Master Sima suddenly had a chance to quibble, and he quickly said: "Mr. Cao, I don't want to betray you, but I think that letter of surrender is humiliating you, so I don't want you to see it and move it." Hands and feet.”

There was a hint of grievance and helplessness in his tone, as if he was forced to do such a thing.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room was very tense.

Yao Maoyu's eyes flashed with anger.

After hearing what Master Sima said, Yao Maoyu became even more angry. He said loudly: "Do you think this can cover up your crime? What you have done has betrayed the king. Why do you have the face to quibble here!"

Master Sima's face became even paler, and he knew that he could no longer deny it.

"Cao Pi, we'll talk about this later. You should read the surrender letter first." Qin Feng said.

Although the first letter of persuasion to surrender had been destroyed by Master Sima, Xi Yu knew what he had written, so he wrote another one.

Qin Feng handed the letter of persuasion to surrender to Cao Pi. Cao Pi slowly took it and unfolded the letter. What came into view was Xi Yu's familiar handwriting.

Qin Feng looked at Cao Pi nervously, and saw that Cao Pi's face gradually became serious. His fingers were gently rubbing on the letter paper, as if he was feeling the emotions revealed in the lines of Xi Yu's words.

Cao Pi looked at the letter quietly without saying a word, but his eyes revealed his inner struggle.

Xi Yu's words in the letter were sincere, expressing his admiration for himself and his analysis of the general trend of the world, and the words were full of sincerity.

However, thinking that this letter was written by Xi Yu to persuade him to surrender, Cao Pi felt angry again.

He felt that this was Xi Yu's insult to him and a challenge to his ambition and dignity.

Cao Pi clutched the letter tightly, his fingers turning slightly white from excessive exertion. His eyes became gloomy, flashing with anger, as if he wanted to burn the letter to ashes.

Qin Feng said that whether Cao Pi was willing or not, this letter should always be seen by Cao Pi, but Sima Shi cut him off halfway and wrote a letter in the name of Cao Pi, so he could not escape the blame.

Qin Feng's words echoed in the air, with a firm and fair tone.

"This is a letter created by the Sima family, written in the name of Cao Pi." Qin Feng sneered, and then took out a letter from his sleeve.

Cao Pi frowned slightly. He took the letter from Sima Zhao from Qin Feng and looked at the handwriting on the envelope carefully.

Qin Feng stood aside quietly.

Cao Pi slowly opened the envelope and took out the letter paper. His eyes fell on the letter paper intently, reading Sima Zhao's words word for word.

There was silence in the room, except for the sound of Cao Pi turning the pages of letter and his slight breathing. Every moment is full of suspense and makes people wait with bated breath.

"Bastard? How could I do such a thing?" Cao Pi was particularly angry.

Cao Pi's face was full of anger. He tightly grasped the collar of Sima Shi's clothes, his eyes showing anger and disappointment. The rage in his heart burned brightly, as if it was about to set the entire room on fire.

"You are ruining my reputation!" Cao Pi's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger. He felt that his reputation had been greatly insulted. "There is absolutely no way I would write such a letter!"

Master Sima's face turned pale.

Cao Pi's eyes flashed with pain, and his heart was full of contradictions and disappointment. He originally planned to be kind to the Sima family, but he did not expect Master Sima to do such a thing, which made him feel sad and disappointed.

"Sima Yi was killed by me. I originally planned to treat the Sima family well in the future. But you actually did such a thing!" There was endless sadness and disappointment in his voice.

Master Sima sighed and closed his eyes.

"I have made a big mistake. Please punish me, Duke Cao."

Cao Pi's face was frighteningly gloomy, and his eyes were full of determination.

"Master Sima, your behavior is intolerable to me!" His voice was cold and stern, "I must deal with you!"

Qin Feng said: "Wait a minute, although this matter was led by Master Sima, this letter cannot be written by Master Sima. In my opinion, it should be his brother Sima Zhao."

Master Sima's face became paler, and there was a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"No, Mr. Cao, this letter is indeed written by me and has nothing to do with my brother! I am willing to vouch for my personality!"

Cao Pi's eyes became even sharper, and he stared at Master Sima closely, as if he wanted to see through his heart.

"Do you really want to deny it to the end? Master Sima, I'm not that easy to fool!" Qin Feng said.

Master Sima straightened his body and did not flinch.

The ground met Cao Pi's gaze.

"Mr. Cao, don't listen to his nonsense. Everything I said is true and there is absolutely no falsehood. If Mr. Cao doesn't believe it, I have nothing to say. He clearly wants to deliberately arrange it."

Cao Pi was silent for a moment, his brows furrowed tightly as he looked at Qin Feng.

"Do you have any conclusive evidence that Sima Zhao did it?"

Of course Cao Pi knew that Master Sima had a younger brother named Sima Zhao, but he was still too young, how could he do such a thing?

Qin Feng said: "There is no conclusive evidence yet, but the drama king believes that with Sima Zhao's intelligence and means, it is not impossible to do such a thing."

