We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 47 I came to propose marriage on behalf of my younger brother

"Yuanlong, what is the purpose of Cao Mengde's move?"

In the Chen Mansion, Chen Gui, who received the news, asked Chen Deng a little doubtfully.

Chen Deng beside him frowned.

The Chen family's father and son also couldn't understand Cao Cao's intentions.

The revenge for this interception and killing was like the revenge for killing his father. Cao Mengde did not raise an army to attack Xuzhou, but actually came to Xuzhou with his soldiers to propose marriage?

Is it really for a woman?


Cao Mengde was not that kind of person. He was young and ambitious. When the Xu brothers were making comments on the first day of the month, they heard that Cao Cao was using his sword to make comments.

Later, he summoned the princes to attack Dong, and within a year they defeated the Yellow Turbans and pacified Yanzhou.

Now, how can we give up attacking Xuzhou because of a woman?

Chen Deng had already anticipated whether Cao Cao would attack Xuzhou.

Now that Tao Qian is in decline, all the princes from all over the country are attacking each other and fighting for territory. How could Cao Cao ignore such a large territory in Xuzhou?

This time Xuzhou intercepted and killed Cao Song, and already handed Cao Cao a sword of righteousness.

Can Cao Cao not grasp it?

Even if Cao Cao is stupid, is his subordinate Xun Yu also a mediocre person?

Chen Deng was a little confused, but Cao Cao was not in a hurry to attack Xuzhou, which made the Chen family's father and son's attitude toward Cao Cao somewhat change.

The news that Cao Cao had killed scholars in Yanzhou made the Xuzhou nobles still somewhat resistant to Cao Cao.

However, this time Chen Deng wanted to see what Cao Cao was paying attention to.

"Father, Cao Mengde will invade Xuzhou someday. I want to see what he did this time."

Chen Deng chuckled slightly, but he was not in a hurry anymore.

The Chen family is an aristocratic family in Xuzhou. If Cao Mengde can act like a heroic leader, they might as well invest in him.

Today's big man is in chaos.

For aristocratic families like theirs, as long as they can ensure the continuity of their family, it doesn't matter who owns the world.

Xuzhou, Xiaopei!

I don’t know what day it is today, but after Cao Cao entered Xiaopei with three thousand soldiers, the entire county was in chaos.

The first person to panic was the county officials of Xiaopei.

However, when the other party saw Cao Cao's men carrying property wrapped in red cloth, they did not dare to stop Cao Cao from entering Xiaopei.

When the county officials conveyed the news to Xuzhou City, Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai had already entered Xiaopei City.

After some inquiring, I learned that there was a family named Gan in Xiaopei.

Cao Cao found out when he led Xi Zhicai and others to Gan's house.

The Gan family in front of me.

He is not a famous noble, just an ordinary villager.

Old Gan, who was waiting at the door, looked extremely frightened.

Just before Cao Cao came, the village chief informed him that a big shot was interested in his daughter.

At this time, when seeing countless soldiers carrying congratulatory gifts appearing in front of his house, Old Man Gan was speechless.

"Mr., is your surname Gan?"

Looking at Old Gan who was guarding the door, Xi Zhicai hurriedly stepped forward to ask questions.

At this moment, Xi Zhicai is very different from the bohemian image of the past. He is dressed in a clean blue Confucian robe, with his hair tied in a bun and wrapped in gray cloth.

He stood in front of Old Man Gan, with a friendly face and a proper gentleman's demeanor.

Hearing Xi Zhicai's question, Old Man Gan raised his head and glanced at the noble man in front of him, and nodded quickly.

"The old man's surname is Gan. I wonder what your noble order is for me?"

Probably because Xi Zhicai's tone was quite gentle, the old man Gan in front of him was no longer panicked.

He probably understood that these people valued his daughter.

It's just that he doesn't know which one it is!

"A certain Xi came to propose marriage on behalf of my younger brother!"

Xi Zhi spoke bluntly, and Cao Cao beside him also nodded: "I am the shepherd of Yanzhou, a great Han Dynasty. Cao Cao, I am here to propose marriage to your family on behalf of my brother, Taicang, a great Han Dynasty."

After Cao Cao finished speaking, Old Gan in front of him widened his eyes.

Yanzhou animal husbandry?

Taicang order!

How big of an official are those?

A noble man has fallen in love with his daughter, what else is there to say.

Old Man Gan's face was filled with joy, and he quickly responded a few times, then felt somewhat at a loss.

"Uncle, since you have agreed, you might as well move your family to Yanzhou. How about you and I discuss a good time and auspicious day in the future?"

Xi Zhicai suggested with a smile.

Old Man Gan is naturally willing. Their family is an ordinary farmer. Now that they are valued by nobles, there is no reason to refuse.

After repeatedly agreeing, Cao Cao did not delay.

On the same day, Cao Cao took the Gan family and his party directly back to Yanzhou.

Cao Cao and his entourage left just as quickly as they came.

Tao Qian had just received the news here. Before he could make friends with Cao Cao, he received the news of Cao Cao's departure.

Only now did Tao Qian know that Cao Cao was actually proposing a marriage for someone else, and the bride was just a girl from an ordinary farmer's family.

This really made Tao Qian confused.

The name Xi Yu also caught Tao Qian's ears again.

At the same time, inside the Chen Mansion.

"Yuanlong, it's really surprising that Cao Cao came here this time to propose marriage to Xiyu!"

Chen Gui was a little surprised.

But Cao Cao's actions made him think more highly of this person.

It's really admirable to be able to personally propose marriage on behalf of a subordinate, and even put aside family feuds.

"It seems that Cao Mengde attaches great importance to Xi Yu!"

Chen Deng had a smile on his face. Cao Cao's attitude towards his subordinates made the Chen family and his son feel much better about Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's move soon spread in Xuzhou.

Soon after, this incident gradually became a legend in Xuzhou.

Yanzhou, Juancheng.

Early October.

Ever since Cao Cao took Xi Zhicai and the two of them to propose marriage in person, the whole Juancheng had remained as usual.

However, all the generals in Yanzhou knew that the day to attack Xuzhou was not far away.

In less than a day, Juancheng had already received news of Cao Cao and others' return.

In the evening, the weather is refreshing.

The crimson rays of light rendered the entire Juancheng wall into a different scene.

Outside the city gate, Xi Yu and Dian Wei stopped quietly and looked into the distance.

Not long after, the figure of the army gradually appeared in the distance.

"Sir, I heard that Mr. Zhou Mu has brought your wife and her family back!"

Dian Weiweng beside him said something with joy on his face, obviously happy for Xiyu.

Xi Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking at the approaching team in the distance, and his mood couldn't help but fluctuate a little.


A long way away, Xi Zhicai, who was sitting on the horse, saw the figure of his younger brother.

This was the first time Xi Zhicai saw Xi Yu behave like this.

It actually surprised his brother.

The convoy arrived at the city gate.

Xiyu's eyes couldn't help but fall on the only carriage.

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