The reason for the sudden remonstrance was that Xi Yu just wanted to avoid the occurrence of three expeditions to Xuzhou.

Of course, this time there is enough food and grass, and I will most likely be in charge later.

The Battle of Xuzhou is probably a sure win.


There are no absolutes in everything, and everyone knows that a sad soldier must win!

But it is precisely because of this that the Yanzhou army that is going out now is somewhat saddened by the death of a master who humiliates his ministers.

However, once the Battle of Xuzhou begins and the Yanzhou Army's morale is not weak after successive victories, it will eventually lose its morale.

On the contrary, if there is a massacre of the city, or an army plundering occurs.

The whole of Xuzhou may not be able to resist at first, and may even be constrained by each other within Xuzhou.

However, once Xuzhou is forced to a certain point, there will inevitably be a backlash.

If the entire Xuzhou unites as one because of this, Cao Jun may be dragged into Xuzhou.

If time goes by, once we reach a stalemate and cannot attack for a long time, we will have only one way to retreat: defeat.

The three expeditions to Xuzhou are likely to happen again.

And Xi Yu didn't want to see such a situation.

If he can unify Xuzhou early, and even bring Yuzhou under his banner, Cao Jun will naturally be more confident when facing Yuan Shao in the north.

If we can unify the north a few years in advance, we may even be able to unify the world in just ten years.

This is what Xiyu hopes.

At this time, all the generals of Cao Ying who had recovered their senses could no longer hold back.

Cao Ren couldn't help but look at Xi Yu: "Fengyi, it is normal for soldiers to plunder and loot now. If we win the battle and don't let these soldiers run wild, it may cause a mutiny!"

Nowadays, after capturing a town, what follows is the wantonness of the soldiers.

This is true for all princes in the world.

Even Cao Cao knew the truth.

No one is born willing to fight, especially the soldiers.

Years of training, coupled with the killings after the war, will make the depression deep in the heart thicker and thicker. If they don't vent it out, who can withstand the next war.

It is precisely because of this that military robbery has become the norm in this era.

"Fengyi, you are not saying this because you married a wife from Xuzhou, right?"

Cao Chun rolled his eyes and said something coldly.

At this time, Cao Cao also looked at Xi Yu with some embarrassment.

Military discipline is military discipline, he naturally understands this, but it seems a bit difficult to do what Xiyu said.

"Just because the whole world is like this, is our army also like this?"

Xi Yu spoke coldly, looking at the group of people in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"If the world has never changed, why would the big man become like this again?"

"The world is changing? Why can't our army change!"

"If our army has strict discipline, Xuzhou will rush to greet us. After this battle is publicized, our soldiers in Cao's camp will naturally be in a class of their own!"

"What's more, what is the source of the soldiers?"

"Soldiers come from among the common people. Maybe this kind of military discipline is difficult to accept at first, but once you accept it, in the future, everyone in our Cao camp will be an iron army!"

"With such an army, when we go out to fight, we will definitely be invincible!"

Xi Yu talked a lot eloquently, even Cao Cao was a little dazed.

All the generals in Cao Ying seemed to have seen the pie drawn by Xi Yu!

Who doesn’t want the soldiers under his command to have strict military orders and enforce orders and prohibitions?

"The military regulations and disciplines mentioned by Fengyi are indeed good. The princes in the world are like this, why should our army be like this too!"

"Our army must dare to lead the world!"

"In this expedition to Xuzhou, we will follow Fengyi's words. While attacking Xuzhou, we will promote righteousness at the same time!"

Cao Cao quickly set the tone.

Then he couldn't help but look at Xi Yu. He really wanted to take Xi Yu with him when he went to Xuzhou.

However, considering that the other party had just gotten married, not to mention dealing with a mere Xuzhou, he felt confident.

After thinking about it, Cao Cao still didn't ask Xi Yu to follow him.

"In this case, Wen Ruoyu Fengyi will wait in Yanzhou for news of the return of my army's victory!"

"Yanzhou is left to you!"

After walking down from the upper hand, Cao Cao reached out and patted Xi Yu's shoulder, which seemed to be a solemn entreaty.

Xi Yu and Xun Yu nodded.

The next day, the Yanzhou army followed Cao Cao's order and marched straight to Xuzhou with 300,000 troops. Only a few thousand soldiers were left to garrison throughout Yanzhou.

This time, Cao Cao was determined to unify Xuzhou.

On the day when the entire army set off for the expedition, Cao Jun's campaign message was sent directly from Yanzhou to all parts of the world.

The land of Xuzhou is even worse.

With Xi Yu's plan, Xi Zhi ordered Yanzhou scouts to start distributing conquest messages in various towns in Xuzhou.

Above the slogan, various reasons why Cao Jun conquered Xuzhou were written eloquently.

When Yanzhou was dispatched, Xuzhou naturally got wind of it.

In panic, Tao Qian began to seek help from various places.

He knew very well that Xuzhou would be unable to resist Cao Cao's army in this battle. Once the war started, Xuzhou would be defeated.

Letters for help sent from Xuzhou rushed to the princes everywhere.

At the same time, Cao Cao's message reached the hands of princes everywhere earlier.

Yecheng, Jizhou!

Yuan Shao first received a letter from Cao Cao.

It was still the same as before. Boss Cao first praised his little boy, praising him for his speed in pacifying Qingzhou.

Saying that Gongsun Zan is not Yuan Shao's opponent, etc.!

Immediately following, there was a message to conquer Xuzhou, which was eloquent and sincere.

Yuan Shao felt extremely happy after seeing Cao Cao's letter. Then he looked at Cao Cao's message and nodded subconsciously.

The hatred of killing one's biological father is indeed irreconcilable. If Cao Cao didn't make any move this time, he would look down on this little brother.

In short, he has no objection to what the little brother does.

However, as the boss of Jizhou, Yuan Shao still planned to ask his subordinates for their opinions.

He passed the message to his counselor Yue.

Tian Feng frowned immediately after reading the appeal. Before the others had finished reading, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Lord, this is Cao Cao's plan to slow down his troops!"

"Cao Mengde's intention to conquer Xuzhou this time is too obvious. He must be eyeing the land of Xuzhou. If he is allowed to capture Xuzhou and take over a state, he will definitely be a serious problem for the lord in the future!"

Tian Feng saw the intentions of Yanzhou at a glance.

This kind of drunkard's intention is not to drink, it is too obvious.

However, as soon as Tian Feng finished speaking, Guo Tu, who had just read the letter, couldn't help but interrupt him.

"My lord, what Tian Feng said is nothing more than alarmist talk!"

Guo Tu sneered, and after standing up with his hands raised, he immediately spoke.

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