-haired spear from the yard and prepared to hit Zhuge Liang.

This time, several soldiers held him back again.

Zhuge Liang pretended to be scared and hurriedly hid in the room.

Sangyuan's long-haired gun was obtained by several soldiers.

He waved his hand.

"Okay, you don't have to hold me back, I just won't fight him."

Then, I found a place in the yard and sat down.

When Sun Ce heard the report from the soldiers, he knew that the torture plan had begun.

Therefore, he also had to pretend to be very indignant.

"There is such a thing. If that's the case, then I'll go take a look."

He rode away quickly.

On the other side, the secret guard reported the news, saying that he had told the plan of the bitter meat plan yesterday.

Both of them should be implemented today.

Xi Yu decided to go to Jiangnan in person, and he also wanted to meet Meng Huo and Mrs. Zhu Rong.

After Zhou Yu learned the news, he also asked to come with him, but Xi Yu objected.

"You just need to stay here. There is no need to follow."

Zhou Yu felt that Xi Yu was very unfair to him.

It would have been fine if someone else had been sent there, but Zhuge Liang, a civil servant, was sent there.

Just don’t take yourself seriously.

Is he really worried that he will rebel when he gets there?

Zhou Yu was in a particularly depressed mood, and he went to Zhai Rongping for a drink again.

And also talked about this matter.

Zhai Rongping said: "Why are you so sad? The actor has his own reasons for doing this."

"But I felt like he was deliberately neglecting me. Did I offend him somewhere and didn't know it at all?"

So, he asked Zhai Longping to help him analyze which links had problems.

Zhai Rongping said: "Don't be so nervous. Maybe your guess is wrong."

Zhai Rongping also said that it might not be a bad thing to have Zhou Yu here. If he went to fight and kill, how could he be comfortable and happy here?

"Zhao Zilong, how can you say that? Shouldn't it be our duty to shroud corpses in horse leather?"

"Okay, okay, I didn't speak carefully."

Zhou Yu was depressed and wanted to drink to relieve his sorrow.

He asked if there was any wine here, and if there was, he might as well stay drunk.

"There is wine, but I advise you not to drink it, so as not to cause trouble after drinking."

He also pointed out that Zhang Fei was in trouble because of drinking, wasn't it?

"Don't worry, I will be measured."

Zhai Rongping said: "In that case, I will prepare a meal for you." But you must not let the other party drink too much.

Finally, Sun Ce came to the military camp and saw Sang Yuan still talking angrily there.

His face darkened.

"what happened?"

Sangyuan stood up immediately.

He saluted Sun Ce together with all the soldiers.

"I heard that you beat Zhuge Liang, is this true?"

Sangyuan nodded.

One person does the work and one person is responsible.

If you hit someone, you will definitely admit it.

"Why did you do this?"

At this moment, Zhuge Liang also quickly walked out of the room.

"Mr. Sun, you came at the right time. You must make the decision for me."

He told all about Sangyuan's insults to him.

"Since you don't welcome us, why don't we just leave? Mr. Zhuge, why do you need to be as knowledgeable as him?"

"Mr. Sun, what do you mean by that? I don't have the same experience as him. Should I suffer in vain if he hits me?"

"Of course not. After all, you are also a guest. How could I let you get beaten in vain without an explanation?"

Sun Ce slapped Sang Yuan and said that his situation must be dealt with according to civil law.

So he had to be whipped fifty times.

Whether he lives or dies depends on his destiny.

"Sun Gong, how can you face outsiders? Why don't you make the decision for me? I will go through life and death for you."

After that, Sang Yuan began to introduce what he had done before.

"What, it seems that you have not repented. How can Zhuge Liang be an outsider? Now we are all under the management of the opera master. He was sent by the opera master to help us. What do you mean by that?"

After that, two soldiers were called.

"Hurry up and fight."

The two soldiers did not dare to beg for mercy.

They saw that Sun Ce's eyes were very calm.

