Xi Yu didn't speak, so Xi Zhicai frowned, glanced at Cao Cao, and introduced him.

"My lord, this is Yingchuan Guo Fengxiao, a close friend of me and Fengyi, and his strategies are not inferior to mine and Fengyi's!"

Xi Zhicai introduced Kung Fu and praised his own childhood.

After hearing this, Cao Cao became more and more interested.

Xi Zhicai followed him and introduced to Guo Jia: "Fengxiao, this is Duke Cao, Cao Cao, the shepherd of Yanzhou!"

Hearing the sound, Guo Jia raised his head and stood up: "I've seen it before, Mr. Cao!"

The greeting was very polite, without any extra courtesy.

After the words fell, Guo Jia sat down again while minding his own business.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao was not surprised. It seems that this kind of counselor has his own temperament.

When I first met Xi Zhicai, I had seen that he was free and uninhibited, while Xi Yu had the kind of temperament that was obviously superb in martial arts but didn't want to be a general at all.

Wen Ruo is somewhat rigid and stubborn, while Cheng Yu is calm on the surface, but his courage is too strong and violent...

All scribes have their own character, and Cao Cao has long been accustomed to this.

It was Xi Yu's wedding day, and Cao Cao was not in a hurry to recruit talents. He casually exchanged a few polite words with Guo Jia, then turned around and returned to his seat.

Xi Zhicai left with Cao Cao, and Xi Yu sat next to Guo Jia.

"Why, what do you think of Cao Mengde?"

Xi Yu poured a glass of wine into the wine cup on the table and glanced at Guo Jia lightly.

The latter raised his eyes and looked at Xi Yu: "The Fengyi I know is not a lobbyist for others!"

Xi Yu shook his head: "You know me, I won't be a lobbyist for others. You, Guo Fengxiao, have your own ideas. You should know it!"

Xi Yu did not continue talking about whether Guo Jia wanted to become an official.

Seeing the way the other party was pouring wine into the wine cup crazily, he felt helpless: "Drink less. If you had gone earlier that day, I would have lost one of my best friends!"

"It's boring. If there is no wine, wouldn't life be boring?"

Guo Jia waved his hand: "Don't worry about me. Don't forget what day it is today. I'm not a person who disturbs people's interest!"

Hearing this, Xi Yu didn't say much.

Anyway, Guo Jia is here. At worst, he will be carried to the side room when he gets drunk. It doesn't mean anything.

When the wedding banquet arrived in the evening, it started to get down to business.

After the heaven and earth witnessed it, the moon reached the treetops in the blink of an eye.

Everyone had drunk enough during the day, Cao Cao had left early with his people, and Guo Jia was taken to the side room under the care of Xi Zhicai.

Xi Yu covered her slightly dizzy forehead and pushed open the door decorated with red paper. When she saw it, she saw a woman in a wedding dress sitting on the edge of the bed.

He only sat half-assed, and his whole body was still upright. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there.

The woman put her hands on her legs. She probably heard the sound of the door opening, and her whole body trembled obviously.

After turning around and closing the door, Xi Yu walked to the bed in a hurry.

After lifting the red hijab with one finger, he saw a pair of eyes tightly closed, and the corners of his eyebrows were still trembling.

The pretty face that came into view was tinged with a hint of rosy red, as if white jade had invaded the halo of blood, making people unable to move their eyes away.

"Why don't you open your eyes?"

He grinned and looked at the woman in front of him curiously. The woman subconsciously opened her eyes after hearing the playful voice.

The dark pupils reflected Xi Yu's look, like a clear, bottomless pool of water, watery.


The woman's voice was a little soft and soft, as small as a mosquito.

Xi Yu smiled again, stretched out his hand and helped the other party's body to the bed.

He just watched the other person sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. With this posture, he was worried that the person in front of him would become numb after sitting for a long time.

Who knows, with this movement, the woman's head shrank down like a quail, and her body became a little limp.

Like the warm March sun melting into the snow.

At this moment, Xi Yu felt as if his whole body was melting.

The lights in the house went out at some point.

The autumn wind whistles outside the window,

The next day, when the sky lit up, Xi Yu woke up early as usual.

The moment I wake up,

"Madam, wake up!"

After a night of getting acquainted, Xi Yu already knew the other party's name, Ganmei, and her nickname was Yu'er.

In future generations, at this age, she was still a proper young girl, the age in which she was in her prime.

In this day and age, Ganmei was already quite old. Because of her outstanding appearance, there were many people from all over the country proposing marriage.

Lao Gantou was quite patient, probably because an expert approved Ganmei's life in the early years.

Simply, he had better luck. He chose to cut off his hair in advance before the emperor's uncle settled in Xiaopei.

"Alang, let me help you!"

Seeing Xi Yu getting up to get dressed, Gan Mei held up her arms and tried to get up.

Hearing the sound, Xi Yu quickly turned around and pressed the opponent down.

At that moment, Xi Yu clearly saw the brows on that pretty face wrinkle slightly.

He reached out and rubbed the other person's head, and said softly: "Lie peacefully, I'll be back later!"

Without saying anything else, Xiyu turned around and left the room.

At this time, it was quiet outside the courtyard.

Xi Yu glanced at the side room in the distance, but there wasn't even a trace of movement there.

I think Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were drunk yesterday and couldn't get up now.

Turning to the kitchen, Xi Yu made a bowl of soup himself and then returned to the room.

However, when he came in, he saw that Gan Mei had already packed up and was sitting by the bed, which made him couldn't help but shake his head.

"Forget it, just drink the soup!"

He had just made some chicken soup with some body nourishing ingredients in it, which was just right.

Gan Mei stared, as if she didn't expect that Xi Yu had just gone to make soup.

At this time, it seemed that he had not recovered his senses.

"After drinking the soup, just stay in the house peacefully. If you dare to run around, don't think about it tomorrow!"

After scolding him softly, Xi Yu turned around and walked out of the room again.

He may be newly married at any time, but the habits he has developed over the years have been deeply rooted in his bones.

After performing a set of Five Animals in the courtyard, he danced the Tiger Head Dance and the Golden Gun Dance.

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