A trace of doubt arose in Cao Pi's heart.

Master Sima suddenly burst into laughter, although his laughter was so sad.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Whatever King Xiyu thinks is what it is. You are really a loyal lackey."

Qin Feng kicked him immediately.

"It's a great honor for me to be the king's dog. What can you do?"

Cao Pi also felt that Qin Feng's statement was a bit exaggerated.

Yao Maoyu has always wanted to talk, but after all, his status is particularly humble and it is difficult to talk.

Qin Feng saw it and asked, "Do you have anything to say to Cao Pi?"

Yao Maoyu nodded, he indeed had something to say.

Although Qin Feng could call Cao Pi directly by his name, Cao Pi was also a great prince and he did not dare to address him directly.

But when he was asked to call him Cao Gong, he felt very disgusted, so he simply didn't call him anything.

"I do have something to say. Who is the fake Cao Pi? Apart from Sima Shi, who else has done this. All of them must be caught."

After Master Sima heard this, sweat dripped from his forehead and stared at him fiercely.

"Why do you want to kill them all like this? I have already admitted that it was indeed me who did this."

"It's just a joke. As long as you admit it, will it be okay?"

Cao Pi sat down and asked none of them to speak. He was thinking about what to do.

The other generals sat around in silence, each thinking about how to handle this matter. There was doubt and worry in their eyes, as if they were weighing the possible consequences.

Master Sima's face was as pale as paper, and he defended himself with a trembling voice: "Mr. Cao, this letter was indeed written by me and has nothing to do with my brother Sima Zhao!"

The more Cao Pi said nothing, the more Master Sima felt uncertain.

Cao Pi fell into deep thought, and the anger in his heart was gradually suppressed by reason.

He understood that Qin Feng's words were not unreasonable, and the way he treated Master Sima in front of everyone today was equivalent to being defeated by Qin Feng.

He didn't want to lose face, but he didn't know how to handle it properly.

At this time, Cao Pi noticed the expressions of the generals and realized that he had to proceed with caution.

He thought to himself: "I can't let people think that Qin Feng has influenced my decision-making. But after all, Master Sima is on my side, and I can't deal with him easily."

Qingfeng sneered: "Is it difficult to make a decision?"

Cao Pi immediately put his hand on his forehead.

"I don't know what happened, but I suddenly had a headache. Maybe I caught the wind and cold."

Of course everyone present understood that he was just pretending to be confused.

Master Sima was stunned for a moment. Did Cao Pi have to turn towards him?

After the doubts passed, he quickly understood his situation.

Yes, even if Cao Pi hated him to the core, in front of outsiders, he represented people from Luoyang and Cao Wei.

As the saying goes, when it comes to beating a dog, it depends on the owner.

Therefore, Cao Pi could not easily dispose of himself.

When he thought about it, he suddenly felt his back straighten.

Then he looked at Yao Maoyu with a half-smiling expression.

Yao Maoyu glared at him, and finally looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng knew that his guess was correct.

Cao Pi immediately said: "You guys have come so far, let me arrange a room for you to rest and drink tea."

Then, he shouted loudly: "Here comes someone."

Several people came over quickly, and Cao Pi ordered several people to lead Yao Maoyu and two people into the guest room.

As for Master Sima, he must be imprisoned first.

Soon, Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu were taken to the guest room.

Many servants also brought some snacks for them to eat.

Yao Maoyu was very angry and said to Qin Feng: "Aren't you always brave? When Cao Pi decided to take us into the guest room. Why didn't you object at all?"

Qin Feng told the other party to keep calm.

Yao Maoyu was anxious, and his voice resounded throughout the room, full of anxiety and anger.

"How can we just let this matter go? Cao Pi is obviously favoring the Sima family!"

Qin Feng looked at him helplessly and shook his head.

"Don't be impatient for a moment. Your Majesty has already made arrangements."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Yao Maoyu was stunned.

"What other plans does the king have? Does he already have a countermeasure?"

Qin Feng lowered his voice and said: "The other secret guard sent by the king will definitely not leave. He will go to Sima Zhao's home. When the time comes, he will force Cao Pi. He must be dealt with whether he wants to or not."

Only then did Yao Maoyu realize that Xi Yu had expected this step.

He was secretly glad.

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything impulsive, otherwise it might have ruined the king's plan."

At the same time, he also realized that his temper really needed to change and he could no longer act so impulsively.

Qin Feng glared at him and said in a stern tone: "You should change your temper. You should calmly think about things in the future and don't be so impulsive."

Cao Pi continued to hold meetings with the generals. His face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip water, and the atmosphere in the whole room became solemn.

"Generals, please discuss how to deal with the Sima Division matter. Let's wait and discuss other matters first." Cao Pi's voice came coldly.

An impatient general couldn't hold himself back and stood up suddenly.

"Mr. Cao, Master Sima's behavior is so satisfying! That guy Xi Yu dared to write a letter to persuade us to surrender. This is clearly a humiliation to us! He insulted Xi Yu in the name of His Majesty, which is right!"