Sun Ce said at the same time: "You must not cheat. If you dare to fake a fight, you will both be punished when the time comes."

The next two soldiers started to attack the mulberry garden. Although they were a little reluctant to let go, they really didn't dare to let go after Sun Ce said so.

Then the screams soon started.

Sun Ce said to Zhuge Liang: "Do you think this punishment is okay?"

Zhuge Liang nodded.

Sang Yuan scolded Zhuge Liang while being beaten.

"Who do you think you are? Even Mr. Sun wants to talk to you. Are you worthy? What can you do? You are just being a clown here. You don't have the ability to kill Meng Huo, but you do it to Start with your own people.”

Sun Ce shouted loudly: "You guys are beating me to death. I'm so angry."

So, the soldier had no choice but to increase his intensity.

The fifty lashes were also discussed yesterday.

Originally planned to be thirty.

But if Sangyuan said fifty, he could bear it.

Zhuge Liang and Sun Ce were afraid that he would be exhausted, but he said that only in this way could he pretend to be real.

Finally, the fifty lashes were finished.

Today's mulberry garden is already dying.

Sun Ce ordered people to quickly find a place to put him down.

Sun Ce apologized to Zhuge Liang again, hoping that he could calm down.

Zhuge Liang bowed deeply to him.

"Thank you Mr. Sun for being able to make the decision for me."

"You are too polite. You came to help us, how can we let you be wronged? This mulberry garden is so damned."

Mrs. Zhu Rong also quickly left Menghuo and once again came to the military camp near Jiangnan.

The soldiers were chatting with Ouyang Qing. Everyone was enjoying themselves while basking in the sun.

When they saw Mrs. Zhu Rong, the soldiers quickly stood up and saluted her.

However, Ouyang Qing remained seated. After all, he was also a distinguished guest, so he did not have to bow.

There was a soldier who said that Mrs. Dao had arrived just in time. They had just seen a piece of news.

"What kind of good news"?

The soldier said that things were already in chaos on the Sichuan, Sichuan and Jiangnan sides.

Zhuge Liang and Sang Yuan are already on the same level. Originally, they could not unite, but now they are better, so it is just around the corner to destroy them.

It turns out that Mrs. Zhu Long once sent people there to conduct reconnaissance and visit the enemy.

Mrs. Zhu Rong laughed.

"In this way, they will become a piece of scattered sand. With Ouyang Qing here to help, the destruction of Jiangnan is just around the corner."

He added: "This time I want to compete with my husband to see whether we should kill Sichuan and Shu first, or we should destroy Jiangnan first."

"Madam, this victory must be ours."

The morale of the soldiers became even higher.

Several soldiers said that they came in a hurry and the conditions were difficult.

So I implore them to go around and find some prey and the like.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "You can go hunting, but you must not harass the people."

A few soldiers were a little embarrassed because that was how they had considered it.

"When we occupy this place in the future, these people will be our subjects. If we do this, how will they be convinced?"

A few soldiers had no choice but to go out and think of a way.

On the other side, Cao Pi asked Sima Yi to play chess with him on this day.

"Zhongda, I heard a piece of news. Do you know where the Song family father and daughter are?"

Sima Yi shook his head.

"You might as well ask your lord's name. I really can't guess it."

Cao Pi then told what the ninja had reported.

"What. Cao Pi actually came to Xi Yu's place?"

He was particularly aggrieved. Why were all the good things taken away from him?

Sima Yi said nothing.

Cao Pi then explained the Ninja's suggestion, which was that their side should show weakness and then want to borrow troops from Xi Yu.

Sima Yi said: "My lord, if you say this, Sichuan and Shu must lose."

Because once the Sichuan and Shu side were victorious, what reason would there be for borrowing troops from Xi Yu?

But I heard news that these soldiers led by Ma Wenbin fought bloody battles.

Maybe Meng Huo will be defeated in the future.

So Cao Pi hoped that Sima Yi would find a way.

