The master hurriedly returned to the mansion of the county magistrate Wang Liang.

Because he asked for leave from Wang Liang, saying that he had to do something important.

When Wang Liang saw him, he asked with concern: "How did things go?"

The master smiled slightly and replied: "Sir, the matter has been settled."

After hearing this, Wang Liang couldn't help but sigh, with a trace of worry on his face.

Seeing this, the master hurriedly asked: "Why are you sighing, sir? Is there something troubling you?"

Wang Liang frowned and said, "Of course it's still the same thing. If it turns out that Jia Xu really killed someone, how should I deal with it? This is not a trivial matter."

But this time, the master didn't say anything, which made Wang Liang feel very strange.

"Master County Master, if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Master said.

The county magistrate waved his hand and motioned for him to retreat.

After the master returned to the room, he felt extremely heavy, and the fear in his heart surged into his heart like a tide.

He sat on the chair with empty eyes, as if he had lost his soul.

His hands were shaking unconsciously, and the murder scene kept reappearing in his mind.

The bloody scene and the tragic situation of the victims lingered in his mind like a nightmare, and he couldn't get rid of it.

The master's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

He felt it became difficult to breathe, as if his chest was pressed by a heavy stone, making him unable to breathe.

He tried hard to calm down, but found that his thoughts were getting more and more confusing.

Fear, self-blame, uneasiness and other emotions were intertwined, causing him to fall into extreme pain.

"How could I do such a thing? I have never killed anyone!" The master thought silently in his heart, his voice trembling.

The atmosphere in Sun Ce's mansion was tense and depressing.

Sun Ce sat in the study, his brows furrowed, his eyes revealing deep exhaustion and anxiety.

Since Wu Guotai's whereabouts had not been found, he became increasingly irritable.

Sun Ce slammed the table and shouted: "Call Zhuge Jin!" His voice was full of anger and disappointment.

After a while, Zhuge Jin hurried over, with a trace of panic on his face.

Sun Ce glared at Zhuge Jin, pointed at his nose and cursed: "You idiot, why can't you even find the whereabouts of your mother! I will punish you severely!"

Zhang Zhao pleaded on the side: "My lord, please show mercy! Zhuge Jin also made an unintentional mistake. This is not his fault alone."

Sun Ce was unmoved. He said coldly: "I have made up my mind, no one can stop me!"

Zhuge Jin straightened his body and said, "Master, I know I made a mistake. Zhang Zhao does not need to plead for me."

Zhang Zhao hurriedly stood in front of Zhuge Jin and continued to plead: "My lord, punishing Zhuge Jin at this time will not solve the problem. We should calmly think about our next move."

Sun Ce's body was trembling slightly, and his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

Finally, he sat down slowly, with a hint of anger still in his tone: "Okay, I'll spare you this time. But if something like this happens again, I will never forgive you lightly!"

Zhuge Jin lowered his head and thanked him: "Thank you Lord for your kindness. I will definitely work harder to make up for my mistakes."

Zhuge Jin silently returned to his room and closed the door tightly.

There was a dull atmosphere in the room. Zhuge Jin was sitting at the table, the wine glass in his hand being raised and then slowly put down.

His eyes were confused and painful, as if he wanted to use alcohol to numb the pain in his heart.

After a while, Zhang Zhao knocked on the door gently and walked into the room.

Seeing Zhuge Jin like this, he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Zhuge Jin raised his head and looked at Zhang Zhao with a grateful smile on his face.

"Zhang Zhao, you are here. Thank you for interceding for me."

Zhang Zhao sighed: "Zhuge Jin, you and I are brothers, how can I watch you suffer. My lord is also impulsive, so you must not resent him."

Zhuge Jin shook his head: "How could I resent the lord? It was my own incompetence that caused Wu Guotai to lose and betrayed the lord's trust."

"Don't blame yourself too much. This is not your fault alone. We all know that the master is anxious at the moment and will inevitably do something drastic."