Another general said immediately.

"Mr. Cao, you must not kill Master Sima! We just killed Sima Yi. If we deal with Master Sima now, wouldn't it chill all the generals? This will definitely affect the morale of our army!"

"No, we must kill Master Sima. This is just the opportunity to take advantage of it. Otherwise, he will have to avenge his father in the future. It is better to take this opportunity to eradicate the roots. Didn't we mention Sima Zhao just now? By the way, kill Sima Zhao too. ”

The general believed that this would help him avoid looking forward and backward.

So the two sides started arguing.

"Hmph! Could it be that you are a lackey of the Sima family and you dare to defend him!"

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm just discussing the matter!" The accused general was also angry.

For a moment, swords were at war, and the tense atmosphere filled the air. The generals' arguments became louder and louder, as if they were about to break through the roof.

When Cao Pi saw this, his irritability became more intense. He slammed the table hard and shouted loudly.

"That's enough! Shut up, everyone!"

Everyone immediately fell silent. Looking at Cao Pi's angry face, no one dared to speak easily.

Cao Pi took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. I need time to think about it. Let's talk about the battle plan again."

Therefore, we will no longer discuss the issue of Master Sima for the time being.

At the same time, Xi Yu in the camp recalled the story he told about Wuhu Luanhua, and his heart was filled with resentment towards the Sima family.

"The Sima family's incompetence led to that terrible disaster." He thought to himself, "How many innocent people lost their lives."

I have already traveled through time, so I must ensure that this kind of thing will not happen again.

"This time, I must use Cao Pi's hand to destroy the Sima family!" He clenched his fists, his eyes shining with determination.

Although he has the strength to attack the Sima family directly, he prefers to let them fall into internal fighting.

He knows that internal disputes are often more deadly than external attacks.

"Let them kill each other." A sneer appeared at the corner of Xi Yu's mouth, "I want to watch the Sima family gradually decline in the fight."

His plan became clearer in his mind.

He believed that with a little guidance, Cao Pi would become a sharp sword in his hand and help him eradicate the Sima family, which was a serious problem.

Sima Zhao was restless in the room, not knowing what to do next.

Slowly arrived at noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the sunlight had already spilled onto the ground through the window, but Sima Zhao felt desolate in his heart.

However, in this case, someone suddenly loomed at the door, like a ghost.

This made Sima Zhao feel very strange, because he told his subordinates that he should be quiet for a while and that no one should come near his room.

So in this case, who is so bold as to show up at the door of his room?

And the figure pushed the door directly in. It was the secret guard sent by Xi Yu to deal with Qin Feng.

Sima Zhao was full of vigilance and immediately asked: "Who are you?"

"Since you are so smart, I think you should be able to guess who I am."

There was a cold aura about the secret guard, which was a little different from ordinary people. Sima Zhao was indeed very smart, and he immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the secret guard around Xi Yu. I have long heard that there is a secret guard around Xi Yu, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"Are you surprised? I'm surprised too. I didn't expect you to be so different at such a young age. You are so young and mature."

What the secret guard said was not just a compliment, but also meant that he really admired Sima Zhao.

Many people have praised Sima Zhao, so Sima Zhao is no longer surprised by such praise.

"Tell me, what brings you here?"

Sima Zhao probably understood what the other party was up to, but he still acted very calm and pretended to be confused.

Once again, it showed that he had some temperament that was incompatible with his age.

"I just told you that you are smart. I believe you should know why I am here."

As soon as the secret guard finished saying this, he sat down on a chair and crossed his legs as if he were at home.

Sima Zhao felt that he was a little rude, but he didn't say anything, but looked out the window.

He already understood that the secret guard already knew that the letter was written by him.

To be precise, Xi Yu knew about this.

This shows that Xi Yu wants to kill everyone, because his brother Sima Shi will definitely take all the responsibility on himself.

But Xi Yu definitely doesn't want his brother to protect him.

He really didn't understand why Xi Yu wanted to kill his family.

Moreover, Xi Yu could obviously attack directly, but he had to do these little tricks before attacking. What was he doing?

He immediately shook his head.

"I'm not smart, and I don't know what you're talking about."

The secret guard sneered.

"Whether you know it or not, let me tell you the answer. You should also know the question in the reply letter. The king thinks that it was written by you, not your brother. I don't know about this question. What do you think?"

"What do you mean? What does this letter have to do with me?"

"Your brother can take all the responsibilities for you, are you willing to watch him suffer? Why are you so irresponsible? Besides, this letter was originally written by you."

The secret guard's words made Sima Yi's face burn.

He didn't want to take the blame for his brother, but he was really at a loss now.

"And the purpose of my coming is to make you admit it, and then admit it to everyone in the world, and also let Cao Pi kill you, specifically, kill both of your brothers, so that the Sima family will exist in name only."

The secret guard did not shy away and directly stated his purpose. (End of chapter)

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