How can we make Sichuan and Shu fail?

Cao Pi also felt very embarrassed when he said this.

Because if it is a normal person, it is impossible to do this.

After thinking for a while, Sima Yi said: "If this is the case, then we can only make people on our side leak some secrets to Meng Huo so that they can win."

But he asked Cao Pi, should he really do this?

So what if Xi Yu's soldiers were borrowed? I can't own it myself, I just use it temporarily.

Besides, people may not be willing.

"Zhongda, you are usually a smart person, but you don't understand what I mean. We are just showing weakness to him, showing that we have no power."

Sima Yi understood. He said that since he was so inferior, he could only do things according to his own plan.

Cao Pi immediately grabbed Sima Yi's hand.

"If you don't feel safe if others do it, why not do it yourself? This can also prevent the news from leaking out."

Sima Yi knew that Cao Pi would have such thoughts.

Sima Yi said he would think about it and take action today.

"So what do you think about it?"

Sima Yi said that he would rush to Sichuan and Shu now.

Act accordingly.

"Yes, this is exactly what I considered. In this case, we won't play chess anymore. You can leave quickly."

After lunch, Xi Yu rode horseback to Jiangnan himself.

Gradually, another night came. After Sangyuan was injured, many soldiers came to see him and said that he was too impulsive.

You really shouldn't have gone against Zhuge Liang. In the end, you didn't get any benefits and got beaten instead.

"Although I was beaten, I don't regret it at all. Zhuge Liang just used chicken feathers as arrows. I can't stand it."

"General, you'd better stop saying this. If Mr. Sun kicks you out, I'm afraid it will be another problem."

"So what, he himself is fair."

"Okay, General Sang, please don't say this again."

Sang Yuan then complained. He had made great contributions to the wars in the north and south, but Sun Gong was willing to trust an outsider who had just arrived.

So what if you are a guest?

And he cursed loudly outside again.

"Zhuge Liang, I am at odds with you, what can you do?"

Zhuge Liang also heard this curse yesterday, because it was particularly loud at night.

Zhuge Liang said: "I don't plan to argue with him anymore. I didn't expect that he would get worse."

Soldier Du happened to be nearby.

"Mr. Kong Ming, don't pay attention to him."

Zhuge Liang nodded, but Soldier Du asked how to deal with Mrs. Zhu Rong next.

"The key is that the old man is difficult to deal with. Didn't Sun Ce come yesterday? I wonder what his instructions were on this matter?"

"Just telling us to shoot down all the birds next time may not be appropriate, but now it seems that there is no better way."

Soldier Du sighed, but Zhuge Liang said that after observing the sky at night, he found that his energy was not exhausted on this side.

So a miracle will definitely happen by then.

Soldier Du didn't believe it at all and thought he was just perfunctory.

As for Mrs. Zhu Rong, she still looked happy.

Many soldiers finally went to the mountains to hunt some game. They sang and danced and had a picnic in the evening.

Mrs. Zhu Rong also specifically asked Ouyang Qing, from whom did he learn his skills?

"Mrs. Zhu Rong, don't you realize that you asked too many questions?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong had no choice but to stop asking.

Yes, why are you asking so many questions? Just making sure he can help him win is more important than anything else.

But it was raining where Xi Yu passed by, so he found an inn to rest.

But he suddenly felt a little weak, probably because of a cold.

After all, the weather was extremely cold, he was walking in a hurry, and the clothes he wore were not particularly thick.

In the second half of the night, he felt even more uncomfortable. He touched his forehead with his hand and found that he had a fever and his head hurt very much, as if the room was spinning.

He suddenly found that he was thirsty again. He wanted to pour a glass of water, but found that he had no strength at all.

He was so sick that he finally realized what this sentence meant.

But he knew that no one was present at this moment, and he had to rely entirely on himself.

He struggled to pour himself a glass of water, his body was already very weak. (End of chapter)

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