Zhuge Jin nodded silently, his eyes falling outside the window.

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew through, making the windows creak.

Zhuge Jin couldn't help but shudder, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Zhang Zhao said softly: "Okay, Zhuge Jin, don't drink anymore. You need to have a good rest. There are many things waiting for us to do tomorrow."

Zhuge Jin nodded and put down his wine glass.

"You're right, we will continue to search for Wu Guotai's whereabouts tomorrow. I can't just continue to be decadent like this."

Zhang Zhao looked at Zhuge Jin, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

"This is the Zhuge Jin I know. If we work together, I believe we can find Wu Guotai."

Zhao Qiang took Wu Guotai into a remote village and found a very remote unoccupied room.

The village was quiet, with only the occasional crowing of chickens and barking of dogs breaking the tranquility.

Wu Guotai's face was haggard, and his eyes revealed exhaustion and helplessness.

However, her expression remained calm, as if she had already been mentally prepared for the predicament before her.

Zhao Qiang looked at Wu Guotai and couldn't help but feel a trace of doubt in his heart.

He originally expected Wu Guotai to panic or burst into tears, but her performance was completely beyond his expectation.

Because Wu Guotai believed in Buddha, she left everything in the hands of Buddha.

Wu Guotai sighed softly and said, "You will go to hell if you do this. You should know that good and evil will be rewarded, and cause and effect are not empty."

Zhao Qiang sneered: "Wu Guotai, do you think I will be afraid of going to hell? I only do what I think is right."

Wu Guotai shook his head.

"You're not only hurting others by doing this, you're also hurting yourself."

Zhao Qiang said coldly: "Are you lecturing me? I don't need your moral preaching."

Wu Guotai was silent for a while, and then said: "I am not lecturing you. If you continue like this, you will only fall into endless pain and regret."

Zhao Qiang's eyes widened with anger and he rushed towards Wu Guotai.

Wu Guotai screamed in horror, trying to avoid Zhao Qiang's attack.

At this time, a farmer happened to pass by the gate.

He heard Wu Guotai's cry for help and hurriedly walked into the yard.

When the farmer saw what he saw, his eyes widened in shock and asked Zhao Qiang.

"Who are you? What are you doing? How can you treat an old man like this?"

Wu Guotai took the opportunity to cry: "Help me, he is going to hurt me!" Her voice was full of fear and helplessness.

Zhao Qiang said firmly: "It's best not to meddle in other people's business. This matter has nothing to do with you."

The farmer pointed at Zhao Qiang angrily.

"You can't treat others with violence like this! If you have any problems, you can solve them properly. It's wrong to take action!"

Wu Guotai looked at the farmer gratefully.

She said with a trembling voice: "Thank you, kindhearted person. Please help me to drive away this villain."

Zhao Qiang stood up immediately and shouted: "If you want to meddle in other people's business, just take a punch from me."

The struggle between Zhao Qiang and the farmer fell into a fierce state.

Their fists faced each other, each blow filled with anger and unwillingness.

Wu Guotai watched all this in horror, her lips constantly chanting Amitabha, hoping to calm the fight.

However, her prayers didn't seem to have an effect.

Zhao Qiang's strength was beyond ordinary people, and he quickly gained the upper hand.

His hands pinched the farmer's neck tightly, and the farmer's face gradually turned blue.

Wu Guotai's screams pierced the air again, her eyes filled with despair and fear.

She couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes. A living person lost his life in front of her eyes.

Wu Guotai's legs were weak, and she pointed at Zhao Qiang with a trembling hand: " killed someone! You will be punished!"

"Yes, so what if I kill someone? I'm telling you, if someone meddles in my business again, I will still kill someone."

In the bloody scene, Wu Guotai knelt down without hesitation, her body trembling, her eyes full of fear and pleading.

"Please, Zhao Qiang, please stop causing evil." Her voice was filled with tears, as if every word was squeezed out from deep in her heart.

