We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 59 Alang hasn’t been to the government office for many days!

The weather is slightly cooler.

Soon after receiving Tao Qian's letter asking for help, Liu Bei took the lead in ordering his troops and horses to lead Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun straight to Xuzhou.

Later, Gongsun Zan ordered his subordinate Tian Kai to lead troops to help Liu Bei.

"Zilong, we said goodbye before, but everything is fine now!"

Seeing Zhao Yun again, Liu Bei looked overjoyed and couldn't help but asked him with concern.

As Liu Bei spoke, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on the side also smiled and gestured towards Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun cupped his hand.

"Thank you, General, for your concern. I hope everything is well!"

Regarding Liu Bei, Zhao Yun still has a very good impression.

This time when Zhao Yun heard that Gongsun Zan asked him to follow Liu Bei, Zhao Yun did not show any resistance at all.

When he learned that Liu Bei was planning to go to Xuzhou to help Tao Qian, Zhao Yun didn't have much in mind.

Liu Bei nodded, somewhat excited.

Now that Zhao Yun has joined his command, he has such fierce men as his second and third brothers to help him.

In the future, he believes that he will definitely create a career.

Helping the Han Dynasty and restoring the Han Dynasty to its former glory was what he wanted in his heart.

It would be even better if we could use this to recreate the glory of our ancestors.

"Zilong, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I wonder if your skills are rusty?"

Zhang Fei rode up to Zhao Yun and asked with a smile.

The latter grinned and chuckled: "It's true that you are not unfamiliar. General Zhang has never been drunk today?"

"Hey, brother said you can't drink if you're in a hurry!"

Zhang Fei muttered, just now he was thinking about being bored on the road and wanted to compete with Zhao Yun.

Who would have thought that Zhao Yun seemed to have guessed what he meant and didn't answer the question at all.

Speaking of drinking, Zhang Fei couldn't help but miss him a little.

Although it was not interesting to follow Liu Bei in Anxi County before, life was good at that time.

At least, the eldest brother would never blame him for drinking.

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun were chatting here.

Guan Yu was sitting upright on his horse, holding the reins in one hand and holding a bamboo slip in the other. He could not let go of the scroll even as he hurried on.

The beautiful beard drawn up on her chest is fluttering in the wind, which is really unique.

Juancheng, Yanzhou.

It has been half a month since Cao Cao's army set off.

All the food and fodder requirements for the entire rear area were coordinated by Xun Yu himself.

Xi Yu seems to be quite leisurely. He spends the whole day with Gan Mei. The couple is either shopping together or traveling together.

On this day, even Xun Yu was a little envious.

Although he also has a wife at home, he is not as casual as Xi Yu and cannot be like her.

"Alang, I won't go out tomorrow!"

In the house, Gan Mei, who had just returned from the street with Xi Yu, immediately spoke to Xi Yu.

Hearing this, Xi Yu was a little surprised.

"But because it's cold?"

After the frost has passed, winter is not far away.

As the weather begins to cool down, temperatures are dropping almost every day.

Juancheng is in the north, so this cold wave seems to come faster.

This era is unlike later generations. There is no so-called greenhouse effect, and there is no such thing as heating in the town. The coldness is extremely obvious.

Xi Yu also thought that Gan Mei felt it was cold outside and didn't want to go out. As soon as he asked, the latter shook his head decisively.

"No, Alang hasn't been to the government office for many days. If you stay with me like this, I feel..."

Although Ganmei felt a little warm in her heart, she finally realized something.

Xiyu understood instantly.

It may be said that most women in this era put their husband's career first.

Although he didn't care, Ganmei didn't want to be a beauty.


It had been more than half a month, and it was time for me to go to the government office to take a look.

Boss Cao's expedition against Xuzhou went very smoothly, and military news had been sent to Juancheng long ago.

Of course Xiyu has also seen it.

Of course, he has not forgotten what Guo Jia reminded him before.

He has also been paying attention to the news about Chen Liu.

Chen Gong has made some changes in recent days. Come to think of it, he and Lu Bu have been hooked up at this time.

All that's left is to wait for the other party to take action.

The next day, when Xi Yu arrived at the Juancheng Yamen Office, he happened to meet Xun Yu passing by not far away.

The two walked side by side, and Xun Yu glanced at him in surprise.

"I never thought that Fengyi would come to the government office today!"

Looking at the energetic Xi ​​Yu in front of him, Xun Yu looked at him and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I didn't expect that my brother would actually learn to make fun of people?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xun Yu just shook his head.

It was good for Xi Yu to come to the government office at this time.

Now Cao's army has won consecutive victories. After first capturing four counties, ten days later, Xia Houyuan followed by capturing two cities. Cao Ren on the other side did not make much concessions and captured three cities in one go!

At the same time, the group led by Cao Cao personally captured the three cities again.

In this expedition to Xuzhou, Cao's army had captured more than a dozen cities in less than a month.

After successive great victories, a large area of ​​the entire northern border of Xuzhou fell under Yanzhou's control.

With the sudden increase in population, the number of government affairs that appeared on Xun Yu also increased a lot.

"Fengyi, if you don't come to the office yet, I'm going to visit you!"

In the main hall, Xun Yu was sitting on the desk, looking at the bamboo slips piled in front of him, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In this expedition to Xuzhou, because of Xi Yu's previous advice, Cao Jun captured a town and began to spread Yanzhou's policies!

Just for the purpose of dividing the fields, during this period, several carriages were loaded with books traveling between the two places.

Xun Yu even dispatched personnel to manage land distribution matters in the towns of Xuzhou.

By now, almost all the officials in the field, big and small, have been dispatched by him.

If it weren't for his experience in Yanzhou, Xun Yu would have almost gone crazy.

"Thank you for your hard work, brother!"

After knowing what Xun Yu was complaining about, Xi Yu bowed his hands towards the other party seriously.

After all, if he had not advised Cao Cao before leaving, Cao Cao's army would only have to attack Xuzhou all the way.

There is no need to attack a place and conquer it as it is now.

Of course, such results are naturally slow, but Xun Yu is also very clear about the effect.

If these places can be stabilized this time, these places will completely belong to Yanzhou in the future. Even if Cao Cao withdraws, Tao Qian will have no choice.

Of course, it would be the best thing if the entire Xuzhou could be annexed in one go.

In the main hall, Xun Yu and Xi Yu were talking to each other. At this moment, Xun Yu turned over a scroll of slips, and the next moment his words stopped.

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