Zhao Qiang looked at Wu Guotai, and he knew that she was a Buddhist believer.

There was a hint of menace in his tone.

"As long as you behave honestly and don't yell, I won't kill people casually."

Wu Guotai nodded quickly, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I promise you, I will be good."

Zhao Qiang's eyes were still cold, but his tone softened slightly.

"Okay, remember what you said."

At night, Zhao Qiang sat in the room with flickering candlelight, rubbing the pen on the paper, and decided to write a letter to Xi Yu.

The words in the letter were as cold as a blade, revealing his determination and threats.

"Xi Yu, I have Wu Guotai in my hand. You must do as I say and come to the designated place. If you don't come, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhao Qiang's strokes were forceful, as if he wanted to convey the anger and determination in his heart to Xi Yu .

Tomorrow, he will find someone to deliver this letter to Youzhou.

Of course he didn't know that Xi Yu went to Jiangnan to pick up Wu Guotai.

In this ordinary shabby house, there are two rooms, an inner room and an outer room.

Wu Guotai lives in the back room.

She still prayed to God and worshiped Buddha constantly.

Zhao Qiang always sneered when he saw this kind of scene.

What's the use of doing this? There is no way you can escape from my grasp.

But as Wu Guotai recited the Buddha's name, his mood gradually calmed down.

She also hopes that Zhao Qiang will not commit murder again.

As long as this doesn't happen, it doesn't matter even if you sin first.

Zhao Qiang came to a certain inn the next day, handed over the letter, and sent someone to Youzhou to deliver it to Xi Yu.

Wu Guotai was very honest around him.

Because if he gets into trouble, Zhao Qiang will kill people at will.

In the inn, Xi Yu sat quietly by Xiao Cui's bed.

"Xiao Cui, you must get well soon, we are still on the way." Xi Yu's voice was gentle but powerful.

There was a hint of guilt on Xiao Cui's face.

"It's all my fault for delaying the trip..."

"Don't think so, your health is important. Rest peacefully. When you feel better, we will continue on our way."

Xi Yu's eyes fell on Xiao Cui's face. He saw the uneasiness and self-blame in her eyes, and he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Xi Yu sat silently in front of the window, frowning slightly and tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

He silently counted the days in his heart, Wu Guotai should have arrived in Youzhou.

There was a trace of expectation in his eyes, imagining the scene of Wu Guotai and Sun Shangxiang meeting.

He seemed to see Wu Guotai's kind face, filled with a happy smile, while Sun Shangxiang rushed over and threw herself into Wu Guotai's arms, and the two hugged each other and cried.

A warm current surged in Xi Yu's heart, and he was happy for them.

He knew that this reunion was of great significance to Wu Guotai and Sun Shangxiang. It was a blend of the warmth of family affection and joy.

However, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a touch of melancholy in his heart.

He remembered his past life.

I think of those relatives I will never see again.

Xi Yu felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes, and tears fell unconsciously.

Xiyu wiped it away silently.

At this time, Xiaocui came over and saw something strange about him.

"Prime Minister, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Xiaocui's voice was filled with concern.

Xi Yu shook his head slightly and tried his best to smile.

"It's nothing, Xiaocui, I just suddenly remembered something."

Xiao Cui gently sat next to him and said softly: "If you want, you can talk to me. Maybe it will feel better if you tell me."

Xi Yu lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "I thought of those people and things in the past, and they flashed in my mind like a dream."

Xiao Cui listened quietly, she could feel the pain and helplessness in Xi Yu's heart.

But Xi Yu was not going to tell her the secret of time travel.

Sun Ce paced anxiously in the study, his face pale and his eyes full of worry and despair.

Zhang Zhao stood aside silently, looking at Sun Ce's appearance and feeling very anxious in his heart.

"There is still no news about my mother..." Sun Ce murmured to himself, "Who kidnapped her? What was the purpose? If it was for money, why not write a letter to blackmail her?"

Zhang Zhao frowned, thought for a moment and then said: "My lord, I think this matter may not be purely for money. Perhaps, there is a deeper conspiracy behind this..."

"Conspiracy?" Sun Ce suddenly stopped and stared at Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao nodded. "It's possible that someone is targeting the Prime Minister. He has a close relationship with the Lord. Perhaps this person wants to threaten the Prime Minister by kidnapping Wu Guotai..."

Sun Ce's face turned gloomy and he clenched his fists.

"No matter who dares to touch my mother! I must make this person pay the price!"

He turned to Zhuge Jin and said, "Hurry up and find the prime minister! He should have returned to Youzhou."

Zhuge Jin followed the order and left. Sun Ce's eyes were fixed on the door, as if he could see Xi Yu in the distance through the door.

If it weren't for the discomfort in his legs, he would have wanted to go to Youzhou immediately.

Sun Ce looked haggard, and his eyes showed endless worry.

Zhang Zhao looked solemn and comforted softly: "My lord, you must take care of yourself. If your body collapses at this time, the situation will be terrible."

Sun Ce nodded slightly, with a bitter smile on his lips.

"I know, but my mother is in danger, how can I not worry?"

Zhang Zhao sighed and said slowly: "My lord, the Taiji people of Wu State have their own destiny, and they will be safe and sound. You need to stay calm so that we can come up with countermeasures."

Sun Ce took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He looked at Zhang Zhao, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "You are right, I can't mess up."

Jia Xu was sitting at home, feeling secretly proud.

He was originally worried that the county magistrate Wang Liang would come to trouble him again, but now he found that the other party did not appear again.

His mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"It seems that this county magistrate is quite sensible." Jia Xu thought to himself, "He must know that I am the prime minister, so he does not dare to touch me easily."

A satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he felt a little more confident about his status and influence.

Jia Xu felt that his judgment was correct. He believed that as long as he followed the right person, he would be able to get enough protection.

However, while feeling proud, Jia Xu couldn't help but think about the attitude of the county magistrate Wang Liang.

He began to wonder whether the other party was really afraid of taking action because he was afraid of Xi Yu, or whether he was secretly planning some other conspiracy.

This kind of thinking made Jia Xu feel a little uneasy, but he quickly suppressed this uneasiness.

Tell yourself not to worry too much, as long as Xi Yu is there, he will not be in any danger.

In the past few days, Sun Shangxiang frequently entered Ouyang Linlin's boudoir.

"You're here again." Ouyang Linlin greeted with a smile.

"Well, I'm still a little worried." Sun Shangxiang frowned, looking worried.

"Don't worry, let's go to the Buddhist hall to pray together. Buddha will bless everything well." Ouyang Linlin comforted her.

The two held hands and walked to the Buddhist hall together.

"I hope my mother is safe and sound, and I hope our wishes will come true..." Sun Shangxiang muttered silently in his heart.

After praying, they slowly stood up.

"Don't worry too much." Ouyang Linlin comforted her softly, "Auntie will definitely arrive safely."

"But it's been several days and I still haven't heard from my mother. I'm really scared..."

Sun Shangxiang's worry is getting bigger and bigger.

"We have already prayed for my aunt in the Buddhist hall. Buddha will definitely bless her."

Sun Shangxiang nodded, feeling a little more settled. She and Ouyang Linlin walked out together.

Another day, the early morning sunlight shone on Xiao Cui's face through the window. She opened her eyes slightly and felt her body relaxed a lot.

Xiaocui smiled and said to some people: "Prime Minister, I feel much better, we can set off."

Xi Yu frowned and asked worriedly: "Is it really okay? You didn't say that just to comfort me, right?"

Xiaocui shook her head gently and said seriously: "Really, can I still be unclear about my own body? It is indeed much better than before."

Xi Yu was still a little hesitant.

"But...I still don't feel reassured."

"Prime Minister, don't worry, I will take care of myself. You still have important things to do, so you can't delay any longer."

"Okay, let's set off." (End of Chapter)

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